Member Reviews

Another corker of a story from this author who loved to bring magic and romance together. This the fourth Reaper story sees former dark fae Fintan stepping into the spotlight and having his world shaken up! He's a male who has forsworn emotion although he does remember betrayal and yet he's found his place working for Death . Nothing touches him until a young half fae, half human female stands before him unafraid , resigned and definitely unexpected!
Cat has lost so much as her siblings were murdered and now all she has is her grandfather . Born of a family who attract the fae and yet Cat is the only one with no magic at all. So when Fintan appears why should she trust him and yet there's something honourable about him that calls to her. His appearance might be like no other but Fintan is smart and realises that Cat could be just the leverage the Reapers need . Bran has somehow weakened Death and if true to form will continue targeting halflings so dangling Cat seems like a good idea or is it?
I really enjoy this spin off series although do admit that at times its uncannily like the Dragon Kings books as both have a former comrade who is now the big bad stalking them. I'm much preferring the storyline surrounding Bran though as it's fast moving whilst still having twists and turns. Finlan is no slouch but the Reapers are definitely being manipulated and Cat is front and centre part of it all. There's been so much tragedy in Cats life that I'm surprised she is as strong as she is but she's a worthy heroine, pragmatic , brave and open to possibilities. Seeing Finlan disclose his secrets, his pain and history shone a whole new light on the fae and brought home just how cruel and short sighted they can be. Yes plans are in motion and as this book closes there's hope for an old friend to find salvation but for now though it's time to let Cat and Finlan lower their barriers and enjoy some quality time together. One battle at a time because the war is still to play for!
This voluntary review is of an advance reader copy and these thoughts are my honest opinion

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I haven't read many of Donna Grants books but have liked this one and the last one I read. Kept my attention and makes me want to read more.

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A Reaper and a Halfling cross paths…

This is the fourth book in the Reaper series.

Once a dark Fae until he was betrayed and died, Fintan is now a Reaper. Death was waiting for him, strengthened him and set him on a new path as an assassin policing his kind. He’s a unique Fae in looks, fully white haired with white eyes rimmed with red. Coming upon the Fae watching a Halfling makes him curious, he comes to learn about her from those who watch. Halflings are being killed making this one a target the Reapers can use to bring out their enemy Bran. But the way this Halfling conducts herself impresses him, she does not hide, she faces what’s coming with courage and dignity. Emotions are foreign to Fintan, he buried them a long time ago yet feelings stir within him for this Halfling.

Catriona (Cat) Hayes walks between two worlds being a Halfling, never a part of either one. There’s something about her human line that draws the Fae for they have visited more than once, the children of those encounters born with magical abilities but not so for Cat, the magic passed her by or so she was led to believe not being able to conjure any though she’s tried. Her last living relative is the grandfather she adores who protects her in ways she doesn’t know. The Fae watch her to see what will happen, to see who will come to kill her and she waits for those who killed her siblings. She doesn’t hide to protect her grandfather and she’ll fight if given the chance to. Cat strikes a deal with a different looking Fae who she saw kill another, a magical weapon for being bait to get the one who killed her family, the Reaper’s enemy. This Halfling truly has a warrior’s soul and has gained the devotion of one of Death’s assassins.

The tables are turned when the enemy doesn’t do what’s expected and Cat unexpectedly comes into her own as a result of it. Bran wants the Halfling for something and the Reapers need to figure out why quickly. Having the one thing that means anything to Cat threatened puts her in a tough position, betray the one who has already been betrayed, the one who has helped her and that she’s come to feel for or pay a deadly price. Two lonesome souls made a deep connection but can they keep it?

This was a great paranormal read, an intriguing imaginative storyline that crosses books, much action and suspense, and captivating characters. Fintan and Catriona are a perfect match, two who’ve walked the world alone with lonesomeness their truest companion find what’s been missing in each other.

This was my first time reading this series, starting with book four, yet I was able to follow the continued plot, the author provided enough information on past occurrences as they are referred to enabling the reader to understand how said events relate to the present. This book is set in the same world as the Dragon Kings series which I have been following, will definitely be reading the prior books.

An advanced reading copy was obtained from the publisher via NetGalley.

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Fintan is the focus of the next Reaper book and he is the Reaper with snow white hair and white eyes rimmed in red. We find out his backstory as a dark Fae before he is betrayed and killed and why he is the only dark Fae with pure white hair and eyes that are almost all white. He doesn't feel. He doesn't let emotions out, not since his death, until he sets eyes on Cat. Catriona Hayes comes from a family thrice blessed by Fae visits, except, unlike her family members she has no magic. Tragedy has also befallen her too many times to count and she expects her death will be next. When she spies Fintan killing a dark Fae, instead of fearing him she is drawn to him and him to her. She is full of courage and agrees to help Fintan trap Bran when he sheds light on the fact that it was Bran who murdered her siblings. They partner up but what they don't expect is the well-formed plan Bran has set for Cat and how he plans to get her to agree to help him. When Fintan believes she has betrayed him she faces Bran alone but Bran's ultimate plan continues to have surprises that neither see coming. I love the Reaper series. It is definitely unfolding and the plot is developing well. I like Fintan and his back story and Cat was a perfect match for what he needed in a partner. Overall, very entertaining adventure and love story.

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I received this ARC from netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
I'll be honest and say that I'm not a fan of Donna Grant. I read the first book in this series and my review wasn't stellar. So I was perplexed and positively surprised when I was invited to review this new release, the fourth book in the series.
I've not read the second and the third, but this one can be read as a stand alone, didn't make me feel the necessity of reading the previous books in order to understand what was going on. The plot did start good, and I really liked the characters, but at the end it was...meh. The heroine irritates me. I didn't like Death. At all. I was in the enemy corner, so to speak... I really empathize with him. So... still not a fan. But this one was a bit better then the first.
3.5 stars

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I've got to stop reading Donna Grant books. They never get better. This book was disappointing, confusing, the sexual tension was weak, and I just couldn't like it. Sorry.

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Another winning paranormal romance by Ms. Grant. A solid plot and good dialogue kept me hooked.

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I loved this book!! You can never go wrong with a Donna Grant book and this one is absolutely no exception! This book is about the Reaper Fintan and Catriona a halfing. Right from the start is drew me in and I couldn't put it down. There is action, heartbreak, but in the end so much love! Fintan is very repressed due to what happened to him from him being a child all the way to an adult. He is confused as to what is happening to him but thankfully understands it's not a bad thing. Catriona always believed that even as a halfing that she never inherited any magic, but soon finds out different. I loved their story, and all the details that go along with it. I loved how they talk about characters and events from the Dark Kings series, and one comment definitely made me go OOOOHHH!!! I can't wait to see if it's brought up in the other series, and what kind of repercussions it may have! This book is a definite must read in my opinion!

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Reapers are supposed to stay detached but Fintans brother in arms are falling like flies - there is now even a female Reaper! When he is out on patrol he catches sight of Catriona and is drawn to her like no other female before. She is human, no powers, no glamour. So why does she have a trail of Fae swarming her????

Catriona is reeling from the loss of her siblings. Her Grandfather is all she has left in the world and she will do anything to keep him safe. She is a damp squib magic wise but Fae are stalking her and the mysterious Fintan has entered her life, offering to protect her. But is he has good as he seems?

Brilliant read. Loved the ever composed, serious and disciplined Fintan. Cat has her moments - she is so used to people letting her down, she finds it hard to trust anyone - especially Fae.

Great addition to the series!

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This short story definitely has a different feel from the others!

Catriona Hayes has known what she was her whole life but she also had to live with the fact she wasn't magical in the least. Not like her brother and sister. Watching them grow up with magic made her a tiny bit resentful but not enough to not care about her family.

Fintan, white haird Reaper, has known double betrayal and has always bottled up emotions. But when Cat becomes part of his life those emotions slowly leak out of him and it freaks him out. Shunned in his previous life, he has never thought anything good would happen in his current one. Cat shows him he's worth it and so much more but could the tiniest of betrayals ruin everything between them?

I liked seeing a heroine who basically had a death wish and got what she needed out of the circumstances while trying to save anyone but herself. She is fearless and reckless with a cause. Complete opposite of the Fintan we've seen and that's why they're perfect for each other.

We learn truths, answers and of course more questions. That's what will keep me coming back for more!

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Fintan is a Reaper sent to find out why both Dark and Light Fae are disappearing. He finds Catriona and is immediately attracted to her. He doesn't understand why because, in hundreds of years, he has felt nothing for anyone or anything. Being a Reaper makes his inability to feel a positive aspect of his job. He finds that Cat is a Halfling. She has lost her mother, brother and sister and, only has her grandfather left. She believes she has no special powers, only to find out when her grandfather is kidnapped, that she does.. Bran has been trying to kill all of the Reapers and Death for many years and, feels that Cat is his greatest chance at accomplishing that. Little does he know that Cat and Fintan will do anything to keep that from happening.. Does love really conquer all?

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Loved the book

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Donna Grant adds another great book to her Reaper Series !

Donna Grant writes some of the best paranormal/urban fantasy romance that I've ever read. Her books never disappoint but this one really stands out for me because I liked the characters so much. Cat was strong, courageous, and unique. She had lost her entire family and still she never once backed down from Bran. Fintan was totally broken or so it seemed until Cat came along. The reasons why he fought his feelings for so long just broke my heart. Their story is one of love, hope, trust and family.

Donna Grant put this story together beautifully and even managed to throw in a few secrets and surprises. The characters were wonderful ! I loved Cat and Fintan. I enjoyed everything about their romance. Now I am left wondering which Reaper will get the next book. Eoghan is still missing so maybe it will be him. I'm already eager for his story especially after the shocking part at the end.

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This is not my first experience reading a book by Donna Grant and I look forward to reading more in the future. Dark Alpha's Lover features Catriona Hayes and Fintan, a Reaper. This is a glance from a different side of the world Ms. Grant built in the Dark Kings series where we first met the Reapers with the introduction of Daire.

I particularly liked that Ms. Grant built up the romance between Cat and Fintan. So often we see it where boy meets girl, boy huffs out a growl of "Mine", and it's instant true love. Donna Grant slows this down and allows the couple to grow into the unmistakable spark of attraction that flares between the two lovers.

Dark Alpha's Lover was definitely a great read and an excellent expansion of the world Donna Grant built in the Dark Kings series. If you haven't read the previous books, however, I would recommend it beforehand.

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Kindly provided with an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.....

I think the world know's by now that I adore Donna's books !!!

This one was no exception !. It was Fintan and Catorina story and from start to finish I was GLUED to my kindle !!!!. All I will say Fintan baby you can be my deadly assassin ANYTIME......phew (fans self).

The story had humor, grit, thrills, suspense, passion and shock value........a perfect mix in my opinion !!!.

Donna I have no idea how you keep these phenomenal books coming but please don't stop !!!

Well done Donna and many thanks for this opportunity xx

Later peeps xxx

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Holy heart failure, Batman! This! This.Is.Amazing!

Dark Alpha’s Lover is Book 4 of the Reaper Series and is just spot-on perfection in this lovely and addicting paranormal read. Ms. Grant has a talent for giving her readers exactly what they want in a story and this one is no exception.

Please note that an ARC was generously provided in exchange for an honest review of which this is both honest and completely voluntary.

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It was too short 😰 😂 i really loved it. I just want all the stories now. Brilliant job as always with this series

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Another great book in the Reaper series. As always I find these books way too short for my liking. This book is all about Fintan and I think he has found his perfect match. We do find out more about Bran and a little about Death. Also their is a surprise guest in this book. I'll let you read it to find out who it is.

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This was a great book that packs one giant punch. You will find this packed with action and an edge of your seat plot. While this is the latest in the Reapers series it crosses even with her Dragon Kings series so should not be missed as we find out more clues.

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Loving this series though I'm so ready for Bran to get a butt whopping he'll never forget just once. Cat is so incredibly powerful I'd love to have her powers. Fintan has such a big heart.

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