Member Reviews

Yes, another winner by Sawyer Bennett. I do not know how she can write such widely diverse stories and hit each and every one out of the ballpark! But she does and she makes it seem effortless. Now, if she reads this review I can see her shaking her head at that last comment, but as a reader and someone who has read EVERYTHING she has written, I am constantly amazed by how involved I can become in her characters. I never feel like I just couldn't get into the story, or felt the guy and gal didn't have any chemistry, because I can truly say I have never felt that way about her books. This book is no exception. I loved Valentine and Logan. Their courtship felt real and I could see the story as if I were watching a "Lifetime movie"! I loved the setting...another new place for her to place her stories . I loved Valentine's sass and her view of life that even though she had tons of money, She didn't come across as a snob.....a bit naive about the environment she was in, but still, she felt such joy in being able to live her life. Logan was as alpha as anyone who loves a good alpha male could be! Overall, this story rocked! Thanks as always to the publisher for allowing me to read this for an honest review. Obviously, I loved it.

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Valentine is bored out of her mind with the NYC men and by talking with her cousin, she comes up with the idea of going to Alaska and checkout the dating scene there. Since the ratio of mento women is very high, she is certain to find a real man. When she gets there she keeps meeting Logan, the chief of police of East Merit where she's going. All kind of funny adventures happens to her and Logan is always there for her. Can a NYC socialite make a life in Alaska or not? Is Logan the man of her dreams? In classic Sawyer Bennett fashion,this book will make you laugh so hard you will be crying. The chemistry between the characters is real and the habitants of East Merit also. I volunteered to read this book and I am now packing to go off to Alaska!!!

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Let's just get to the goods right away, shall we? I absolutely did not expect this book to be as hot as it was. I've been a Sawyer Bennett fan for a while and I know what she is capable of but I admit that I semi stereotyped this type of book into the safe category. Meaning that I thought it was going to be a bit tame on the steamy side of things. THANKFULLY I was completely wrong. While Sex in the Sticks is sweet and fun, it sure packs one powerful sex punch. I'm pretty sure I made that up but you get where I'm going with it.

Valentine French is a NYC Socialite who runs a blog about her dating life. Fed up with the Metrosexual men she's used to, she ends up in Alaska in hopes to serial date a bunch of lumberjacks and to try out "real men." Her trip is funny and sometimes over the top but it kept me wanting to know more and to see how everything played out.

Logan Burke happens to be the Chief of Police in the small town that Valentine ends up at and he's one sexy, loyal and swoon worthy man. He immediately finds himself in Valentine's path a lot and eventually they see each other for more than just friends. Logan will steal your hearts immediately, Ladies. Consider yourself warned. He's a true gentleman with a filthy mouth that turns your insides all gooey and tingly.

Overall, I enjoyed this book. It was fun, light-hearted for most of the time and steamy. If you are looking for the rugged small town swoon worthy man who rescues the big city Socialite, then this is the book for you. You'll laugh and have your heart beating, that's for sure. There's also a bit of a How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days feel, minus the attempt to do things to drive him away. If you are a freak about that movie like I am, then you'll get it.

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My 4 star review is posted on Goodreads and will be posted on blog and social media on release tour and links will be updated at that time.. UPDATED 5/2/17

Dating and sex advice columnist, Valentine French is in need of some good men and inspiration for her blog articles. She is tired of the same wealthy, self centered, society types she dates in her social circle in New York. So when her cousin suggests she go somewhere different--like Alaska--to sample the burly, working men there, she takes off on her adventure. She thinks she will complete a great social experiment, but had no idea what she was really going to find.

Logan Burke is the East Merritt Chief of Police and Mayor in their small Alaska town. He knows everyone and is the guy people depend on. But he is also handsome, sweet, helpful, and seems to develop a habit of rescuing her. But he also has an alpha edge and dirty mouth.

Her misadventures become the talk of the town. And Logan watches her try to navigate her new surroundings as the new eligible woman in a town full of randy men. But he always ends up being her savior. Val and Logan find an attraction and interest, but don't always agree on how she should do things. When they get together, it's good--very good--but due to their differences it is also easy to have misunderstandings, disappointment, and jealousy.

Is it just a social experiment, hot sex in the sticks, or real romance? They seem to be building trust, but are both in unchartered waters. There is an expiration date looming. And Logan does not know all of Val's secrets that could ruin the trust and bond that they have formed.

Can a city girl fall for small town charm and the man who is different than any other she has ever known? And can a strong, rugged, alpha male take on a rich, city girl and make her happy?

This one thrives on a little lust, love, laughs, and maybe some fate. This is told in dual points of view. It is light, fun, sexy, and sweet without a lot of angst or drama. Logan and Val had great chemistry and banter. Val especially grew on me more and more as the book went on as she became more brave, tenacious, and adventurous. Logan was charming and swoony, but he did have his moments of being judgmental, impulsive, and a moody. But overall, I really liked them together and how they balanced each other out. The small town Alaska setting and the quirky inhabitants added more entertainment and a bit of drama. This is the first in the Love Hurts series of stand-alones set in small towns, and the second one will be titled Jilted.

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I missed Sawyer Bennett's books, I was so excited when I got this one for review, I couldn't wait to get started!

Valentine is everything we wish we could be, super confident, rich, fun and beautiful; but she is really lonely, even though she hasn't figured it out yet. She is bored of NYC, so she decides a trip might be exactly what she needs.

The story was hilarious, she gets to Alaska and the adventures begin. This city girl is up for a bunch of surprises and mishaps before she can finally find what she was didn't even know she needed, but was exactly what she was looking for.

Logan was just WOW, a knight in shinning Armour in the middle of Alaska. He was there for her from the beginning and even though he didn't want to accept he liked her he couldn't stay away.

A match made in heaven. Once they come together, there's nothing any of them can do to stop the heat from consuming them.

But Val still holds many secrets and they might be their ending. She needs to shed her last walls and finally let someone in if she wants to find true happiness.

Just perfection! Like always a pleasure reading Sawyer's books.

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This was an absolutely wonderful read about a New York Socialite, Valentine French, blogger that is tired of the New York metrosexual regular men that she dates and decides that she needs a different scene. So she goes to Alaska where she runs into the chief and tries to meet different people but falls for the chief, Logan Burke. But what happens when the town finds out about the blog. This was so interesting and the chemistry between these two is great. Sawyer Bennett did a great job with another hit.

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Sex in the Sticks is about a girl, Valentine (love her name) who writes a dating blog. She's rich, lives in NY, and is super bored with the type of men there are to choose from around there. So she heads to Alaska and is in over her head. Of all the many many men there, the bestest and hottest, sweetest catch is the East Merritt chief of police AND mayor, Logan. This book definitely has some humor to it, this city girl in middle of nowhere Alaska has the makings of a really good story. This town also has some fun festivities, and the people are unique as well. There are a couple misunderstandings they have to work through, and they are from two different worlds. Which totally doesn't matter since she's not planning on staying. I very much enjoyed their story, was totally drawn in. I received an arc of this.

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4 - "Why is a girl like you in a roughneck place like this?" Stars!

Sawyer Bennett opens a new series, with a socialite blogger literally upping sticks to try out life in a remote Alaskan town, where the male to female ratio is about 15:1.


This was an easy-going read, Sawyer took a self-confessed townie and put her in a location that you would expect her to struggle with on every level, and Valentine French did that, but with funny and sometimes unexpected consequences.

"There aren’t a lot of women in these parts…"

Police Chief and Town Mayor Logan Burke, seems to be there each and every time she crashes and burns, sometimes spectacularly so, and what started out as an experiment to date as many Au-naturel Alaskan men in an attempt to compare them to the well-coiffed metro-sexual New York male, swiftly turns into an exercise of monogamy with the sexy, Well-hung (and wowza did he know how to use it) un-groomed Alaskan male.

"I love you… But I don’t deserve you."

Sweetly predictable, I liked that although their initial coming together was quite ‘insta’ the author gave them time to reconnect after the inevitable fall out when the subjects of Valentine's blog are discovered.

Quick, well-written and relatively low-drama, this was a story that I read in one sitting and didn’t struggle with at all, although the books in the Love Hurts series are non-connected standalones, I hope that the author returns to the small Alaskan town again at some point as I really enjoyed a lot of the secondary characters interaction in this one. The next book; Jilted is due for release in the summer, let’s hope it’s as entertaining as this one was.

On a side note the original cover for this one was so much better than its current one, and I have no clue as to why the guy is holding a bit of wood, when Logan is in no way a carpenter… The author seems to have a penchant for male head shots on her covers which is fine, but at least try to get them resembling the character described therein.

ARC generously provided via Netgalley, in exchange for the above honest review.

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This was a great book! I loved the characters! They were miss matched but meshed so well. The book flows so well and I was loving everything especially the setting. I would love to visit Alaska and this book gave me a glimpse. This was such fun to read. I love this author's books and this was a great addition!

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Sizzling hot, sweet and sexy! This story was excellent! This was all just so amazing and I felt blown away! Every single second of this story was just so incredibly entertaining and I had so much fun reading it. I was smiling and laughing and loved getting to know Valentine and Logan. Everything about this story was perfect for me.
Honestly, I can't say enough good things. The storyline and writing was fantastic. There were so many great details and moments that filled me up inside. Valentine and Logan were fantastic characters, with excellent character development as well, and I enjoyed the build as everything played out. Together they had such amazing interactions. I loved their playfulness and the building heat between the two. And when Logan finally makes his move, oh my, it is seriously Hot! Fans self-Hot! Their chemistry sizzled.
I adored the fact that this was written in dual POV and I really got to know both of them and felt what they were feeling. This story kept my attention the entire time, making me turn the pages like a mad woman. I think this just might be my favorite read this year.
So get ready for some serious fun, a whole lot of sweetness and off the charts sexy in this incredibly entertaining story. I have got to read this again! Loved it!
Highly Recommend reading all of Sawyer Bennett's Books!
I would like to thank the publisher, the Author and NetGalley for allowing me the privilege to read this book before publication and I have voluntarily wrote an honest review.

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This sweet story with small town charm hooked me right away! Valentine (Valley) is a rich NY City woman, living off her trust fund. In her spare time, she manages and writes for her blog, Valentine's Couch, focusing on dating and relationships with the metrosexual men of NYC. After numerous failed relationships, she decides to shake things up and takes a trip to Alaska to experience the men there, also with hopes of bringing some fresh flavor to the blog. (I loved her blog posts)!

I loved this whole premise! She was like a fish out of water when she got to Alaska and it was hysterical to see the whole thing play out. And with the whole misbalanced men to women ratio in Alaska, it was so funny to see the reaction from the men in the town to Valentine.

And then there's Logan....sigh...sweetest thing you can imagine and the local police chief. He became her savior on more than one occasion. Things get hot and heavy with them, but Valentine hasn't been completely honest with Logan, so of course shit hits the fan!

Like I said, this was just a sweet, feel-good book, but also know the sex scenes were amazingly HOT!

Loved all the secondary characters and wonder who the next book will be about!

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Valentine French is well versed in the New York dating scene, after all, she is a well known blogger with her dating exploits as the center of attention. But she is finding the cookie cutter New York man is no longer exciting, nor is she finding anything other than the typical meterosexual male in her dating pool. A farfetched suggestion to change her location finds her navigating Alaska without a clue.

Logan Burke moved to Alaska to get away from the crowds of the city. Once a Seattle police officer, he finds the pace of life as a community sherriff much more to his liking. His world shifts when Valentine arrives in a town with far more men than eligible women and he finds himself in the right place at the right time several times to assist the new tourist as she gets to know his little town.

Valentine doesn’t have the smoothest arrival and transition to town, and quickly finds herself the topic of town gossip. Even in a town with so few women, the gossip spreads like wildfire, and what few women there are aren’t happy to have new competition. I found Valentine to be frustrating upon her arrival to East Merritt. She was completely unprepared for the remoteness of her destination, despite her cousin’s warning that it wasn’t like her usual destination. But as she settled into a more casual pace, I enjoyed her antics more.

Logan is the perfect hero. He seems to always be around when Valentine needs help the most and always has a solution to her problems. Even when she makes bonehead, rookie mistakes in the wilderness, he treats her with care and concern. He is protective of her and his town, and has his roots firmly planted in Alaska.

Ultimately she is there to continue her blogging and immediately sets up a string of dates. I enjoyed the pacing of the story, with blog posts interspersed among the chapters to give readers an idea of Valentine’s writing voice, which remains the same even as her goals for the trip begin to change.

It was pretty clear where Valetine’s biggest sources of conflict would stem from, and it was only a matter of watching for her downfalls. But I enjoyed what happened after her secrets are revealed, and to me those things say the most about all the characters involved.

I would love to see a return to this small Alaskan community, especially as some of the townspeople drew my interest from Logan’s accounts of their histories. In a town made up of predominantly working men, there are bound to be some tough competitions when women are involved. I loved watching the bits of April and Jorgen that Valentine and Logan witnessed and would love to see more from the local woman and the shy fisherman.

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Valentine French, NYC dating blogger is in a rut… lately all the men she is dating seem to be carbon copies of one another. After a suggestion from her cousin on where to find men who are anything but metrosexual, she arranges a stay somewhere that is as opposite from the city life in NYC can be… East Merritt, Alaska.

Logan Burke is the local sheriff of East Merritt, he loves his quiet life, far away from hoards of people and big city problems. When Valentine rolls into town and turns the entire place over on it’s head, he is content to sit back and watch from afar. But, Valentine’s presence and lack of Alaskan wilderness knowledge pulls him into action.

This book is one sexy, fun and entertaining read. I loved Valentines confidence, and how although she lacks the typical Alaskan survival skills, she takes on the town in a confident and optimistic manner.

Logan is just hot, hot, hot. Great in bed, sweet and he goes out of his way for Valentine, even before they acknowledge their attraction for each other.

With a fantastic plot, and engaging storyline and some interesting small town Alaska characters, this book is not to be missed. Sawyer Bennett is truly a master at engaging her readers with her unique and interesting stories and realistic and fascinating characters.

I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.

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What a great opposites attract book! Sawyer Bennett does it again.

Valentine French is very rich and very privileged. She is also a little bored with the New York dating scene. As a writer for her own dating blog, she knows that if she is bored then so are her readers so she goes to where the ratio of men to women is 15 to 1 - Alaska. There she again and practical has a date a night; there she also meets the sexy chief of police - Logan Burke who is tall, dark and very handsome. The more time they spend together the closer they get until one night everything changes.

I really enjoy Ms Bennett's writing style and she doesn't disappointed with this one. Its fast paced, with great dialog, great characters and lots of romance. I also love the fact that Valentine and Logan are not your classic spoiled rich girl and brooding guy. She writes these characters with a uniqueness all their own and I loved it. The secondary characters are great though I do wish we had met Logan's family - from what we did see they were very cool. Told in dual POV's we get both sides of the story which I love. The ending didn't feel rushed at all which was great.

All in all another great story from this fantastic writer!

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3.75 Stars
I loved the Cold Fury series so I was excited to read this book. It just wasn't my,favorite. There nothing I can really point at and say that's what was wrong. It just didn't grab me. I didn't love the characters, they both seemed a bit immature, and the storyline was simplistic. I guess I felt this book was a little more superficial than others. Despite that this was a quick and fun read, good for an afternoon of distraction.

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Sex in the Sticks delivers the usual Sawyer Bennett flare on romance with it's sweet and sexy characters. Val and Logan were two completely different people, one a New Yorker used to a life of luxury and the other a small Alaskan town officer that likes living life as simple as possible. But together they were this explosion of hot as hell chemistry that none of their differences could take away.

Logan was a complete swoon worthy Hero that has me wanting to travel to Alaska so I can find my own mountain man. He was just genuinely a nice guy and honestly that's not something that you can easily find in books so it was a nice change of pace. And then of course he was sexy as hell once his and Lauren's relationship moved to the bedroom. (P.S be prepared to need a fan to cool off after you meet him.)

Overall, this was a cute read that I really enjoyed spending that day with. Val was a good heroine and was in no way stuck up like you may think she would be, and Logan was just plain amazing. I can't wait to get more of this town and to meet more of these characters.

Sex in the Sticks Playlist:
Around the World - Kings of Leon
Saviour - Mallory Knox
Fire - Barns Courtney
Home Is Such a Lonely Place - Blink-182
Craving (acoustic) - James Bay

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This is Book 1 in the "Love hurts" Series and it was a very entertaining and fun read! Valentine French is a socialite from New York City, she has never fallen in love. Men are toys, she enjoys them but doesn't get emotionally involved. She writes a blog about her dating experiences, much to the chagrin of her high society parents. She is bored about the dating scene in New York so she decides to go to the Alaskan wilderness to experience with real men. Once she arrives there, she meets Logan Burke, the chief of police and also the major. Logan is sweet, direct and very, very sexy.

The book is fun, sweet, easy to read and entertaining!

I really recommend this romance!

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Sex in the Sticks is the first book in a new series from Sawyer Bennett. If you didn’t know by now, I absolutely love Mrs. Bennett’s books. They are always well written, with excellent characters and they are always satisfying reads with an awesome romance. When I am in the mood for a go to contemporary romance author, Sawyer Bennett is pretty high up my list on authors I turn to. Sex in the Sticks is the first book in the Love Hurts series. I loved this book. I loved the Alaskan setting. I want to see more small town romances set in Alaska.

Sex in the Sticks is the story of Val and Logan. Val is more than a little self centered, and was maybe a little conceited for my tastes, but I liked that she was who she was. She didn’t put on airs around anyone. She was just herself. Take her or leave her. Ultimately, I liked her. I liked her even more once Logan was in the picture. I loved Logan. He is so awesome, and was the character I was rooting for throughout this story. Val gets to this remote Alaskan town, and because she is new and because she is female, she gets a lot of attention. Pair this with Sawyer Bennett’s way with words, and you have a really fun story.

I should probably also mention that Val has a dating blog. So she is using the men of this town to feed her blog posts. I thought that was kind of funny, and I liked the addition of her blog into the storyline. I really enjoyed this book. It is a light fluffy, funny read. The characters are a little bit shallow but not surface level shallow. They are just all motivated by looks, at least on first glance. It’s hard to explain without reading the story, but it wasn’t something that I was bothered by. I really enjoyed Val and Logan’s romance. The Love Hurts series is one I will be looking forward to continuing.

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Sawyer Bennett is one of those authors I’ve been wanting to give a try for a while now. I’m constantly seeing her name pop up, so when I got the opportunity to read an ARC of this book I jumped at the chance.

Valentine French has all the makings of a heroine people will love to hate. Only you end up not hating her at all. By the end of the first chapter you quickly realize the persona of Valentine French is much different from the real Valentine French. Sure, she’s grew up rich and privileged. Yet aside from her clothes and the air of confidence she carries around with her she doesn’t shout “old money” to those she’s with. Truth be told, Valentine did a few things that pissed me off. But none of those things were done in a mean-spirited way. She was just holding on to what she thought she had to be instead of being true to her inner voice.

As for Logan, can you say perfect man? Holy cow! The man is sexy, strong, and sweet as sugar. He’s respectful to the point that Valentine isn’t even sure if he finds her attractive, but he’s still very alpha-male. The total package! Well, there is one part where he doesn’t exactly use his head and pulls a prickish move. But nobody’s so perfect as to never mess up, right?

Now, there’s a point where you can see the ultimate conflict between Logan and Valentine coming from a mile away. That’s okay though. The story is great fun leading up to that moment. And the way Valentine (with some help) decides to resolve the issue is great. It’s way more subtle than I expected from her, but it’s wonderful and it works.

Now that I’ve experienced Sawyer Bennett, I will be seeking out more to read from her. I really enjoyed this book (despite the cover…what the heck is he supposed to be holding?) and look forward to reading more.

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Angst 2
Tears 0
Value 5
Storyline 5
Panty Scorching 5
Overall Rating 5
Kindle eArc provided Netgalley
Reviewed by Lindsey

WOW! This book! I was completely in love with it from the start. Sawyer does an excellent job of writing books that make you put life on the back burner and just enjoy. And I did. So freakin much. Logan and Valentine were just what I needed at the moment. I loved this story so much!

Valentine is the ultimate city girl. She parties, she dates, expensive trips and shopping sprees. You name it, she's doing it. I freakin love her courage to go from something she knows to something to her completely unknown. Embracing a change and running with it. She did not expect to fall for Alaska or the people in it.

Logan. Lawd have mercy! I love him. He's super freakin sweet. Definitely sexy! And a whole lot of fun. He was perfect! He has a sense of humor and a dirty mouth that had me like DAYUMMMNNN! I also really loved how he cared. He didn’t just bang Val because he could. He is very adamant that he doesn’t just want to hook up. He wants real.

This story is just what I love about Sawyer. Her books touch on a little of all the feels and keep you so caught up you don’t want it to end. Another 5 STAR read for sure! I cant wait for more!

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