Member Reviews

*This book was given to me in exchange for an honest review and is rated 18
When Morgan's boss, Lawrence, makes a pass at him one too many time, Morgan tells him he will sue Law if he doesn't knock it off. Law obliges and Morgan can finally have normal workdays. That is until Law's brother ends up in the hospital after a suicide attempt, Morgan learns his boss is more than just a former creeper. As they get more friendly, Law's pet project - a merger with another company - has major problems and Morgan may have to be the whistle blower that costs Law his job.
Morgan and Law are so delightfully awkward, I found myself identifying with them right away. White doesn't make her characters overly perfect or overly evil; as evidenced my Morgan's ill-fated relationship with Harvey and the way Law's brother Christopher's schizophrenia is handled. Racism and mental illness can be tricky to include without being preachy or over-exaggerated to the point of ridiculousness. The realistic way the characters are presented made reading through this book enjoyable.

(¸.•´ ★High hopes but fell short...upgraded to 3 stars
"Every time something started to go right, the universe seized the opportunity to dump another load of garbage on his head."
This was one of the hardest books for me to get through. I hate when I have such high hopes for a books whose synopsis promises something so real and it falls short. There was so much more that could have kept this story at a level. It was hit or miss.
Morgan was a man who was disgusted with his boss at first and threatened sexual harrassment when he felt cornered. he actually told his roommate: "He was trying to flirt again...It makes my skin crawl."
Then he suddenly finds himself all up in arms when he encounters said boss's medical emergency and has a change of heart. The relationship changes, now he is defending the boss and bam, they are sleeping together. And he is calling his boss "Mr. King!" in the midst of intimacy?
Then a job issue occurs and he is sullen that the boss cannot help due to family commitments. Jesus lover of my soul, get it together Morgan! The investigative portion was what kept me invested, but even that was not up to helping me love this book.
Throw in Mr. King's brother with a whole heap of issues, a date who showed his racist streak and King's ex -don't ask cus even I was wondering why he needed all those appearances. This could be a good story if revamped. That is only MY suggestion.
I voluntarily and honestly reviewed this book without bias or persuasion from Netgalley.

I liked Law once we started to get his POV. He wasn't perfect but he did try to do his best by people.
I liked the crime part of the story and would have liked more to be made of this.
Christian. Law's brother was unapologetically rude and not just because of his illness.
The slow burn
Not everything was resolved at the end.
The slow burn was exceptionally slow which isn't a problem, but Morgan couldn't make his mind up. I'm surprised he didn't give himself whiplash.
I'd have liked for them to work on the 'crime' issue together
Anita. Bro this, bro that. It got old really quickly.
Things were repeated, a lot. I'd have liked these to be streamlined for a tighter storyline.
Ultimately a story about two insecure men with poor dating history, one who knows what he wants but doesn't think he can have it, and the other unable to decide what/who he wants.
I'd be interested to read a story about Christian finding his special someone. He was an interesting secondary character.

I detracted one star because I'm still not sure that I buy the creepy boss bit in the beginning, it is completely at odds with the character as we come to know him. It sets up some nice angsty moments but seemed kind of forced. Other than that the book was fabulous. I enjoyed both characters and the corporate sub-story was interesting as well.!

This was my first foray into this author's writing, and it was a complete success.
This book is at its core about two socially awkward men, one the PA to the other, both struggling with their own personal issues and trying to do the best they can.
Morgan works as a PA for Lawrence King at the recycled paper company. At first, Morgan really dislikes Mr. King due to his awkward attempts at flirting which Morgan deems creepy (and which are inappropriate, for sure). It's always tricky, I suppose, to tell your boss that you're not receptive to his advances, because that could cost you your job, but it's also sexual harassment.
So initially, things aren't going so well between Morgan and Law(rence), until Morgan tells him what's what, and Law, to his credit, backs off, red-faced, realizing that his attempts at flirting aren't welcome.
But then Law's brother ends up in the hospital, and Morgan sees another side of his boss, and his opinion of the man slowly begins to change. Already impressed by the man's sincere apology for his unwitting creepiness, Morgan finds that he's starting to like the guy more and more, and doesn't quite know what to do with those feelings.
More change comes to their relationship. This is by design sloooooooooow burn, and it needed to be. Law is dealing with his brother's illness, his ex-boyfriend's assholishness, a big merger at the company he works for, and his plate is pretty full. Morgan too has some struggles. His attempt at dating Harvey, a young man he meets at a beach cleanup activity, goes awry when Harvey makes a stupid racial comment, and Morgan, being mixed race, has no time for such a fool.
As Law and Morgan continue to accidentally be in the same place after working hours, the UST between them sizzles, but neither makes a move. Because reasons.
Like I said, sloooooow burn. I loved it. I loved the explosion and the fireworks when they finally got it on. I giggled at the awkward morning after. And how both Law and Morgan struggled to keep their hands off each other, even if they had agreed this would be a one-time thing.
Over the course of the book, Morgan goes from a somewhat insecure young man to developing a strong backbone, unwilling to compromise on his principles, even if it hurts him to do so.
Law too grows throughout the story, even if he required a push from his brother to finally stand up for what's right, and for what he wants.
The intrigue here deals primarily with the company they both work for, and includes embezzlement and fraud, which really drives the plot in the last third of this book.
I really appreciated the inclusion of a strong female character in this book, in Morgan's friend Anita with whom he shares an apartment and who's his sounding board. Their relationship was almost that of a brother and sister, and I really enjoyed the scenes where they were both on page together and bicker like siblings.
I even liked Law's brother Christian, who provided the push Law needed to do what he wanted to do. I intensely disliked Simon, the ex-boyfriend, who's just a narcissistic asshole and who didn't really add anything to the plot at all other than possibly give a little bit of background information to explain parts of Law's personality.
This being billed as a romance, there's a strong and hopeful HFN that really made me believe these two will make it long-term. I'd like to get a glimpse at their future and how they work through the obstacles still in their way at book's end.
This was a great read overall, and I enjoyed myself immensely, reading it in one day because I just didn't want to put it down. Well done!