Member Reviews

Sawyer Bennett does it again with a 5 ***** story. We meet Valentine “Valley” who is wealthy, high maintenance and writes a dating blog. She is bored with the men in NYC and decides at the advice of her cousin to take a break and go to a small town in Alaska. Valley decides to go, date the men and see if the men are any different. I will say that at first I did not like Valentine, but as she arrives in Alaska she lets her guard down and becomes more likeable.

On the first day in Alaska she meets Logan who is the police chief and is kind and gorgeous. The story is very funny, sexy and sweet. It’s a very quick read and I did wish that the epilogue revealed more at the end. Perhaps Sawyer will continue the story or re-visit these characters, as I would love to hear more about Valentine, Logan and everyone else in the town. The supporting characters were great. Sawyers’ writing is so vivid that I always feel as if I’m right there in the book experiencing the scenes.

I was offered an advanced copy by Netgalley for an honest review.

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This was a good read, and would've been 5 stars if there was more of a connection between the characters. I started out not liking Valentine because she really came off as shallow, but by the end of the book, she'd redeemed herself. Logan needed more detail about himself. I can't put my finger on it, but there just wasn't enough about him. As a couple, they did work in bed, but I just didn't buy that they belonged together for the long haul. The chemistry in the bedroom was sizzling, but out of it, not so much.

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A light-hearted,fun read from Ms. Bennett. I couldn't stop reading! I needed to know what else Valentine was going to get into..I was captivated and entertained.

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This was a great book and I devoured it in one sitting; I was absolutely gripped from the start to finish. Val and Logan are main characters were beyond endearing and I loved them both. They had great chemistry and I just instantly liked them both.

I have to say that I found myself sporting a cheesy grin all the way through this book. It was fun, humorous, sexy and an all round great contemporary romance and I would thoroughly recommend this book - 4.5 stars

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Loved it..Sawyer Bennett just keeps you reading till the end. A must read.

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LOVED LOVED LOVED this book. It was a nice easy read. Lots of laughs and giggles. I totally could understand where Valentine was coming from when she stepped off the ferry in Alaska, Id be way in over my head as well! Hopefully if it ever happens to me ill have a gorgeous sheriff to help me out along the way as well! To go from the hustle and bustle of life of daily shopping excursions and afternoon martini lunches to the wild wilderness of Alaska would definitely be an adjustment for anyone. Luckily for Valentine there's more then a few men willing to show her the sights and fill up her date book and keep her busy and keep her mind off of her disappointment of the unending supply of metrosexual men that have been boring her to death in New York CIty.

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4.5 extremely happy stars.
ARC received in exchange for an honest review.
I would probably classify this as more of a rom-com than contemporary romance novel and certainly much less angsty than any of the previous books that I have read by this author so I was very happily surprised upon reading this book . It was fresh, funny, sexy and not to serious but I seriously loved reading every minute of it. What's more exciting is that this isn't a one-off but the first in a series of standalone romances from Sawyer Bennett (Love Hurts #1)
I loved Valentine French as the somewhat spoiled City girl who blogged about sex and dating until she decided that she was done with the self-centered and self- interested metrosexuals that she has been dating and decides to head to Alaska to meet some all American men in a place where men outnumber women 15:1.
In the small town of East Merritt, Valentine is like an endangered species with it's population of studly lumberjacks and fishermen . Her first day in town she visits the local bar and restaurant "The Wounded Caribou" and is hit on immediately by almost every single guy there. She has no trouble lining up dates for her blog "Valentine's Couch" and is soon writing some of her best columns ever.
Logan Burke is the sheriff of this little town and the first resident that Val encounters when she arrives. Although he doesn't judge Val when she tells him about her social plans including her serial dating experiment he also doesn't ask her out on a date like every other male in town with a pulse. He finds himself attracted to Val but he knows that one date probably won't be enough for him.
The question is will Val wake up and notice that Logan is the perfect (sweet and sexy) guy for her before she leaves to return to her old life in NYC.
I have to say that if I didn't know Sawyer Bennett for her other works like "The Sugar Bowl" series I would think that she had found her calling but seriously this woman can write about anything. I can so recommend reading this book.

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this is the Sawyer Bennett style I like. Loved this book

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Once again Sawyer Bennett has written another fantastic romance. When Valentine finds herself in a dating rut, simply too many "metrosexuals," her cousin suggests a vacation in Alaska. Logan and the other townspeople are exactly the type of men that have been missing from Valentine's social scene in New York City. However, Valentine's plan to date all of them as an experiment for her blog quickly gets out of hand. Expect some humor as you read about a rich New York socialite trying to fit into small town life as she competes in a wilderness competition. This romance has it all; likable realistic characters, steamy romance, a touch of humor and most of all a great story.
Having been to Alaska, I loved the descriptions of the area as Sawyer Bennett tried to capture the beauty of the landscape that can only be found in Alaska. Hopefully, since this is the first book in a new series, the remainder will also be set in Alaska.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this novel.

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**Advanced copy provided by the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

Sex in the Sticks is the first book in Sawyer Bennett's new Love Hurts series and what a fantastic start it is!

New York socialite and trust fund baby Valentine French is growing tired of her life. For the past several years she has operated and written a blog about sex and dating advice, much to the chagrin of her family, and she's at her wits end with the metrosexual men she's been dating. She wants a manly man, but she isn't sure how to go about that in New York City. When she tells her cousin and best friend, Jeremy, about her wishes, he suggests that she take a trip to where the men significantly outnumber the women and since she can work from anywhere. She likes the idea and asks where he suggests and it's the last place she would have ever expected - Alaska! So with her Louis Vuitton suitcases and her dog, Sassy, she sets off for the great northwest.

When Val arrives in Alaska, she's in for a rude awakening from the minute she steps outside the airport. There isn't the plethora of taxi's she's used to, but lucky for her, the East Merritt chief of police, Logan Burke happens to be in town and offers to give her a ride to the bed and breakfast where she's staying. Val is buoyed by the idea that if all of the men in East Merritt are as hunky as Logan, she's going to be able to write blogs for an undetermined amount of time.

There is chemistry between Logan and Val from the first time they meet. As they spend more time together, and he rescues her from a few more situations due to her lack of knowledge about living in the sticks, their connection grows. Will Val ever feel comfortable in a place so different from New York City? And, will her social experiment end up biting her in the end?

This book was filled with humor, heat and plenty of emotion. This was a very different setting from most of the books I've read, but I absolutely loved it! Not only did I learn that Alaska is beautiful, I learned all sorts of things about the way of living there. Sawyer Bennett did a fantastic job giving us a glimpse into what life in Alaska would be like and let me tell you, I can't wait to go back for the next book in this series!

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I've found a new author to read. I always love when that happens. First off, let me say I am not a big fan of first person POV narratives and I especially don't like it when each chapter changes from his to hers POV's. In this story it's the hero, Logan's and the heroine, Valentine's perspective we read in each chapter and I found myself not hating it like I used to. Maybe it was because the story was so fun and engaging that I found myself rethinking my whole POV stance. I absolutely loved everything about this story. A little bit about the story.
Valentine is a NY socialite with loads of money to spare and she writes a blog about her dating life, think Sex in the City-like. When she decides that the NY dating scene is producing the same type of men she decides to go to Alaska to see if men there are different than the ones she's dated in NY. So her new dating adventure continues and it's a pretty fun ride but she doesn't anticipate meeting Logan and then everything changes. This story was so cute, sweet, funny and definitely hot! The writing was great, characters were very lovable and the sex was so hot. I can't wait to read more from Sawyer Bennett.

*I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader copy of this book*

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This book is cute and witty and pretty damn sexy!

Absolutely adorable and I hope there is more in this series!!

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OMGoodness!!!! I have read practically every novel Sawyer Bennett has written and I am still surprised how she can come up with fresh and original storylines every time!! I wasn't sure what to expect when I read the name of this title lol, but Sex in the Sticks is full of sweetness, steam, laughter, a charming little town and fantastic characters!! Literally, after reading the first couple page I knew Sawyer Bennett has once again hit a grand slam with series opener!! I love a city gal meets country guy premise, but Ms. Bennett takes that concept and makes it 100% her own!!! This book has everything you have come to expect from Sawyer Bennett (plus more)! Sex in the Stick is a 4.5 star read that I thoroughly enjoyed reading!! I will absolutely 1-clicking every single novel in this series-- I'm hoping there will be many, many books in this series!

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I received this book free from Netgalley.

I expected this book to be lighthearted and silly given the premise. It was lighthearted--but I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. The main characters ended up having more dimension that I expected. They were likable and had good chemistry. I read this in one night. I was sad when it was over. I look forward to reading more by this author in the future.

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I so badly would like to be a fly on the wall during the plotting section for this book. I have never read a book similar to Sex in the Sticks, it's truly a one of a kind.
Logan is a man of many talents, and he does all of them so well. But man he can hold a grudge like no one else. Val is so sweet, which I didn't expect from a rich New Yorker.
There is nothing I can say to the negative about Sex in the Sticks. I can't wait for the next book in this series.

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I loved Logan and Valentine. Sweet and sexy story. Kind of makes me want to go to Alaska. Lol

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Full review to be published online in early June.

SEX IN THE STICKS is the entertaining first book in Sawyer Bennett's new "Love Hurts" series. When sex columnist Valentine French begins ti seek new inspiration for both her blog and her dating life; her cousin suggests a change in scenery. Val is sick of New York and all the metrosexual men who are too involved in themselves to ever be interested in putting anyone else first. When her cousin booked her getaway and it wasn't Paris or Milan, but a small town in the back of beyond in Alaska, she is not overly impressed.

What this town does have in abundance, however, is men. Here there are 15 men to every 1 woman; meaning that she can get more ammunition for her dating blog. What she wasn't expecting is Logan Burke, the hot, sexy, and gentlemanly Chief of Police. Suddenly, things start to get complicated in the most humorous of ways. Can the couple get past their obvious differences and find a chance at romance?

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Wow. This is my first Sawyer Bennett book and it won't be my last. Hot hot hot.

Valentine is bored with the metrosexual men in New York. At the advice of her cousin Jeffrey she travels to Alaska to sample the men over there and report about it on her blog Valentine's Couch.
But what if you are crazy attracted to the Chief of Police of the Alaskan town and it might be love? Logan is nothing like the NY men she knows. However, Valentine has not told him about her blog...

There was a point in the story I was totally upset with Val and I did not like her, but soon after she redeemed herself and I totally enjoyed the story. I could not put the book down. Loved it.

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I struggled with this story and connecting to the characters. Initially I was quite turned off by Valentine and her overall attitude. Once I started warming up to her a bit, I began having issues with Logan's behavior. I enjoyed the setting and the supporting cast of characters, but unfortunately I never felt fully invested in the heroine and hero.

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