Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this great book, Miss Feesenschneezen is ill. I like the cover of this book because i remember those older teachers at school that were more like babysitters than they were teachers. I enjoyed this read as it drew: me in with a great plot and characters.. This is an easy to recommend book even after many years of it being out.
Thank you again.

Miss Feesenschneezen Is Ill by David Parmelee is a book for middle grade readers. The "Tough Class" in school loves their teacher Miss Feesenschneezen, and no one else is up to the challenger. Principal Armstrong is occupied to a review by the state board and the normal substitute pool has no one to take on the job. A series of unusual substitutes teach the class a variety of interesting things over the week she is out.
Miss Feesenschneezen Is Ill is a fun and entertaining look at being part of a tough class. Everyone that has ever worked in a school knows that there is always a tough class or two. Not bad kids, but ones that are challenging to teach, and paired with the right instructors can go far. I know one of my kids is a tough kid to teach, and working in a school I see tough kids and classes everyday. The teachers that these kids identify with or trust are priceless, and Miss Feesenschneezen is one of those teachers. She falls ill the week the principal is under siege by a review board, and no one really wants to tackle the class. The series of substitutes and volunteers do their best to teach, and some succeeded marvelously but are exhausted by the experience, while others are not up for the task. The results are fun, and I learned some interesting things along with the class. I liked that while everyone seems to fear this class, they are not actually bad- they are not doing anything horrible or being rude. They are curious and have many questions, but will gladly side track class to do less work if possible. Sounds like normal kids to me. To be honest, I was rather expecting the mystery illness to be related to the review the school was under, rather than something real regardless of how simple, just to add another little twist. I am still not convinced that it was not.
Miss Feesenschneezen Is Ill is a fun book that many middle graders, particularly those considered part of a tough class to teach, or struggling in school will enjoy. Adult readers that work in, or have worked in school will enjoy it as well.

Principal Armstrong has announced that Miss Feesenschneeze is ill and he wants the students to be cooperative. However, some of them are not on their best behavior. As the school is having its State Board of Review today, the principal is a bit nervous. He is trying to find a good substitute for the day, but teaching what is called The Tough Class is not a favorite with teachers. As the days go by and the doctors feel Miss Feesenschneezen needs to see specialists, the principal has to call in various other people from different walks of life to substitute.
The characters that end up teaching in the classroom make the reader question their sanity, but somehow they end up being a good thing for this Tough Class.
Come follow the teachers who come into the class and see what they have to impart.
This is an OK book that I’m afraid that middle school students may find boring but then there are some of the smarter kids who could “get" the meaning.
Copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

I was really expecting this to be a picture book, something along the lines of the Miss Nelson series. But this was more of a chapter book. And it was definitely again about an unruly class in need of a substitute. But this time we get to see the varied substitutes that come in to teach our unnamed narrator's class. There's the teacher from overseas here on an exchange program, a woman who used to work in a juvenile detention center, and a host of others that try to come in and teach this class, and fail.
A nice book but without the fun of Viola Swamp.
Three and a half stars
This book comes out April 20

This book has clearly been written by someone familiar with 'tough' classes. We've all been there and I couldn't help but give a wry smile when reading it.
It's a relatively quick read and one I'm sure lots of kids will relate to.

Miss Feesenschneezen Is Ill starts off slow and kind of confusing.
I found quite a lot of grammatical mistakes. Especially in the beginning.
The book definitely gets better towards the end, I definitely think middle school aged kids will enjoy it.
I personally don't think any of the things the kids did was that bad, annoying? Yes. But not as horrible as this book makes it seem.
Nevertheless I did enjoy the book toward the end.

Miss Feesenschneezen is Ill is a pleasantly light read book for middle graders. Having been surrounded by teachers, it is nice to read something where a teacher is appreciated and loved by her students. The pacing is fast and it is a delight to read about the interesting substitute teachers. The transition from one narrator to another may be a bit confusing at first but you'll get used to it quickly. I also enjoyed the illustrations. Overall, a solid read, this one.

This is an odd sort of middle school book. Probably closer to three and a half stars.
The basic story is of a difficult class, with a teacher that they like more than all the other teachers, but who has taken ill, and so what follows is a series of very odd teachers taking her place. The kids learn things such as collecting water in Ghana, and how penguins fly under the water. The one thing they don't learn is what Miss Feesenschneezen wanted them to learn, which was about Native Americans.
The story is told by one of the children, first person, and by a third person narative following Miss Feesenschneezen. The jump from third to first is a little odd, as is the jump from the teacher's story back to the children's. I think the teacher's could have been left out completely and it would have made a very good story.
Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.

Review of MISS FEESSENSCHNEEZEN IS ILL by David Parmelee
Designed for middle grade readers, but a delightful read for adults who need a humour injection, this story is narrated by a member of a “troubled class,” a class of “misfits” perhaps, who nevertheless admire and respect their beloved teacher, Miss Feessenschneezen. A take-no-nonsense teacher who gives respect and expects respect, she is unexpectedly taken ill, and misses several days of school while physicians and specialists demand expensive testing of what is probably simple bronchitis. Her students' admiration of her doesn't extend to substitutes, who must be summoned from outside the school system, as no enrolled subs will agree to teach this class! In the end, the conclusion is delightful and heartwarming. Even troubled readers ought to warm to this story.