Member Reviews

Wonderful story about being part of a wedding for children. Beautiful illustrations to help tell the story. Wonderful characters to follow along on this journey. Great family read.

A little girl and boy are thrilled to participate in a wedding. The book takes you through all the stages from the kids’ point of view.
First of all, the little girl on the cover is so adorable, thrilled to be kissed. And before the story starts there’s a page of various items that might be found at a wedding, with questions like “What did they eat?” and my fave, “What did Dad lose?”
As expected it’s a simple telling, for kids who have never been to a wedding. The best part would obviously be getting to eat cake at the reception, as well as blowing bubbles and staying up late. There’s even an arts and crafts table at the reception, which is a new one to me. Everything’s done in a very cute style, with bright colors.
At the end there’s a page that shows how to make a veil and top hat, for all those play weddings kids love to do.

Nice pictures and a lovely story. We had fun making the veil and the hat.

Cute really cute, this children's book is a mixture of a picture book, a story book and a puzzle book, it’s quite whimsical and fun. I love the novel idea of the puzzle at the front of the book. The story tells of Sarah and Ian’s excitement being part of Aunt Olivia and Uncle William’s wedding. It is the biggest party they had ever been to. They actually got to play dress up with the adults for real this time, whoopee! let the fun begin.

A cute story and something I feel I can reasonably use in my classroom.

My 3 year old daughter loved it and it is now part of our bed time reading book selection

Thanks to Netgalley and respective publisher.
Sarah and Ian, two children enjoyed their Auntie's wedding and love all the ceremonies with their parents.
Lovely children book.

"Today is a special day. It's a party. Not just a birthday party, but a really big party... a wedding! Aunt Olivia is getting married to William."
Sarah and Ian have been asked to be part of the bride and groom's very special day. Ian has a spiffy suit to wear and Sarah has a brand new dress for the occasion. Sarah will be the flower girl and Ian the ring bearer, both very important jobs at a wedding don't you agree? Together they also get to hold onto Aunt Olivia's veil as she walks up the aisle and to scatter fragrant flowers at the couple as they walk down the red carpet when the ceremony is complete. How fun will that be? Oh boy, oh boy, it's going to be so much fun!
This is the perfect book to share if your little one is going to attend or is a participant in a wedding. It will give rise to questions and conversations regarding the rituals and happiness on such an extraordinary and exciting day as you read the book together.
The illustrations are bright, heartwarming and full of action. They include rich detail and show the emotions of the characters with excellence. You are made to feel like a guest yourself at Aunt Olivia's (and now) Uncle William's wedding. The story is simple but factual and the clever author has included a page at the end of the book where your child can indulge in fun wedding-related crafts. How brilliant is that! I highly recommend this fun book.

Story is based on a marriage ceremony. A little girl and boy were given responsibility of a flower girl and a ring bearer respectively. It was their first time becoming part of wedding. They were pretty excited to follow steps shown to them.
I usually look for learning in kids book. In this book apart from marriage ceremony I didn't find a learning for kids.

This book was very charming and entertaining both to me and my three-year-old cousin whom I read it to. He liked looking at the pictures, which were very colorful and charming. He very much enjoyed the interactive part at the beginning of the book. I read that to him last so he would have some idea of which options to pick. He likes figuring things out and this was a very creative way to let the kids interact with the story.
The story itself had a good amount of words It wasn’t tiring for the child, he remained engaged throughout distractions. The characters were nice and likable, and their adventure through the wedding was both realistic and easy to follow. My cousin now wants to make a top hat and veil as they did in the book. Any book that can stir a child’s creativity is definitely worth the read. I completely recommend this to people with small children.

Delightful illustrations accompany the text of this sweet picture book. A fun read for the pre-K set, especially before attending a wedding. Five stars.

This is a very cute and short picture book that has some really lovely images. The images are bright, sharp and clean and it has a great story and fun ways for children to get involved at any wedding they attend as we all know, most minds at that age get bored quickly and their attention will most likely wander! This book is ideal for anyone ages 3 and up that has to attend a wedding. At the end there are fun crafts for them to get involved with too. 4 stars

How cute! Perfect book to gift to a little flower girl or ring bearer in a wedding party! Illustrations were so cute. I love the wedding crafts for the littles at the end, too. I thought the dutch (original language of book) in the middle of the book was interesting...Tho' I doubt many people could read it (I can read some of it, but not easily!) It mystified me why it was there! still, over all adorable book!

This is a cute book to share with children who may be attending or actually participating in a wedding for the first time. Sarah and Ian are the flower girl and ring bearer in a wedding. They get to dress up, carry the veil and present the rings to the bride and groom. I love the special activities at the reception for the children. This would be a good book for someone who is planning to have young children at a wedding to get ideas from. There is also some simple crafts at the end and some questions you could ask while you are reading the book are at the beginning. The pictures are cute, colourful and definitely add to the story. A good book for children 3 and up as well as their parents.

Cute and short picture book. There is an actual story about the kids getting ready for the wedding and the wedding itself. It also questions that your small child can answer by pointing at the pictures. Like What did Dad loose? They would point to the picture or say socks. Also at the end of the book are some cute craft projects, a wedding veil and hat, that could really get the little ones into the story.

A nice introduction for a little kids first wedding. Plus it has craft ideas in the back.
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Added Litsy

I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.
KYAAAAAAAAAAA!! Um, sorry, I just had to get that out of my system. This was just too adorable. I already love Ian and Sarah books, but this one really tops everything.
The wedding, the fact that our two characters could be ring bearer and flower girl, but also the ending and what Ian says there (soooooo cute) and what happens after he said that, I had a huge smile on my face the whole time I read this book. My eyes are still full of hearts at the cuteness of this book.
The book can also easily be used as a reference should kids have questions about how weddings work. What happens there, what a ring bearer and flower girl are. The afterparty, the dances.
I am also glad that my ecopy has the double pages in one go, often it breaks up the pages and at times the story and the illustrations won't work then.
The illustrations are gorgeous. Sarah and Ian are adorable, and I also like how many details one can find. From the beautiful veil on the bride, to the tiny little flowers on the carpet. The illustrator sure did a brilliant job. Plus add to that the colourfulness of the art. Such a delight!
I would definitely recommend this book to everyone! Be warned, it is super adorable.