Member Reviews

I received an arc of this from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This story follows Annika and Matt who have been sent into an Extra Credit class because Matt was involved in a cheating scandal and Annika was supposedly being mean to other students. Matt and Annika share a history and had a misunderstanding from a year ago that makes the two not like each other.

Ok, so I am not the biggest fan of this book because of the female protagonist. She’s said to be Estonian, tall, beautiful, model and all the guys want her including Matt. It’s just so unrelateable because it automatic males Annika part of this elite top 10 percent of the population. And yes she is in a new country but she’s just… I don’t know. I honestly automatically hated her just like the mean girls at her school and its funny because one of the lines that is used in the story is “American Girls aren’t good enough” and I was just thinking the same thing. I know that we are supposed to be like excepting of different cultures but I just wish Annika hadn’t been described the way she was because I really didn’t care if she got the guy in the end.

I think I needed her to become more human besides just the would “Clusterfuck” that Matt describes the first night they meet. She just was not relateable and I understood some of the choices she made like not wanting to date Matt but it was like you just said that was a misunderstanding so maybe you misjudged him too.

Overall, I’m glad that I read this book even though I wanted to DNF it. I would really like to read Noah and Holly’s story though and possibly Lani and Kyle’s story. I just think I needed more of Annika’s background to really root for her.

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This is book two of the Extra Credit Series by Clark. All three books in the series follow one of the three couples that become friends when they are forced to take a class in college when they have some issues. This particular story follows Matt & Annika.

It was nice to come back and read about these two characters. It was also nice to see how the first couple in book one was doing.

The story has a fast pace to it. It is very well-written. Their story began a year before the class that forced them to partner up. Glad that the history was introduced in the story but not too early, so there was still some guessing on my part. I enjoyed how the story plays out. To so see why these two hated each other and how they came to have a history. I will be looking forward to the next book and the final couple in this group.

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A quick and sexy read that comes together a bit too quickly and feels a bit rushed.

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pretty decent new adult story, could've gone with an extra sex scene or two tho =)

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The Do-Over
Extra Credit #2
Charlotte Penn Clark
4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This is a super cute NA story. It's based on a college campus and is about Annika and Matt. Annika and Matt had a bad first encounter which caused a lot of problems for Annika on campus. She was picked on and bullied after that night.
They end up in the same extra credit class and are assigned as partners for class assignments. While working together Annika realizes that Matt doesn't even remember the worst night of her life. And she has to fill in why she hates him so much.
Once they get past what happened Annika realizes Matts not an asshole like she thought. And after realizes she likes him and that they have great chemistry together. She pushes him away cause the feelings became too intense. But after spending a summer separated she realizes what she has been missing and that she needs Matt in her life.
I really enjoyed this quick and easy read. Doesn't have too much drama but enough to keep you entertained.
Thanks NetGalley for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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I adored The Do-Over! Wonderful story and such a page turner.

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This was Annika and Matt's story, or there version, I did enjoy, and liked reading about the others. On to the next couple

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I was a little worried when I saw this was book 2 of a series, but it reads fine as a stand alone. Good NA romance with interesting characters. Sure, the premise of enemies forces to work together and work out their issues isn't new, but the backstory, character flaws and insecurities that led up to it give it a fresh twist.

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Three and a half stars.

This is the second in a trilogy of novellas about three couples who get together during a class for students in trouble called Extra Credit. I haven't read the first novella but this was easy to read as a stand-alone.

Annika Saar is an Estonian former model who is attending college in the USA. She has found her natural reticence and attempts to avoid being hit on by college boys have landed her with the reputation of being an Ice Queen and snooty. She has been referred to Extra Credit because some of the popular girls have made a complaint about her.

Matt is the golden boy, son of a political family, athlete and all-round popular guy on campus. His frat house got caught circulating the Organic Chemistry final paper from the previous year and as President of the fraternity he has been punished.

A year ago Matt and Annika met at a frat party, both of them remember that night for very different reasons and it is the source of their current animosity. As is the way, the teacher running Extra Credit sees (and hears) that Matt and Annika are at odds and therefore chooses to pair them off to work together for the rest of the semester to try to solve each other's problems.

Together Annika and Matt draw up a list of things for each other to do in order to 'fix' their problems. Annika tells Matt he is lazy, he doesn't make an effort and has traded integrity for popularity. Matt tells Annika she is a Mean Girl and draws up a To Do list of making friends, paying compliments and helping others.

Gradually the events of the night they met are revealed to the reader and to Matt and Annika. Things did not go the way either of them remember and they each start to change as a result of their make-overs.

Matt and Annika both still feel the same attraction but can they overcome their mistrust of each other?

I liked this book, it didn't go the way I thought it would and it was all the better for it. At a time when I was abandoning books left and right because they were boring and obvious this one stood out - bizarre that it was a YA/NA book that got this 50 year old out of her reading slump!

Anyway, if you like all those high school/ college romances with enemies falling in love then this will be right up your alley.

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I just love how beautiful is Extra Credit Series. I have read the first book - The Partnership and here is the second book series - The Do-Over. It couldn't be compare to each other because they have their own stories which so beautiful to read.

Anyway, before I get way to carried out, let's talk about the Do-Over!

The Do-Over is about Annika and Matt who has been fighting and mouthing bad words to each other. Both of them has enter the extra credit class and as soon they see each other, Annika feels her anger towards Matt has rise again. Eventually, as time goes by, both of them been partner in the class, it seems that love has spark between the two of them but Annika is afraid to make into that commitment because things happened between the two of them which people spread rumours the things they even done to each other. So, she's afraid but love has overcome those things.

As for my thoughts is the Do-Over - Annika and Matt, both of them have this amazing chemistry, despite they, I think Annika who has more hatred thrown to Matt, they eventually grown up and try solve the issues and I love how Matt handle Annika. He is being super amazing man in trying to understand Annika and not forcing her into relationship that she afraid of. Even though, Annika being way to much in throwing bad words to him, he is being so cool and accept it without feeling anything. I think his more mature in every way. I could feel his love towards Annika is so deeply, truly and madly in love with her. Ah! I feel so jealous of Annika, what a luck girl! Hoping that I could one man like him soon!

Heck yes! Every one who into romance genre or not, please you have to need to read this wonderful relationship!

The author, Charlotte Penn Clark's writing is straight forward, easy to read, in short, you can read in one sitting! I truly enjoy her books so much! I can't wait for her next book soon!

Rating - 4.5 star out of 5 star!

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***ARC received in exchange of an honest opinion***

The premisse of this book is quite good, but I couldn't help finding myself disappointed while reading it.

It's a bit confusing and things happened maybe a bit too rushed for me. There were times I enjoyed the story and the characters, but there were others that I was bored and unfortunately the boring feeling is the one that stuck with me.

I couldn't relate at all with any othe the characters, which is a shame because this is the kind of "light" read I really enjoy. I'm giving it a 3 stars rating because I did enjoy it, despite everything (I just wish I enjoyed it more)!

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I was given an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest and independent review.
I liked the way this book was written. It has an easy, readable style with some good characters. However I think that is best suited to young adult market (18-25).
3 ***

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well written good read

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