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Sawyer Bennett is about to take you on another wild adventure, this time to the Alaskan wilderness.

Sex in the Sticks is the first standalone book in the Love Hurts series, and boy did she start the series off right!

Valentine French literally has it all, but the one thing she can't seem to get her hands on is a good man. Since they seem to be in short supply where she's from, she decides to take an adventure to Alaska in the hopes of finding out what she's been missing back home. Valentine is way out of her element in this story. She's all city girl, and her antics when thrown into the great outdoors will keep you both amused and intrigued about what's going to happen next.

And Logan Burke? I don't know what to say about him other than WOW!!! This man is the perfect book boyfriend. Not only is he smart, funny, wickedly sexy, and VERY well-endowed, he's also Valentine's hero in so many ways. And did I forget to mention he's a police officer for the small town Valentine finds herself in?

There's no shortage of entertainment in this book, and you're gonna fall in love with Logan and Valentine. I highly recommend this sexy story.

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Yet another super book from Sawyer Bennett. If this is the first book in the series, I can only imagine that this is going to be one HOT collection of books. Whatever this woman writes, is amazing.

Logan and Valentine are wonderful. From the innocent flirting to the downright HOT chemistry in the bed. From being a Manhattan Socialite to living in the woods of Alaska the description of the scenery and outdoors, made me feel like I was there with them.

The trials and tribulations that Val goes through to prove that the men she has been dating are more in love with themselves than anyone else, she heads to Alaska to find a real man. And boy does she. Logan is 100% true blue male. The only thing that she can do wrong is exactly what she did, omit the truth about her blog!

Cannot wait until the next book in this series hits my Kindle! Love Ms. Bennet.

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This is my first book that I have read from Sawyer Bennett and I am going to say this now, it will not be my last. I will admit that I was a little put off by the blurb when I read it on NetGalley but decided that I should give this book a try. I am glad I did because this book was a great read. It had humor, drama and let’s not forget lots and lots of hot sex.

I really didn’t care for Val at the beginning of Sex in the Sticks. She came across as a poor little rich girl who was bored of her life in New York City. And when I mean bored with her life, she was bored with the metrosexual men that she was dating. She was a well-known blogger who wrote about her escapades and her dates, lately, were boring her. Actually, if it wasn’t for her hair color and that she was über rich, she reminded me of Carrie Bradshaw from Sex in the City.

Val needed a change of scenery and when her cousin suggested Alaska, where the men to woman ratio are 15 to 1, she jumped on it and planned on blogging about it. All I could do is shake my head and laugh because I knew that she would be out of her element. Which she was. From the minute she landed in Alaska, I was giggling when she got herself into predicaments. Except for the one with Sassy, her dog. I didn’t giggle at that because it was dangerous. But, by the end of the book, I liked her. She totally shed her poor little rich girl skin. I will go as far to say that she found herself in Alaska.

Logan exuded hotness from the minute he appeared in the story and he seemed to be immune to Val’s charm. Actually, he was kind of put off by her deciding to date her way through town. His immunity to Val was worn down after he was called to the local bar because according to a jealous woman, she was drunk, naked, and dancing on tables. When he arrived to arrest her, he discovered that she was two out of the three. That’s when, in my eyes, he gave in…haha. But it was when she was lost in the woods, that the magic happened and you could see him falling in love with Val.

Let’s talk about the sex. I loved that Val was sexually confident. She knows what she liked when she liked it and how she liked it. Having a sexually confident woman in these types of books is pretty awesome. I also think it was pretty awesome that Logan was willing to go along with what Val liked. What also cracked me up was how shocked she was over Logan’s size. I thought to myself “Val, you are a sexually active woman and it is hard for me to believe you have never seen one as big as his”. Every, single time. Made me giggle during scenes that I shouldn’t because I just had a mental image of her doing something like this when she saw it.

I loved the end of the book. Everything was done on Val’s terms and Logan, well, let’s just say that it took him a while to go along with her plans. The epilogue had to have been my favorite part of the book. I love happy endings!!!

How many stars will I give Sex in the Sticks: 4

Why: Relatable characters, a plotline that was pretty funny and page burning sex scenes.

Will I reread: Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends: Yes

Age range: Adult

Why: Sex and language

**I received a free copy of this book and volunteered to review it**

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Whether Sawyer Bennett is giving me kinky as hell characters or badass lumberjacks, I cannot get enough of her men. They're sexy, charming and completely lovable. Her books are so much fun to read!

Sex in the Sticks was no different - I fell head over heels in love with Logan Burke. Hot damn. I'm seriously ready to run off to Alaska for an sexual adventure and I'm freaking married!! I loved this brooding beast.

Valentine, our heroine, has been dating and playing the field but the men in her life come in the same metrosexual package. So a genius abet drunken plan comes to light and she ends up in Alaska looking for a hot sexual affair.

What she discovers with Logan and about herself makes for incredible reading. The chemistry and witty banter between these two characters had me not only swooning but laughing out loud. Valentine is a completely relatable character that tugs at your heart and make she want her to get a happily ever after.  You like her with Logan.

So if you're looking for a new love story to get all swoony and giddy over, Sex in the Sticks is the perfect way to go. Grab your copy today.

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Alaska! I too am fascinated by the ratio of men to women in that state and the beauty of the scenery. and they had a lot of sexy sex. although I felt a lot of his enormous size and comments around it were not at all sexy.

I received a free advance reader copy of this book from the publisher.

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This was a very funny book at times and also a little serious but not too much. Valentine French is tired of dating men who spend more on hair products than she does, looks into every mirror that they pass, and just can’t have what she believes is a normal conversation in her world. Yes she is rich and yes she has more money than the men she is dating but she does not need to be told how much he is spending on a bottle of wine etc... Wanting to find a real man in her words she goes to Alaska with the help of her cousin who had gone there a year ago or so. When she arrives she finds out that there are many things that he left out in telling her. First being there is no car service. Fortunately Logan Burke is there to help her and is able to take her to where she needs to go. He is also the sheriff of the town she is staying in. Every place is a new adventure for Valentine and for the most part she adapts pretty good. She jumps right in to dating with in the first couple of days in the new town and her first date does not go so good. By her second date Logan is called to the local diner where Valentine is dancing on top of one of the tables and is also getting ready to take on one of the local waitress, he arrests her and she is able to mark off a bucket check by staying a night in jail. This also starts a mighty hot time between the two of them. Of course the drama is when he finds out that she has a blog on dating and blows a gasket. She goes back to New York but then decides to come back to East Merrick and buys a home. The story takes off for me and like most guys he is afraid of feelings, emotions, I don’t know I’m a guy and I can’t figure it out. But Valentine knows what she wants and is tired of waiting and you may be able to take a New York to Alaska but you can’t get that New York attitude left behind. The epilogue is nice also. A very good story and I liked all of the characters. A good book.

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Sex in the Sticks is my first book by Sawyer Bennett and why wasn't I told how awesome of a romance writer she is?! Because I would've read her a lot sooner. I enjoyed Sex in the Stick immensely!

As soon as I met Valentine French in the prologue (and all the more in the first chapter) the first thing that popped in my head is Carrie Bradshaw from Sex in the City. Val is stylish, fabulous, a local celebrity thanks to her popular dating and sex blog, and wealthy on her own (her family is old money and they're always side-eyeing her for writing a dating and sex blog). However, the New York dating scene have been kind of a dud lately with Val ending up on dates with the same type of metrosexual guy.

When her cousin and best friend Jeremy suggested she travel to Alaska where there are fifteen men to one woman, Valentine jumped at the idea. She packed her bags and her tiny dog Sassy and headed for the Alaskan Wilderness. Getting off the ferry, one of the first people she met was rugged, sexy, very manly mountain man Logan Burke (just the kind of man she's looking for for her blog!), the chief of police for the tiny town of East Merritt, Alaska.

Val came off a bit shallow at first, the pampered New Yorker, but I ended up really, really liking her. She's instantly popular with the men of East Merritt, including Logan, but they don't know about her blog. Soon, she's going on dates and have all these new material to write about. Logan kept his attraction to her to himself, and Val in turn was very attracted to Logan, but she's never sure what he felt about her. That is until he ends up rescuing her from the woods and then all bets are off with these two. I love the spark and the white hot chemistry between them and the sex is H.O.T.! And then, of course, Logan finds out about Val's blog and unsurprisingly he wasn't very happy, especially after he read what she wrote about him.

Sex in the Sticks was just a very well-written, super fun, SUPER steamy read that made me swoon and smile. I love small-town romances set in the boonies, and this one very much delivered. I love Val and Logan and the other secondary characters from East Merritt as well. This book was just an all-around good time. Also, this was a great introduction to Sawyer Bennett, and I am planning on reading her other books very, very soon. I highly recommend you pick up Sex in the Sticks.

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As a fan of Sawyer Bennett’s hockey series, I was super excited to see that she was starting a new series. I waited on baited breath to get it and then…

It ended up being just meh for me. It’s a solid story, well-written and at times humorous. But for some reason I just couldn’t connect with it. The plot line with the blog frustrated me, Valentine at times annoyed me and Logan was a prince until the drama at the end. At that point, his book boyfriend badge ended up a little tarnished in my eyes. Valentine’s a big city woman on a mission; she’s independent, confident and a bit awkward once she inserts herself into the Alaskan wilderness. Logan is a sexy, alpha male with a soft spot. The chemistry between the two definitely got steamy. But I just didn’t feel a connection that spoke to long-term romance between the two. Sometimes opposites attract but I didn’t think I got enough “meat” of their relationship to be completely sold on it this time around.

But the drama was on the low side, with little to no angst. And as I said, it is well-written with some humor and heat. If you’re looking for a sweet and sexy story, though, I would give this a chance. While it didn’t work for me, it just might work for you.

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5 Stars

I was pulled right into this story. The story has laughs, secrets, pain, twists & turns, and heartbreak.

This is Valentine and Logan’s story. Valentine is looking for a manly man not the metrosexuals in her town. She is tired of them and wants an all-American man. She takes off to Alaska to write her dating column. But spending all her time writing her column and not looking out for the one just might allow her to miss him if she’s not careful. Logan is the local sheriff in the town Val is staying. She spends time complaining about her ‘experiment’ man and Logan listens but can see she is missing everything about his town. He would show her but knows she is not about to give up her glamorous life for him. Or would she if given the chance?

I felt I could connect with the characters and the story was a great read.

I highly recommend this book

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Apr 20, 2017 · edit
it was amazing

5 + plus stars
Logan is my absolute hero!!!!
I think I need to move to Alaska and see if the rumors are true or not lol
Also I think he has to be on my top list of book boyfriends ^^^^
This book was the absolute BEST!
So heartwarming, so funny, so incredibly enjoyable that I had a smile on my face throughout reading it! It just made me wonder!! It made me feel and it was an absolute pleasure to read!!
I also should mention this book is off the CHARTS HOT too!!! Oh yes!!!!
Valentine leaves New York behind to experience life in a small Alaskan town, ready to meet lumberjack men and see how they compare to New York men! All this is research for her blog 'Valentines Couch'.
Needless to say since coming to town Town Chief Logan has been in her mind since day 1!
What happens between these two is an adventure that will warm your heart, make you sizzle and want to run off to Alaska, it certainly made me want to! Lol...
This is a definite must read with this being the first book in this new series and I'm so looking forward to more! I really cannot wait to see what's in store for us to read next!!

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I DNF'd this book - The heroine rubbed me the wrong way.

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At first, I didn't know if I was going to like Valentine. She was a socialite with no paying job. She had a successfully popular blog and loved to shop. But the more I got into the story, the more I liked her. She was more down to earth than originally expected. I did however like Logan from the start.

The two hit it off and I once they met, I was engrossed in the story completely. While the plot was kinda, sorta, maybe just a little predictable, it was still enjoyable and unique. Overall, great read!

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Sex in the Sticks by Sawyer Bennett is the first book in the Love Hurts Series.
Meet Valentine French, a 31 year old maneater who writes a dating and sex columne. She´s bored out of her mind. She always dates the same type man, the metro sexual New Yorker.
Then she heads to Alaska to check out the local dating scene.
And now the fun begins !
Who she´s gonna to meet is her destiny. Her destiny in form of a 6.6ft 37 year old police chief named Logan Burke. Logan can´t stand crowds and the busy city lifestyle.
He´s smitten with Valentine and would give her his heart in a blink of an eye.
But that´s not what Valentine wants. Right?

I literally just finished this book and I don´t know how even to explain how much I loved it.
Sex in the Sticks has everything in it from steamy sex, humor, love, heartbreak and great feelings.
This book is beautifully thought out, beautifully written and beautifully told.

Sawyer Bennett writes contemporary romance novels, has published more than 30 books and is a New York Times and USA TODAY bestseller author.
I Highly recommend Sex in the Sticks and wish I could give more than 5 Stars !

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Sex in the Sticks is the perfect Sawyer Bennett book. It's funny. It has interesting characters, and is set in a beautiful location. We have the beautiful socialite/bloggess, Valentine French, who is a bit bored with the dating scene in NYC and finds it more difficult to write witty blog posts about her dating escapades when it's the same ole, same ole. On a whim, she decides that with the odds in her favor and men outnumbering women in Alaska, she should go there and try her hand at dating Alaska style. While she knows that she will be the main attraction in town, she doesn't plan on finding someone worth more than one or two dates. Plans change when Valentine meets local Chief of Police, Logan Burke. He's sweet, kind, funny and oozes sex appeal!! And he isn't interested in just one or two dates with Valentine. He's interested in more.

I'm going to be honest with you. This was a hard book for me to read, but not because it wasn't well-written or enjoyable. It was!! My problem is that I'm still hung up on The Hard Truth About Sunshine. That book is still with me and I found that switching gears from that book to this book was a little difficult. This does not mean you shouldn't read Sex in the Sticks because you should. It's Sawyer Bennett. Just be aware that if you read HTAS, you may find the change in style surprising.

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I absolutely ADORED this book! From beginning to end it kept me absorbed and I couldn’t turn the page fast enough. I don’t know what it is about Sawyer Bennett but I swear every book she writes is ON POINT. She is a writing machine and puts out books faster than any other author yet the quality never wavers. Sex in the Sticks is her latest and it is a MUST READ! It was very Carrie Bradshaw meets an Aidan-esque hottie in Alaska!

Valentine aka the city girl blogger looking for her next story travels far to get away from the NYC metrosexuals and meets Logan Burke, the HOT chief of police in East Merritt, Alaska. The story I was expecting was not what I got, but so much better. I loved Logan from the beginning and Valentine, although a bona fide rich girl, was so down to earth, quirky, and very likable, that I could help but root for her until the end. She and Logan have this insane chemistry that just sizzles and when they come together…WHOA!

Sex in the Stick is a modern day city girl meets country boy story that will have you swooning. Meet Logan Burke and be prepared to have your world turn wild! A must read for all fans of this author and this genre. LOVED!

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Gah! I just LOVEEE Sawyer Bennett. She's the epitome of one of my top must-read authors. And she took what could have been a cookie-cutter story and really made it unique and AMAZING! Sex in the Sticks is a city girl meets a small-town boy story, but Valentine and Logan are two very quirky (in their own way) characters that make this sleepy little Alaskan town liven up when their sparks fly.

She needed a break. He needed something else in his life besides his job. What they weren't counting on was one another. But when they found each other, their banter, and schooling of one another delivered humor and sexy chemistry across the pages. But what happens with their roots come calling?

Valentine and Logan were ridiculously adorable, and sexy as sin together. I loved their story from beginning to end. And I would absolutely LOVE to see more from the world Ms. Bennett has introduced in Sex in the Sticks!

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The city chic meets lumbersexual has been done plenty of times before, however this did not affect my enjoyment of Sex In The Sticks. Valentine goes to Alaska for her own selfish-ish reasons - to get some and to blog about it - I mean, isn't that what mountain men love? Mountin' women?!

I loved the quirky characters of this little town. Kind of reminds me of the characters in Northern Exposure, all that was missing was a moose walking down the main street!

Then there is the local hot cop, Logan. Oh my, that boy is fine! Almost makes me want to do something illegal so he will cuff me (or could put them cuffs to other good uses!). I felt that there was quite a lot of growth in Valentine

Sex In The Sticks is sweet, sexy, funny and adorable read. I can't wait to see which characters get their chance at love next.

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Valentine French is a New York socialite that writes a dating advice column. She gets so tired of going on bad dates that she decides she needs a change of scenery. Her cousin suggests Alaska and even helps her out by making all of her travel arrangements for her. She got more than she bargained for when she shows up in Alaska unprepared for their cold temperature and the small town her cousin rented her room in. Her plan is to date the Alaskan men and continue her advice column. But things don't quite turn out that way. Logan is the police chief in the small town seems to come to Val's rescue often. He, along with everyone else in town, finds her beautiful. This book was funny and sexy. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who is in the mood for a lighthearted, sexy read.

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Review 3.5 Stars

Sex in the Sticks is a rom/com which is something I think is a new genre for this author but I can be wrong.

Valentine French is a New York Socialite, but not your typical snotty one. She writes her own sex and dating advice column, something her family is definitely happy about, but Valentine does what she wants. She is tired of the New York metrosexual men she has been dating as of late. Her cousin Jeremy know just the place where she should go where the men are a plenty, and that would be Alaska.

Upon her arrival, she’s immediately painfully aware that she’s no longer in NY where a cab ride will take you basically anywhere. That’s when Logan Burke, the Chief of Police sees her distress and offers her a ride to her “Bed and Breakfast”. Logan immediately knows that Valentine and her designer luggage stick out like a sore thumb, but ever the gentleman, he’s always rescuing Valentine from the many situations she finds herself in.

Although Valentine does find herself in lumber jack heaven with plenty of men, and went on several dates, she is becoming apparently aware that these men haven’t dated a lot of women. Again, Logan is here for the rescue and the mutual attraction these two have is bound to collide.

I enjoyed the funny banter between Valentine and Logan. Although it could have been a cliche, city girl out of her element in the woods, sought of speak, the author did make it funny. There was some serious miscommunication on Valentine’s part that Logan was a bit sensitive about, which was understandable, but the drama of it all was a little extra in my opinion.

If you’re looking for something a little different from this author, then try Sex in the Sticks for a little comedic relief to your TBR.

*An ARC was provided for an honest review.

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Sex in the Sticks in a light, fun, sexy yet heartwarming read that will definitely leave a smile on your face.

Val is a NYC Girl, socialite and dating-advice columnist who is in a bit of a rut when it comes to the Metrosexual men of New York and just can’t find what she’s looking for. On the advice of her cousin, she decides to head for the “sticks” of Alaska to find the man of her dreams.

Fish out of water is an understatement.

Logan is the local sheriff, who is amused by the city girl trying to fit into the backwoods of Alaska. He decides to show Val what happens when you look beyond.

I absolutely loved Logan. Val, she got on my nerves for a majority of the book, but the chemistry between these two was hot and sweet and frustrating and all the things you love to read about.

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