Member Reviews

Absolutely Amazing!!

Reading stories like this while spending time at the hospital is just amazingly refreshing. I just feel transported to another world while following this amazing charactes journey. (Whole review posted on Amazon and Goodreads at the time of release)

As always, I did purchased my own copy!!

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OH my! What a ride this story was from Sawyer Bennett. I laughed so hard with everything that Valentine got herself into! Right from the start, Valentine captured my interest as she gives up on the New York men and heads to Alaska to see what the men there have to offer. I love the connection her and Logan have straight from the start. Very much sizzling!
I really enjoyed every moment as Valentine tries to navigate the Alaskan wilderness with her trusty pup Sassy. With the dates she goes on then falling down the rabbit hole with Logan, it was a beautiful story. Just the right amount of giggles and passion.
Overall, this book broke my book slump with the wit and banter throughout. It is quite a unique spin on a rich girl trying to rough it! I highly recommend this book if you want some good laughs and swoon worthy moments! I am so looking forward to more in this series!

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4 Stars

Sex In The Sticks, is the first title in the love hurts series and features Valentine a New York Socialite and blogger who is like a fish out of water in the Alaskan wilderness.

A heartwarming read that is a perfect blend of fun, flirty, sweet, sexy and humorous read.

Logan the male lead of Sex In The Sticks, is an endearing character. He's kind, caring and sweet and very like-able. Although his gentlemanly persona hides a dirty talking alpha who likes to be in control in the bedroom.

The chemistry and connection between Val and Logan is hot, believable and quite intense. Sex In The Sticks is told in a dual point of view, and the banter between this pair is fun, flirty and full of humor, and on more than one occasion I was laughing out loud.

A thoroughly enjoyable, and engaging story line that I recommend to anyone who enjoys a contemporary romance, with touches of humor, and look forward to more of the Alaskan wilderness in future titles in the series.

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You can always count on Sawyer Bennett for a fun sexy read, and she does not disappoint with Sex in the Sticks.

Valentine leaves New York City to sample of the variety of men in Alaska. Little does she know she meets the "one" within minutes of landing in Alaska. Logan is the chief of police and rescues Valentine through each of her misadventures. There is great chemistry from the get go.

Logan is a good guy and man enough enough to admit his mistakes and although Valentine seems flighty at first she is anything but especially when she figures out Logan is the total "package".

If you are looking for a fun, sweet but sexy read look no further. Looking forward to the next book in this series.

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Sex in the Sticks is the newest hit from the amazing Sawyer Bennett. It's the first in a series of standalones and I can't even tell you how excited I am. This story is funny, sexy and sweet. It's a smoldering romance that hooked me in from the start, kept me engaged and had me cheering for this couple! Valentine needs a change of scenery. The men she's been dating are all the same. Perfectly coiffed, self-absorbed and too pretty. She's looking for a real man, so off to Alaska she goes. Her first encounter is the sexy, handsome sheriff. He's sweet, helpful and smoking hot. They seem to end up at the same places, so they share meals, beers and fun conversation. But, she's here to date so dating she does. No one seems to compare to Logan, but she's not sure he's interested. Until he calls her gorgeous and sexy and then it's on. Logan is attracted to Valentine, but he's not willing to get involved with her if she's dating all the men in his town. He takes a chance and tells her exactly how he wants her. What he's going to do to her and how much she's going to like it.
Now that's Logan's had her, he wants more and he wants to be the only one. Can he convince Valentine to only date him? Will Valentine realize how much she cares for Logan before it's too late? I loved this story! It's fresh, unique, funny and sexy! Valentine is rich and classy, but she's tough and not afraid of change. Logan is seriously one of the sexiest heroes I've read in a while and I love his dirty, filthy mouth! He's not afraid to say what he wants and how he feels. Overall, I laughed, got hot and bothered, laughed some more and wanted to go hiking and fishing!

He looks up at me, those blue eyes shimmering with laughter, and oh my God… he has dimples. How did I not notice that before? And… oh my fucking God… he shaved, and not I can see his dimples, and wow… that face is just… wow.

"I want you all to myself. Might as well spread it around town… you're off-limits."
"Many hearts will be broken."
"And yet I don’t give a fuck."

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Valentine is a dating columnist whose blog is successful, but lately she’s lacking inspiration, because she is getting tired of the same type of men in New York City. When her cousin suggests that she should go to Alaska to find dating inspiration there, Valentine quite likes the idea, especially because there are more men than women. When she arrives in Alaska she meets Logan,a local sheriff and Valentine realizes the life there is not what she had expected. Valentine and Logan couldn’t be more different, but sparks are flying from the first moment they meet. Is the spark going to last, when things get tough between them?

It was really fun and entertaining read, I very much enjoyed the location in Alaska and the characters, who didn’t fall flat at all. I didn’t like Valentine very much at first, but throughout the book I warmed up to her. I can’t say the same about Logan, he was a great hero from the beginning. Overall I enjoyed it and I’m excitedly waiting for the second book in the series.

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"I know it's a double standard, but apparently there is some Neanderthal in me after all."

THIS. This one was classic Sawer Bennett. I know I read her all the time. I know I share her all the time. I know I tell you to read her books all the time. LET THIS BOOK THE ONE. No matter if it's hockey or sex clubs, friends to lovers or murder mystery....Sawyer Bennett has a way of sucking you right into a story with understanding and depth. THIS one was a FUN book! I read this one with giggles and glee!!! So funny and so good.

The premise was a little different for me, so I knew this one was going to keep me entertained. I was honestly curious how SB was going to endear me to a rich socialite who was going to "rough it" in the wilderness of Alaska. It didn't sound plausible to me. I mean, a spoiled "rich bitch" being all pretentious and expecting things done for her and being a snot? Yes, I had preconceived notions but SB blew them out of the water. So fun! I'm still smiling from this book!!

LET'S TALK ABOUT these characters!! Valentine was not your typical socialite. Once you dive down deeper in the "who you are" category of her, you see she is a talented and educated woman that lives life and has a good head on her shoulders. I really liked her. She wasn't pretentious. She wasn't rude. She wasn't hoity-toity. She was a very confident woman setting out to do something fun. And what a culture shock she had! Giggle worthy moments mixed in with some sweet moments, I really enjoyed her character depth.

As for Logan? Oh my gosh. I am a sucker for a gentleman without pretense. Logan was a confident man, but very sweet and I loved it!! I almost think "sweet" isn't the right descriptor for him. He was an understated alpha, but sweet as sin. He was genuine....true, real, down-to-Earth. Any way you describe it, he was perfect. It feels like he had two sides, but he really didn't. Logan made sure to take care of business, and he did it with chivalry and courtesy. He was such a good guy! Logan has to be one of my favorite characters from SB. He was perfect!! OH!!! And he has a dirty mouth.....just saying.

This story was everything I needed and wanted in a story and SB did it justice. Her writing is so descriptive. the smiles are totally contagious while you read this one. These characters were so full of heat and intensity in the bedroom, but I feel like the passion they had was in their experiences they shared with each other. I loved watching their relationship grow. Was it without bumps in the road? No. Not at all, but they grew from their mistakes too. While it started off a little slow, it was a GREAT read for me. I can't recommend it enough!!!

And this is a standalone in a new series....let the excitement continue!

"And now here she is, sitting next tome looking like she stepped out of a glossy fashion magazine and smelling amazing too, and I might as well enjoy this..."

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So, Sex In The Sticks introduces us to Valentine, Val or Valley if you're a friend. She's rich, she talks about how rich she is, a lot.

I have to say, as an introduction to a character, for me personally, Valentine's was a bit jarring. She came across as spoilt and living in a different world to those of us not born to millionaire parents.

Logan seemed a bit boring to me, although I think I may be in the beginning stages of a book rut (if you saw my to-read list you'd be just as worried about this as I am). However, I could see the appeal of his steady personality to someone like Valentine who was bored of her current dating pool and metrosexual men.

I've read Sawyer Bennett books from 3 series and one standalone and I think this is the one I've connected to the least. Some writers have a distinctive style so that whatever book you're reading in whatever situation you can tell it's been written by them. Sawyer's writing style seems to be specific to each character and so if you don't start off liking the character it might not appeal to you as much.

I want to make it clear that a) this is still a good romance book, it just didn't make me personally swoon b) this book isn't fully my cup of tea (it's like when you've made the perfect cup but forget about it until it's lukewarm) but it could be yours so check it out!

I did like the character growth in this book, as I mentioned before Valentine came across as quite snobby whilst trying to pretend she wasn't (she was) earlier in the book whereas by the end I felt she was more in touch with normal people and how people live in different parts of America.

I did find the ending to be cute and I'm definitely going to keep buying Sawyer Bennett's books (She's actually one of the authors in my Author Spotlight series)!

Rating: 3 stars

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Sawyer Bennett just keeps getting better with each book she writes. I love that she can write down and dirty or sweet and sexy. This book was a little mix of both. She brought the romance for this one with plenty of sexy times and a little humor for just the perfect fluffy, fun romantic book.

I love how Sawyer can make you laugh out loud one minute and make you hot around the collar the next. Her characters are likeable and relatable and her writing is smooth. This was a stand-alone story with very little angst. It was fun and sexy with lots of swoon worthy moments.

This is one of Sawyer’s best books and not something you’ll want to miss. Logan Burke is a deliciously, sexy wilderness man.

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4.5 STARS I really enjoyed this book! This was a funny, sweet, and sexy read! To be honest I thought the beginning was kinda boring with all the high class fashion talk. But I fell in love with the story soon after the beginning! The story takes place in Alaska full of lumberjacks, loggers, bar owner and a swoon worthy chief of police!

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I really liked the premise of the book…it was pretty unique to anything I’ve read. This is a relatively quick, cute, well written read if a bit predictable. The supporting cast was great and they set the stage for a very entertaining series.

I liked Valentine a lot. She is filthy rich but extremely down to earth. She embraced the change from high profile NY socialite to Alaskan wilderness woman with enthusiasm and handled the change well, only needing a little input from the locals about how to survive. She is smart, witty and beautiful which is a lethal combination for the resident males of East Merritt, Alaska.

Logan is a bit lethal himself – a ruggedly handsome mountain man with more experience with woman than most of the locals. He’s endearingly sweet although he (like other men I know) blew things out of proportion without listening to reason a couple of times. He is absolutely charmed by Valentine pretty much from the beginning.

Their chemistry is off the charts and they definitely were made for each other, both handling the other with an ease that can only be natural.

I loved the epilogue and hope we see more of them in future books in the series.

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Valentine is a rich blogger who's become bored with life--dating life included. Valentine swears love, marriage and kids are NOT in her future. Her parents weren't around while she was young and they each cheated on the other throughout their marriage. While she believes in a monogamous relationship, she just doesn't think love is in the books for her. Her best friend and cousin, suggests she change things up a bit and date a different type of guy. So she allows Jeremy to make reservations for her to go to Alaska where the ratio of men to women is greatly skewed in Valentine's favor.

Logan, Chief of Police and Mayor of East Merritt, happens to be in the right place at the time. He's in Ketchikan to pick up new police supplies when he first lays eyes on Valentine. He thinks she's drop dead gorgeous, but out of place. He offers to take her to East Merritt and so it begins....Logan is repeatedly called to "rescue" Valentine and her dog. He thinks she's hilarious, but a breath of fresh air.

Valentine has told Logan she's in East Merritt to date, but doesn't know she's blogging about her dating experiences. Valentine blogs about her date and sex life with Logan, but decides she can no longer share Logan through her blog when her feelings for him deepen. When Logan finds out about her deception, he demands she move out while he's out of town visiting his family. Valentine is devasted and heartbroken. She knows she doesn't deserve Logan, but doesn't know how she can live without him. Logan thought he found "the one", but doesn't know if he can forgive her.

Loved it, loved it, loved it! I think it was one of the sexiest, funniest novels I've read in a long time! This is a stand-alone, second chance novel. If you're into rugged, sexy, sweet, Alpha men, I highly recommend this novel!!! I read a gifted copy and all opinions stated are my own.

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4.5 stars

Sex in the Sticks was such a fun read! When I read the blurb, at first I was a bit worried about Valentine being a stuck up snob and how that would play out, but I really should have known better. After all this is a Sawyer Bennett story and she never lets me down!

Val is definitely the product of a high society New York family, spending her days shopping and blogging about her escapades in a Sex and the City kind of way, but she also doesn't really fit in with that high society crowd. She is really getting bored with her life, so when her cousin Jeremy talks her into an impromptu trip to Alaska for a a change in scenery and the quality of men she decides to go for it. And let the fun begin! This city girl has no idea what wilderness living is all about, so she steps off the ferry in Alaska dressed to the nines with her tiny dog in her purse and surrounded by 5 Louis Vuitton suitcases filled with clothes completely inappropriate for the environment searching vainly for a cab that doesn't exist. Fortunately sexy police chief Logan Burke is there to come to her rescue, and suddenly this trip is looking up again.

Logan is more than mildly amused at the beautiful creature standing on the dock but he is surprised to find that she is not entirely what he expected. Valentine French is classy and clearly has more money than anyone around these parts, but she also has a wicked sense of humor and she doesn't try to throw her money around obnoxiously. Instead she starts trying to find a way to blend in a little better almost immediately and embraces the adventure she decided to undertake. Of course it is not going to go smoothly as she did very little research on what life in Alaska would really be like, and Logan finds himself coming to her rescue again and again... yet neither one of them really minds!

Val's little adventures and her dates kept a smile on my face, and she can't help but compare every man she meets to the gorgeous police chief. When one bad decision by Val could have disastrous consequences, Logan is relieved to be the one to help her out yet again and the attraction between them finally reaches the boiling point. Then the fun really begins, but there is still one little problem: Logan doesn't know about Val's blog which could come back to bite her in the butt and not in a good way.

I loved experiencing Alaska through her eyes as starts to acclimate to this completely new type of life. She is also really a good-hearted person who does what she can to get to know the people of the town and help them where she can. Both she and Logan fall head over heels for each other, but communication is not their strongest suit so they have a few bumps along the way. There is a great cast of secondary characters in the story as well, so I am definitely looking forward to more of this series in the future!

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Loved everything about this book - the storyline, the Alaskan setting. Sawyer Bennett has done a great job in developing the passionate relationship between Valentine and Logan. Sex in the Sicks also has a well thought out plot and the characters are very likeable, i really did liked the relationship that Valentine had with Jeremy it made a nice change for the heroine's best friend/confidant to be a guy.
This is an fantastic read with humour fun and sexiness, its a good chill out relax in the bath or a day on the couch book. It's another hit from Sawyer for sure. Will recommend this book and author to everyone. Left review on

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Sex in The Sticks is a new series starter for Sawyer Bennett. It was totally enjoyable, making me laugh at times, definitely hot at times, and wanting to flog the main characters a few times as well!

Valentine French is a dating blogger in New York who is tired of dating metrosexuals, so she heads off to Alaska, where the men are 15 to 1. She then goes on a dating glut, but gets herself into some crazy situations. Enter Logan, the chief of police and mayor. He’s there to help her out of all of her crazy situations and eventually dates her. But then there’s the blog.

So typical of Sawyer, I just loved this book. Aside from a couple of instances of wanting to slap the main characters, especially Logan, these characters are just fantastic. But I would expect nothing less from one of her books.

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This story was different from others that I have read by Sawyer Bennett this one had a much lighter feel to it and it had a minimal amount of angst that mostly came from misunderstandings.

Logan....well, I'm not sure what to say about him other than He had me at DIMPLES! ;) Geeze I love me some dimples. Not only is he the sexy chief of police for New Merritt Alaska but he is the sweetest man that is constantly going out of his way to help a wayward traveler from New York....Valentine. Valentine writes a blog about her love life including her sexcapades, a blog that her mother voices her dislike for on numerous occasions.

Valentine has given up on men basically ignoring her while they are on a date so she has decided to see if men are like that everywhere, so her cousin Justin books her on a trip but doesn't give her much detail other than in Alaska the ratio of men to women is 15:1...sounds like good odds to me ;)

Overall this was an enjoyable read and a good start to a new series by one of my favorite authors, I look forward to seeing what she has install for us next.

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Sawyer Bennett anything is always an immediate one-click for me. Sex in the Sticks did not disappoint!

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Wow!! Sex in the Sticks by Sawyer Bennett blew me away. After a slow start I found that I couldn’t put down this book. Rich, socialite Valentine French might have enjoyed dating metrosexual guys but I found them boring and egocentric. I enjoyed the banter Val had with Logan Burke, sheriff and mayor of East Merritt, Alaska. Logan was definitely an alpha male with no metrosexual tendencies. Val also impressed me with her ability to adapt to living in this small town after living in New York City. Ms. Bennett did a nice job balancing the sexy with the humorous.

This might have been one of the first Sawyer Bennett books I’ve read and will not be the last. I highly recommend this book to other readers.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

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OK, I am not going to lie. When I first saw this title, for some unknown reason, before I read the blurb, my twisted mind thought “sticks” meant hockey sticks. Please, do not ask me why, I do not know, well maybe because Sawyer Bennett writes such phenomenal Cold Fury Hockey stories (which I totally love). Imagine my surprise, my delighted surprise, when the book takes place in the “sticks” of Alaska. A place that I can only dream of ever seeing, but is on my bucket list.
This is the story of Valentine French and Logan Burke. Val or Valley, as her friends call her, is a blogger about dating in New York City. But, lately she has been having trouble writing her blog. The men are all the same. They all seem to be self-absorbed men, more worried about themselves than anything else. She needs a change of scenery. When her cousin suggests East Merritt, Alaska, the inspiration hits.
Logan Burke is sheriff of East Merritt. He, like every other hot blooded male in East Merritt likes what he sees the first time he sets his eyes on Val. But, he also sees that this city slicker will be nothing but trouble. First, he must rescue her dog, Sassy when she runs off. Then, he must take her shopping for clothes fit for Alaskan weather. Then, he must rescue Val herself, when she gets lost in the forest. Nothing, but trouble.
I LOVED watching these two, the city slicker and the small-town sheriff, fall in love. It seems in this case opposites did attract. But when Logan finds out about the blog and what she…. stop!!! No spoilers.
I loved this sweet, yes, sweet, but definitely, a sizzling HOT story, with all of the ins and outs of small town living. And Logan really should have realized that the gossips, had their information wrong about…. Darn it, I said no spoilers. But, I will say Logan should have known better.
I was gifted with a copy of the wonderful, emotional story for my honest opinion. I will say this about this book, if you like a wonderful, hot, sexy romantic story, you can’t go wrong with Sex in the Sticks.
Thank you for reading my review.

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