Member Reviews

OK...after reading this book I am even more excited that I am actually going to Alaska in 2018!

Valentine French comes from a family of money....a LOT of money. She had to get a college degree in order to get her trust fund, but since then she has never really worked...she has just run a dating blog, much to the chagrin of her upper crust parents...and let's just say that if Val can rile her parents by what she puts on her blog, all the better. The only person who understands her is her cousin Jeremy. Val is tired of all the metro sexual guys that she has gone on dates with in New York City. They all seem more into themselves than her. When she's complaining to Jeremy about these dates, he suggests she go some place totally different than NYC and try dating the guys would certainly make for some great blogs! Jeremy suggests Alaska. He was there a year ago for a bachelor party and he can attest that the guys there are nothing like NYC guys. Val lets Jeremy set up her reservations and she heads to Alaska.

OMG! Imagine a NYC socialite in rugged Alaska. The scene where Val gets off the boat in Alaska was laugh out loud funny. Right away Val is helped by the city's mayor, Logan Burke and she is instantly attracted. Too bad he doesn't seem to return the attraction, but he does end up driving her to where she is staying...and it's not a 5 star hotel like she expecting.

I just loved watching Val try to navigate to the ways of Alaska. It was a hoot watching all these guys fall over backwards for Val....everyone but Logan. It was fun how Logan always seemed to "pop" up just when Val needed him. These two were explosive together. They had such a fun time hanging out together and it was great watching their feelings change. I just LOVED this book. It made me laugh and swoon. And I really enjoyed the path the Val and Logan had to take to get their happy ending! It was just perfect! Great start to a new series!

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Sex in the Sticks by Sawyer Bennett is a standalone romance. It is a story about a New York dating columnist, Valentine French who ventures to Alaska. She discovers that she is tired of dating the metrosexuals in New York, and travels to Alaska looking for a new type of man. Logan Burke is the sheriff in a small community in Alaska. He meets Valentine and finds her interesting. He is a six foot six inch muscled hard bodied man. Totally different than what Valentine is used to. Romance is in the air for these two distinctly different people from opposite sides of the country.

My opinion of this book is mixed. I hate the title as who considers an Alaska small community “the sticks”? I certainly don’t and find it a distraction to the real story. On the other hand, the book was an easy read and enjoyable, although the characters could have been given more depth. The sex scenes were hot! This is the first book that I have read by this author, and I will certainly read more from Sawyer Bennett.

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What do you get when you take a Sex in the City girl and drop her in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness? You get a hot, strong, sexy book boyfriend, for starters, along with a plucky young woman who realizes that she’s got a lot to learn about life and you also get a small town with a cast of characters that instantly feel like long lost friends. Oh, and you also learn a few … um … things … yeah, the steamy scenes were not just some of the steamiest I’ve ever read, but there were a couple that had me thinking, “can that really be done?” When Logan gasped in surprise at what Valentine did, I took a sideways glance at my own live-in play toy (hey, he knew the risks when he married me) and set out to answer my own question. But back to the book – this story was filled with heartwarming moments, laugh-out-loud scenes, and characters that come alive and leave the reader with a longing to experience life right there alongside them. The love story was perfectly romantic, angsty, heartbreaking then oh-so-wonderfully satisfying. Sawyer Bennett, once again, has written a masterpiece. I cannot recommend this book highly enough.

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Sawyer Bennett is a must read for me. She's tried different thing and I've enjoyed them all, this one is no different. I have to say at the beginning I thought I was going to be super annoyed with the rich entitled girl comes to the sticks to live and blog, but Valentine surprised me. I found her cute and witty. Her little dog I thought would also be a no for me, but it definitely added some excitement and laughs to the story. Logan is the sheriff of the little stick town Valentine comes to experience and seems to become her hero again and again. Valentine is just there temporarily, of course a entitled girl like her would never want to live in the sticks. So they have fun while she's there, never tipping on the serious. It's a super cute story. I really loved the characters, both the main and secondary. I look forward to more of this series.

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Sex in the City meets Men in Trees
I liked the pacing of this book. For the first half it was a cute, well written story that could almost be considered a cozy. . It was funny and interesting but contained no steamy sex. I had to double check and make sure this was, indeed, written by Sawyer Bennett, cause the girl writes some beyond steamy, sexy books. There was no reason to doubt this was a SB story once Val (a New York Columnist) and Logan (a small town sheriff) got together. Yowzer!
I enjoyed this book tremendously. The characters, while not always likeable, were believable and forgivable.

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First off, I have to say, pay NO attention to the guy on the book cover. That's NOT him. Logan has about 25 lbs more muscle than that guy. Way more rugged and scruffy whiskers too.
This story starts off with the heroine, Valentine on her last date with an NYC metrosexual man. She complains to her bff/cousin Jeremy. Valentine says that she wants to still play the field but wants a rugged alpha man. She can't find any in NYC. Jeremy suggests............Alaska..... Alaska?
Valentine is from a very wealthy family. She doesn't need to work, but she does have a dating blog. Her posts are tips of all sorts related to finding a man and mutual satisfaction. She's very blunt in her blogs-discussing sexual positions, sex acts and the sky's the limit. It's like the NC 17 version of Sex and the City (minus bitchy Samantha & Miranda). Cousin Jeremy is like Charlotte, but not ditsy & Jeremy is a crack up.
Logan is the Chief of Police (1 man department) in East Merritt. He meets Valentine when he's picking up supplies & spots her when her ferry comes in. The setting is a fictional town in the southern part of Alaska. Good thing for Valentine-it's Summer in Alaska. Of course she's unprepared for the rugged outdoors. She does bring Sassy- her (of course) fluffy white dog. She has her Louis Vuitton luggage-enough for 5 people. Somehow Val gets Logan to help her get her stuff to the boarding out where she's booked. No taxis!
Valentine doesn't milk the fish- out-of water bit. There's some really funny moments. I laughed a lot in the first few chapters. She has to trade in her spiked-heeled boots & tight white pants for more practical clothing.
Valentine came to Alaska to experience the 15:1 men/ women ratio. She reports her experiences in her blog column, "Valentine's Couch".
Valentine catches the eyes of a lot of guys in town. The main hangout in town is a restaurant/bar called The Wounded Caribou. Logan hurries & stakes his claim to Valentine's attention. She had planned on serial dating but Logan & Valentine are soon dating exclusively. There's a few misunderstandings and make-ups. I really liked Val and Logan. This is first person POV, alternating Logan & Valentine.
The chemistry between these two... wow.
Both are sexually compatible in experience and desire. They are both extremely attracted to each other.
Valentine doesn't mind complementing Logan's size. He is a big guy.
Valentine is a beautiful tall, leggy redhead. Ultra feminine. Smart & witty. Logan more than appreciates her.
I love when there's plenty of time to explore their relationship-even though Logan knew Val would be leaving to go back to NYC.
About 75%, in there's an annual competition called "Wild Wilderness Woman" contest.
Valentine is a late entry. The event: debone a salmon; chopping wood, building a fire, carving a moose carcass and a surprise event called Honey, I'm Home. City girl Valentine goes all out with what she knows.

Eventually. the shit was bound to hit the fan.
Val goes back home but takes her broken heart with her. Logan doesn't walk away unscathed.
Val has to grovel. I didn't like how long it took Logan to come around.
I did like the sexy, funny ending and the epilogue. There were a few loose ends that I wanted to know what happened. I'll give 4.5 stars. This book was so much fun & freakin' HOT.
I highly recommend this book.

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Loved Logan and Valentine from the beginning! Sawyer Bennett has another winner on her hands. Laughed out loud at some of the scenes, and yet felt both Valentine and Logan’s heartache when they hit a bad stretch. The other scenes were HOT, HOT, HOT! I highly recommend reading this book if you are looking for a sexy romantic comedy that will be hard to put down!

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Sex in the Sticks by Sawyer Bennett is an entertaining and hilarious adventure. City girls meets good ol’ boy police chief meets wilderness. It's a devastating combo that makes this a 5 star read!

This book reminded me of “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days,” only the main female character is transplanting to Alaska. It’s a sexy and uber-fun plot that just reels you in and keeps you engaged. You see, Valentine French writes a sex advice/dating blog, Valentine’s Couch, and she’s tired of the metro sexual men New York has to offer. So, what’s a girl to do but document the dating/men scene in the wilds of Alaska?

She gets more than she bargained for.

Oh my god, this girl!!! Valentine may be from the city, but she’s resourceful, so very clever, and always up for trying new things. I kept imagining her as a hunter, walking through this small town of East Merritt with binoculars, trying to find her man. The book flew by, and I LOL’d my way through it.

And then we meet the devastatingly nice, but commanding police chief, Logan Burke. He’s such a sweetheart and dang, his restraint. A gentleman through and through. That being said, he also has a delightful dirty side that just presses all of Valentine’s buttons. Can there be anything hotter than a capable man like Logan? These two are #RelationshipGoals.

But he's also looking for a steady gal, and he expects Valentine to fly out as quickly as she flew in. I love a man who knows what (who) he wants!

The small town of East Merritt was such a colorful little town, too. I can imagine this community with its interesting stories and its equally interesting people. This town--this book--has a charm and flavor that just makes you want to stay.

I absolutely loved this one! Anyone looking for a light-hearted romance and some sweet, sweet lovin’ will adore this one too.

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I'm a huge fan of Sawyer Bennett, she's one of my go to authors that I will read anything she writes, doesn't matter what it's about, genre, etc. This book was great! Rate it at 4.5 stars!

Valentine French comes from money, is a quintessential spoiled rich girl, professional blogger that went to school at Columbia and did the bare minimum just to get her trust fund. She's tired of the same old pretentious rich guys that she's been dating and after talking to her cousin up and goes to Alaska to try and meet a more manly man. Logan Burke is the Sheriff and Mayor of East Merritt, when he goes into Ketchikan to the airport to pick up some items he ordered he will get more than he bargained for.

The book for me started off very slowly, I struggled to get through the first 10% of the book, all the talk of wealth, designer clothes, spoiled rich people really just made me want to skip pages without reading to get through. But I didn't. After that the book really picked up and I enjoyed tremendously. Hard not to love Logan until he does something stupid (not going to spoil it you will just have to read to find out what it is :p), though Valentine was rather annoying at times. As the book progressed Valentine grew on me and later on in the book my opinion on her changed. There was definite chemistry between the two characters and Sawyer Bennett never disappoints with the hot steamy scenes in the book. The only other thing that got me was the end of the book of course it was a great HEA, but I wanted just a bit more was just stopped and left you with a question (don't want to say more and spoil anything). Overall I loved the book, after the first 10% flew through it!! Happy Reading!!

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This was an oke read, though it didn't wow me...I did enjoy reading it.

Valentina, a 31 year old blogger (think Carrie Bradshaw of Sex and the City), has had enough of the men in New York city and decides a move to Alaska, where the men seriously outnumber the women, is the way to go.

I didn't care for Valentina a lot...which is one of the main reasons this book didn't wow me.

Her writing-experiment is going very well, comparing Alaskan men to New Yorkers.

She catches the eyes of many men, but there is one she is really interested in....Logan, the police chief.

These two get to know each other and after some events, they take things a step further. They were pretty hot together and Logan had quite the dirty mouth, which is always a plus in my book ;)

Of course things won't stay perfect for long and there is some miscommunications that messes things up for the two of them.

No worries though....this one does end on a perfect HEA ;)

If you are looking for something light, sassy, sexy, funny, you should give this one a try.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

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This story has the perfect amount of sweet and sassy and sexiness. wow, Logan is hot! I would move for him, and I hate cold places. One thing I loved about this story is how genuine it feels when Logan is so proud of Valentine while she goes through her learning process. These characters have everything. He has the right amount of sweet and naughty. And Valentines attitude can really surprise you. You will like the interactions a lot because Valentine and Logan have very good chemistry and the people around them just make it a lot more interesting.

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Sex in the Sticks was the ultimate fun, sexy, feel-good, and heart-warming romance.

Sawyer Bennett has been my go-to author for books that uplift my spirit and make me feel good. With Sawyer Bennett I'm guaranteed that I will absolutely enjoy whatever she writes.

Sex in the Sticks (Love Hurts #1) was the best example.

It was a funny and sweet novel of a Manhattan blogger moving to Alaska to find out if Alaskan men were different from New Yorker. The plot alone made me smile.

Valentine French couldn't have picked a more opposite place to relocate if she tried.

From the very beginning she was a novelty, and she completely reveled in it. And the Alaskan men definitely gave her fodder for her blog. Because lumberjacks, fishermen, and logger didn't know how to treat women better than metrosexual - they just did their dating in a different style.

Val realized that pretty quickly, and she started to compare them all to Logan Burke, the sheriff of the tiny town she decided to stay at.

From the very first step she took on Alaskan soil Logan was there to help her out. They met again and again, him helping her, lending a hand, until they started to fall into a comfortable friendship. One night they took it to the next level.

For Logan, Val was someone different, unique, and interesting. And it didn't hurt that she was drop-dead-gorgeous. Val and Logan had wonderful chemistry. They had fun being together and he was the perfect mix of gentleman outside of the bedroom and incredibly adventurous in bed.

Val, was an interesting character on her own. She had the money to do whatever she wanted. Her relationship with her family was far from great, and in her spare time she blogged. But what was missing in her life was the special EXTRA!! And she found that in Logan.

I really enjoyed reading about Logan and Val. They were both incredibly likable and wonderful to connect with. The Alaskan backdrop was one that has always fascinated me, and I was engrossed in every little snippet of local quirkiness.

Sawyer Bennett has a way of writing romances that satisfy me in every regard. Deeply emotional as well as entertaining!!! That's the way romance should be written.

this review will be published on April 20th on all platforms


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3.5 stars for a wildly improbable plot, but the characters are clever and charming, and the writing is very good. If you like your romance with a side order of wacky and lovable, this book is for you.

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My Review: (ARC provided)
4.5 -5 stars!

This book was so good. I devoured it! It was actually exactly what I needed and was looking for in a book at the time. Face paced, strong hero and heroine with great chemistry. I hate to admit this but this is the first book I've read by this author, and it definitely won’t be the last.

I liked Valentine (h) from the get go in the prologue and more as the book went on. The "fib" made me laugh and she made me laugh in general. What I loved about her was she was this rich upper class woman and it shows but yet she's down to earth in an upper class way (if that makes sense). She's just a really awesome character.

Logan (H) is this sexy kind of quiet and mysterious guy. He is the small town hero and everyone loves him. He's comfortable in his skin, career and life choice. It doesn't take much to make him happy.

Logan and Valentine had this cute connection from the beginning and it just grew from there.

I also loved the age of the characters; it was nice for a change not to read a NA novel. It made the characters more relatable. There weren't too many issues I had with this book. The only thing I would say is I guessed the climax of this book. I really don’t think it was meant to be a big surprise though everyone knew what Valentine did.

All in all this was a great read and wrapped up perfectly for me (this is a standalone).

I'm so glad I read this book and took a chance with this author. I will be reading more!

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Valentine and Logan meet when she goes to Alaska in search of men. She is a blogger and writes about her sexual exploits on her page. She is a millionaire through her family's wealth and her blog is her only job. Her cousin, Jeremy, sets her up to go to Alaska because of the men to women ratio. At the airport she meets Logan who is the police chief of the town, as well as the mayor.

Logan is intrigued by Valentine but does not do one-night stands. He is not surprised when she is hit on by every available male in town. He is surprised when she accepts 3 dates without a second thought. Although he claims not to judge her - he somewhat does. She does not confess her true reason for being in town and gives a partial truth to him. Logan is more and more intrigued by Valentine the more he gets to know her.

Valentine finds herself interested in Logan and blogs about it on her page. Logan is unaware and she really did not take into consideration how he may feel about this when he finds out. Valentine decides to try a relationship with Logan and see where it goes. They are derailed a bit when small town gossip rears it's ugly head. Logan does not react well and pays a price for a bit with it. I did like how he immediately tries to set things right again. He goes after what he wants and he wants Valentine enough to fight for her.

As both of them become more comfortable together, they find themselves wondering if they have found their soulmate. You will have to read the book to find out how it turns out. I really did enjoy this book and like it more than I thought I would. I am not a fan of books that just have sex as their plot and was worried that this was one of those books. My fear was unwarranted since Sawyer Bennett always provides a plot I received an ARC from NetGalley for an honest review.

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This is my first time to read Sawyer Bennett and I will be reading more of her books.

I enjoyed the story and the setting. Who could resist a visit to Alaska to sample the guys that live there? Valentine was a great heroine. She was fun, interesting and caring. I think these were the traits that made her so attractive to Logan. Logan was a good character too. He was a gentleman in every aspect. I liked that it wasn't love at first sight and that they built their relationship over time.

I would recommend this if you like contemporary romance that has a lot of heat mixed in.

I received a copy to read and review from Netgalley.

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Alaska, "The last frontier of real men."

I'm a big fan of Sawyer Bennett, so if asked I'd have a real hard time picking a favorite of her books, because I've enjoyed them all. She's written so many different stories, focused on so many subjects, with so many amazing characters. There seems to a book for every occasion and for every mood. I totally enjoyed every page of Sex in the Sticks. I felt like I was on vacation in Alaska while reading it. I enjoyed the scenery, and local flavor, and the colorful residents. I giggled and gasped my way through some parts and blushed and sighed through others. I worried and waited and wished through some as well. It was a well-rounded experience that left me with a smile on my face and ready for more. I'm thrilled it's only the first book in a new series as I know there will be more to look forward to. The line forms here...

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Wow! I wasn't quite sure what to expect based on the title, but I was pleasantly surprised and was not disappointed. I loved Val from the get go - she was the right amount of sassy, sweet, sexy, and not too jaded. Logan ... who wouldn't fall in love with a all-in-one hero? The store moved along really well, there was the romance, the challenge, the doubts, then the reuniting (once everyone comes to their senses). I will definitely be recommending this book to my circle of "reading friends."

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March 28, 2017 – Started Reading
Review Well I have always wanted to travel to Alaska (playing in my head is that song It's Raining Men).

Valentine...I mean she has some misguided ideas about love, but she is willing to kiss all the frogs in order to NOT find that Prince...LOL
She wants to sample the goods for as long as she can, but not buy them. Her options in New York City have have been depleted and now she is looking for a change of scenery and a different kind of man.
Meanwhile in the rugged frontier of Alaska...Logan...I mean Chief Logan (cuz that is hotter to say) is walking around East Merritt just waiting for some excitement. Que Valentine French strutting in to The Wounded Caribou looking like just the right amount of excitement that Chief Logan is looking for.
Will this city girl be able to handle the the Alaskan life style, and will Logan be able to handle the sassy city girl. I won't tell you the answer, but you are going to enjoy reading and finding out.
#Sassy #CuffMe

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Loved it!! Manhattanite meets Alaskan Dream Man.

How fun this read was. Creating a character that was so down to earth and went with the flow was brilliant. It so worked!!

And Logan, took charge and moved her butt in!!! And he had feelings!!!

What was missing?? I wish Jeremy would have visited. I think some humor could have been added with that.

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