Member Reviews
Received an ARC from NetGalley for an honest review.
I'll be completely honest, it took my a bit to get into this one. I was having a hard time connecting to either Luz or Lane, but by the end, I was so excited to see them get together.
Luz is trying to figure out who she is now that she's escaped a terrible marriage to the brother of the only man she ever loved. Lane has never given up on her...hoping that one day, they'd find their way back to one another. I think I've read one other San Clemente book, but I found my issue to be the same. Jayne mentions a lot of secondary and tertiary characters, but we never find out more about them. Heck, I couldn't even tell what gender people were. It left me confused and wanting to know more about life in San Clemente.
Overall, a decent book with a great ending.