Member Reviews

4 1/2 stars for the first book in Sawyer Bennett's new series! I was luck to get my hands on an ARC of this one. This is a sweet and sexy story with some pretty interesting characters. As always with Sawyer's books the writing is fabulous and you feel like you are right there in the story with her characters. I will admit it took me a bit to warm up to the heroine of this one, Valentine, I think because of her blogging and her decision to do a social experiment and go to Alaska to see if the men there were different from the metrosexual men she was always meeting in NYC. It felt a bit pretentious to me. I didn't like that she planned on blogging about her dates without her dates knowing. Thankfully little by little throughout the book she redeems herself and I end up really liking her. I think the Valentine she is with Logan is what makes me end up really liking her.
She first meets Logan in the small town in Alaska where her cousin, who made her travel arrangements, sets her up. He is the Chief of Police in the next town over. Logan is the type of man she was hoping to find in Alaska. He is gorgeous, strong and above that appears to be a gentleman, a manly man, an alpha man. There is attraction but there is also an easy friendship that develops quickly between them. From the start Logan really sees Valentine and seems to feel the need to protect her. She certainly stands out in their small little town. Logan and Valentine have some seriously hot and steamy scenes that would warm anyone on a cold Alaskan night and chemistry like crazy.
There are some shenanigans of course and then some serious issues once Logan finds out about her blog. Can Valentine learn to live in the moment without giving a a play by play to the the masses? Can Logan forgive her for airing out some pretty personal things about their relationship?
You will have to read to find out. I promise it is worth your time. After all, it is Sawyer Bennett.

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I have mad love for this book and for this lady, she weaves a world you can instantly get lost into and I have to say that I am so glad I discovered her words.

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Another great book by Ms. Bennett! A little different than most of her books I've read but still a hit. Valentine a rich New York socialite who is also a blogger of her relationships and men, is bored with life and men needs to spice her life up some. With her best friend/cousin Jeremy getting married she decides to take a trip to Alaska for an adventure. When she learns men outweigh woman in population she knows she can have some great sex and time of her life while there, away from the New York metrosexual man who cares more about stocks, his looks or phone. What Val encounters is the local sheriff/mayor Logan a former marine from Seattle. Logan and Val 's relationship is going good even if this is not what she intended when she came to Alaska, her plan was to date and blog about it, and when she got there that happened right off the bat, but once Logan and her hit it off, it felt wrong to share her life with her readers so she stopped but the damage was done. When Logan learns of the blog he leaves Val over it.
Can Logan let it go and get her back or is it over.
Totally devoured this book and look forward to her next book. Honest review in exchange for ARC.

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I have enjoyed quite a few books by Sawyer Bennett in the past. Her books are always fun, sexy and very engaging. I was particularly excited to read Sex in the Sticks because of the Alaskan setting. I don't think I've ever read a romance novel set in Alaska. I got out of it exactly what I was expecting: a quick, smutty read. Both main characters were fun characters, in my opinion. I especially liked the fact that Valentine wrote a pretty scandalous (according to her wealthy family anyways) blog, and she was pretty brazen and open about her relationships and her sexuality. When her friend sends her off to the middle of nowhere Alaska, for new inspiration, she's completely out of her comfort zone, but she handled it like a pro. I loved that despite being an heiress, she wasn't snooty about her new destination, and she actually does everything that she can to have a good time. I liked her love interest, Logan, quite a bit as well. He was a gentleman, charming and quite swoony. He becomes a bit of a hero to Valentine, helping her out a couple of times. Their chemistry was instantaneous, and boy was it steamy. Sawyer Bennett knows how to steam up the pages of her books with some delicious chemistry between her couples, and I totally found that here. Her sex scenes are A+ though I'll admit some readers might find them to be too numerous. I do wish I had seen a stronger emotional connection between Logan and Valentine, so that I could ship them strongly. I still had loads of fun reading Sex in the Sticks, and you will too if you know what you're getting yourself into. I'll be looking forward to reading more from this new contemporary series!

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Cute love story about a New York Socialite and an Alaskan police chief.

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I love romance and erotica. There are some books that you enjoy, there are some that get you excited and then there are some that do all that and make you tingle all over. Books that you just can't put down, but find yourself devastated when you finish them in less than a day. Sawyer Bennett's books never fail to accomplish that. She could write a manual of how to clean bathroom drains and still make it sexy, that is how great of a writer she is! So if you call yourself a romance fan, then you can't truly be one without having read her work!

This book is another winner. There is not a single negative thing about it. Yes, maybe Valentine sounds a little spoiled and sometimes too over the top, but she is the perfect opposite to the rugged Logan and together they form one of the most sexy couples you can ever hope to read about in romance.

Valentine French is a true New Yorker. A socialite, she writes a sex and relationship blog. A blog detailing her dates and intimate experiences. However, lately it seems like she is dating the same man. Metrosexuals who seem to be more interested in themselves and their smartphones than in her. Men who seem to be perfect, even too perfect, on the outside, but who have no substance inside. She wants a man that is willing to fight the world to be with her. A man who doesn't care about the brand of jeans he has on or who needs a 300 dollar haircut to be a man. When her best friend and cousin Jeremy suggests that she should go outside of her normal hunting grounds and experience a new type of man she accepts and jumps at the opportunity. And that is how she finds herself in East Merritt, Alaska with her little dog Sassy and her Louis Vuitton suitcases.

Logan Burke is the chief of police in East Merritt. Upon seeing Valentine, he knows that she makes as much sense in Alaska as a beach towel on an iceberg. She isn't even dressed for the harsh cold and with her bear bait dog she catches the attention of not only the male population of East Merritt but also the jealous female population. Valentine is determined to sample the local flavors ;) yet there seems to be only one man that catches her attention and gets her heart racing, the sexy police chief.

Let me just say that this book can be the perfect book to get people to go to Alaska. I'm sure that there will be a flock of single women making arrangements to vacation in Alaska after reading this novel. I'm not single and even I'm tempted to go and wrangle myself a rugged Alaskan like Logan. Another masterpiece by the great Sawyer Bennett! Absolutely loved it!!!

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What a lovely book! This is a grab a drink and sit out by the pool and spend the afternoon reading away! There were so many comical moments in this book I was laughing out loud! So many time I was in shock because of what she did but Val was always classy didn't act like a whiny rich girl but acted like a classy lady even when she packed the wrong clothes, or puked in the jail cell. I really like the characteristics of Val and that she tried to fit in and not act better then anyone. So many great things to say about this book, it is a must read! It is so well written and a book to be devoured in an afternoon.

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What a great story this is. Wealthy and very bored with metrosexual men NYC blogger heads to the wilds of Alaska for a change in the manscape so to speak. Valentine French has had it with boring men and her cousin Jeremy suggests a change and sets her up in a very small town in Alaska.
Enter the hot Sheriff Logan who stops to help Valley with her car then takes it upon himself to get her settled in town. The accommodations her cousin sets her up in is a boarding house, not a B&B as she assumed. She shares a bathroom with 3 other men and her wardrobe is definitely not appropriate for the wilds and weather of Alaska. Valley is quick to make friends, she makes a few dates. This gives her fodder for her blog. They're duds and she knows it. Logan doesn't know what to make of her dating thing. Doesn't set well with him that she's seeing other men, especially since he knows them.
They start "dating" and Logan makes it known she's off limits. This couple has more fun than a monkey circus and I really liked the banter. Valentine is getting serious about Logan and he her until he finds out from his sister about her blog. She's been writing about their blossoming relationship.
He feels like he's been played and he's long past angry. He sends Val packing back to New York. She shuts down her blog and is one miserable woman. Logan is one miserable man. Two miserable people. So what happens? Read the book. It's a long trek from NYC to Alaska.
I love the way Sawyer wrote these two characters. Valentine is a wild child of sorts and her antics are just insanely funny and cute. Not sure Logan thinks that, but he is charmed. Valentine isn't an easy catch and by that I mean she's not fool, even though Logan is hotter than hell, they take their time and the sexual tension runs high. This was a great story to watch unfold, layer by layer. Cover to cover the book lacks not a thing and is perfect.
I absolutely loved it. I look forward to the next book.
Great story Sawyer!!

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4.5 Stars
This is a fun read that will break your heart because you know what is going to happen with Valentine's blog. It can only mean bad news for her heart if she doesn't tell Logan about it first.
Valentine French is a spoiled little rich girl who spends her time shopping. And she writes a blog just to get back at her parents. Her blog covers everything about dating and I do mean everything. When she is shopping with her cousin Jeremy, she mentions that she is tired of the men in New York. Jeremy tells her she needs to go to Alaska where the men are 15 to one woman.
Jeremy did not prepare Valentine for Alaska because she was looking for a taxi to take her to East Merritt, where she would be staying, and there are no taxi's or car service of any kind. She meets Logan Burke, Police Chief of East Merritt and he offers her a ride to town.
Logan has been in Alaska for years and he loves his job and the life he has there. When Valentine shows up, she blows him away with her beauty. He knows right away that she is not from anywhere close to Alaska. As he learns more about her, he wants to spend even more time with her. He finds out that she has already gotten a few dates and she hasn't been in town long.
Can Valentine see that Logan might be the man she is looking for? Will Logan continue to help her out just so she can keep dating other men? What will happen when Logan learns about the blog and what she writes about?
So pick this one up and enjoy this beginning of another series. I can't wait to see what the next book will bring.
**Copy provided by the publisher through NetGalley and this is my honest review**

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New Yorker Valentine French might be quite fond of her city, but the males in her town are leaving a lot to the imagination. Surrounded by metrosexuals, Val takes inspiration from her dating experiences to give advise on her blog Valentine's Couch. Too bad her muse seems to be on hiatus. In desperate need of a fresh perspective and experiences, Val heads to the middle of nowhere Alaska, where men outnumber women fifteen to one. Between lumberjacks, fishermen, huntsmen and a very sexy chief of police Val is bound to find her mojo back… Logan Burke, the sheriff of the little town Val ends up in, isn't looking for love when the beautiful woman that spells trouble in every possible way stumbles into his domain. She is stunning. looking to date a real man and experience what Alaska has to offer. But between a few casual meals, a cat fight and a life threatening experience, Logan will find that love just might find him. Too bad secrets have a way of being uncovered and Alaska, just isn't Val's home after all. Sex in the Sticks is a fun filled romance with real men, loyal friends, sassy women and every kind of trouble only Sawyer Bennett can imagine. A light hearted romcom that puts a city girl and a real man in a love affair that is too good to let go.

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This is the first book I've read by Ms. Bennett, and if her books are all like this one in the way it was captivating, fast-paced and entertained me from the moment the hero and heroine met until the end without me wanting to put it down for even a second, then I'll be reading more of her books in the future. Although, in saying that, the way this story started took me a little while to warm up to this story, as the men the heroine has been dating sound like absolute jerks. Too obsessed with themselves and don't know much about romance, so it's no wonder she takes her cousin up on his offer without knowing much about where she's going. Yet, once Valentine meets Logan, sparks fly and this story had me hooked, because the heroine has never taken an adventure to a location like Alaska. She's a city-girl.

As for the dialogue, it was compelling due to the main characters back stories, made me laugh at various moments and had me concerned at others because of the situations Valentine gets herself into. She's not used to the Alaskan wilderness, doesn't take into account that she's an eligible female in a small town full of horny men, and doesn't consider the fact that she's competition for other women if they're wanting to capture the attention of the men. Will she be able to handle herself if she finds herself in a situation that could be dangerous to her?

Both the main characters had interesting back stories, and it made me like both of them a lot. Valentine has never considered giving a man a chance at forever, because of her parents unhealthy marriage, yet I'm glad that Logan managed to prove himself. He's everything her father isn't in the way he's loyal, kind, caring and protective. I also liked that he didn't allow her to get away with anything when she thought he'd give her a free pass.

While Valentine, she's strong and brave by taking the adventure she does when she's totally unprepared for going to Alaska where she wouldn't have access to things she normally would in New York, as proven in the moment where she meets Logan for the first time. I also liked how much she shakes the small town up and made me laugh because of her blog writing, the disastrous dates she goes on and the incidents that have Logan rushing to her rescue. Seriously, there's so much to like about the heroine including how kind and caring she is by what she does for one of the secondary characters and the fact that she wasn't easily intimidated by a woman that calls her names.

Overall, Ms. Bennett has penned a delightful read in this book where the romance was red-hot, full of passion and showed Valentine wasn't afraid of Logan going all alpha on her. He's a cop, so why wouldn't he break out the handcuffs at some stage. The way this story ended had me totally surprised by who convinced Valentine to find a way to win Logan back. Then again, love can conquer anything, so why shouldn't Valentine do everything in her power to prove her love to the hero. However, it was the epilogue that wrapped this story up wonderfully, because it reveals how far Logan and Valentine have come in their relationship and how well opposites really do attract. I would recommend Sex in the Sticks by Sawyer Bennett, if you enjoy the opposites attract trope or books by authors Kendall Ryan, Kristen Callihan, K. Bromberg or Vi Keeland.

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4.5 Stars

I love the mountains, Alaska and hot bearded men so when I read this synopsis I said "Where do I sign up?!". And oh yeah, Sawyer Bennett writes about the best, steamiest, hottest sex scenes ever. So this book was a no brainer for me.

Valentine cracked me up. She was so totally unprepared for her new life in the Alaskan wilderness. She's a little crazy, a little funny and despite the fact that she's a privileged rich girl, she is very sweet and likable.

And Logan... holy hotness, he is swoony worthy. A hot guy with a heart of gold, a little touch of alpha, and did I mention he's a cop? Yeah, you shouldn't even be reading this review anymore. Just go buy the book.

But if you are still reading this, then I can tell you was entertained from page one. There's a good balance of sweet, humorous and sexiness that Sawyer Bennett does so very well. I loved watching Valentine tough up a little, the side characters were a ton of fun. I don't know who will be next up in the series but I do know that I will be reading it!

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If you can't take a wild man out of Alaska maybe you can bring a wild woman from New York. Valentine was born with a silver spoon and never asked for anything except different men to date. She never had any one to count on for family except for her cousin Jeremy, who convinced her to go to Alaska away from metrosexuals toward lumberjacks. Her arrival in Alaska was hysterical, as you can imagine how any NYC bred woman would be thrown into the wilderness, without a cab in sight. Logan is the local everything - police chief, mayor, DMV, etc. He's funny, smart, sweet and a bit wild in and out of the bedroom. The two of them have instant chemistry but his chivalrous behavior took priority. I've always wondered how it would be to live in Alaska with a ration of 16:1, men to women. Valentine gives us a pretty realistic experience of what most women would probably experience. Be prepared for silly antics, sexy banter, jealous high school behavior and Sassy. Great start to a new series!

*ARC provided from Netgalley, review written voluntarily.

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Deliciously fun, sweet and sexy! I was completely addicted to these characters and their story. I practically read this book in one sitting and when I finished I wanted to read it all over again.

Dating columnist Valentine French is bored with all the predictable NYC men who can’t get their noses out of their phones and only talk about themselves. She’s having a difficult time coming up with good material for her blog. Following her cousin’s advice she heads to Alaska, a place where men are rough by necessity and they surpass women fifteen to one. Upon arriving to the small town of East Merritt Val realizes several things. One, her dog Sassy could be eaten by bears and she’s thoroughly unprepared for the Alaskan wilderness. Two, loggers and lumberjacks truly do abound and are eager to have a shot at her. Three, the chief of police and mayor is drop dead gorgeous and doesn’t seem to be interested in her.

From the first moment Logan Burke laid eyes on Valentine he knows there’s more to the “vacation” excuse the beautiful and out of place female is offering upon arriving to his little town. She seems set on dating as many men as possible and he’s just not a one and done kind of man, especially not with a woman like her. Can he convince her to give him and only him a chance? When the truth of her visit is revealed will he still want more?

Sawyer Bennett keeps getting better and better. Sex in the Sticks is a perfect balance between fun and heartwarming, sensual, sweet and romantic.

When we first meet Valentine she seems a bit snobby, but as we get to know her you can’t help but want to be her friend. She’s completely laid back and didn’t hesitate to find ways to help the townsfolk and fit in. I mean, who wouldn’t want to hang out with a pretty New Yorker at the Moose Poop Drop?

Logan is equally likeable. He’s helpful, easygoing, and doesn’t hesitate to rescue a damsel in distress. He’s so charismatic and easy to fall for. He rescues Val’s dog from imaginary bears, actually rescues her from freezing to death in the woods, he takes her shopping for adequate clothes and after falling into an easy friendship, he asks her to date exclusively. He’s an adorable and sweet alpha male.

I really enjoyed all their interactions, I loved their chemistry and connection. And you can’t read a Sawyer Bennett book without mentioning the delectable sexy times. Oh boy, I need to actually fan myself remembering Logan’s dirty talk.

Of course, these two come from very different worlds and neither are experts in long term relationships, so there are some bumps and bruises they have to overcome before they can find their happiness together.

I loved the small town Alaskan setting and its inhabitants, which gave the story an added layer. I can’t wait to read the next book in this series.

Sex in the Sticks is the kickoff book in the Love Hurts series by Sawyer Bennett. It is a standalone, full-length, contemporary romance full of fun banter and super sexy bits that will leave you highly satisfied. Told from both points of view, with a happy ending.

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4.5 stars- Sweet, sexy and entertaining. Logan was perfection and I loved Valentine the city girl. Another wonderful, well written story from Sawyer! Can't wait for the next book in the series!

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Valentine French and Logan Burke are opposites, but come together nicely. Valentine is from New York with a blog on dating/men and is tired of the NY scene. Her cousin suggests she go to Alaska where the men to women ratio is better and she decides to do an experiment comparing NY men to Alaskan men. There she meets Chief Logan Burke. He's a great guy. Together, they are hot and steamy. Good banter. Not too much angst, but enough to make the story move along. Secondary characters add to the story. Loved that Val and Logan were older and mature enough to work through their issues. Definitely worth the read.

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5 star Review Sex In The Sticks (Love Hurts #1) by Sawyer Bennett

Wow, what a great book. I loved this from start to finish. When New York socialite and dating expert/blogger Valentine French decides she has had enough of the metro-sexual men she has been dating in New York, her cousin suggests she travel to the wilds of Alaska to see if she can find what is missing from her life. Little does Valentine (my friends call me Valley or Val) know that her decision will change her life in ways she cannot imagine.

This was an hilarious read, with many laugh out loud moments that had me almost in tears at the predicaments, city girl Val gets herself into. Throw in that the population is almost 15 men to 1 woman and you can only imagine what fun is in store.

Logan Burke is the police chief in the small town of East Merritt where Val decides to visit, he is also the man who constantly comes to her rescue, swooping in to save her time and again.

Determined to date as many Alaskan men as she can, Val is off to a flying start. Complications arise, as one date after another ends badly, but true to form it gives her great material for her dating blog.

Val is instantly attracted to Logan but he does not seem to be interested, that is until she gets lost and he again rescues her and takes her back to his cabin to warm up. Sparks fly, lust abounds,will this night be more fodder for Val's dating blog?

Of course the true course of romance does not run smoothly and Logan is furious when he finds out about Val's blog posts regarding her dating adventures in Alaska.

This book is a stand alone and one that I highly recommend you read. Sawyer Bennett always brings her characters to life and her style of writing is excellent. Sex In The Sticks is one of the best books I have read this year.There was smoking hot romance, humour, edge of your seat tension as I hoped that Logan and Val would finally come together and as usually happens, I didn’t want this one to end.

I received an ARC through the publisher via Netgalley.

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4 1/2 Stars! Valentine is a rich city girl who lives off her trust fund, but writes a blog for something to do ... a blog about her sex life. She becomes disenchanted with New York men and her brother suggests she try Alaska because there the ratio is about 1 girl to 15 guys. Of course she is thinking tall muscular rugged hunks and plans on blogging about as many of them as she can ... you know, just to see who's better in bed - New York men or Alaskan men. On her 1st day there she meets Logan, the Chief of Police and he is all those things and more. Logan just wants a quiet life in his little Alaskan town, but his world gets turned upside town when he meets Valentine. He wants her ... exclusively ... no other men, just him in her bed. You will laugh out loud at some of the stupid things Val does and Logan has to come to her rescue. And their sex life is explosive ... HOT and steamy! This is a fun sexy romance that will have you swooning.

I received an ARC copy courtesy of Random House - Loveswept through NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.

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ARC for honest review. I really enjoy Sawyer's stories and this one doesn't disappoint. It has the right amount of spicy to sweet. I liked the comedic moments as well. Overall, great story!

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