Member Reviews

This is a good and sexy PNR read. This is book 4 in the series and if you haven’t read any of the previous books, then in my opinion, I would recommend you read the previous books for the storyline is continued. The couple in this book is new- Catriona 'Cat' and Fintan but the storyline is continued on from the previous books so anyone who is new to this series may be lost.
This is about Fintan who was a Fae but who is now a Reaper . Then there is a half fae, half human woman who is attracted and intrigued by Fintan. This is their love story and the continuation of the previous storyline. Great PNR read

My rating: 4. 4 stars ****
"I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book in exchange for an honest review***

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A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book and my comments here are my honest opinion.
Dark Alpha's Lover is book 4 in Donna Grant's Reapers series. I really enjoyed this book. I couldn't put it down till I reached the end of the book. I was captivated to the pages of the story and I watched it play out like a movie in my head. Donna Grant has a special way to captivate her readers to her stories. I love her other paranormal stories that I have read. This is one of my other favorite series so far.
Dark Alpha's Lover is the story of Catriona aka Cat a fae halfling and Fintan a Reaper. Cat is always on the look out because she knows that the Fae are the reason most of her family is dead. Fintan finds Cat interesting and wants to know more about her.
Fintan approaches Cat to learn more about her and her family. For some reason all the Fae knows her family legacy. Then Fintan's enemy Bran has plans for Cat and Fintan wants to know what Bran has planned for Cat. Bran has a plan and Fintan knows for a fact that it isn't good.
When Cat's only living family member is kidnapped Cat has to do the unthinkable to save him. Through all this Cat realized that she has fallen for Fintan, but she has no other choice but to do this to save her family member.
To see what happens to Cat and Fintan in Dark Alpha's Lover go grab your copy of the book.
I give Dark Alpha's Lover 5 stars and would recommend this series to anyone who loves paranormal romance with reapers.

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I found myself entranced with Fin and Cat. There is so much going on here with darek and light, fae and reapers and so much more.
This book grabs the imagination and will keep you coming back for more. Yes, this is the fourth book in the series and each just seems to get better than the last. The layers of this world have been built upon along with some rather intriguing characters. If you love reading fantasy and adventure I think you may find this series more than worthy of reading.

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This is the newest addition to the Reapers series and I am in love! This can be read as a standalone with no problem at all, but I recommend reading them all anyway since they're all really good!

This is definitely one of my favorite paranormal authors and I'm never disappointed by any of her amazing books! Finlan is a Reaper who is a soldier for Death and there's no room in his life for relationships. Cat is half fae and half human and has always felt left out of both worlds. She's lived her entire life trying not to stand out to those who would choose eliminate her and this is why running into the dangerous Reaper has her guard up in a big way.

Cat is such a down to Earth person and it's definitely interesting to see how she interacts with the intense and brooding fae warrior. I loved the chemistry between these two and couldn't get enough of them together! This is an amazingly compelling paranormal romance story that I highly recommend reading to anyone and I can't wait for more amazing stories by this incredibly talented author!

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'Dark Alpha's Lover' by Donna Grant is book Four in the "Reaper" series. This is the story of Catriona 'Cat' and Fintan. Fintan is Reaper who works for Death. Fintan's job is to keep the balance by making sure Fae follow the rules. Fintan and his fellow friends are also in middle of fighting a war with a spurned Reaper.
Cat is a hafling which is half human and half fae. Cat and her grandfather know some of what a Fae is and what to look for in others. But they don't seem to know all as her brother and sister have been killed. Now Cat thinks they will come for her next. Cat happens to witness Fintan killing a Fae which she didn't think was possible. Now she is intrigued by him and a way to kill Fae.
Fintan does spot Cat after his killing and the rules are that if spotted is is to kill that person. But Cat seems to draw him in and he doesn't want to hurt her. When he follows her home he sees allot of Fae's outside her home that are just watching her. He finds that there is something odd going on with her still being alive but not fallen victim to being killed as so many have in the past.
This was another exciting paranormal romance read from Ms. Grant. This book is near impossible to put down!
"My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read."

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I am a fan of Donna Grant's writing. She weaves the most exciting and intense stories with alpha heroes and heroines that are able to hold their own and a scorching chemistry that will leave you breathless. I really like her "Dark Kings" series. This was my first "Reapers" book. However, because the two series are tied, it's not too difficult to understand the story.

Reapers work for Death, who happens to be a beautiful and enchanting woman. Due to the job that they have to do, they have to be emotionless and detached. Fintan is a reaper. He was made into one due to the amount of people that he killed. He has white hair and red rimmed white eyes. He has never had trouble performing his assignments. This time he is assigned to protect and keep an eye on Catriona Hayes. The leader of the rogue reapers, Bran, has his eye on her. He has killed her whole family. And with dark and light fae alike waiting impatiently around her house to see when Bran will come to kill her, Fintan has his job cut out for him. Try as he might, Fintan just can't seem to ignore the feelings and attraction that he feels for Cat, feelings very foreign to him.

Catriona "Cat" Hayes is a halfling. Half fae and half human. Unlike her late brother and sister she has no magic and seems to have reconciled herself to being without powers. The only family she has left is her elderly grandfather. They both know that someone or something is after them. Cat is determined to protect herself and her grandfather- no matter what. And when a fae unlike anyone she has ever seen approaches her, telling her of the danger that she is in, she decides that she will fight to the end no matter the dangers that lurk in the shadows. Cat soon discovers that she is more than what she was led to believe and her eyes are opened to a whole new realm full of magic and danger.

I enjoyed the story itself. I like paranormal romances and Donna Grant does a wonderful job of creating a world full of good and evil, with faes and dragons and all sorts of mystical creatures. However, I have to say that I didn't like the hero and heroine together. I just felt like the romance was scripted and not every original or real. It was paced too fast and I really couldn't form an attachment with the two main characters. Having said that, I really enjoy Donna Grant's paranormal world and can't wait to read more of the Dark Kings and Reapers!

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Dark Alpha’s Lover by Donna Grant
Reaper #4

Fintan & Cat – Dark Fae and Halfling – meet one night in an alley filled with fear. Fear that Cat senses pouring off a soon to be dispatched dark fae sentenced to death by…Death. Fintan has suppressed his feelings to the point that most who know him believe they are gone forever. Well, it seemed so until he found Cat in that dark alley, decided not to kill her, followed her home because she was “different” then began to investigate just why she was different. With Fintan’s Reaper partners still trying to vanquish Bran, their onetime “brother” turned evil, and the realization that Cat is of interest to Bran and thus no doubt worth saving; Fintan sets himself up as her protector. With Cat assuming she is a Halfling without magic and expecting to be murdered soon she determines she has nothing to lose by putting her life in Fintan’s hands. With Fintan having had his trust betrayed in the past he is unwilling to trust again though willing to protect Cat. As the two get to know one another better their attraction grows BUT will it be enough to lead them to a HEA?

I think what I like most about Donna Grant’s paranormal fantasy romances is that the characters have substance and the stories are more than a vehicle for sex and violence. There is a hope for something more and that something more shows up for each couple that she tells the story for. The story has a plot with a clear focus for the finale and all of the stories in the series lead to and support that perfect ending. I am looking forward to reading more to find out just what the ending of this series will be. With that said, in this book the other reapers and previous mated couples make a brief appearance, Death and Cael are perhaps set up for romance at some point in the future, Eoghan’s whereabouts is hinted at and a few mysteries are solved that may help them ultimately get the better of Bran and his cohorts.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press - This is my honest review.

4.5 Stars

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So, I keep jumping into these Donna Grant books mid series. Its becoming an annoying habit! However, Dark Alpha's Lover worked for me! I was a little confused at the characters and the dynamics between them, but Grant did a good job of fleshing it out without adding too much background to the story. It did help that I had read the most recent Dark Kings book because the series are intertwined.

Cat is a half fae half human hybrid. Her siblings were as well, but they have been killed. Cat is sure the killers, whom she assumes are the Reapers, will come for her next, even though she has no magic. A reaper does come for her, but not to kill her. Fintan wants to use Cat to lure Bran out so they can finally end this war. But, he has certain feelings for Cat that he isn't sure what to do with.

I liked the dynamic between Cat and Fintan. Cat is no shrinking violet but she isn't a reckless idiot either. She knows she is in a very vulnerable position and isn't afraid to accept help, but she also wants to know how to protect herself when that help isn't around. As a result, Cat comes across as a very believable character. Fintan is a reaper and has witnessed a few of his reaper friends find love recently. He didn't think it would happen to him, but Cat throws his world into a bit of disarray. I loved how broken Fintan was and how aware of his faults he was. I also loved that these two did what they thought was best, even if it meant hurting themselves in the process.

This book really moves the plot with Bran forward and introduces some new info. It also weaves in some of the events from the last Dark Kings book as well, so really, you need to read both series to fully understand all the politics going on here.
Link live on 4/18/17

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I hadn’t realised this is the fourth book in a series when I requested and read it but I have to say, it still worked well even though I hadn’t read any of the earlier books. In this fantasy world there are Light and Dark Fae, humans, halflings and, the elite Death’s assassins who are the immortal Reapers. In this story Fintan is the Reaper who is carrying out an assassination when he is spotted by the half-human, half-Fae Catriona. He’s amazed when she doesn’t panic at the sight, standing, facing him and apparently both unafraid and resigned to her own fate. He discovers that her parents and siblings have all been killed and she’s assuming she will be next…..

This is an intriguing paranormal romance with strong alpha males and a feisty, strong, independent and mysterious female lead. It is an action packed story during which the author cleverly reveals aspects of the previous stories so the reader doesn’t feel like they’re missing any key information. The fantasy world is robustly constructed and great to escape into. The war that is happening is presumably the main thread running through the series and the protagonists are superbly portrayed. The romance develops well and I’m definitely looking forward to reading more in the series in future!

I requested and received a copy of this book via NetGalley without any obligation. This is my honest opinion after reading the story.

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4th installment in The Reapers Novel is the story of Fintan and Catriona. While these can be read as a standalone, I wouldn't suggest it. Each character is continued on to the next book. Each installment are about one of the Reapers finding their mate while in the middle of fighting a war with a spurned Reaper.

Reapers work for Death who is named Elith. Fae are not allowed to know about the existence of Reapers so when Bran told his mate, a Fae, that he was a Reaper Elith killed her, hence the start of the war.

Bran wants revenge on Elith. He is amassing enough power to attempt to take over and become the new leader of the Reapers, but first he must eliminate Elith. Catriona, a hafling, has become a pawn for Bran to get to Elith, but the Reapers do not know why or how Catriona can be used. Fintan is determined to find out. What he wasn't expecting was to fall for Catriona. He was once the most powerful assissin for the Dark Fae. He has always been able to stifle his emotions to do what needs to be done, until Cat.

I have not read the first two books in the series so I don't know if it's revealed why there is the rule that Fae can not know of the existence of Reapers. I wonder if Elith regrets this rule since it did start the war that has caused a lot of casualties. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes and how it will change the way the Reapers are ruled.

ARC provided by NetGalley

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This book brings us on an intersecting path with the Dragon Kings.  It leaves us with more questions than answers as death's powers are waning and unlikely alliances are being struck.  What will come next? Will Eoghan the reaper who was sucked into a magic whirlwind be found in one piece? What is Rhi's overall role in the series? It appears that her guardian reaper is in love with her while she's having an affair with her old companion now seeking the Dark Fae throne and apparently still in love with her mystery dragon king lover. The story appears to be perking up and getting interesting again. Fintan is the most emotionless of the current band of reapers.  The loss of fellow reaper has affected him and he's determined to do what he can to corner Bran and get retribution. He's more that willing to use Catriona Hayes to get to Bran until he actual meets and talks to her. Suddenly long frozen emotions begin to surface. He finds himself telling her his back story and all about the reapers even though it is forbidden. I applaud Ms. Grant's imagination since his back story is so totally not something I could have expected.
Catriona turns out to be a very resourceful young woman.  Believing herself the non magical sibling in her family she forges forward even as all her family are killed except for her grandfather. She's got courage in plenty and has no problems first negotiating with Fintan to be the bait for Bran and then stepping in and protecting Fintan in his battle with Bran's followers.
The battle raises the first question about her abilities. She's able to call the magical blade that Fintan gifted her with a thought when she's in need of it.  Is this ability in the hour of need, magic?  After all the Fae visited the Hayes family multiple times and left her siblings with magical abilities. How could Catriona not have received any?  ....... you'll have to read the book to find out more.
In the meantime it appears that Death is weakening just as Bran is growing stronger.  There's still a mystery with regard to how Bran is able to do this and continue to do this.  Fintan and the reapers are forming unlikely alliances in their battle to find their lost companion, protect the humans and punish the Fae that need punishing.  For a while I was a bit blasé about this series but I'm now sitting up and taking notice to see what's going to come next.

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DARK ALPHA'S LOVER by DONNA GRANT was everything I hoped it would be. It is the 4th book in The Reapers series. Fintan is more appealing to me than I thought and Catriona "Cat" is so strong and sees to good in him. Bran is still as evil as ever and Death as beautiful ... I hope Eoghan gets back to the reapers soon... I of course am looking for HEA's for all the reapers...Can't wait for the next book.

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Will they ever find their lost friend Eoghan.? Fintan is watching a young halfing who has no idea has much power she has, but so is Bran but why is she so important to him? Cat knows that she has a watcher and that he isn't what she was expecting and she knows that she can trust him and that he won't allow anything to happen to her. But Bran won't take no for an answer and if that means killing the rest of Cat's family so be it. But can Fintan really use Cat to catch Bran so that they can find out about his plans and how he is taking Death's powers? Will Cat even agree to this mad plan as they don't know if they can save her grandfather? Fintan never thought that he would ever be able to feel again but he knows that they can't be together even though he wants to be with her, he is hoping that Death will allow her to be part of their family but what makes Cat so special that Death will allow her to stay? What another great book in the series loved seeing the Kings as well. Will we ever find out what is up with Death before it is too late and can the reapers trust their new friends in their fight against Bran?

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This book was fast paced and enjoyable. I was thrilled when Cael went to Dreagan to speak with Con even though it was so short. I have been waiting for that to happen! I loved Fintan's character and I think Cat made a good mate for him. Cat was central to this story because of the history her family has had with the Fae and what she can do. When she finds out that Bran wants her, she's willing to do anything to protect herself and her grandfather. Fintan and Cat become close very fast and Bran plans to use that against her. But when Cat makes a decision that betrayed Fintan, it's easy for her to pretend she doesn't care for him when Bran comes for her again. With the end we learn a lot about Cat's powers that she never knew she had and about Bran's plans for Death. And with the fighting, the Reapers make a shocking discovery that may change everything. It was another great book that has me waiting for me. Especially with what's happening to Eoghan in the epilogue.

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Our review was at a 2.5-3 star and will be posted soon. We will feature a Promo-only post and provide links below on release day.

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Galway..Present Day..

The first words that came to my mind after reading this book was IT CAN’T BE OVER!!
Donna Grant has such a gift of storytelling that I can read her books over and over again. I’m adding this one to my list.
Catriona Hayes is half Fae. She has lost every person in her family with the exception of her grandfather who she keeps hidden away in a seaside cottage. Away from Fae eyes. She has no idea why they have spared her and constantly looks over her shoulder, sure her time is near. Then Fintan comes into the picture.
Fintan is a Reaper with a horrible history. Look up tortured hero and his picture should be there. Due to this past he has completely shut down his emotions, even to his fellow Reapers.
I read this book in one sitting. The intensity level of this book is off the charts. This series has now reached the level of the Dragon Kings (Dark Kings) which I wait for with great anticipation. It comes complete with addicting characters you want to revisit book after book to suspense that will keep you glued to the page. And oh the revelations that pertain to the Dragon King world! I'm not one for spoilers so I'll leave it at that.

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I received a copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Fintan is a reaper sent to kill Dark Fey. The Dark are out to kill all half fey, half human that are in the world and are doing so at an alarming rate.

Catriona has lost most of her family, it is just she and her grandfather now. She never understood why she had no magic as her siblings did but accepts it. Her only goal is to keep her grandfather safe.

Fintan watches Cat as the Dark watch her. He knows she is special and wants to protect her. He has never wanted to keep anyone safe the way he has her and he will do whatever it takes. Fintan is one of the more reserved Reapers, a solitary man. He doesn't understand these feelings that are coming about.

There is quite an attraction between these two characters and of course the longer they deny it, the more intense it becomes.

Someone wants Cat for a reason she and Fintan cannot figure out but will it mean death for both of them?

I love these big bad Alpha Reapers! They have a purpose and do not need anyone besides their team. Of course a few of the Reapers have fallen victim to love and the others swear it will never happen to them.....until it does.

I enjoyed their journey and look forward to more of the Reapers.

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4.5 stars Fabulous! I know I am always going to get an amazing story when I pick up a Donna Grant book she is truly amazing. One a Fae but after being betrayed he is now a reaper, Fintan is impenetrable that’s except for bewitching half-Fae, Catriona. Find out why in Dark Alpha Lover.If you love great PNR then Do not miss this series!! I loved it!!

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Paranormal romance lovers who enjoy alpha males, intrigue and star-crossed lovers, this is the book for you. This series is a spin off of the Dark Kings series and it is the fourth in this series. It can be read as a standalone as Ms. Grant does an excellent job of making needed references and keeping the stories self contained. It is recommended to read all the books because it will give a better view of the world and all the interconnected characters.

This series focuses on the "Reapers". Just as their title suggests, they are ones who bring about death. Those who read Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark Hunter books, the Reapers have a similar deal for their resurrection, except the person holding the reins to their existence is no where near as evil as Artemis. Instead, Death is a kind and loving mistress who learns from her mistakes. In fact, in my mind, she looks like Death in Neil Gaiman's Sandman series.

In this tale, Fintan, one of Death's Reapers is set to find out what is so special about the halfling, Catriona. Cat herself is not sure of why the Fae want her dead as she has lost her entire family other than her grandfather. She hates being part Fae and wants no part of their world or their magic. This story is more of a magical journey awakening the powers Cat has and bringing love and emotion back into Fintan's life. Both of them have experienced a solitary life which makes them perfect for each other. As they learn about each other, the more they like what they see.

From a romance perspective, it is a nice sweet romance. Some may find it to be insta-lust or insta-love, I found it to be more love at first sight. This budding relationship isn't perfect as there are reservations from both Fintan and Cat. I liked that it wasn't easy. I also liked how Cat still stood up to be her own person and didn't let someone else overpower her. The chemistry between the two characters is sensual and sweet. The sex is a bit too tame for me, but that is because I read a lot of erotica. For a paranormal romance, it is just right.

The intrigue in this book carries on as we learn more about Death and her possible weakness. I am hooked and want to read the next book because there are hints of something bigger. And the continued theme of lovers that should not be but end up finding their happily ever after is alluring. Ms. Grant writes a good premise of all the obstacles that would prevent the mating from happening. Yet she sets it up so that little nuggets of information and things along the way make it possible in the end. This is well done and generates the right kind of conflict to elicit emotion and angst yet end in a satisfied and happy ending. This book and series is recommended to all paranormal romance lovers. It is a book with wide appeal and spell binding writing.

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This was really interesting.. parts of it were a bit slow for me and parts i wanted to scream haha.. it made me smile and i fell in love with the characters. overall i am glad i got to review it and enjoyed it

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