Member Reviews

Most of these books were not my kind of book to read, these are just my thoughts. The writing was good.
Zoe York
Fall Quiet
Master sergeant Leah Saunders was in the Army and in charge of setting up training in their field. Some Navy Seals came to their property for some secret training maneuvers. The breakfast truck was on its way to Leah 's team was denied access. Leah jumped in her vehicle and came across Quinn Parry of the Seals and reamed him out. A few weeks later Leah was on vacation on an island where she was into some kink. Leah ran across Quinn who was on the island for a wedding.
Leah and Quinn were both into kinky sex. The both had strong personalities, but gave in to each other.
Angela Quarles
To Score or Not to Score
Pepper has moved back to Sarasota, Florida after breaking up with her boyfriend Phil. She is a sports doctor that grew up in Sarasota and her lawyer best friend still lives there. Her best friend sits her up with a blind date. When she goes to the coffee shop to meet him, she mistakes Luke for her blind date. Luke was a geeky kid in high school that had a crush on her. He ruined her science fair project in their senior year and she couldn't stand him. He looks very different now and was a Navy Seal. He looks hot now. She doesn't recognize him, so he takes advantage of it and they end up having sex. You will need to read the book to see what happens.
I liked that Pepper and Luke knew each other in high school, but had changed so much as adults. They both had problems with parents they were trying to make proud. I liked Pepper's best friend and how she encourage Pepper to give Luke a chance. I loved Luke and thought he was a great guy. It was a good book.
Sidney Bristol
The Adorable Girl and the Geek, Gone Geek 5
Nate and Cara had been good friends in high school. Nate had been in love with Cara. They are grown and Nate lives in Los Angeles and they talk often. Cara's life feels screwed up and she goes to LA to see Nate who has always been her rock and protector. There are secrets that Nate has kept from Cara. Some that come out are fine with Cara and others are upsetting. This book was all right, just not what I would normally read.
C Jordan
The Girl Next Door
Katie lived next door to a hunky ex Seal named Derek. She never thought that he paid any attention to her. She had seen some bimbos come and go from his place. Katie was a geek who made jewelry. There was a big cosplay convention and Derek's old boss asked him to work security at the convention. Katie was there in her costumes selling her jeweler. Katie's ex came by and was giving her a hard time when Derek stepped in telling her ex he was her boyfriend now. You will need to read the book to see what happens.
Katie didn't have a lot of confidence I herself except when she wore a costume and could be someone else. She was a caring and giving person. Derek was close to his family and had some guilt from when he was with the Seals. I liked how Derek built up Katie. It was a good book.
Clara Leigh
Bath Bomb
I didn't read all of this. After a few chapters, I couldn't get into it.
Ally Decker
In the Spotlight
Sylvia lived in New York and loved going to Broadway plays. One evening after a play, she went into the alley towards the door where the actors came out. She felt sick and had to bend down. Another man saw her and went help her. He turned out to be Greg Abrams a high profile movie actor from LA. When the two came out of the alley, the media were their taking pictures. Greg new they were in trouble and needed help spinning the pictures. Sylvia's brother owned a firm called the Fixers. They met with him and his partners and it was decided that Greg and Sylvia would pretend to be dating.
It was a cute story that I enjoyed and had a happily ever after.
Olivia Devon
This book was very different from what I usually read. The imagination in this book was wonderful. Thinking that someone could come up with this type of technology is amazing. You definitely need to read the book to see what the technology can do. There is a love story going on between Aaron, the owner of a technology company and Katie who has built a virtual community in his technology world. There are some great support characters, some jerk exes, and great friends. There is also some scenes at a sex club. I enjoyed the book. I voluntarily read this anthology and was given an Advanced Reader's Copy.

Loved the stories in this book! Some authors I was familiar with and I found some great new ones! I love all things geek so this was perfect! Couldn't put it down!

Like your romances hot, sexy & emotionally charged? If yes, this collection is for you! The uniting theme is embracing the geek. Each is a full book, not just a sneak peek or a novella. The characters are all well developed & relatable. I enjoy Zoe York's writing but in the process of reading this collection, I've found several new to me authors. This is a wonderful collection for the price. You really can't go wrong.

I found “Some Like It Geek” because I adore Angela Quarles and am always eager to read her works. The entire reason I read this compilation is because she was in it. Everything else? BONUS! And, SCORE! I found some new authors I’m excited to read!!! I received an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review – thanks! I loved it!.
Overall, as a collection, it is tied together by geek elements (kink, comics, star wars, comic con, superheroes, and virtual reality). The amount of geek in each story sort of varies, but is there, and links them together. Most of them also feature a navy SEALS, which was kinda odd to me. I don’t think of SEALS as geeks, but there are a few in this series. Like the amount of geek, the amount of romantic intensity varies from story to story. They all have at least one or two bedroom scenes, but the length and intensity varies. Sometimes they dominate the story, other times they really are secondary. Whatever your tastes are, there is probably something here for you. Scenes include bondage, domination, oral, CMNF, voyeurism, two men, and a whole lot more. Take your pick! And, who knows, maybe you’ll find something new to pique your interests! For the sake of each story, though, here are some short individual reviews and reactions:
Fall Quiet by Zoe York – 3 stars
I’m kinda on the fence about this story. For the most part, it read well as erotica, but not as a contemporary romance. Honestly, the bulk of the writing are bedroom scenes with not a lot of character development or dialogue. The fabulous conversations and all the “connections” between Leah and Quinn are skimmed over and alluded to, but are never on the page. We get a lot of hearing about the great conversations they had during the day, but we only get a few meal scenes and a lot of bedroom action. Which, don’t get me wrong, was pretty hawt. But, again, it only worked for me when read as erotica and I’m not entirely sure how solid their relationship is going forward.
To Score or Not to Score by Angela Quarles – 5 stars
This story focuses on Pepper and Luke, high school acquaintances that reconnect as adults 15+ years later. It also heavily features the sport Irish Hurling and, after watching a few youtube videos, I am a huge fan. It is a mash up of field hockey, lacrosse, volleyball, rugby and pretty much every other contact sport you can think of. Considering the novella-esque length, I felt that we got a lot of character development for Pepper and Luke. We learned what made them tick, as well as how their mind worked. Lots of introspection and thinking about their feelings for the other person. Plus a few hawt bedroom scenes. That thing in the car? HECK YEAH! Anyway, after the last two scenes, I have no doubt that these two will find their HEA. And, again, I love Angela Quarles writing style and can always trust that she is going to take me, the reader, on a fun adventure.
The Adorkable Girl and the Geek (Gone Geek 5) by Sidney Bristol – 2 stars
Well, as the 2 star rating indicates, this is my least favorite in this series. Maybe it is because I’m not a Star Wars fan, but this one was very “Meh” to me. It is about best friends confronting their feelings for each other, but it is riddled with annoying writing tropes and plot devices that just feel stale and predictable. Examples: withholding information about an ex coming back to bite you on the butt, friends having come to Jesus moments and revealing secrets, making a grand gesture, being afraid of your emotions, and being too afraid of a reaction to put yourself out there. These characters are supposed to be in the 26-30 year old range, yet they have the emotional maturity of 14 year olds and come across as doormats with their families and careers. As for the geeky elements, well, aside from some Star Wars elements, it wasn’t there for me. Cara wasn’t so much adorkable and awkward as high functioning on the Autism spectrum with her inability to pick up on social cues and hold a conversation with more than three word answers for anything. In general, I was not a fan.
The Girl Next Door by C. Jordan – 3 stars
This was a very cute story by an author that was new to me. I liked that Derek and Katie complimented each other’s personalities, weren’t afraid to talk about their feelings (eventually), and try new things togeher. They had a friendly, easy way that was fun to read and I enjoyed watching Derek go through some emotional growth. I liked the geek elements being centered around a Comic Con, but that they were both working the convention, not just attending. This was a very fast and easy read that I read in one sitting. Given the shorter length, I felt we got to know the characters well. There were even have glimpses into the characters in other books in the series that were interesting enough that I’ve added them to my TBR pile. Also, the romance was hawt….rawr. ;)
Bath Bomb by Clara Leigh (Forbidden Bad Boys) – 3 stars
Well, this one was a surprise for me. I’m not really a ménage-a-trois kinda gal, and I think this may honestly be the first one I’ve read, but the set-up and the way it played out was very well done and makes me look forward to more in the future. I’m a little less interested in the man on man action, but for the sake of this story, it was necessary and worked, but didn’t dominate the entire plot. My favorite part of this whole story, though, were the atmospheric elements. The descriptions of the rooms, the furniture, and *ahem* the kitchen sink were so vivid it painted a very clear picture of the setting in my mind. I love the description of the little cottage in the middle of nowhere, the bath house, and the fact that the entire thing is set in the English countryside and the grammar, spelling, and idioms are very British. Overall, I was surprised and delighted by how much I enjoyed this story!
In the Spotlight by Ally Decker – 4 stars
This is another very cute, very sweet story by an author that is new to me. As a Broadway geek, I loved reading about the contracts and thinking about the scheduling, rehearsals, and other hoops that famous actors would have to do to be able to tread the boards on Broadway. This story was basically one I would have LOVED to live through in my own life and I adored being able to do it virtually through Sylvia and Greg’s relationship. Even though this story is rather short, I read it in one sitting, I enjoyed getting to know Sylvia and Greg. They were both very likable and relatable and I look forward to reading the rest of the Fixers series – that sounds like it could be pretty exciting!
Play by Olivia Devon – 5 stars
The geek elements are strongest in this story – a big portion of it takes place in Virtual Reality – and I am kinda obsessed with the technology that was described. I’m not a gamer, but if this is the direction that games are going, well then shut up and take my money. As for the story, I liked the relationship build, the way Aaron and Katie met and got to know each other. I liked the secondary characters – Aik in particular. I liked that Aaron and Katie talked about their problems and were totally honest about their feelings and insecurities. And, I liked seeing the villain(s?) get what was deserved. The atmospheric elements in this book were also very strong and were central to the plot since a portion of it was world building. And, that scene in the club? HAWT. Yes, please!!! This is another author that I will be sure to add to my to be read pile and will keep an eye out for in the future!

If you like romance and erotica featuring "geeks" you will love this compilation of books!

These books are so hot, I needed more than one cold shower while reading them. Fall quiet and To score or not to score were two of my favorites but I must say the one that steamed up the bathroom mirror was Bath Bomb! Damn that was hot, steamy and damn did I say hot! Ummm some good M/M visuals with muscles and tattoos then add in a female and yikes the temperature of this spikes into the nitro inferno danger zone! Cold shower or maybe a romp in the snow but this story would still melt the polar ice caps! Damn, It was just that good!

This is an entertaining collection of books that all have have a geek as the main character. What hurt it for me (and took away a star), is the wide range of hotness. The books range from sweet with with some spice to sizzling and very explicit and dirty sex. Normally these collections have similar levels of heat, so this is different from this.
I've read all but one of the books - sorry, but I passed the menage by - not my thing and I have no interest in reading it. Most of them are very good.
My favorite stories were The Girl Next Door and In the Spotlight. They are both very good, with In the Spotlight so good that I've already snagged another book by the author. It was very entertaining with sweet characters that found themselves in a very awkward situation that requires a ruse to escape....a very fun tale.
So, if you're a romance fan, this collection is a great value. However, if you're easily offended or don't want to read explicit scenes, you might want to pass the first book by and hop past the menage book. The rest offer a very substantial collection well worth purchasing.

Well, this is a hard one to review. My first instinct is to give it a 2 star. But I respect the authors for their talent and effort.
My review is subjective. I am fine with explicit sex but these are more porn and outside my confort zone.
I tried 3 of the stories, and by the time I got to the menage , I gave up.
Still, for those that like stories closer to porn , menage etc, then this will be one for you.
I was gifted this book by Netgalley and one of authors. The opinions expressed are solely my own.