Member Reviews

Twilight rounds out the story built on Dance with the Devil, giving us more of Neirin and Barra’s story from Midnight, the 3rd in the series. It’s a complex book, with interesting alliances, well-written fights, an actual mystery, a revealed secret, and some absolutely delicious relationship drama. Oh, and sex. There’s sex. With multiple people.
I really enjoy this series overall, and while this feels like an end, and wraps up the stories well, I do hope we get more!

Megan has become my "go to" author. She does high fantasy like no one's business, and she does it so well.
I'm so glad we got more of these characters because I fell in absolute love with them in Midnight.
This book, to me, was highly emotional. It had way more angst than the others I have read in the series. She portrayed Avalon's sadness and longing so we'll.
I really just love stepping into and being a port of this world. It's so different than anything I have ever read. Demons, witches, dragons, undead. It all feels so very old world in a new world and I just love it. Down to the descriptions of heir clothing. I also love that fact that she's didn't go too overboard with those descriptions, just enough to give you the visual.
I really can't say enough good things about this book. Even the polyamorous relationship was done so well. I LOVE the aspect of taking ole tales and giving them new life. King Arthur and his Knights at the round table is just brilliant.
The one thing was too many Brennus's, I go a little confused there thinking Avalon killed the Demon-Lord. I was like "noooooo"

Rating: 4.5 stars out of 5
More than seventy years have passed since Neirin du Lac was banished from the dragon clans he called home. Though he misses them, he and his dragon Troyes have built a happy life with his lover Barra, and their friends Devlin and Midnight. It is a not a life he would ever trade, not even for a chance to return to the clans.
Then the very last person he ever expected to see again comes begging for help: Prince Avalon Pendragon, ruler of the clans, a man Neirin once called friend, once wished to call lover. When Avalon tells him why he needs Neirin's help, it's not a request he can refuse, nor can his friends refuse to help him.
But the people bold enough to steal from the clans are not to be trifled with, and in the midst of fighting for their lives Neirin also finds himself caught between the man he loves now and the man he never truly left behind…
Twilight is one of those books where I yearned for hardbacks or paperbacks of all those stories I had stored in my Kindle of the Dance with the Devil series by Megan Derr. I adore this series. A mere whisper of another story has me gearing up in anticipation and curiosity because I never know where it will go and who will pop up next. Dance with the Devil is rich in layers, vast in scope, more a universe full of interlocking series where the characters and worlds sort of bleed into one another and time (and the most wondrous author) can play havoc with your memory! Its exactly the sort of book where I want to get all the previous stories together and spread them out around me as references as I read the one I'm currently absorbed in. Damn you, Kindle! Never have I missed bookmarks or dog-earred pages more. How I miss tossing books around looking for a particular character or pertinent magic thread by flipping actual pages! Sigh.
I had just finished reading and reviewing Shield of the Dragon (Dance with the Devil #6) which brought up a major question that this book answers...backwards of course. The events in the Shield of the Dragon happen after Twilight (just go with the magical flow) so I was thrilled beyond measure to get my answers here. Another character who shows up in a major role here without a consort? Well, those of us addicted to this series know who and what's in store for him. We've read his story. But that' s not essential to Twilight, its just another giddy, book grabbing element that will send devoted Dance with the Devil readers zooming back to that story (and the reason I need all those books scattered on the bed around me).
Twilight again swirls around the abduction of a very special dragon and a call of help from Prince Pendragon, ruler of all the clans. The man Pendragon needs assistance from? Neirin du Lac and his dragon Troyes, a man nearly whipped to death and banished forever from the clan and kingdom. Neirin is now happily living with his lover the elf wolf, Barra and their friends, the Mad Duke (and witch) Devlin and the draugr Midnight. Each couple has had their stories told in previous books but its not entirely necessary to have read them as their pasts together is recounted here for the new reader. For us fans, yep...back to their stories not because its necessary but because its a pleasure we seek.
Anyhow, it seems that hearing from the Prince stirs up old romantic crushes in Neirin, ones that threaten his current relationship as well as bring up all those old bitterness he thought he had buried from being banished. Now both come crashing back in the form of the Prince. In addition, it pulls in his protective friends, Devlin and Midnight to aid in not only the quest to find the dragon but to see their friends safely home and still together. Magic swirls, both good and evil, there are huge battles, enormous surprises and yes, hot sex, dragon and otherwise. So be prepared for not just M/M, but menage and more.
The only elements here that may confuse the new reader is the aspects of the dragons. These aren't dragon shifters but dragons who take the form of men in order to better interact with their humans. But they are always dragons. Dragons who are the "weapons" to be wielded by the knights who are the dragons "shield". That's the bond between dragon and warrior that's often tarnished, warped or worse and that Pendragon is trying to reestablish and that readers new to the dragon part of this series may not get immediately. The dragons act as dragons not as men. As I said this is a story that has so much to it, and that includes the mythology the author herself has built into it over a number of tales.
I loved this story. I felt that the way it worked out suited everyone and that Derr worked her way up to it in a manner that let us think about it and adjust to it along with all the characters. And now I need to read Shield of the Dragon again. Laughing...it never stops. The Wheel moves on.
If you love Megan Derr and all her incredible creations. This is for you. If you love fantasy, supernatural and just the shear high flying imagination this series represents...Dance with the Devil and Twilight is for you. Pick them all up and have the times of your life. That's not a typo!
Cover art by Natasha Snow is dark, green and perfect for the story.
Sales Links
Less Than Three Press
Amazon link to come
Book Details:
Expected publication: April 5th 2017 by Less Than Three Press
Edition LanguageEnglish
SeriesDance with the Devil #7
Dance with the Devil series
10 works, 7 primary works
A series about a dangerous paranormal world ruled by the elite, where all too often the lesser paranormals get lost in the fighting. These stories revolve around the people who look out for the forgotten, overlooked, and abused.
Stories are best read in sequence, though they are not in chronological order. If you prefer to read them chronologically Not in the order they are released:
Dance with the Devil
Dance in the Dark
Sword of the King
Shield of the Dragon
Dance Only for Me
And the short stories in between can be read at any time.

Neirin was banished from his home and clan for helping Devlin and Midnight (from the book Midnight). He found happiness with his dragon and his lover, Barra, but always knew he had left someone behind because of his banishment. Then Avalon, that someone, appears, begging Neirin to help recover a stolen dragon. Except, loving Avalon means losing Barra, and Neirin isn't certain that is something he could ever do. However, not leaving Barra means losing Avalon. Making a choice between them might just destroy them all.
This is the book I've been waiting for in this series! The previous books, while certainly good, were missing something. This story was missing nothing. It evokes the style of the first book in the series, Dance with the Devil, by being split into separate sections. Twilight also brings the plot from Dance with the Devil full circle, tying the series together in a way that I really enjoyed (I won't go it into here so I don't spoil it for you). Plus, it pulled all the best parts from Midnight, the direct prequel, and provided more depth to the characters. When I go back to reread Dance with the Devil and Midnight--which will probably be as soon as I finish writing this--I will do so with considerably more understanding of the stories as a whole. That the seventh book in the series could provide this much depth is truly amazing.
I have to say that my review for Shield of the Dragon, book six in the series, wasn't necessarily positive. I thought it couldn't stand on it's own in the series like the rest of the books do and that much of the plot only served as a placeholder to introduce Twilight. I still think that's true, however I am also going to reread Shield of the Dragon and I have a very strong feeling that a subsequent review might be better. This is wholly because reading Twilight first, and therefore being able to understand the many instances of foreshadowing and explanation in Shield of the Dragon, might instead make it possible to focus on the rest of the plot in Shield of the Dragon, which was quite good. I like that Twilight allows me to go back and do that and I have a feeling that every time I reread this series from now on I will read Twilight before Shield of the Dragon.