Member Reviews

“I think you should probably arrest me then, Chief.”
My hands go to my cuffs and I pull them free of my belt. Who am I to deny a lady’s request?

I feel like I should be able to write and write and write about this book, but I don’t know what to say… My mind is currently a jumble of positive adjectives mixed with the simple joy of reading and sprinkled with a helping dash of lust. Because books like Sex and the Sticks are the reason I love reading Sawyer Bennett.

Quick, sexy and funny, it’s a charming small town romance with a Sassy little dog, a blogger and a police chief, and it’s definitely another win for this author.

Valentine and Logan are just too adorable together—her a fish out of water when it comes to life in the wildness of Alaska, him a clueless man when it comes to a woman like Val. While it might take some time to warm up to privileged Val, watching her banter with Logan while trying to figure out how exactly she ended up wearing waders and getting lost in the woods made it exceptionally easy to laugh, to cringe and to wait with bated breath for a HEA…

A turn-about HEA and an epilogue that’s *hallelujah hands*.

With quirky characters, lots of Ms. Bennett’s signature sexy scenes and, well, Logan this one is a lighthearted, feel good, heart-happy romance. Perfect, really, for an afternoon lazing away, and a great start to a new series to look forward to from an author I love.

“You made me feel things I never knew were even possible.

~ 4.5 STARS ~

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**4 Stars**
Oh this book was exactly what I needed. The scenery, the characters and the laughter- it was everything. I loved everything about Logan and Valentine, Sawyer Bennett did an amazing job with their story from start to finish. It was refreshing, funny and has you loving the chemistry between the two, to the point you can't put it down.
Valentine is a rut. She isn't getting what she need from the men in NY, so when her BFF cousin recommends a trip to the great Alaskan outdoors where the ratio of men to women is almost 1 to 15, she said why not. From the time Valentine lands in Alaska you don't stop laughing. Watching the men in East Merritt when Valentine arrives is comical, they can't stop looking at her (this might be due to her looking out of place) because she is gorgeous. The one eye she caught that she isn't sure what to do with those is the local sheriff/major Logan.
Logan, oh my. I loved watching him with Valentine. At first his intentions are purely innocent because he is the town sheriff, but then he starts to notice her in the short days he has been around her and things change. Logan can't seem to stop thinking about her or his attraction to her.
Will Valentine and Logan be able to be together or will a secret Valentine holds cause major problems between them? I seriously couldn't put their story down once I started it. It was that good. I can't wait to see what more we get from this series and Sawyer Bennett.

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This is the review that almost wasn't was. Let's start with I had trouble with the storyline at the beginning of the story. In some aspects it kind of reminded me of Sex In the City, I'm not a big fan of the show. So, I was thinking fug. I'm 36% into the and thinking oh my god I can't do a review, I'm going to rip the story apart. Not a good thing to be part of the blog tour, so I email saying I'm not going to be able to do a review, but I can spotlight. With this off my conscience I proceeded to read, of course my feelings changed about the story. Here we go:

First impressions aren't always everything. At the beginning of Sex In the Sticks, we meet Valentine French. She's a New York socialite who is in search of a real man, cause she's tire of the New York metrosexual. What bothered me about her is she went on a whim to Alaska to find a real man, but did no research about the area. Made some dumb choices, and this made me bonkers. Who doesn't know anything about Alaska? When I think of Alaska I think cold. Anyway. I wasn't a big Valentine fan, and I wasn't the only one, after all she was encroaching on the few ladies territory. However, about half through the story I started like, because she was starting to adapt. She even made friends with some of the few women, and helped them out. Valentine did warm on to me.

Now Logan. I did like him from the start. He looked at Valentine and thought, dude she's going to be gone in a week kind of attitude. By the way, that would have kept him a little sane. However, they started to bond and things were going good up until the incident. I can see why he was pissed at Valentine. Some of the things were highly personal.

Once I got past the certain point I actually enjoyed the story. I was kind of worry, she was going to start sleeping with whole town. She had a blog about her sex life. However, Sex in the Sticks did turned out to be a pretty good read. Few the reasons I read the story was the title and the author. The more I got to know Valentine the more I realize she wasn't a self-absorbed socialite trying to rough it. Her moral compass was a little skewed, but she realized her errors when it came to Logan. I couldn't fault the guy for being pissed. He could have handle it better, but I think he handle like a guy would have. Overall, enjoyed Sex in the Sticks.

Copy provided by LoveSwept via NetGalley

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Reviews shared on Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes and Noble and V's Reads on release day:

Valentine French is a NYC socialite who writes a scandalous–to her upper crust parents–blog about her sexcapades. Dispirited of ever finding a strong, loving man amongst the self-involved metrosexuals of NYC, she takes her dear cousin Jeremy’s advice to go into the wild and find a Man’s Man. In Alaska.

Val is way out of her element when she lands in Ketchikan and learns there’s no taxis to drive her 45 minutes into East Merritt, a sleepy fishing village. Stranded, she’s lucky to be offered a ride by Logan Burke, a burly, manly man who happens to be both sheriff and mayor of East Merritt. Logan’s taken aback by what a beautiful wealthy woman, and her companion dog, Sassy, are doing heading into his neck of the deep woods. But, he’s a public servant, isn’t he? So he helps Valley into his truck, and into her plain-old, stripped-down boarding house. (Not quite the kitschy B & B Val had been expecting.) And, the threat of bears devouring her little Sassy has Val totally freaked about her plan to score some dazzling sexytimes with Real Men for her blog.

During her time in East Merritt, Val needs to be rescued more than once by Logan, mostly because she’s a hot mess in this locale. None of her clothing is suitable for the weather, and while she has more suitors than a girl could dream of, her eye keeps catching on Sheriff Logan. And that feeling is mutual, until the gossip-mongers have their way. Lots of yummy sexytimes in store for this couple, however. So much fun beneath the sheets has Val considering extending her stay, well, indefinitely. Meanwhile, the blogging goes sideways as Val decides what’s growing between her and Logan is too special to share with her thousands of fans.

Naturally, there’s a big conflict on the horizon, and Logan’s sure he’s given his heart to the absolutely wrong girl. Valley’s upset, but she’s unwilling to simply give up. Finding the perfect man is more than she’d dreamed possible. Letting him go, well, she’s not afraid to fight for who she wants. I loved the small-town support/gossip network. It was so funny when Valley went on some of these “dates” with loggers and lumberjacks and yes, one ornery sheriff. Logan had lots of making up to do–after he got schooled more than once on his prejudice. And wow do these two get it on, and on, and (oh yeah) on. Valley feared the metrosexuals had killed her orgasm, but Logan unquestionably brought it back to life. Fans of contemporary romance will surely like this odd-couple rom-com.

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3.5 stars- Easy, breezy romance

Sex in the Sticks is a cute, light-hearted romance that followed wealthy, city-girl and blogger Valentine to a small town outside Ketchikan, Alaska as she attempts to escape the dating rut she found herself in. Though Valentine expects to meet and date some authentic, rough-edged Alaskan men, she’s cynical about happily-ever-afters. What follows is largely what you’d expect- humorous situations as Valentine struggles to fit in and explore Alaska, the way the town citizens respond to their out-of-place visitor, and of course a romantic interest.

The writing in Sex in the Sticks is solid, keeping a light and upbeat tone throughout the book. With steady the plot moves briskly between scenes and plot points. Logan and Valentine are both likable characters, and the secondary characters round out the cast of quirky, loveable people. I did enjoy Logan and Valentine together. Their interactions are bright and often funny, and I wish there had been a bit more of that where we really saw their connection develop. The romance itself is sweet and quite steamy, just a little too easy to really feel that chemistry. Like the romance, the conflicts are fairly straight forward with minimal drama and a rather smooth resolution.

All in all this is a charming romance with fun comedic moments driving the plot. Though I didn’t think the characters were all that noteworthy, they made for a good couple. If you are looking for a fun read with a sweet romance and no angst, Sex in the Sticks is a good choice.

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Picture Sex and the City meets Men in Trees!
I watched both of those shows and I loved them. And I can just see Valentine walking around this little town with her designer shoes just like Anne Heche did!
That's why I was a tiny little bit disappointed that we don't have anything new here. I think this Alaska-thing has been romance-novelled a million times before - BUT - I still loved it.
It's a great romance, great location, great cast. Funny, adorable, exciting, sweet and verrry erotic!
I don't really have anything to complain about. Maybe just that we're constantly waiting for the dating-column-bomb to explode. Because Valentine kind of neglects to tell anyone why she came to Alaska in the first place - and everything she's building there might blow up in her face, BUT of course we also know that there'll be Happily Ever After ... so we can hope she'll fix everything in time!

I spent some adorable reading hours with Valentine and Logan and I wouldn't mind watching this book on tv one day!

I had some tiny problems with the with every Sawyer book. It's Sawyer's and my thing ☺ It's only me who has those problems with her writing. So please don't be worried or just scroll down and don't read the following... it wasn't as bad as the other books - it didn't even start here until I was 9% into the book. I had huge hopes, but then it began with the....ASSES.
I have a HUGE AS problem in every book I read - especially, or rather, only, in American books! Sawyer always uses too many of those AS'es ☺ You know the AS'es I'm talking about? The AS that could be and should be exchanged for a SINCE or a BECAUSE ☺ It's a formal thing and then it's mostly only a British thing (if it's a thing at all!) and it doesn't have anything to do in an American book by an American author - especially when it's said by a manly 37-year-old guy from Alaska!!!!
I really don't want to insult Sawyer. I love all her books, and maybe nobody ever told her she does that.... so, Sawyer....please stop doing it. But pfff who am I to tell her what to do, so just forget I said anything! It doesn't stop her books from being great!

Another tiny little thing. The cover. No idea why, but if you miss that the thing he has in his hands is a wood-piece, you might think this is a baseball romance, at least I thought so...and also, he's not really doing anything with wood in the book - he's the police chief - so I'm not really in love with the cover - and the guy looks nothing like Logan is described either. BUT ....

SEX IN THE STICKS was an adorable lovestory! Rich citygirl meets hot Alaska sheriff! Funny, sweet, exciting and very sexy! Run to your nearest amazon for your own sexy wilderness cop - Logan is MINE! ☺

Big fat thanks to Bianca up there, I was trying to remember the name of the TV show Men In Trees the whole time I was reading Sex In The Sticks, as that is exactly the feel that this book gave off.

The city chic meets lumbersexual has been done plenty of times before, however this did not affect my enjoyment of Sex In The Sticks. Valentine goes to Alaska for her own selfish-ish reasons - to get some and to blog about it - I mean, isn't that what mountain men love? Mountin' women?!

I loved the quirky characters of this little town. Kind of reminds me of the characters in Northern Exposure, all that was missing was a moose walking down the main street!

Then there is the local hot cop, Logan. Oh my, that boy is fine! Almost makes me want to do something illegal so he will cuff me (or could put them cuffs to other good uses!).

I felt that there was quite a lot of growth in Valentine

Sex In The Sticks is sweet, sexy, funny and adorable read. I can't wait to see which characters get their chance at love next.

Now, where can I find me a Logan *skips off to search*

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Blogger Valentine French is sick of the boring and utterly predictable men in New York City. She's struggling to come up with enough dating advice to write in her blog. She need new man meat now! Her cousin talks her into going to Alaska since the ratio of men to women is off the charts! When she arrives in East Merritt, Alaska she realizes she not only sticks out like a sore thumb, she is unprepared for the small town she is set to spend time in. She sets her goals for dates and plans to blog about each one, comparing the Alasken men to New York men. She finds the men are eager to take her out on dates-all but one extremely large, gorgeously sexy, chief of police!

Logan, the police chief, decides to help Valentine get settled when she arrives. She is ill prepared for Alaska that's for sure! He's certain there has to be some back story bringing a girl like her to his sleepy little town. She lets him know she intends on dating multiple men and have fun doing it. He's just not built for one night stands and definitely not with a gorgeous girl like her! He slowly helps her acclimate to being in Alaska and things heat up between them. What happens when he finds out he himself is fodder for her blog???

Sex in the Sticks is one of those books that you just don't want to put down! Before you know it, you are past your bedtime and you are still reading! Sawyer Bennett has a lot of books to choose from, but this story takes her writing to a new level! It's perfectly written with both characters POV's and I love that! I want to know what's in both of their heads! It's such a great balance between hot and sexy, to sweet and funny! Logan and Valentine have some sizzling chemistry that's for sure! I also loved how Valentine wanted to fit in there, when she knew she clearly didn't. She was determined and a very likeable girl! She participates in local festivals and games, frequents local watering holes to meet the people, and she is loving all the attention the men give her-until Logan directs his attention her way. Then she drops all pretense with the other guys. She falls hard and fast for Logan and it's totally unexpected.

Logan is a quieter type hero. He knows what he wants and once he figured he had a shot with Valentine, he goes all out to snag her! Woman are scarce there and the competition is fierce! He was so sincere with her. He never mocked her or made her feel inadequate when she was in whatever trouble she got herself into. He had a light and airiness about him. Valentine was a goner when his dimples turned her way! And I have to say, the man is a legend in the sack! What a dirty, dirty talker!! Woo hoo! Get a cool glass of lemonade after reading this one!! Gosh, where can I find a Logan??? Smokin'!!

Sex in the Sticks is book one of the Love Hurts series and it was phenomenal! If this is any indication how the rest of the series will go, I can't wait to read what Sawyer Bennett has come up with next!

reviewed by Deb

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I loved everything about this book. I was hooked just from reading the premise and then I started reading the book and was hooked from the first chapter. Serial dating lumberjacks? Yes, please. Valentine was such a lovable character. I loved her relationship with her cousin, Jeremy, and the witty banter between them. And then there's Logan. He's what book boyfriend dreams are made of: sexy, big in all the right places, chivalrous and a dirty talker! SWOON! There's instantaneous chemistry between him and Valentine but she starts dating a few of the men in East Merritt, Alaska which creates some crazy sexual tension between them. It's so freaking hot when they finally get together. Their fallout was pretty predictable but that didn't bother me. It's a completely satisfying story from beginning to end.

ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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This book started out a little slow for me. I'll admit I didn't care for Valentine at all. Something about her rubbed me the wrong way. However once she stepped foot in Alaska a whole other side of her emerged. I suddenly saw her in a new light and instantly wanted her to be my best friend. She was funny, witty, caring, fun, and very perceptive. She noticed things others didn't a made an effort to help when she could.

Logan was the perfect guy. Charismatic, genuine, caring, and hello a hot Alaskan cop! I loved reading his point of view because we got more insight into how the world saw Valentine. He was a stand up guy who was open and honest above all. The fun they had together was inspiring.

This was a fun, easy read. It had a few harder subject lines but they didn't bring the story down, it will still up beat and funny. It was just the kind of storyline I needed. Another great book from Sawyer Bennett who has yet to steer us wrong.

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An excellent book with some great characters, a lot of humor, and a very well written story. This author goes in yet another direction with this one and its fun to go on this journey with her.

Valentine is a big city girl that has had it with the city's dating scene. So to give her blog a fresh perspective she decides to go to the wilds of Alaska and see how dating life goes there. She finds herself in all sorts of trouble right from the start but luckily Logan Burke was there to come to her rescue. He's rugged, sexy, and perfect for her research. These two spend quite a bit of time together and just when it seems that things are progressing some truths come to light and threaten what they have worked to build.

I highly recommend this one.

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I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with Sawyer Bennett's books. When she gets it right, I really do enjoy them, and when she doesn't, well I have a tendency to declare she has one last chance. Yet she always saves herself, every time. So, new series, clean slate.

"...who’s better, the metrosexual or the lumberjack."

Call me judgemental but I am not a fan of the socialite: sadly, in life and literature, they generally do very little to help break the stereotype mould. So to actually warm to a socialite? Score 1 Ms. Bennett because as frustrating as she could be, I did like Valentine.

"I want a man who would battle an army just for the chance to be with me, and once he was with me, he’d battle a million armies just to keep me."

Score 2: Logan Burke. Police Chief, dirty talker and who has a heart of gold from the moment we meet him. He's not perfect, he pulls a couple of dick moves (and some marvellous moves with his-–ahem, yes), but he's nothing but honest.

"We know there’s an expiration date on this thing. So let’s make every day count."

Score 3: Cute puppy dog.
Score 4: Alaska. Which is on mine and the hub's destination list because it just looks beautiful.

However for all the positives, there were a couple of sticking points for me. Firstly Valentine's blog. Yes, it had a purpose to the direction of the story but generally it didn't work for me and felt off. And secondly, in the latter half content seemed to be shoved aside for sex scenes. Granted hot sex scenes, but still.

"I swear I was walking funny the next day."

Sex in the Sticks is Sawyer Bennett doing what she does well though and that's bringing her reader a likeable couple with a fantastic chemistry and who burn the sheets together, creating fun, frustration and some feeling along the way. Not sure if she has plans to revisit Alaska, but I'd be a happy reader if she did.

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I really enjoyed Logan and Valentine! This was the perfect blend of romance and comedy with a bit of dram thrown in. I loved reading about the New York City socialite on an Alaskan adventure. Can't wait to see what will happen next.

Note, I did receive an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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What do you get when you put a city girl in an Alaskan location?...a hilariously sexy situation!

Valentine French is sick of Dating the same typical New York men. she craves adventure and her current situation on the guy front is lacking just that. After a talk with her cousin she allows him to book her a vacation where he promises the men are rugged and adventurous.

Valentine finds herself in Alaska and is completely shell shocked.

When Logan first sets eyes on Valentine he can't help but smirk. she's a fish out of water and completely out of her comfort zone. As any good police Chief would do, her offers to help her, not realizing that he just set forth a chain reaction that will no doubt leave him falling head over heels for Valentine.

Sex in the Sticks is intriguing, sexy, and humorous. I was laughing out loud at Valentine and her citified persona.

I love novels that put city girls in country locations just to see if the characters have the means to survive. Although I did find Valentine's character to be a tad bit shallow, I thought the genuine attitude that was Logan's persona evened everything out.

This novel is also somewhat predictable but it was still a fun and enjoyable read.

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I just have to take a moment to rave about this author. I've read many books by her including the legal briefs series, the Cold Fury series, the Sugar Bowl series, the Wicked Horse series and several standalones. I have to say that this author is one of the most talented versatile authors out there. There are a lot of authors that can do one thing well or maybe even a couple by Sawyer does everything well. This author can write about starry romance, hard core erotic sex, mystery/suspense, and just good old fashioned contemporary romance and she does it all well. This book is no exception. Sex In The Sticks is absolutely one of my favorite contemporary romances ever.

Valentine is a super rich New York socialite who is absolutely bored with New York men. For years Valentine has written a blog about NY men and her sexcapades with them. But recently, she has grown frustrated with men who spend more time and money on their hair than she does and can't resist any surface which might reflect an image of their face. Valentine wonders if there is something more out there and her best friend/cousin suggest that there might be and in might be in Alaska...of all places. Valentine packs up her little NY dog, a whole load of Louis luggage and her blog and heads to Alaska to find out if there is more to men.

What Valentine discovers in a small town in Alaska is the chief of police- Logan. Right away Valentine pegs Logan as the hottest thing in the entire state of Alaska. He also impresses Valentine as being a really good guy, the likes of which she is not accustomed to. But Valentine sticks to her plan to sow some oats in Alaska by dating a variety of men and blogging her experiences. She can't avoid Logan, however, because she keeps getting her citified self into various crazy situations from which Logan has to rescue her. The two develop an easy friendship and before long it is something much more.

I love the way Logan immediately claims Valentine once he acknowledges his feelings for her. I also loved how honest Logan is. I mean, geez, the guy made a couple of series mistakes (because he's a guy) but he was so straight up about claiming his errors and his plan to change, you just couldn't help but love him. Of course, the whole time you read this book, you keep asking yourself 'I wonder what would happen if Logan found out about Valentine's blog and the things she's saying about her Alaskan adventures?' We don't really want to know the answer to that but it keeps you on the edge of your seat.

The relationship that develops between this characters is a perfect balance of romance, friendship and humor. The sex is just explosive and Logan has a dirty mouth that I love! I actually had fun reading this book. I devoured it in one sitting and I highly recommend it.

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So much fun!
Thankfully I picked this book up on a weekend, because once I really got into it, I couldn't put it down!
Valentine's adventures are funny and even when you can see the writing on the wall for things blowing up in her face, you can't help but root for her. Logan is sweet and sexy and oh so good for our lady from New York!
I loved these two together and the towns people of East Merritt made a fantastic secondary cast.
Ms Bennett lived up to the high standards I expect from her work and added in a dash of humor with a heroine who could laugh at herself and the cop who taught her to love.

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Sawyer has out did herself once again with this book. Valentine and Logan had me hooked.

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Valentine and Logan completely stole my heart. Valentine is a rich girl from NY who has it all, but isn't satisfied with life. Dating is boring and she continually dates men from the upper class who do nothing for her. When her cousin suggests she check out the men in Alaska for something different, she jumps at the chance! Valentine writes a blog and this is just what she needs to spice things up! She plans to date a lot of men for material for her blog. What she didn't count on was falling for the chief/mayor of the small town she was staying in.

Logan knew that Valentine was only there for a visit, however long that would be. But once he claimed her as his, there was no going back. She made him feel things he'd never felt before. When it came time for her to leave, would he be able to let her go?

Logan's rough and tumble way and Valentine's crazy antics made me fall in love with this couple. Logan was sweet and sexy and his whole world quickly became about Valentine. Valentine and her crazy blog made me laugh out loud. She is all city girl heading to the woods. It made for a lot of fun and a great read! I thought it was a fun story with great characters. I hope April and Jorgen get a book! I loved them, too!

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Sex in the Sticks (Love Hurts #1) by Sawyer Bennett
4 stars!!!

“I don’t give up on what I want…Never have.”

Sweet, sexy and incredibly swoony is what Sawyer Bennett delivers with Sex in the Sticks. This is the story of the trials and tribulations of a city girl from New York that goes to Alaska to find herself a real man. You know, a logger, a lumberjack, a fisherman, a plaid wearing survival expert or a drop dead gorgeous Chief of Police. The possibilities are endless, the shenanigans hilarious but at the heart of this book is the knowledge that love finds you when you least expect it.

“…my dating life has been absolutely wretched. It’s like I’m going out with the same guy over and over but he’s been cloned into different-looking hot packages. The package is so pretty on the outside that I figure at some point I’ve got to find the insides to match, right?”

Valentine French is a trust fund rich woman that spends her life in New York shopping, lunching and blogging much to her family’s chagrin. Her blog has a huge following and it is about her dating woes with the metrosexuals of New York and she goes into glorious details. Determined to find herself a “real man” and compare the “rough” to the “smooth” Valentine takes herself and her little dog off to a little town in Alaska and the differences in life styles lead to some hilarious situations.

“…I come from a snotty upper-crust family…I just chose to march to the best of a different drum.”

From the moment her feet first hit Alaskan soil Valentine is thrown into the company of the Chief of Police who makes it his personal responsibility to ensure that she gets to her destination safe and sound knowing that she was clearly a fish out of water. Logan keeps his feelings towards Valentine very close to his chest but as time passes and more and more of Valentines exploits reach his ears even Logan realises he needs to make his move before his chance has gone.

The exploits throughout this book are hilarious at times as Valentine concludes that really all men are the same despite their location, they just go about it all differently but that in no way shape or form relates to Logan.

“This isn’t a hook-up to me, Logan. There’s no way you could just be that.”

Sawyer Bennett had me laughing out loud, smiling from ear to ear with this heart warmer. This is an honest romance with a little angst to fire up the pages. The comedic timing was perfect and the sexy times between Logan and Valentine were seriously scorching as Sawyer Bennett does what Sawyer Bennett does best. The chemistry between these two was seriously off the charts and I found myself rooting for these two from the very beginning. Even though they were complete opposites they totally complemented one and other and brought out the best in each other both in and out of the sheets.

“I want to feel really wanted. I want to drive a man crazy. I want him to look at me like I’m an oasis in the desert. I want a man who would battle an army just for the chance to be with me, and once he was with me, he’d battle a million armies just to keep me.”

I loved the small-town vibe of this one and how reality really bit for both characters. A town where everyone knows everyone and they are basically one huge family. Sawyer Bennett really nailed that character connection for me and brought these characters to life with ease. As I said above, low on angst, steamy as hell, cute and romantic this is the perfect book to cuddle up on a sofa with and loses yourself for a few hours.

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Valentine finally had enough of the New York City dating scene. She feels like every guy she's dating is the same kind of vain, metrosexual, cell-phone-addicted idiot. She has enough money in her own bank account - she doesn't need a rich guy to show her a good time - and none of those have guys shown her a good time in a long while!
That's why she's now in Alaska. Following her favorite cousin's advice. Alaska has 15 times more men than women. Manly men!

And she can write her dating column from wherever she wants.
And for now it'll be Alaska.
Enter Logan.

He's the first guy she meets. The chief of police in this little town! And realllly hot too.
Not a bad start!
But can a millionaire city girl and a simple, nature-loving guy, start something real?? Or will it just be a vacation fling?
And will Valentine and her tiny 'dog' Sassy even survive this trip? The cold, the bears et cetera?


Picture Sex and the City meets Men in Trees!
I watched both of those shows and I loved them. And I can just see Valentine walking around this little town with her designer shoes just like Anne Heche did!
That's why I was a tiny little bit disappointed that we don't have anything new here. I think this Alaska-thing has been romance-novelled a million times before - BUT - I still loved it.
It's a great romance, great location, great cast. Funny, adorable, exciting, sweet and verrry erotic!
I don't really have anything to complain about. Maybe just that we're constantly waiting for the dating-column-bomb to explode. Because Valentine kind of neglects to tell anyone why she came to Alaska in the first place - and everything she's building there might blow up in her face, BUT of course we also know that there'll be Happily Ever After ... so we can hope she'll fix everything in time!

I spent some adorable reading hours with Valentine and Logan and I wouldn't mind watching this book on tv one day!

I had some tiny problems with the with every Sawyer book. It's Sawyer's and my thing ☺ It's only me who has those problems with her writing. So please don't be worried or just scroll down and don't read the following... it wasn't as bad as the other books - it didn't even start here until I was 9% into the book. I had huge hopes, but then it began with the....ASSES.
I have a HUGE AS problem in every book I read - especially, or rather, only, in American books! Sawyer always uses too many of those AS'es ☺ You know the AS'es I'm talking about? The AS that could be and should be exchanged for a SINCE or a BECAUSE ☺ It's a formal thing and then it's mostly only a British thing (if it's a thing at all!) and it doesn't have anything to do in an American book by an American author - especially when it's said by a manly 37-year-old guy from Alaska!!!!
I really don't want to insult Sawyer. I love all her books, and maybe nobody ever told her she does that.... so, Sawyer....please stop doing it. But pfff who am I to tell her what to do, so just forget I said anything! It doesn't stop her books from being great!

Another tiny little thing. The cover. No idea why, but if you miss that the thing he has in his hands is a wood-piece, you might think this is a baseball romance, at least I thought so...and also, he's not really doing anything with wood in the book - he's the police chief - so I'm not really in love with the cover - and the guy looks nothing like Logan is described either. BUT ....

SEX IN THE STICKS was an adorable lovestory! Rich citygirl meets hot Alaska sheriff! Funny, sweet, exciting and very sexy! Run to your nearest amazon for your own sexy wilderness cop - Logan is MINE! ☺

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