Member Reviews

So, was tempted to give this book 3.5 stars because I’m not really sure what our preoccupation with psycho/sociopaths really is. And frankly, wicked sexy Reaper Fintan is just that. He gained his reputation as an elite assassin for a reason. It’s dangerous to romanticize heartless, cold-blooded murderers. Having said that, there is something to be said for the suspension of disbelief. This story takes place in fantasy land, and there–unlike in the real world–it is possible to rehabilitate an ex-mercenary turned hitman for Death through love and affection. Okay, fine. Moving on.

Catriona–Cat–is a fantastic character and this book would be well worth reading without the romance angle. Half-Fae, half-human female tries to find her place in the world through great hardship and pain. I’ve always been a fan of the saying “hardship doesn’t build character, it reveals it.” In Dark Alpha’s Lover, Cat’s character is revealed in shiny technicolor. She is one of my sheroes, because she stares into the face of death and never flinches. I love this character because she doesn’t have a death wish, she isn’t careless, she’s just resolved. If death is coming for her, it is, and she’s going to take it with her head up, shoulders back. Her courage is admirable. And an undeniable turn-on for badboy Fae Fintan.

This is a nice addition to the Reaper series. Grant is building up to one hell of an explosion between the Dragon Kings, the dark Fae, the light Fae, and Death and her Reapers. Love is obviously at the middle of it all. And lost love is a highly motivating force. Each installment just makes me itch to know what comes next.

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Great read. Love the characters and world that have been created. It has great twists and turns.

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Dark Alpha’s Lover is the next installment of Donna Grant’s Reaper series. In this one, Catriona Hayes, a halfling, has accepted that her days are numbered. After losing everyone in her family except her grandfather, it’s pretty obvious that her time has come. Fintan, a Reaper for Death, catches that beautiful woman has just seen him, a guaranteed death sentence. His curiosity peaked, rather than kill her, he’s determined to find out everything he can about her.  
As with all of this author’s books, I really loved this story. I loved that there was more slight intertwining with her dragon series and the characters start to interact with each other. I enjoyed Cat’s character. Her determination and drive made it hard to put this book down. I thought that Fintan was a perfect match for her.
I loved this story and the overall continuation of the series and look forward to the next one. I highly recommend.

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A wonderful paranormal romance that'll have you wishing you were the lucky heroine.

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Interesting read. This book is another book in the series about the reapers. Anyway, Dark Alpha's Lover is Fintan and Catriona's story. This book is full of surprises and interesting. So many things that happened that blew my mind. Overall, this book is a good read. It can be read as a standalone book but I advice to read the books in order to understand the story of the reapers more clearly (if you are new to the series).

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Great addition to this series. The read is fast paced with lots of suspense and drama. Cat’s story is an emotional one and she is a very strong character. Fin himself knows a lot of pain and grief and the chemistry between these two is amazing. This read definitely transports you to a different world and I was hooked from beginning to end. I loved it!

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Dark Alpha's Lover is the fourth book in the Reaper Series by Donna Grant but may be my favorite. While I don’t necessarily believe that this is a stand-alone book since much of the overall theme and conflict is found in earlier books, I found this one to have the most complex or conflicted of characters.

Fintan is about feel the earth move as he meets the half fae/human, Catriona. I have enjoyed the females in this series, they are strong, problem solvers who do not give up. Cat continues this tread. Their story is complete but Death and the ones against them is heating up. There are twists and turns in the story but not real resolution along that story-line.

If you enjoy a slow build-up of the good vs bad then this is the series for you. I am now seeing that the Reaper Series will probably go as long as the Dragon Kings has before the final battle. While the Dark Alpha's Lover does have an HEA it also leaves many unanswered questions so that feel as if there is a cliffhanger of sorts.

An ARC of the book was given to me by the publisher through Net Galley.

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DARK ALPHA’S LOVER is the fourth installment in Donna Grant’s contemporary, adult REAPER paranormal/fantasy romance series. The REAPERS is a spin off from Donna’s DARK KINGS series which is a spinoff from Donna’s DARK WARRIOR series which in turn is a spin off from Donna’s DARK SWORD series- all set in the Highlands of Scotland. You do not have to have read any of the previous series to understand the premise but many of the events overlap with the events of the Dark Kings. This is Reaper Fintan, and half-fae/half human Catriona Hayes’s story line.

SOME BACKGROUND: The Reapers (believed to be a folk lore amongst the Fae) are a group of Dark and Light Fae, selected by Death (aka Erith), on their own deathbed, to do her bidding-Death is the judge and jury; the Reapers are the executioners. The Reapers are not harbingers of death, but are tasked with destroying the Light and Dark Fae who have crossed a line from which there is no return. All Reapers must follow two rules: never to fall in love; and never to reveal their existence to anyone. If you have read Donna’s DARK KINGS series you will recognize the familiarity between the two series as both follow a similar plot and premise including betrayal by one of their own.

Told from several third person perspectives DARK ALPHA’S LOVER follows Reaper Fintan as he is tasked with protecting and gathering information about the half-fae Catriona Hayes. Cat believes she has not been blessed with the gift of magic but circumstances begin to unfold that reveal more about Cat’s abilities than anyone could ever have imagined. Cat is being stalked by Bran- a former Reaper with revenge on his mind, revenge aimed at the Reapers and the woman known as Death. What ensues is the building but forbidden relationship between Fintan and Cat, and the discovery about the who and what of Bran’s plans for the Reapers he once called friends.

The relationship between Cat and Fintan is forbidden by Reaper law-a law that once saw the destruction of Bran’s lover-a death he has chosen to avenge at all costs. Fintan knows that to fall in love could mean death to the woman that calls to his heart but Death knows that the world is changing, and along with, so too, are the Reapers who do her bidding. The $ex scenes are limited, seductive and compelling.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including all seven of the current line of Reapers, as well as several individuals from some of Donna’s other connected series and story lines including a number of the Dark Kings including King Constantine, and Balladyn-one time Captain of the Queen’s Guard, a famed warrior in the Light Army, and now a member of the Dark. Balladyn’s purpose throughout both of the series is increasing in relevance along with the Light Fae Rhi.

DARK ALPHA’S LOVER is a story of family and love; betrayal and revenge; magic and power. The cross over between the Dark Kings and the Reaper’s series is revealing, and the connection between the two enemies may be closer than we think as both are avenging the loss of someone they loved. The premise is imaginative, revealing and engaging; the characters are dynamic and courageous; the romance is passionate. DARK ALPHA’S LOVER takes the reader closer to a supernatural war where everyone will lose, in the end.

Copy supplied by Netgalley




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As I have stated in other reviews paranormal romance was where I renewed my love of reading. So I love to find new series or to be reminded of authors I have read in the past and just haven’t stayed caught up with. This is the case with Donna Grant and Dark Alpha’s Lover. Dark Alpha’s Lover is the fourth book in the Reaper series and while I am behind on this series I was able to still enjoy it but feel that if I was current with the series I probably would have liked it more.

Fintan and Catriona aka Cat, weaved a spell that had me wanting to dive deeper into the story. I was entranced once I was into their storyline and wish I had more knowledge of this series ahead of time because I really was enjoying it. I personally tend to like more of your traditional paranormal romance i.e. vampire, shifter, demon, but for some reason I have not read a whole lot of series really focused on the Fae and that is something that I plan to correct very quickly and that is because of Fintan and Catriona. They made me want to catch up on this series, they made me want to read the books I have missed, and they have made me want to know what will happen next in this series.

Dark Alpha’s Lover was another reminder of why I love this genre as much as I do and I hope other fans are able to discover a new to them author or series and enjoy it. I will say make sure you read the previous books first just for the full understanding and back story and then pickup Dark Alpha’s Lover and get to reading!

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I am never disappointed in author Donna Grant's stories. I am also not a big paranormal reader but this is one of those reads that go beyond that label as the reader gets involved in the story from the beginning and it keeps you enthralled until the end.

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Dark Alpha’s Lover is the fourth book in of Donna Grant’s Reapers series. The writing is rich, the characters are intriguing, and the action both in and out of the sheets keeps me on my toes. Although some have had no problem reading them as standalones, there is an ongoing storyline to these books so I recommend reading them in order.

Fintan is a dark fae, in fact, he was the darkest fae of them all before he was betrayed and became a reaper. Since then, he has kept himself completely devoid of emotion–no happiness, no sadness, not even contentment. It’s like he’s just existing. Knowing that still waters run deep, this just made me curious as to what would happen if he lost all that control.

Cat confused me. A half-fae, her entire family had magic but hers never manifested leaving her feeling like she didn’t belong. Now, the fae have killed every member of her family except for her Grandfather. She’s pragmatic as hell and accepts that her time is coming up next, and she’s decided to meet that fate head on. She broke my heart with her story, but I also wanted to throttle her. Willing to sacrifice herself for her beloved Grandfather, she refused to see that he wouldn’t want to go on without her.

When Fintan first sees Cat he’s suddenly over-run by desire and a hunger that threatens all his tight control. His new-found emotions had him doing several things entirely against his usual ways that had me smiling more than once. He knows he must put his reapers first so he focuses on solving the puzzle of all that is Cat. No one can figure out why Bran wants a Halfling with no magic and he aims to figure that out before she can be used against Death. Cat ends up surprising him at every turn with her selflessness and her willingness to be used as a tool to defeat Bran.

Although we got a huge dose of insta-attraction, this is not the insta-lust type book I expected. These two fight their connection as hard as they can. When they finally get together it is hot and very sexy but I can’t say I ever totally bought the connection between them and I really can’t tell you why. It just never clicked especially with the added angst at the end, which felt a bit contrived.

Beyond the relationship woes between Cat and Fintan there was a whole lot going on, almost too much. As Bran strengthens, Death is weakening. In desperation, chances are taken to bring in more than one surprising ally. It was these things that kept me turning the pages rather than Fintan and Cat’s story. The last 20% of the book, although exciting, had some revelations that just didn’t quite work for me. In fact, I went back and reread it to make sure I didn’t miss something. I’m not going to give anything away, but an explanation as to why certain things are the way they are would have been appreciated.

This was a good book, and a decent addition to a series I’ve gotten attached to, it’s just not going to be my favorite. I’m crossing my fingers after that epilogue that Eoghan is up next.

Rating: 3.5 Love the Series But Just Liked This Book Stars

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DARK ALPHA'S LOVER is a fast and exciting story of family, betrayal and love; very rich in details and completely draws you in. This is my first book in this series but it feels familiar because I recognize characters from the author's Dark Kings series and it's a credit to her writing that having read only two books from two series, I'm not struggling to make sense of the story, but I'm excited about going back to read the previous books and looking forward to reading more upcoming books in both series.

Catriona Hayes knows a lot more about life than she wanted. As a hafling, part human and part Fae, she is aware of her heritage and other beings that walk the earth, only without the abilities to match. Having lost most of her family under very mysterious circumstances, she's knows her number is coming up soon but she'll fight to the death to ensure that her beloved grandfather is safe, even if it means joining forces with a Reaper.

Fintan was a legendary and feared warrior in his day before he became a Reaper. Reapers are bound by two rules: they can't fall in love and they can't reveal their existence to anyone, except one marked for death. After accidentally revealing himself to Catriona, he finds himself fascinated by this hafling who is so accepting of her fate and has become the target of a former Reaper on a vengeful bid, even though the why is not readily apparent.

The developing relationship between Fintan and Catriona is forbidden but she makes him feel emotions that he had buried a long time ago. Plus she's vital to their quest to stop their enemy. Catriona needs help to understand and adjust to her new abilities and she also needs Fintan and the Reapers to save her grandfather. Besides, for the first time she feels more emotions than resignation to her certain death. She and Fintan need each other for more than just the battle to come, but will they be able to overcome the obstacles in their way?

I enjoyed both main characters and the connection they shared. I would love to read more about them at a later date. I also liked the large cast of secondary characters and the crossover with the Dark Kings series. I am intrigued by Cael and can't wait for his story.

The intersection with the Dark Kings's series means while this can be read as a stand-alone, reading both is highly recommended.

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I will admit that I've only read a few books by Donna Grant. The real sad part is that the ones that I read I really enjoyed. So why doing I read more?

No clue. I just don't have enjoy time to read everything.

I'll tell you I'm very glad that I took the time to read Dark Lover's Alpha. I so very much enjoyed it. I love the whole idea of this world.

I loved, loved the characters! I also loved the idea of reapers and fae. I don't think we have enough of those in paranormal's for me. I will have to make sure to dive more into the series.

Unfortunately for me, I started on book #4. I don't really like do that but I couldn't help myself, I really wanted to read this story.

So glad that I did. You'll feel so bad for Catriona. Her life right now totally sucks. She's been put through the ringer and it's not over yet for her. Which makes the fact that she meets a cold-hearted reaper the more romantic.

I know what you are does that make sense? You'll have to read the story to understand it. I can't give you everyone. I will tell you that if you're a fan of paranormal you'll really enjoy this story. Dark Alpha's Lover is very well written, the story is shorter then a novel but you won't think that when you're done reading the story.

I do have one issue with it though and I'm pretty sure it is only my problem, not that it's a big one but I hated and thought the title didn't fit with the story. As bothersome of a issue it didn't stop me from totally enjoying the story!

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There is no escaping a Reaper. I am an elite assassin, part of a brotherhood that only answers to Death. And when Death says your time is up, I am coming for you…

I answer to no one but Death. I am impenetrable, impervious, immortal. I exist to do Death’s bidding and no one–not Reaper nor human nor Fae–can stand in my way. Except for the bewitching half-Fae, Catriona. She swears the magic in her family passed her by, but I know better. This woman is strong. This woman is powerful. And when her abilities surge forth, no one will be able to stop the Dark Fae from coming for her. Except for me. I want to keep her close. I want to keep her safe. I want lose myself to her, again and again…


Let me start by saying I keep doing this. This is story #4 in the series and I have not read the others before. I did catch on quickly and though it has a continuing storyline going through the series you could read it as a stand alone, though for reading enjoyment read in order.

That being said I really liked the idea and execution of this story. The idea that Reapers and Fae co-exist and are at odds without humans being any the wiser was very fun to read. I was super sad for Cat losing all her family. She is strong character though and fights back against those out to get her. I also liked that there is more than meets the eye with Cat. I also really liked broody Fintan, he is dark, sexy and mysterious.

This is a short book so I won't give away the story or plot points. What I will say this is a dark, sexy, exciting romance. I was caught up in the story from the beginning to the end and should appeal to lots of people.


*I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this book provided by the publisher.*

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I love the Reaper novels, in fact I might even say that since I read my very first Donna Grant book this series has become my favorite. I know, *gasps are heard around the paranormal book world* I know, I just think that there is something so raw and vulnerable about this group of characters. They have their secrets yes, heck, they are a secret, but at the same time there isn't this gruff guardedness that I find with the Dragon Kings. They take me a bit back to the beginning of my DG journey with the Dark Sword series.

Catriona has lost her entire family, all but her grandfather and she knows that now she is being hunted. Someone wants her family line gone and she is that last obstacle to ending it. Fintan is one of the mysterious and legendary Reapers. He (and his team) is Death's sword, her (yes, HER) executioner, the line that holds the balance of the Fae and he's got his eyes on a mysterious woman. One who is clearly more than she seems, particularly if the number of Fae watching her means anything.

One of my favorite things about all of Donna's Heroines is that they stand solidly on their own two feet. They will make their own decisions and follow through on their choices. They may not always end up being the right ones, particularly when they are unaware of the whole scheme of what is going on around them but they never allow themselves to be bullied by these tough as nails men and they always bring out the softer side of these Heroes. They take them from being Alpha jerks to complicated, emotional, (although don't tell them I said that) often times broken 'men' who have guarded themselves and their hearts for so long they don't know how to open up and love. Fintan and Cat's romance is insta/or love at first site, but that isn't unusual when dealing with the paranormal world. Yet, while it is a fast paced love it is strife with challenges both physical, (i.e. Cat being hunted) and emotional, (see above about these Reapers and their ability to let go, ha) they may fall into lust with one another pretty darn quickly but that doesn't make everything smooth going. Not only do Fintan and Catriona have to fight off the Dark Fae and a vile adversary, they have to fight their own personal fears, and then of course there is Death and the rules she has set for her Reapers.

I love the world that Donna has created, her seamless ability to send us between the realms, human, Dark Fae, Light Fae, and now Death's realm, which I kinda want to live in...I also want Death's wardrobe, just saying. I love that the Reaper's are made up of both the Dark and the Light, that Donna is showing us that it isn't as easy as being Darka nd Light, that there is a whole lot of gray in between (Balladyn for example) I love that she brings in characters from the Dragon Kings, especially Rhi and I can not wait to see how it all ties together. I have big hopes and dreams for our girl Rhi and I just hope that they end up lining up with Donna's.

I think that the Reaper world is a great escape for Donna Grant's Dragon King fans. While we all LOVE the Kings, their story has been getting pulled to the ends of it's rope and is on the verge of breaking. Things have gotten heavy in both good and bad ways and getting to pick up a Reaper story and take a break from that world while not truly leaving it is a breath of fresh air. Don't worry if you haven't read the Dragon Kings, you don't have to even with a few of the characters crossing story lines. While I ALWAYS recommend reading a series from the first book on, it isn't a must with this one although you will feel a bit lost at times Donna does a good job of 'reminding' us what has come in previous books. Once you start though you'll want to go back to the beginning and see how we've gotten from point A to around F(intan) now, haha. If you are looking for a little something different in the Paranormal Romance genre and haven't tried a Donna Grant book (or even if you have) I highly suggest picking this series up! My biggest wish...that they would come out in paper back. Right now they are only offered in e-book or audio format, but hopefully one day I will have these on my shelf!


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If you have been reading my blog for a while you most likely noticed that I will read every books that Donna writes and I have been loving every single books by her so far.

Dark Alpha's Lover is book number 4 in the Reaper series but you can read it as a stand-alone.

Just like all other books by Donna, I have absolutely loved this book. I love this story and yes I was sucked into this book right from the beginning and I know I will be re-reading it and the previous books in this series again and again in the future.

I do recommend this book.

I give this 5 out of 5 .

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~ARC given by the publisher, via NetGalley.~

The 4th book of the series, and the action gets better and better.

From the start to the end it was as exciting as the previous books.

There was not much when it comes to the romance. For me, I noticed that is more on the focus on why Cat's family is being targeted by the Fae. I actually liked how this was written. It was a mite fast, but the details are there.

Fintan? It was like a "Wow..." moment with me. Never have I thought that he would have such a dark past. It was saddening and at the same time frightening that he was molded to such a world, then to be betrayed by the person who he severed.

Both came from a past that made them who they are, and yet, with all that was happening around them, it was only a matter of time before they find their way to each other's arms.

Not much is reviled with our favorite Fae, but new connections are formed. However, which among those connections will come to fruition?

I cannot wait to read the nest book in the series. May it be the Reapers or the Dark Kings. The connection between the two worlds are slowly coming to a circle. But, there are still some gaps that needs to be filled. And Cael, will his feeling for Death will bloom? ~Yeah I know...If you read the books from one to four, its there. However, their story, if they will have one, will be more rougher and more deadlier than the rest. Is is just a mere speculation, as for the rest, lets have Ms. Grant weave her magic.

I rate this 4.5

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This is my second time reviewing this author, and I am happy to say that I enjoyed this story much more than the previous one I read of hers!

I came into the middle of the series on this one, but thankfully I didn't need to read those preceding stories or the series that it had spun out of. There was a good amount of world building woven throughout this story, so it was rather easy to follow along with the threads of things.

I really loved the characters of Fintan and Catriona! I thought that they were well suited to one another, and while they fell in love under adversity, I thought that they had a good chance of making it last. I also liked the idea of the Reapers themselves, especially the character of Death! It was a very unique look at things, and one I took a great deal of interest in!

The book had a great conflict, and was somewhat fast paced because of it. The villain of the piece was realistically written, even if I didn't completely understand how and why he was amassing so much power and so much of an army to fight with. Bran was very charismatic and believable, to the point where I almost began to agree with him, though not the methods he was employing to bring about change.

There were a few plot threads left unresolved, which made for a sort of cliffhanger ending that I really didn't care for, causing me to remove a star in my rating. However, I am eager to read the previous books in the series and get caught up for the next release!

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4 - "Then I met you..." Stars!

The fourth book in Donna Grant’s Reaper series finally gives us Fintan’s story. The quiet one of the group has definitely got more about him that we have seen so far, and it was good to get into this Fae’s head.


And I liked that his story was very focused on him and the woman he falls for Cat Hayes; a Halfling herself, she is dealing with the loss of most of her family through Bran’s Dark Army, but the reasons as to why he has directed his attention on her are less than clear at the beginning of the book.

A Reaper couldn’t do his job if his thoughts were on others…

I liked that the story between the Reapers and Bran played out a little bit more in the telling of Fintan and Cat’s coming together as well as the author giving a little bit more on the changing feelings between Erith and Cael. Although relatively shore books there is certainly a lot packed into them.

"I’ve never seen a fae like you…"

"Because there is no other like me."

I am really enjoying this series, I must admit the little glimpses you get of characters from the authors Dark Kings books is making me want to delve into their stories as well, but there is definitely more to come for the Reapers and their battle with Bran, with Eoghan’s capture still very much unresolved, and the unmatched men still to meet their women as the bigger picture plays out.

I can’t find any information as to when the next installment of this series is due for release, I hope that it isn’t too long a wait as it has really got some momentum going now and I am looking forward to seeing how the author plays everything out in the last few books.

ARC generously provided via Netgalley, and it was a pleasure to provide the above honest review.

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So many authors start to run out of new material after years of writing but Author Donna Grant is not hat author. Her books continue to surround the reader with sharp details, intrigue, brokenness, redemption, evil, mystery, paranormal happenings and love. In this fourth book of A Reaper Novel series the Reaper Fintan takes center stage though the other Reapers make appearances as well as Death. Let me not forget to mention Constantine King of the Dragon Kings along with Roman and Cain from the Dragon Kings series also makes a cameo appearance in this book. I can't wait to see where that meeting leads in future books.

Non-emotional Fintan trusts no one except Death and the other Reapers. He has never known anyone to just want to touch and love him because everyone feared him. It brought tears to my eyes the words written about this character. It is so hard to even imagine never being loved. The author did an outstanding job of portraying his strength while slowly exposing his weaknesses which caused this reader to fall deeply in love with his character.

Would we be able to be as strong as Catriona? Losing loved ones, finances, and just waiting to die; forces some people to become more resilient or others to just give up and die. Catriona's personality was exciting, empowering, brave, and very well written. Her brain is amazing and she solves a puzzle that no one else guessed. It was quite brilliant in concept.

This story is fast paced and full of exciting moments with some spiciness thrown in. For this reason I give it 5 STARS.

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