Member Reviews

Joelle Hoverson cleverly has organized Last-Minute Knitted Gifts by the approximate time it will take to complete the projects, granted that times will vary by experience and knitting speed. Need a generic last minute gift that you made yourself? These are for you. Yarn weight required for the different projects could be more clear, and some of the suggested yarns are more expensive than most people would be willing to pay.

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I loved that this book was broken down into chapters based on how long it would take you to knit them, although given the fact that very few people knit at the same speed, this shouldn't be taken as gospel. I took it to be more of an average time, so I personally didn't have a problem with that. The pictures were lovely and the directions were easy to follow and understand. Some of the projects weren't really what I'd call gifts, but to each his own. I enjoyed leafing through it and picking out my favorites. The projects I did make, though, turned out nicely.

5/5 stars.

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