Member Reviews

I'll go 3.5 stars on this. I had heard about this author and was happy to receive this review copy from the publisher via Netgalley. I admit, the prologue and first couple of chapters had me eye rolling and wondering what I was getting myself into. Not a huge fan of alternating first POV and Val and Jeremy didn't start off on the right foot with me...BUT...then Val gets to Alaska and the book picked up.

I loved Logan and the whole small town of East Merritt, Alaska. The chemistry and romance was fun and flirty and for a while Logan and Val were burning the pages up. Then, we had the inevitable breakup and makeup for the HEA and I didn't enjoy it as much.

So, overall I loved the middle, but the beginning and end lacked a little for me which is why I'm going 3.5 stars.

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It's an entertaining and sexy journey to HEA for a pampered city girl when she heads to Alaska in search of that endangered species...a rugged and sexy man's man. It's an eclectic group of men she soon meets but it's the commanding and caring sheriff who has her ready to swap her silk for flannel. From sexy encounters to humorous exchanges theirs is a fun and flirty relationship. Once the truth about what brought her into the wilderness is discovered hurt feelings and forgiveness abound as readers watch them work their way to an immensely satisfying conclusion.

Valentine French comes from wealth but hates the pressure put on her by her parents because of it. She hates their mockery of marriage which has dimmed her own feelings when it comes to relationships. In an act of rebellion she starts a blog where she critiques dating the men of New York along with the trappings of the wealthy. The handsome but bland men she's been dating frustrate her and finally have her fleeing the city in search of men who are the true definition of maleness. Arriving in Alaska is both a bust and a success once she meets Sheriff Logan Burke. Theirs is a crackling connection from the moment they meet with her citified air and his rugged demeanor. The more he challenges her the more self-assured she becomes though, the more down-to-earth as she learns to do things on her own. She may start off as a fish out of water but she quickly finds a place for herself amongst the colorful town denizens. She's a breath of fresh air upon her glamorous arrival but soon becomes reliant on herself as she takes up permanent residence which had me cheering her on. Val may start off a bit superficial but there's surprising substance behind her glittery facade that slowly endeared her to me. She was sweet and likable and I enjoyed her awkward start that belied her strong will. Once the truth comes out about her blog she yearns to make amends in a way that showed just how strong she's become and which made me like her all the more.

Logan Burke once thought he had his whole life planned out with a career a woman by his side until all that fell apart and he escaped to the wilderness to start over. He loves his job and the people of his town and it's clear he thinks of them as family. The moment he sees Val his entire life gets turned upside down as her city ways charm him along with her curvy body and confident nature. As they quickly evolve from friends to lovers their encounters melted the pages while forging a more definitive connection. He's caring yet dominant in the bedroom while being a true gentleman as he helps whenever he can and encourages Val in living life her own way. He values truth above all else though and it's what pulls them apart in a choice that's frustrating but made their reunion all that much richer.

This was a fun and flirty read with an erotically-charged romance that showed Logan and Val as friends and lovers. They're immensely likable as individuals and as a couple they're formidable. Val may have bumbled her way into town but she quickly became another colorful member of their family which ultimately helped bring her and Logan back to one another. The denizens of this small town were equally likable with their own romantic issues and it was endearing seeing them be won over by Val's breath of fresh air. Add it all up and it's a story that put a smile on my face while charming me every step of the way. On a whole readers will find a scorching romance full of heart and soul that puts another feather in Ms. Bennett's writing cap!

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I normally love Sawyer Bennett's books. But I just could never fully get into this one. I finished the book, but never got attached to any of the characters. I would probably give the others in the series a chance.
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book provided by NetGalley.

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Rich, NYC girl meets dirty-talking Alaskan small-town cop.

“I want to feel really wanted. I want to drive a man crazy. I want him to look at me like I’m an oasis in the desert.”

Valentine French, of the obscenely rich and upright French family of New York, is a dating and sex columnist – much to her family’s disgust. The only family member who supports her is her best friend and cousin, Jeremy. Fed up of her metrosexual dating disasters, she admits that she’s looking for a real man. Jeremy suggests that she should go to Alaska where there is a high ratio of men to women – men who she could date and write about in her new column. When she arrives in Alaska, things are not quite what she expected. It is all well beyond her comfort zone and what she’s used to. However, she is nothing but pragmatic and takes everything in her stride, especially when the local Chief of Police catches her eye.

Logan Burke is captivated by the vision that is Valentine French – even though she looks like a complete fish out of water in his town. However, as he gets to know her, he realises that in spite of her apparent wealth, there’s no snobbiness or airs about her. She’s genuine, sexy and hugely alluring. She’s driving all the men in East Merritt wild. He’s surprised by his jealousy but strives not to overstep the bounds of friendship.

Valentine thinks that he’s not interested in her, as he doesn’t seem to be affected by her presence. She can’t stop thinking about him, and she’s equally grateful and mortified that he always seems to be coming to her rescue. She finds him gorgeous and manly – the total package. When they both give in to their desires, things really start to feel serious. However, Valentine’s visit has an expiration date, plus she hasn’t disclosed the small fact that she’s a popular sex columnist.

This was a fun, funny, and downright dirty story. I thought Valentine was a fantastic female character – strong, sassy, but pretty down-to-earth considering her background and upbringing. I loved how friendly she was to everybody and how she embraced her temporary way of life. Logan is hot! He’s a solid, honourable guy and, oh my god, what a dirty mouth! LOL

I loved their story – fighting for a relationship in the midst of jealousy, gossip and secrets. A fab read!

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This uncorrected advanced copy was provided by the publisher for an honest review.
Valentine and Logan couldn’t be more different, yet their chemistry heats up the pages. Valentine is New York socialite who writes a blog detailing her dating experiences with the elite New York bachelors. Looking for new fodder for her blog, she travels to Alaska hoping to find hunkier, more appealing men to date. Meet Logan Burke, sheriff of East Merritt, Alaska; he is a sexy, dirty boy with a sweet side, Valentine can’t resist him. This book is a witty, steamy and compulsive read. You can’t help but love both Valentine and Logan as well as the supporting characters who help enhance the story. Absolutely, loved this book!

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Sex in the Sticks was all kinds of sweet and adorable and wonderful! I thoroughly enjoyed it and I am sure that it has something to do with the way the author made me feel and how she provided such an atmospheric depiction of Alaska, more precisely of East Merritt.

Valentine French is regarded as the “ it girl” of New York city, thanks to her successful blog. She seems to have it all- she is rich, drop dead gorgeous and only party with the elite. However, despite, her wealth, Valentine has a disregard for high society. She is fed up with men in NY and essentially with the way they treat her.

“I want to feel really wanted. I want to drive a man crazy. I want him to look at me like I’m an oasis in the desert. I want a man who would battle an army just for the chance to be with me, and once he was with me, he’d battle a million armies just to keep me. Men here aren’t like that.”

She needs a change of scenery and decides to go for a vacation-slash-timeout, in Alaska.
“I’m all about what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. If men can date multiple women, so too can women do the same.”

Logan is the East Merritt Chief of Police. Everybody knows him and appreciates him. He notices straight away Valentine when she arrives as she was clearly out of her comfort zone and not your typical East Merritt woman.
He's all -mountain man, I take what I want and I take care of what I own. He bonds quickly with Valentine and loves her sass and her no filter attitude. With Valentine what you see is what you get.
Valentine is determined to find inspiration in Alaska for her blog. Will she find her prince charming? Can the NYC sassy lady fall for the alpha male?

”We know there’s an expiration date on this thing. So let’s make every day count, okay?”

This is one hell of an entertaining book. The whole town is involved, gossiping and is cheering for Val and Logan ( apart from some women ;-) ) and there are some crazy mountain town people shenanigans going on.

This was another great Sawyer Bennett read..

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This was a fun, little predictable, great supporting cast, 3.5 read.
Valentine is a rich girl from Manhattan who writes a blog about the men she dates. When she becomes bored with the men of New York, her BF cousin suggest she go to Alaska where the "men are men". She decides this is a great idea, but when she arrives things are not what she expects. So begins a series of giggles.
Logan is the Police Chief who helps her and she finds herself very attracted to him. She has to remind herself she is there to date and blog.
I think i was good until toward the end when she begins dating Logan and is outed for blogging about him and he acts out of character when he gets completely shuts her out. It seemed extreme to me. I also couldn't relate to Valentine. She seemed kinda self involved, and yet took to Alaska quite quickly. All in all a good read.

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Alaska, a hot sheriff (and jack of many trades), a sassy New Yorker and her happy pooch made for a funny, romantic, and hot steamy story by Sawyer Bennett.

Valentine (aka Val or Valley)

This chick….her inner monologue had me cracking up so often throughout this book. Her blog entries were just as hilarious and oh so truthful and entertaining. Her dating journey in NY has her hightailing it away and her destination is…Alaska, of all places! I was hooked at that, it’s a place I have always wanted to visit and I just knew that the written description would give me such a beautiful visual image in my mind.


Can I just start by saying WOW what a guy. From the moment we meet him he is sweet and thoughtful. He seems generous and willing to help out anyone in need, maybe it’s part of his job but he goes above and beyond in all that he does, and I mean all ;) Logan does a little bit of everything in the small town Val lands in. Everyone knows and loves him, it’s no wonder Val was drawn to him.

It was quite comical reading all the trouble that Valentine kept getting herself into, and the fact that Logan always was there to lend a helping hand and rescue her. Cold weather, bears, horny lumberjacks….he’s a regular knight in shining armor for this girl….saving her more that just a few times. What was odd though was that Val was kind of a contradiction….she was so strong and independent (a NY upbringing and absent parents helped with that I think) but she was so helpless outside of her comfortable bubble of the city. I loved that she knew what she wanted right from the start, she started work on her new project right away. What caught me off guard was how quickly she came to abandon it….her heart was changing, thanks to Logan, and she did the right thing.

Ahhhh but it can’t all be that good right? Sure she came to realize that her plans were changing but there was no way she was getting off the hook that easy. When the angst hit, it hit hard. I wasn’t expecting things to unfold the way they did….I needed to know how this would all end!

Grab Sex in the Sticks and laugh and swoon your little heart out…and learn a thing or two about life in Alaska LOL

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Sex in the Sticks by Sawyer Bennett was nothing like what I expected! This was a fun, sexy and heartwarming romance about Valentine French and Logan Burke.

Valentine is a very well to do woman. She comes from a family of money and is sort of the black sheep of the family. Val live in Manhattan, does not work but runs a blog detailing her dating life. Which is boring as of late. Different guys yet all the same, she needs a change of pace.

At the persistence of her cousin, Val decides to go to Alaska to see how different the men are. She’s up for a new adventure, with some REAL manly men, and will document the process for her followers on her blog. She couldn’t have picked a more different world to relocate to if she tried!

A New York woman in the Alaska, what could possibly go wrong?

The minute Valentine walks off the boat, Logan Burke, Chief of Police for East Merritt, knows she is going to be a hot commodity in his town. In a place consisting of mostly lumberjacks, fishermen and loggers, and VERY few woman, a Manhattan princess is unheard of. Little does Logan know that is exactly what Valentine is counting on.

Logan and Valentine keep running into each other day after day and they begin a friendship. Until more of the town’s men start taking in interest in Val and asking her on dates. Logan has no right to be jealous, should he?

Logan and Valentine had such great chemistry. I love the fact they became fast friends and how extremely caring and helpful Logan was. Even though Logan knew this city slicker didn’t know what she was doing, he went out of his way to be helpful, all while maintaining a safe distance from the drop dead gorgeous woman who everyone loved.

The man is a complete gentleman….but inside the bedroom….HOT DAMN. Those sex scenes? I’m still blushing! (But I loved every single word of it😉)

Also, I loved the Alaskan backdrop. It was something totally unique and fun to read about. Lumberjacks, fisherman and loggers..OH MY!!

Will Valentine and Logan be able to make the most of their time together before she heads back to New York? What will Logan do once he reads her blog? One click Sex in the Sticks today and find out!

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I've read and reviewed several books by Sawyer Bennett and I'm always excited to see a new release from her. Just looking at the cover and reading the synopsis you know this is going to be humorous and fun book.

Her character development in this book is right on. Oh my gosh! I loved the character of Val. While we expect a snooty socialite, what we get is a funny, down to earth woman looking for a M A N.

And Logan is a sweet, caring, touching, strong, Big boy who doesn't even know his feelings for Val. I need one like him!

And when things go south, and you just know they will, trying to figure out how they'll bring it all together keeps you turn in these pages fast.

Sex in the Sticks is funny, sexy, and downright hot read you've got to check out. Make sure you have some time set aside because you will be fanning yourself while savoring every word!

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This was so incredibly witty and sexy! Single girl visits Alaska, adventurous fun. It's a perfect lighter read that had me smiling the entire time! Loved every single second!

The theme in my notes was fun and entertaining (I wrote that a countless amount of times!). It was just super cute and made me happy. I loved Valentine and Logan so much. The ease they had with each other as they meet and become friends and things develop was awesome. I loved that pull they had, the great conversations and dialogue. It all had me hooked. They were just so fun together. It was flirty and playful with witty dialogue.

I love Valentine. She totally put herself out out there trying new things with abandon and I loved that she was all in even though she was out of her element. I love how she doesn't really fit in but somehow she seems to belong there. Valentine’s just a tough chick and full of life. And Logan… oh my! Hello sweet, sexy, and dirty talking chief of police. I love how caring he was and just there for her. I was charmed by him. Loved the build to the heat as well. It was very swoon worthy!

The writing was great. It was an entertaining, light read. It was pretty drama free except for a bit of conflict in the story that helped round everything out, I loved those ups and downs. They had good development as characters, enough to really pull you in. Val and Logan were extremely likable and I adored the town they were in and all the friendships that Valentine made.

I laughed so many times while reading this! It was the perfect read on the lighter side that just made me smile through all of Valentine’s adventures. Loved it! Definitely a feel good story. It would be the perfect beach read. Just kick back, laugh, and enjoy!

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This is a great book; this is the first book in the Love Hurts series written by Sawyer Bennett. This is a great book with a wonderful story and well developed characters. This book will keep you reading long into the night. If you are looking for a great book, then you need to read this book. I am looking forward to reading the next book by this great author. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader’s copy of this book. The free book held no determination on my personal review.

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Love this book! Sawyer Bennett entertains me each and every time.

Hot guys and Alaska! I look forward to this series.

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Well written storyline with well defined characters hooked me right into their story from the very beginning and kept me totally enthralled until the very end!

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book.

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Holy Alaska!! Book me a ticket now. My bags are packed and ready to go.

I loved, loved, loved this book!!! It super sexy, funny and deliciously dirty. I could not put it down. I laughed and swooned and just absolutely fell in love with everything about this book. Sawyer Bennett has written another insanely addictive story that I devoured in a day.

Logan and Valentine will steal your heart with their banter, romance and off the charts chemistry. I simply got lost in these two and couldn't get enough. Sex in the Sticks will go down as another perfectly written romance that left me satisfied and begging for more.

~ Kimberly Anne

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4 stars

Sex in the Sticks was a fun, steamy and very entertaining read.
From the first few pages I was hooked, the storyline was well written, the plot easy to follow and held my interest all throughout the book.

Valentine and Logan were likable, passionate characters that I easily connected with and loved watching them come together.
They had amazing chemistry and could totally see them having a fun and happy life together.

Sex in the Sticks by Sawyer Bennett is the first book in the Love Hurts series and I highly recommend it.
Looking forward to the next book Jilted which comes out July 11th.

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*ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.*

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I loved this book! It was a highly entertaining fish out of water story and Logan and Valentine not only had great chemistry they had great friendship too. I loved watching these two fall in love and I fell in love with the residents of East Merrett Alaska. I loved watching Valentine come into her own, learn more about who she is and what she is capable of. It was great watching her mature and toughen up as she falls for Logan. I loved Logan’s character, just an all around good guy, with a spectacularly dirty mouth behind closed doors. And I loved most of the rest of the town too! There were of course a couple troublemakers and I’m curious to see if they stay that way or if they get a chance to mature and find love too, assuming there will be more books in store for this town (PLEASE tell me there are more books planned for this town!!) Like I said I loved this book, it is a tremendously fun read and I can’t wait for more. I received an ARC of this book from the publisher through Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

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So I love Sawyer Bennett's stories, so I knew going in that I was gonna enjoy this story. I mean big city girl goes to Alaska to check out the available men? Sounds like a recipe for good comedy and maybe some steamy goodness too right? Absolutely right and so much more!

Valentine French may be a well dressed and maybe a bit spoiled, but she's no fool. She's tired of all the slick metrosexual wimps that NYC is full of, and she's looking for a real honest to goodness man. So after her cousin mentions Alaska, she thinks why not; but East Merritt is not exactly what she planned. Oh there's plenty of hotness and she lines up 3 dates in her first night. She also meets one amazingly hot chief of police that just happens to be the hottest thing she's ever seen and he's a nice man to boot! Logan Burke, is definitely intrigued by Valentine from first sight but he's trying to keep his wits about him around this sexy city girl. Too bad they just seem to keep colliding when she needs saving in one way or another.

I have to say that I loved seeing the evolution of these two into a couple. They were playful and just seemed to bring out the good in the other. Valentine really grows and finds her way with Logan, realizing that what starts as a social experiment for her blog becomes so much more that she's not willing to share with her fans. The hotness factor between Logan and Valentine was off the charts as well! Logan is definitely not lacking in any department and he knows how to make Val a boneless mess! So what happens when Logan finds out about the blog? Can these two from such different places find a place that's just their own? Well I'd say you need to visit East Merritt, Alaska and maybe have SEX IN THE STICKS for yourself.

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This is quite a playful, fun book for Sawyer Bennett. Don't get me wrong—there are also a lot of her signature hot, sexy moments, but the story is cute and light. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I loved the book’s setting in Alaska.

Valentine is a wealthy socialite who writes a blog on dating and sex. She's bored with the men of New York and decides to head to Alaska to check out the uber-lumberjacks and do a little experiment. She meets Logan just as she arrives in Alaska, and they strike up an easy friendship. He's the local sheriff, and he's charmed and attracted to Valentine.

They are pretty cute as they get to know each other, and the chemistry steadily builds between them. Logan begins to realize that he doesn’t like seeing Valentine dating other men. When they do cross the line of friendship into romantic, the sparks fly and both develop feelings quickly. They are very different people with very different lifestyles; therefore, both consider this a fling and neither believes it could go anywhere. Sex in the Sticks is a delightful small town, Alaskan romance that will have you laughing and smiling. Sawyer Bennett has another book on my keeper shelf.

ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley, but this review was voluntarily and honestly written.

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That is it. I am moving to Alaska and finding myself an Alaskan man. They are true gentlemen who know how to treat a woman right both in and out of the bedroom.

Valentine is trying to break out of her funk that she is in with the men of New York. She thinks that Alaska will be her solution because the odds are in her favor. And she hit th lottery with Logan. He is rugged, handsome, well-endowed and treats her like a queen. She knows what she wants in life and is not afraid to ask for it.

While I love me some alpha males I really enjoyed the fact that Logan was more on the timid side. Don't get me wrong, his alpha male did make appearances especially in the bedroom but there was a softer side of him and I loved seeing a romance where the female is the dominant essentially.

I have read plenty of Sawyer Bennett books and this one is ranked high up there for one of my favorites. It's light-hearted and fun and is not one of those stories that will rip your heart and soul right from your chest. It's a quick and relaxing read, perfect for a day at the beach. Especially since the sun tan will hide your blush when you read some of the love scenes.

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