Member Reviews

This is a freely given ARC review; title provided via netgalley.

I wish I could have given this a higher rating and liked it more. I really had a hard time struggling to finish it and here's why Andrew is a Marine going into witness protection. Shane is an FBI agent essentially babysitting the Marine. That dynamic right there is already wrong. The author didn't really treat either of the two characters like they should have been. Andrew seemed very dependent and not all that resourceful for being a Marine. And Shane seemed just as much an amateur. All of that combined just made this story cheesy as hell. The writing style didn't help either.

This story is told in dual points of view, which usually I can painfully manage. This just...I don't even know. Andrew's character was annoying. The author has him speaking to himself all the time. First person pov limits the information a reader gets, but it was like he was inside his own head the entire story with little to no interaction to the outside world. He talks to himself way too much. Even in the sex scenes, it was cheesy because all Shane did was pretty much lay there, moan, and take it. There was definitely the act of sex, but it didn't feel like love-making and there's a difference. Regardless, even then particularly with Andrew, it was like watching a procedure- so detached and analytical.

There was no connection to the characters because of the writing style and overall character creation development. It just wasn't in me to like this story. It has potential, for sure, but I would really look at adjusting to third person, or editing the individual first person chapters so that the readers get more emotion and connection to there character, not a story that's likened to watching an autopsy.

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(¸.•´ ★Taking protection to a new level.

I guess I am the outsider because I enjoyed this book, regardless of mistakes. Hopefully these would be corrected at the time of release.

I had been put on a case that had caused my partner to die.

Shane McCallister, FBI, had lost his lover to the mafia. Now he was placed in the position to protect Marine Sgt Andrew Graves, who had witnesses a mob shooting, by the same family.

There was laughter from the start, something I enjoy in my romance reads. Example: when Shane described the FBI Director's mood change. "Her smile dropped faster than a Beyoncé album. Resting b!tch face strikes again." I hollered.

Surviving was the only option I had.

With secrets and missions compromised, bullets ringing out throughout the night and chemistry upping the ante, Andrew knew he had two choices. COme out alive and come out satisfied. Yet, was there any way he would survive this storm called Shane? The man was just to dangerous for his heart.

I enjoy fast paced military/FBI drama that has seduction, guns, chases and even a mole. Witness protection never seemed so hot.

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A great story, fast paced, well thought out with characters that are multidimensional. I was kept on the edge of my seat as I read this story and would recommend to any action junkies.

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I always finish a book. No matter what, I finish it. This time? This was the hardest book to finish. Hardest ever. I’m so disappointed in myself for doing this to myself, but I really do have this thing inside me that won’t let me put a book down if I’m going to review it. I have other books I’m not done with, but I do intend to finish them eventually. This one should have gone on the “don’t finish ever” shelf.

For starters, I know that advanced review copies are not error proof. I have no problem with that. I don’t mind errors at all because I know not everyone is perfect and to produce a perfect book is REALLY HARD. So I get it. But this one? It is riddled with errors from the first page, to the last. Not just the little spelling or punctuation errors, but serious tense errors. There are also some major continuity issues, sentences that are not complete, nor do they make sense. Really, it’s riddled with problems. It hurt my brain to read because I had to try so hard to read the words as they were and not let my mind do it’s own form of predictive text. In all honesty, it seems like the author wrote the book and this was a very first draft. It looks like it have never had a second read through, not to mention an editor. Because of this, it severely hurt my opinion of the story.

The story could have been fun. A simple protection tale, FBI agent who needs to prove himself and get his life back together after a terrible loss, and the Marine that he’s protecting. But the FBI agent was not likable. The Marine was okay but such a child. The “love interest” plot was utterly ridiculous, and the whole thing comes to a crashing halt by the end when I’m grasping for straws, trying to figure out why, how, and OMG are you kidding me with this.

I think with a serious edit job, a major story and plot clean up, this could be a decent book. Sadly, it’s not even close.

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DNF @5%.

I 5%?? way this is going to work for me. I know I have an ARC & sometimes mistakes slip through, but this is so poorly written and/or edited it's barely readable. Plus the sentence structures are odd. Almost like English is not the author's first language.

Also the MC talks out loud to himself in sentences & monologues. I don't care for this style of getting information across.

Here's an example: (the errors are not mine, I'm copying it exactly)

"What the hell has happened?" I asked myself. "I need to get my shit together. Thomas would never have allowed this to happen. God, I miss you so much. You were my life babe. Now look at me. I could I have let myself sink so low? My life is a wreck along with my job. Why did you leave me? You could have held on, fought harder, but you went so fast. You should've lived, and I have no one to blame but myself. I will never find another like you."

"Now I knew my boss, the Executive Assistant Director of the Intelligence Branch of the F.B.I. was in such a cheery mood, I walked to the bathroom and took my underwear off. I tossed them in my bedroom with the rest of the clothes. Yeah, they were all dirty. If not, they were now.

I hate to be the first review & be negative but this writing style isn't going to work for me. I'm disappointed because the blurb sounded really good. No rating cuz I didn't get far into the book.

**ARC received from the publisher through Netgalley **

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