Member Reviews

It is time for Aubrey Miller to go to Titan University and begin her freshman year of college. With the tremendous amount of loss and guilt from her childhood, the fun-loving and caring Aubrey has disappeared and Raven stands in her place. Raven is emotionless and lives in the darkness. She has adopted this entire persona dying her hair black, wearing dark makeup, sporting different pairs of obscure contacts, as well as decorating her face with multiple piercings. All of this in the attempt to keep people away, not only for her protection, but theirs.
Despite her goals to keep people are arms length, her enthusiastic roommate Quinn and her childhood friend, Kaeleb, were determined to crack her shell. Through the years ahead, they break down Raven's armor and slowly pull Aubrey to the surface. When faced with the potential for more loss, Aubrey is pushed back down and Raven reappears. Luckily, her friends don't give up on her.
This book was not exactly what I expected it to be, but I was surprised at how much I truly enjoyed it.
4 out of 5 stars.

This book was well written and an enjoyable read. This is the second book I have read by this author and I look forward to reading more of her work.

Yup - this book was right up my alley! The characters were well thought out and executed. The storyline was tragic but relatable and realistic. I absolutely loved how this book unfolded and was really impressed to discover that Simmons didn't exactly have a background in English or literature, but a chemist of all things! I am thoroughly impressed by Simmons' ability to write a really good new adult book and am eager to move on to the other two books in this series. Well done!

I volunteered to read a copy of Into The Light by L.B. Simmons in exchange for an honest review.
Honestly this book brought me out of my book funk. I was a little worried at the beginning of the story but as soon as the story picked up steam I was glued to every single page.
The characters were interested and the depth of the story was captivating. I cried, laugh and felt my heart healed all in one day.
What a heartbreaking but beautiful story. This is the first book I've read from this author and it wont' be my last..
A great dark but uplifting read.

I absolutely adore L.B Simmons. This is the second novel I’ve read of this author and it was just as powerful as the first.
Writing about suicide, depression and other hard-hitting, yet relevant topics is where this author excels. There had to be some light in with the dark.
Each character brought something different to the story. Kaeleb was my favourite, Quinn a close second. I love Kaelebs quick witted, confident persona. Quinn was the quietly broken girl that you just want to take care of. Aubrey was funny at times but infuriating at others.
I would definitely read another book by this author and will be recommending this novel.
I received a copy of this ebook from the author and publisher via NetGally but this has in no way influenced my review nor opinions.

A very emotional read. Are you prepared for that? Aubrey surrounds herself with a mask to protect herself. She cannot endure any more pain. The writing is beautiful and almost poetic. Amazing.

3.5 stars
Aurbrey Miller has reinvented herself. Long gone is the blue eyed, blonde haired girl she once was, in her place is Raven Miller with her facial piercings, jet black hair and an ever-changing supply of contact lenses. Aubrey/Raven is trying to distance herself from sad her past and keep others at arm’s reach in the present. She lost her family when she was eight years old and has always felt responsible - even though she was not! Raised by her godmother, she feels safer keeping people at bay believing that she is the cause of bad things happening around her. It isn't until she meets her college roommate Quinn and her friend Kaeleb, that she begins to let other's in. That's it - that is all you are getting!
This book is many different things rolled into one. It's part romance, it's part coming of age, it's part dealing with loss, it's about acceptance, it's about growth, etc. This book also touches on bullying, suicide, illness, etc. Sounds heavy right and to a small degree it is. But it is also about finding yourself, allowing yourself to be loved, friendship, and re-connection.
This book was a well-written fast read for me. This book is considered "New Adult" and has a very YA feel to it. Although I liked the characters, I wasn't blown away by them - or shall I say, I was not emotionally attached to them. I would have liked to see more backstory on both Quinn and Kaeleb. In some ways, the book felt a little rushed to me. I wanted more - at times I read a book and think to myself "this book would have been better if 50-60 pages had been edited out". In this case, I wanted more of the story. Don't get me wrong, this was still enjoyable - I just wanted MORE.
I received a copy of this book from Spencer Hill press and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinions in this review are my own.

Into the Light is beautifully written, highly emotional coming of age story. Aubrey lives her life in darkness, constantly haunted by the pain and death that filled her childhood. She has people around her who love her and try their best to bring her into the light no matter how much Aubrey fights them. Aubrey's guilt and fear over the terrible losses she endured as a young child made me feel so sad for her and my heart ached at her obvious pain and loneliness.
I really loved how Into the Light did an amazing job at showing that no matter what a person portrays on the outside, they can be struggling with their own past and demons on the inside. I was so proud when Aubrey took steps and made the effort to overcome her traumatic past and learn to live her life. So many people automatically have negative thoughts when they hear someone is going to therapy. The person in therapy gets labeled and judged, just for seeking help or outside advice on how to deal with whatever it is they're facing in life. But I feel like this story shows the positive effects of therapy, even though Aubrey's sessions weren't therapy, as she liked to point out.
This book is touching and heartfelt with lighthearted bits of humor sprinkled throughout. I absolutely adored Kaeleb and his evident love and acceptance of Aubrey. My heart melted with how evident it was that he never forgot about Aubrey and was completely in love with her. Their story was told with a power and feeling that had every single emotion they felt seeping off the page and wrapping around me. I laughed, I cried, I gasped, I cheered, and I fell in love with the characters.

This book absolutely made me cry. There are so many hard topics in this book and I experienced the roller coaster along with Aubrey and it was amazing to see her transform into her own skin. Highly recommend if you're in the mood for some deep, soul searching reads.

4.5 heart stopping and sadness inducing stars
Into the Light is absolutely a journey. A long trying journey. It's realistic in its joys and it's set backs. It's real in its hope and darkness.
Into the Light is utterly heartbreaking in its tragedies. The total and complete picture is devastating. Fortunately, L.B. Simmons slowly hits you with a truck with each reveal. It's no less powerful in slower speeds; it just makes it survivable.
If you like being broken down and tossed around, having your heart crushed, and soul tarnished by sadness...this is your book. But be prepared for the perfect ending, it might even make your heart smile.

This book was the first I have read by this author and it completely blew me away. I don't think I have ever felt so much for a character in any book I have read than what I felt for Aubrey.
Aubrey has been through hell and back and suffered way too many losses in her short life. Her desire to protect others forces her to live a lonely life hiding herself from everyone.
I absolutely loved Kaeleb and his fierce love of Aubrey. His desire to protect her and save her and just love her was just EVERYTHING! Aubrey's strength throughout her devastation and ability to ultimately rebound was nothing short of inspirational.
This book was heartbreaking and so unbelievably sad, but also a beautiful story of friendship, love, growth and survival....and making lemonade from the crappiest of lemons. This is a book that will stay with me for a long time to come.

LB Simmons writes some of the most beautiful and thought provoking Books outs there. They have romance, a great plot that keeps you on the edge of your seat, and characters that you love and fall in love with. I know when going into Simmon’s books, that I’ll be in for a huge treat.

5* Heartache Stars
This is a coming-of-age story that is filled with heartache and sorrow. One could understand how Aubrey morphed into Raven, her alter ego after losing some many loved ones.
I was so happy when she met bubbly Quinn, who was a breath of fresh air and Kaeleb who was unbelievably kind and gentle.
This book encompasses love, friendship, family, forgiveness, death and second chances in life. I enjoyed this well written rollercoaster of an emotion read.
Thank you Spencer Hill Press and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review this book.

I read this book when it was still titled The Resurrection of Aubrey Miller. It was such an amazing story, heartbreaking, heartwarming and so very complex.
I absolutely love L.B. Simmons writing I have read every single book that she has written. She puts her heart and soul into her stories.

What an amazing read! Was my first novel by the author but would definitely recommend this.

WOW!!!! Why did I wait so long to read this story. This was such an incredible journey of growing, learning, discovering, living, loving, and heart wrenching sadness.
This story gives you everything you could possibly want in a love, life, learning book. I cried, I laughed, and I felt. There are so many emotions in this book its beyond me how to put it into words.
It was my first LB Simmons book and will not be my last LB gives you everything in this and leaves nothing unturned.
A must read for every reader. This deals with so many topics, love, death, suicide, eating disorder, depression its all here, and everyone can take some lesson away from this story.
Amazing book !!!

There are books you read that you just cannot describe with words, this is one of them. This book was absolutely remarkable. I laughed, I cried, and I read it word for word. This book touches on such important subjects in a way that makes the reader just feel; feel every emotion possible. The story of Aubrey, Quinn, Raven, Kaeleb is one that needed to be told and this author did an amazing job. I cannot wait to read the next book in this series. Thank You NetGalley and L.B. Simmons for allowing me to read and write a honest review of this book.

L.B. Simmons did a fantastic job with Into the Light. This is such an emotional read. But it is so beautiful. My heart broke more then once throughout this one. It got put back together again just to have it break all over. Bring on the tissues and the array of emotions. I laughed, I cried. I wanted to take Aubrey and Quinn in my arms and hold them tight. Aubrey is one of those characters I loved watching grow and change. She fought when she was ready to and it was beautiful to finally see the light in her darkness. Quinn is the best friend Aubrey (Raven) didn't know was missing and needed. And then there is Kaeleb. Kaeleb the childhood friend/first love of Aubrey. Even at a young age when they were separated that love didn't seem to disappear. I love Kaelebs strength. I love how his love brought out the new Aubrey. I loved how he fought for her when the darkeness too over again. Into the Light is such an amazingly beautiful emotional read. If you haven't read L.B. Simmons yet you really need to. Be prepared to grab and box of tissues and hold on for an amazing read. I loved this one so much even after becoming a teary mess.