Member Reviews

Let me take you on a ride... says Donna and boy does she do that in this book. Donna always has a way of drawing you in and making you feel the story. Go ahead take my heart and my money for anything else you write.

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Dark Alpha's Lover features the Reaper Fintan, who has spent centuries burying his emotions. He meets a half-Fae, Catriona who believes the magic in her family has passed her by. Her family is special as they have been visited 3 times by Light Fae. Cat grew up watching her siblings train their powers in disappointment. But half-Fae are disappearing and Cat's siblings fall to Bran's eradication of them. All Cat has left is her grandfather. Which brings me to my first question. The grandfather's house is warded. Is this something Cat's siblings did before their deaths? Cat has no magic so she couldn't have put them up. Also, Fintan wonders why Cat has not warded her own house. Well, if she has no magic, of course she can't put up wards. I didn't give these questions too much brain power as I read, but they did pop up.

Fae gather around Cat's house to watch her and Fintan tries to gain information from them as he believes that Bran is coming for her and that there has to be some reason Bran would leave her alive. Fintan also feels the walls around his emotions breaking and it's freaking him out.

At first I found Cat a little whiny, but she grows and becomes kick ass. She is gutsy and determined. She makes decisions that at first disappoint me, but then Cat makes an ultimate sacrifice to get her own stabs at Bran. I was totally surprised and impressed by her actions to save Fintan, the Reapers and Death. But as always, the question remains, will Death allow Fintan and Cat to be together?

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Loved this installment of the Reapers series. Fintan and Catriona were such a great, well-matched couple. I felt so much for Cat and all she was going through and learning about Fintan's past broke my heart. The story arc continues to be captivating as the mystery starts to unfold. Can't wait to read the next!

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Still absolutely loving this series! I love the romance built into this paranormal world. I love how headstrong these characters are and how they fight for what they want no matter the consequences. Keep them coming!

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I have read Dark alpha's lover 3 times over the years and I still can't review it. I enjoyed the story every time I read it and the characters were good. A part of the story is completed, but the main plotline continues on the next book. The reapers have a long way ahead of them. I liked Catriona and Fintan together. They were a good couple. I would have liked to see more of Catriona's magic and since it took her so long to get them. When I was reading the rest of the series I was looking for her because she is a very interesting person. Her story is sad and she had people around her dying, but she wasn't giving up and that's all I want in a heroine.

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Fintan is so closed off that I was surprised how easily he gave into Cat. Then there was Cat's ability that she didn't know she had. Loved seeing all the previous Reepers.

Can someone please kill Bran already and then we can have a new terror to fight. Why does it feel like we will have to wait for all the Reapers to have a HEA before he dies?

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Dark Alpha’s Lover is an incredibly captivating journey of healing and hope. This series is a marvelously decadent pleasure that is a wonderful gift to readers of fantasy and romance everywhere! Everything about these books is pure and undeniable bliss and heaven. My attention and heart has been completely and utterly captured, and I hope to be able to cherish and savor each and every book from this marvelous author!

Who would think that someone could shake up a Reaper’s world until he doesn’t know up from down. Fintan was the last Reaper that anyone would have picked to find the woman not only perfect for him, but would be able to transform his dead and shredded heart into something that even he couldn’t recognize. Cat is preparing herself for what she knows is coming. Being a part of her family comes with severe and final consequences. When she see Fintan, she knows he is something new that will impact her in more than one way. Fintan must decide if he is willing to take a chance and trust with the remnants of his heart or walk away and leave Cat to the destiny that will not be denied?

FIntan stole my heart and with Cat they become an unstoppable powerhouse. Fintan is a mysterious Reaper who we get to know a lot more in this book. We learn the good and the bad about his past. We are also treated to Cat who is from a very unique family with a very long history and lots of deadly secrets. What we get is a wild train ride that will not leave any unscathed.

Donna Grant is a fabulous creator of highly intelligent fantasy worlds that will captivate and enthrall. I find myself loving each and every story of hers that I have experienced and enjoyed. She is by far one of all my all-time authors. There is nothing that I love better then brilliant storylines and spectacular characters that will steal with your heart without even trying. This is one author that you will NOT want to miss out on!

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Published 2/7/2018:

The first time her grandfather had told her of her heritage, she’d laughed, thinking it was a jest. But as they’d walked down the streets of Galway, he began pointing out the Fae.
That was the day her life changed. At eight years old, she’d felt the weight of the world drop upon her shoulders.

Dark Alpha’s Lover by Donna Grant is another engrossing installment in her Reaper series. This is the fourth entry in the series which is connected to and running concurrently with her Dark Kings series. If you are a fan of her dragon kings, you need to be reading both series to fully understand all the behind-the-scenes political shenanigans going on. If you are not following either series, this tale can work as a stand alone as the romance and the danger plot herein are self-contained. I’m a fan of Donna’s works and am really enjoying both series. I greedily look forward to each new release - not only for the awesome story that will be told – but, also for any juicy tidbits she may disclose regarding my favorite characters and the story arc extending throughout the Reaper series and that of her Dark Kings.

Dark Alpha’s Lover is the story of fae halfling Catriona 'Cat' Hayes and dark fae Fintan, a Reaper who works for Death. Reapers are in charge of ensuring the fae follow the rules. Both light and dark fae are taught as youngsters that they must follow the rules or suffer the consequences courtesy of the Reapers. In the series arc, Fintan and his fellow Reapers are in the midst of a war with Bran, a former spurned Reaper, who has somehow managed to weaken Death and who is targeting halflings. Up till this installment in the series, Fintan has never had an issue strictly following Death’s rules.

Cat has experienced much tragedy in her life; her entire family has been wiped out by the fae and she fears that she is next even though she possesses no magic. When Cat witnesses Fintan killing a fae, she is fascinated as she did not think it possible to defend herself against a fae. Unfortunately, Fintan notices that Cat saw him snuffing out the fae and Death’s rules decree that, if they are spotted, they must also take out the witness. He follows her home only to find an atypical scene with a slew of fae outside her home keeping watch and decides to first investigate further how she’s managed to stay alive when others like her have fallen victim.

Cat and Fintan are both likable and believable. Fintan is known for being unemotional as he’s never known any type of love in his life. Cat shakes his world as he finds himself caring about her and trusting her when he’s only ever trusted Death and his fellow Reapers. Cat is an enigma. She’s strong, resilient and brilliant with phenomenal puzzle-solving abilities. They share a common mission in that the rogue ex-Reaper needs to be taken out – Cat because he’s targeting her kind for extinction, and Fintan because he’s targeting Death and the balance in the Universe that the Reapers are sworn to maintain. I liked the dynamics between them, but can they trust each other enough to work together for a common goal?

No spoilers – but, fans will be enthralled by the possible future ramifications of a quick walk-on by Dark Kings Constantine, Roman and Cain within. In addition, we also get to catch up with the other Reapers and Death, who rocks a ball gown. Who would have thought?

Following please find a few of my favorite quotes from Dark Alpha’s Lover:

“We know her days are numbered, so we watch and wait.”

She turned back to him. “I’ve never seen a Fae like you.”
“Because there is no other like me.”
She suspected no truer words had ever been spoken.

Her thoughts drifted to Fintan. His voice was deep and so captivating that she wondered if he used it on purpose. Almost like a weapon, but one of silk and seduction instead of steel and blood.

Dark Alpha’s Lover packs a punch. It’s sexy, exciting and fast-paced. Newbies will enjoy it and fans will inhale it. It really moves the plot with Bran forward and weaves in some Dark Kings’ intrigue too. If you enjoy paranormal urban fantasy romances with awesome characters and a well-plotted storyline, I’d encourage you to put this series on your radar.

Suggested Reading Order:
Dark Alpha's Lover (Reaper, #4)
Dark Alpha's Night (Reaper, #5)

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Book four of the Reapers series, Dark Alpha's Love, has a different tone. It still has the typical mysterious and strong hero and a powerful heroine but for some reason I liked this story a lot better then the previous books in the series. The story line was good, the attraction between Fintan and Cat was delightful to say the least, and the chemistry! Oh don't get me started.

Cat had to be one of the most interesting heroines by far in this series. Since every member of her family has died, minus her grandfather, she knows that she will be next. Knowing that someone is targeting her next and facing that looming danger made her character all the more interesting.

I felt for Fintan throughout the novel. Knowing what he went through in his past and watching him struggle with his feelings for Cat was so endearing. I truly adored this book couple. It also didn't hurt that their chemistry was through the roof.

Though this book is a part of a series, it can still be read as a standalone. With that being said, I still highly suggest reading the series in order. The only thing I can possibly complain about is that I wish for more Fintan. Overall, this was an amazing book to read. I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

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I have absolutely loved every one of these reaper books! The Donna Grant writing and style I love,100%. Cat and Finton were so fun to follow along with, I loved their connection and adventure! The little bits we get to see of Rhi have you wanting more and to know all of her past, secrets and future. I love getting to know Death and love her outfits!! Thank you Donna for another amazing series.

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A highly intense read. Fintan has given up on emotion, but standing before the halfling Cat, his world turned upside down. Coming in on the fourth book in the series, there were a few things i didn't understand right away but the author has done a good job in giving you enough information to get to know the back story without overload, whist still keeping you interested in what the current characters are going through. A good read for sure, magic, passion and love.

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There is no escaping a Reaper. I am an elite assassin, part of a brotherhood that only answers to Death. And when Death says your time is up, I am coming for you…

I answer to no one but Death. I am impenetrable, impervious, immortal. I exist to do Death’s bidding and no one–not Reaper nor human nor Fae–can stand in my way. Except for the bewitching half-Fae, Catriona. She swears the magic in her family passed her by, but I know better. This woman is strong. This woman is powerful. And when her abilities surge forth, no one will be able to stop the Dark Fae from coming for her. Except for me. I want to keep her close. I want to keep her safe. I want lose myself to her, again and again…

* * * * *

I keep dipping my toes into this world as the books come up for review and have been very pleased. This is the first one that I have read in the Reaper series and I loved the fact that while it stands on its own very nicely, I also got a chance to check in on the Dragon Kings.

DARK ALPHA'S LOVER focuses on Fintan and Cat while advancing the overall story arc. I was introduced to the other Reapers also and now I need to pick up the books that came before as I was entranced by Ms. Grant's world and her characters.

I do recommend this book and this author to anyone who enjoys paranormal romances with hot men and strong women. There are some sex scenes as well as violence but nothing too graphic.

*** I received this book at no charge from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions expressed within are my own.

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Brilliant loved it!!!
Cannot wait for more of the series.
Loved the characters.
I love the evolution of Donna Grants stories each one gets better and better

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DARK ALPHA LOVER is exactly what fans of Donna Grant expect ... a fantastic, can't put it down read! The characters Fintan and Catriona are well developed and both hold a host of secrets that come out as the reader reads. This gives us a chance to get to know them as they get to know each other. We also get to look at Death and the other Reapers from past (and “please” future) books as they plan and discuss their war with the former Reaper, Bran. I loved the twists that come into play as Bran thinks he has the perfect plan against Death but instead he gets played. I like that little turn of events.

I can not conceive of the work that must go into a series such as this one. Knowing that readers miss little in the way of inconsistencies the writer must blend her past characters with the new ones and their romance and trials and keep it smooth. Even though the main characters of this series (this is book #4) are working for Death, they are interesting men (and later a woman) that have been betrayed and killed with Death giving them a second change as her assassins. She (Death) has made mistakes through the years and Bran is the result of one major mistake, but her new Reapers are loyal and one is very worried, for it seems Bran has been able to somehow drain her of some magic. And I really can't wait to see what Ms. Grant does with that particular Reaper and Death. Also Ms. Grant managed to bring more of her Dragon Kings into the storyline by having the Reaper leader visit Con, letting the Kings know what is going on. This just might add more to this fun and provocative series. We do already have a Reaper following Rhi around so this should be interesting.

If you love to read about the Fae, enjoy intrigue, some good sword play and a sweet romance with just the right amount of steam, though it does get a little turned around, but manages to end with a welcome HEA then DARK ALPHA LOVER is just what you need in your hands.

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Just read anything and everything by this author. Good read

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Donna Grant is a new-to-me author and I want to know why I didn't find her sooner. I have read "Firestorm" from the Dark Kings series and now "Dark Alpha's Lover" from the "Reaper" series. I hate that I have come in the middle of the each of these series!

Donna Grant's writing is spell-binding. Fans of KMM will enjoy this novel. I love the Dark and Light Fey and Death is a beautiful woman named Elith. I liked that it is written in 3rd person and not jumping PoVs.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Thank you.

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I have not yet read a series from Donna Grant that I did not fall in love with. Reaper has been no exception. Reading each of the hot, sexy, dark, broody alpha’s have given me more to love in the men she creates. Unfortunate for most of the male loving population these men can only be found in our reading. The Reaper series is sexy, sizzling, sensual, and full of males that will do what it takes to fulfilling her duties to Death and to protect what they consider theirs. Their women each have a strength, beauty, sensuality that can only be harness by that one male.

PNR at is finest. Donna Grant gives her series depth. Each series has a center point that carries them and connects them. I would highly recommend that you read the books in this series in order to get the full effect of the building romances and plot-line. In this read we get Cat (1/2 Fae & human) and Fintan (former Fae, current Reaper). The journey will come together to create a piece to the whole. Each with their own strength and together they will be each other weakness.

This was a quick read that gave a superior blow. This was but one stop in the Reaper journey. One that you will love to ride on.

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Yet again I am jumping into a series that is already and progress. Some portions were no problem for me, others I was somewhat lost. I'm not normally a fan of Fae stories but Dark Alpha's Lover blurb was interesting enough that I thought I would give it a try. Plus, I have a few friends who read author Donna Grant and have suggested I give her a try. So I gave this new to me author a try.

Fintan and Catriona story was easy peasy for me to follow. Cat's siblings who had magic, were murdered, her parents also dead. She's half-fae with no magic and has lost all her family except her grandfather. She's lost so much and instead of poor me, she is standing tall and facing what gets thrown her way head on. Fintan is an elite assassin, a reaper that works for Death. He's been burned in the past and now is an emotional popsicle. When he hears of a Halfling that draws the attention of other Fae he's curious. What is it that draws other Faes to her? How is she still alive when other Halflings were murdered? His curiosity draws him to her but when she doesn't reject him, that popsicle begins to melt. Most everything between them I had no problem keeping up with.

The parts I semi-struggled with is the whole Bran thing, Eoghan missing and the other Reapers finding love. The majority is explained to an extent throughout the book so I was able to piece most of it together. I'm still fuzzy/hazy about the other Reapers finding love. Obviously, had I read the previous books I would more than likely not be so confused...especially when it comes to Bran's lost love. As for the missing Eoghan, I kept WAITING for someone to figure out the solution to that problem, especially once the secret regarding Cat is revealed. Did no one see it besides me?!

As my first book by Donna Grant, Dark Alpha's Lover was a great read. I enjoyed it so much that I read it in one sitting, until 2am! The ending did feel a smidge rushed, but overall, I enjoyed the book. My curiosity has been piqued and now I want to start the Reaper series from the beginning. I look forward to reading the next in the series.

reviewed by Jac

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Review goes live on the blog on May 6 2017 at 00.00 am GMT+2 and will show up on Goodreads sometime later.

In a Flutter: Love the Reapers!!
Fluttering Thoughts:
Worldbuilding: The world of the Reapers, dark and light fae, and the connection to the Dragon Kings makes for a fascinating setting.
Characters: I loved Cat and Fintan together, on all levels: chemistry, typology of character, backstory, as color combo (lol!). Cat in fact came off as more charismatic than Fintan, though he has the more interesting backstory. He has this sort of doomed, lonely, insecure thing going, which shouldn’t work this well for a legendary assassin and a Reaper no less, but it just does work like a charm. I mean, the guy was actually…cute. Which is messed up in a way, but it was very fun. I loved Doona Grant’s concept of fae, and for him to have white hair and white eyes…hey, you know he’s been a badass Dark fae in terrible, terrifying ways. And yet he has this insecure, cute side that just make you want to cuddle him or something. In a way, he was so interesting to me that he stole the show, making their chemistry and romance actually become less captivating to me than a character study on the guy – he’s that interesting!
Plot: The romance was pretty fun, the sweet variety, I’d say. I mean, angsty too, which is always nice, but also sweet. There was something almost virginal about Fintan – yes, I know how crazy it sounds, lol! – and Cat brouht all this fiery passion to the table. Yummy. I’m also very interested in how the Bran story will go, and I will openly admit I’m a fan of Death in this series xDDD
Writing: Third person, past tense narrative, his/her POV. It was interesting to see the world from both of their eyes.
Curb Appeal: Awesome cover, hooking blurb – autobuy author name for my creative-PNR-cravings.

I recommend Dark Alpha’s Lover to fans of fae stories and worlds, to fans of alpha male paranormal romance (though beware, Cat is not a damsel in distress, she hold her own!), and to fans of PNR in general. Donna Grant’s worlds entwine and collide, and come together in an exciting, complex puzzle that I’m just dying to solve all the way. Big like!

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I think I was missing just enough backstory to care about a lot of the plot points here. A lot of the drama seemed very manufactured, instead of natural to the world-building Donna Grant did, and was thus clunky. If you boil down all of it to just the romance, I enjoyed that part.

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