Member Reviews

***4,5 "No regrets!!!" stars***

I'm so happy for Jordan's story, i needed it and God, it was better than i was expecting....
And yep, the Cameron brothers are officially out of the market!!!
Thank God that Ava has no other brothers because she would have a big problem!!!! Bahaha....
I love so much Mrs. Lawson stories and this one wasn't an exception!!!!
I had such a great time!!!

Well, Jordan is the third member of the "Travesty" business and she was added only the last year.... She is the fixer... The girl who can fix any problem that the girls will face...
And now, she is about to leave New York behind for almost a month in order to find a boutique in L.A. for Travesty and it's fortunate that this trip came the moment that she wass recovering from an ugly break up...
The only "problem" is that she has to cooperate with Ethan Cameron, Ava's big brother and Jordan is not sure that this is the right thing.... For the job and herself too...

Ethan is a cocky son of a bitch.... He has a huge idea for himself and not without a reason... He is a realtor and he is very good in his job... He is also a great judge of characters and he knows what the others wants before they even know themselves....
Now, his life is so busy and the last thing he needs is to babyshit his sister's little friend...

Their beginning was a little bit awkward especially since the photo that landed on Jordan's phone, before they meet face to face for the first time...
Those two couldn't be more different.... They were so opposite characters, but in a strange way they were fitting so good together... They just had to realize it by themselves...
Yep, there was attraction there, but hey, there were many reasons for them to stay away from each other...
But will they succeed in that task???

I liked very much both Jordan and Ethan...
Ethan was like a wet dream for every girl... He seemed swallow and self-absorbed, but he had more depth than that. He had a bad experience and he was taking life less serious but he was very serious about his job and i liked that!!!!
I also like the way he was seeing Jordan... She was something different and he knew how to appreciate that fact!!!!

"I don't know if i'd been trying to fuck my way into her heart or to fuck her out of my head.
I wasn't sure if the first had worked.
But the second had been an absolute failure."

Jordan was a very lonely and low profile girl. Even though she was working in Travesty, she and fashion were miles apart... But she was very good in her job... She was giving all herself!!!
But damn, my heart was breaking for all this solitute that she was having, because she wasn't opening her heart to almost noone, not even Lex and Ava...
But with Ethan, Jordan was tranforming in something else... Everything that was her were glowing in his companion and i liked what i saw!!!

"I like how you push me. And make me laugh at myself. And when I'm with you... I feel like I'm enough, just the way I am."

For once again, i enjoyed Mrs. Lawson's writing and I can't wait for her next story....
I'm always having such a lovely time in the company of their heroes!!!

***ARC kindly provided via NetGalley for the exchange of an honest review***

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Jordan is the newest addition to the Travesty team. She is the fixer of the group, she works hard, puts out the fires and she is great at what she does. So when she travels to LA to work on finding a new retail location it should be business as usual…

Ethan is at the top of his career in real estate, he loves LA, his friends, the parties and his playboy lifestyle. Until a rude awakening in haircut form. When he meets Jordan, she is nothing like his typical type of woman, but yet intrigues him all the same.

This was a cute and funny book. I loved Jordan’s forward thinking personality and her sarcasm. I also loved how much Ethan loved her sarcasm. Opposites definitely attracted between these two, and when the Jersey girl starts soaking up the LA sunshine it starts to change her outlook about her solitary lifestyle. Some parts of the story moved a little slow for me, but all in all it was a enjoyable, lovely read and a great addition to the series.

I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.

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Quick Summary: Another hit from Piper Lawson! This story was playful, funny and totally sweet
Rating: 4/5
Recommend: Yes
Audience: A/NA
Status: M
Chemistry/Intensity: Yes
Conflict/Drama: Yes
Humor/Wit: Yes
Stand Alone: Yes
Series: Yes
Strong Protagonists: Yes
Interesting Characters: Yes
HEA: Yes
Source: NetGalley

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Styled by Piper Lawson has the perfect mix of character, plot and romance. I'm not usually a fan of dual P.O.V but it works very well with this book.

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