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Review by Amber for Love Romance Books Blog
Rob, a former firefighter, had a bad accident on the job. He is mostly recovered physically, but still is dealing with the after effects of his traumatic brain injury. He rarely talks now, but once in a while, he lets it all out by singing at a local open mic night. On stage one night, a woman catches his eye in the crowd. When she comes up to greet him though, he is speechless and she walks away disappointed. He doesn't think he will see her again, but then he sees her on the street struggling with a tile saw, and has to go help.
Dani finally is ready to achieve her dream of opening a wine and book store. She has the storefront on Ocean Pier, she just needs to make the inside of the place hers. After arming herself with a multitude of You Tube videos, she feels ready to take on her first renovation task: tiling the floor. The only thing is that it is harder than it looks. When Rob comes to her rescue, she is relieved. Being intensely attracted to him doesn't make working with him easy, though...especially when it becomes apparent the attraction goes both ways.
I would give this book 4 stars. It was a great story, and it was interesting having the perspective of someone dealing with a TBI.
I was asked by the author for an honest review.

when dani hodge first approaches roberto derosa in without words, she's convinced he's giving her the brush off. what she doesn't know is that roberto is recovering from a traumatic brain injury he suffered in the line of duty as a fireman. and one of the more difficult aspects of his new normal is that words don't come easily to him. other than his aphasia you wouldn't be able to tell he suffered any trauma, physically, he's as strong as ever.
but he's also depressed and moody. his injury ended his career in fire-fighting. now that he's able to get on with his life, what is he supposed to do with it? dani is a girl with dreams. and with the recent passing of her grandmother, she now has the means make her dreams a reality. she wants to open a bookshop/café/wine bar. she has the perfect space for it. she just needs help renovating it.
when roberto comes upon her while she is attempting to complete a project, he realizes she needs help. and he knows something of construction and decides to help her. he'd only rebuffed her earlier because he didn't know what to say. but remodeling work will not require that much talking. and he has the time to help her.
the more dani understands roberto's situation the more impressed by him she is. she'd always found him incredibly attractive, but his strength and resilience makes him even sexier in her book. i mean, he is pretty dreamy. it's always so interesting to read books where the characters have difficulty communicating with the world around them, because as a reader you know their thoughts and feelings so intimately. most problems in romance novels are solved with a little effort at communication, so when commuincation is difficult for other reasons, it almost means more to see how the characters work things out.

I really enjoyed this one. Loved these characters. They felt so honest and true that you could imagine them as your best friends. The writing is excellent and the story is intriguing with a nice flow.
Life has dealt Roberto DeRosa quite a few blows but none have been as frustrating as the last. While on the job as a firefighter, Rob suffered a traumatic brain injury that has left him with speech issues. Verbalizing his thoughts is difficult so most of the time he chooses not to speak. Corralling his thoughts is also difficult but a couple of things seem to calm and soothe him enough to slow his thoughts. One is his guitar. The second is Dani Hodge. The beautiful young woman who introduced herself at the club but he was unable to speak to. Now he's getting to know her as he helps her renovate the storefront she's working on for her new shop. Will she ever be able to understand and accept him as he is?
A great read and one I highly recommend.

Delancey Stewart’s Without Words had me by heart from the first chapter when I feel in love with Roberto. He is such a sympathetic and endearing character, and I became so invested in him finding his happy-ever-after that I could hardly wait for things with him and Dani to play out.
Roberto was a firefighter who suffered a traumatic brain injury while on a call, and he is struggling with his injury a year later. He has not been able to return to work and has a very hard time communicating, and his self-esteem and self-worth has plummeted. He finds solace in singing, and he performs at his friend’s bar from time to time. One night while he is there, he sees Dani and is gobsmacked.
Dani is an energetic, positive woman who is opening her own book and wine store. She is extremely attracted to Roberto when she sees him at the bar, and approaches him. When he doesn’t respond to her, she leaves feeling rejected. She doesn’t think she’ll ever see him again, but they run into each other when he walks by her new storefront while she is there renovating. He is extremely attracted to Dani, but struggling to deal with his problems communicating and doesn’t want to tell her about his injury. He thinks he should stay away, but he can’t and ends up helping her work on getting her store open. They slowly and sweetly get closer working alongside each other.
Their chemistry moves at a much faster of a pace as they cannot keep their hands off each other, and their interludes are both romantic and hot. Roberto must reveal himself to Dani and trust her to accept him as the damaged man he believes himself to be. Dani doesn’t see him this way, and she shows him that we are all flawed making him believe that he is stronger and better for his experience. He begins to find hope again, and he and Dani’s journey is both uplifting and romantic to read.
I think Ms. Stewart did an incredible job writing a story about traumatic brain injury. It is a devastating injury and changes the courses of lives of the person hurt and his or her loved ones. Ms. Delancey presents it accurately and with compassion while also writing a story of survival and hope. Roberto is a hero that I will not forget, and I highly recommend the moving and powerful Without Words.

3.5 Stars
A sweet, often sad love story. Rob is an ex firefighter that is dealing with a brain injury he received in the line of duty. Rob now has difficulty with his speech but can get past it while he is singing. He meets Dani at a bar where he sings part time. Dani is working on opening a wine/bookstore at the beach.
The story revolves around how the two are drawn to each other while he helps her get her store ready to open. They both have family issues from their past that they need to resolve and low self esteem issues. The book was well written but just a little slow and sad for my taste.
Copy received courtesy of Entangled Publishing via NetGalley for an honest and unbiased opinion

Unfortunately the book was not for me, no review was publicly posted on Amazon, B&N, Goodreads or Twitter etc, so no ratings were affected in relation to it.

Without Words is an emotional and romantic read! This story is told through the eyes of a survivor left with a traumatic brain injury-TBI, and it's quite touching.
Rob is playing guitar in his friend's bar when two girls enter. There is something about the one. She calls to him when their eyes lock and he stumbles on the song. Dani approaches him and says Hi, but Rob says nothing. Dani isn't sure how to respond. She thought they made a connection, so she leaves. What she doesn't know is that Rob's speech is sometimes very slow in coming out. He's been trying to adjust to life with a TBI but he is frustrated. Singing is one of the ways he can calm down. Rob was a firefighter caught in an accident. He's now trying to navigate and find his way while living with a TBI.
Dani is in the midst of opening her own shop and she's been doing all the restorations herself. Faced with never getting it all done, Rob happens along and ends up offering to help Dani. Dani is a go-getter. She bounces from one thing to the next. Because of Rob's inability to express what he wants to at times, his lack of speech becomes an obstacle to get around. Once Dani becomes aware of what happened to Rob and the TBI, she understands his behavior better-although there were times I wanted to shake her!! She does seem to help Rob work through his difficulties and I give her kudos for that.
Both characters have their flaws and they were genuinely likeable people. Their insecurities hampered them severely. I also falter on the connection somewhat, finding it lacking to me. I didn't feel that slow burn or sizzling chemistry I really wanted to feel. Yes they liked each other, but I was looking for a pop of burning for each other that just wasn't there.
This story was very well written and unique, however. There are some real emotional issues here. Not only a budding relationship, but throw in the unpredictability of a person with a TBI and you could very well have some unintended consequences. The blurb was spot on. Delancey Stewart accomplished all the feels around this one.
I was rooting for a happy ending for Without Words and the author did not disappoint!
reviewed by Deb

If strong, silent, stoic, sexy men are your type, then this book is right up your alley. Without Words has everything a romance reader could want….an interesting plot, a likable heroine, interesting secondary characters and a to die for hero. I’ve always had a soft spot for an alpha hero with a vulnerable side, and Roberto DeRosa was all that and more. This book was like watching a lost soul find his way home and I enjoyed it so much.
When Danielle Hodge spots Rob DeRosa playing guitar at the local bar, she is instantly attracted to the tough-looking guy lost in his music. She tries to strike up a conversation during a break in his performance but it is awkward and uncomfortable and she leaves feeling insecure and foolish. Having been burned by love in the past, Dani tries to put aside her thoughts of the mysterious musician of few words and focus solely on opening her new business.
In a strange twist of fate, Rob stumbles upon Danielle’s shop while out and about and the instantaneous attraction they both felt that night at the bar flares to life again. Dani is excited to see Rob again, but hesitant because she can’t get a read on him. When Rob offers to help her with the manual labor in setting up her shop, Dani jumps on the chance to spend more time with him. As they spend hours building shelves and laying tile together, Dani learns more and more about her sexy firefighter: specifically about the accident at work, causing a traumatic brain injury. It is that brain injury that makes communication difficult for Rob, and he often has difficulty dealing with his emotions.
There is one thing that Rob has discovered that helps center him when he feels out of control. Playing his guitar at the club, getting lost in the music and ignoring the world around him has a way of calming him. Soon after meeting Dani, Rob learns that spending time with her has the same effect as his music. Around her he is calm, confident and able to hold a conversation better than he can any other time. He’s wildly attracted to the beautiful girl with the sunny disposition, but his feelings for her clash with the knowledge that someone like him, an out of work firefighter suffering from brain damage, has nothing to offer someone like her.
Rob and Dani each have their own fears and insecurities to work through when it comes to relationships. I loved the way the author had them work through their issues, both separately and together. The chemistry between them was explosive, and I loved how bright Dani made Rob’s world. He needed someone to center him, and her cheerful optimism was the perfect balance to his quiet strength. This book was heartwarming and sexy, and I loved it.
I give Without Words 4.5 stars.

When Rob loses his dream job, as a firefighter, and his ability to speak easily through an accident on the job, he has resigned himself to the idea that this is his life. Enter Dani, a smart, perky girl that will steal his heart without even trying!
A perfect escape read that had me rooting for Rob & Dani until the end!

Don’t we all like the broken and tortured Heroes? I know I do and this blurb hits the nail on the head.
Without Words is a sweet romance where both main characters fight the insecurities that they have and overcome to be who they want to be and do what they want to do in their life.
Rob is trying to get his life back on track and adjusting to his life with a traumatic brain injury. There are things that help keep him calm, singing is one of them.
Out one night at his buddies bar he finally sees some sunshine in his life but doesn’t know how to tackle his issues. Dani has had a tough time but her dream is finally becoming a reality. With Rob’s help she gets nearer to her dream.
I liked both characters but their interactions were so stilted that I couldn’t believe the chemistry that they had and believe me I wanted to.
The story flows well in most places at least. I enjoyed the characters interaction although their insecurities got in the way of me enjoying the book more than I could have. But the author still manages to offer us a sweet read with a happy ending.
Just not my cuppa and if my buddy Jeri likes it then I know that I won’t although I did have high hopes for this one.

Being unfamiliar with this author, it was the blurb that attracted me to the story and all the possibilities it held.
"I could barely form a sentence in a public place. My emotions were out of control half the time and I was still incapable of reining them in..."
<I>Without Words</I> started out well and, despite it niggling that Rob's communication skills didn't come over as being particularly hindered all things considered, on the whole I found him likeable, the writing engaging, I enjoyed the dual POV, and the chemistry between Rob and Dani worked well with secondary characters each bringing additional value overall.
"....this fragile and vulnerable, strong and inescapably sexy man would certainly break my heart if I let him."
Dani I found a little frustrating, and although I didn't necessarily agree with some of her decisions, at the same time I could understand her reasoning. That was until the 85% mark, when what empathy I had for her, along with my hope that she and Rob would find their HEA, went flying out of the window at warp speed. And all it took was one short sentence.
"I was tired of Rob using his difficulties as an excuse."
An excuse? The man survived a life-changing accident that left him in a coma with a traumatic brain injury. He endured months of therapy and rehab and his career as a firefighter was ended in a split second. So yeah, I do think he deserved better and wonder how things would have panned out if he knew that she'd even thought that.
This was a story that showed potential and although Delancey Stewart's writing was easy enough to get along with in the main, I have to be honest in that I was hoping for more emotion and, considering the title and blurb, a little more focus on Rob overcoming his difficulties. Sadly though that one sentence killed all my investment in this couple in an instant.

This was a pleasant read with the right amount of drama and pain and I connected easily to both main characters. The secondary characters are also engaging and the setting (San Diego) is beautiful.
I really liked how the main characters (Rob and Dani) connect, understand and support each other, even when justifiable doubts and uncertainty appear. I loved the heroine’s healing power over the hero, it was subtly and gradually introduced in the story and it was quite convincing.
Usually I don’t like first person dual POV but I didn’t mind about it in this story, I guess because it was well done and I wasn’t too much aware of it as often happens.
And the hero is great! I was hooked right from the beginning because we don’t see this type of wounded hero that much. I loved the way the author linked Rob’s voice problems with music and I would have liked to see that dimension more developed. Overall I also loved the handling of the TBI’s effects and problems and how the voice issues were depicted (then again I’d love to see it a bit more expanded).

While I expected there to be more about Roberto's guitar playing from the book description, this was a cute story. I appreciated how each of their personal hang-ups played into their relationship and what they had to overcome. Dani's business plan sounded really fun. I anticipate reading another book by this author.

This is the first book I've read by this author and well go back for more. This book had me sucked in from first page. Unlike most books the male lead is the one that is down on there luck and the woman helps save him. Nice change for me there. Rob a former firefighter just came back from a accident caught in a burning building. He is living a shell of a life unable to carry on a normal conversation like he used to, so he plays his guitar at his roommates club as a form of therapy. When he sees a beautiful woman at a table he freezes when she speaks to him and blows her off. Dani is opening a shop soon and is busy trying to get the space ready for her two week schedule. When she decides to do all the construction and work her self to save oney, she never counted on tile to be so hard. When the stranger who blew her off at the club offers to lend a hand out of the blue, she is shocked but refuses to show it. During that time they spend together so much is learned about Rob and his trials with his new life. The relationship between the two is great, but can the two let life be what it is and accept happiness together. Great book! Honest review in exchange for ARC.

Good book, story and characters really good ending and development

WITHOUT WORDS is an enjoyable tale about characters searching for direction in life after suffering setbacks along the way. Roberto is struggling to find his voice and a new path for his life after a life threatening accident changed the course of his life. No longer able to be a firefighter, he must decide what he wants to do with his life. Dani is struggling to open up her own business and is a little lost. The death of her grandmother has left a hole in Dani's life and the pressure to make her grandmother proud weighs on her as does her past. Dani's and Roberto both struggle with scars from difficult childhoods and deal with issues of low self esteem because of some of the things they have been through. When their parts cross at a local bar, sparks immediately fly but both of them struggle to deal with the emotions. Readers will enjoy watching them both grow and evolve throughout the book. Dani and Roberto are great characters that readers will be rooting for. Definitely recommend.

This may be right up there with the best books I've read this year. It's touching, emotional and yet romantic all the while looking at a life lived with a TBI (traumatic brain injury). I absolutely loved this book.
It opens with Rob playing guitar at his friend Trent's bar when he spots two girls come in. There is something about her that calls to him, and when they lock eyes, he misses a chord or two. Afterward she comes up to him and says "Hi." Here we meet Dani. Rob's speech is at times slow and he doesn't respond back. Dani isn't sure quite how to take that, she and her sister leave Trent's and head home. Dani is getting ready to open her own business and her new space needs work from the floor to the ceiling. Dani is a bubbling ball of energy, at times she's over the top. Her sister Amy is her tether. Dani was semi-burned in a past relationship which makes her a little gun shy with Rob, having said that because of Rob's inability to express emotion at times, issues become confusing.
Somehow she ropes Rob into helping, returning back to Trent's again. Rob and Trent live together, both San Diego Firefighters. Rob was injured in a horrendous fire, it's Trent who pulls him out. Rob's recovery is slow and arduous and frustrating. Rob has a dog Samson, and we get to see plenty of Samson in the story, he's a constant by Rob's side. Rob hasn't really worked since the accident which his stepfather repeatedly reminds him of. (Ugh, what a jackhat that guy was) and his mother remains silent. Then we have Rob's father and brothers who are still in Mexico and own a vineyard there. There's a whole different dynamic going on there from the story of he and Dani. Dani and Amy have their own stories as well. Delancey balanced these stories so very well and managed to loop them so beautifully together.
This book just did it all for me. About 20 pages in I knew it was a winner and that there was a great story in here. Turned out there were a couple. The storyline is unique, has some nice steam, very real emotional issues dealing with relationships and the unknowns of dealing with TBI's. I think she captured that extremely well. Especially listening to Rob's inner dialogue. I hope we see more of the characters from this story. I'd love to see Amy and Trent... hint, hint.
Fantastic book Delancey!! Absolutely off the charts. I'd give it 10 stars.
**arc from NetGalley and Entangled in exchange for a fair review**

This was a sweet, hope-filled read. I really liked the character of Rob a lot. Dani is adorable, but I got a little frustrated with her at times. I wanted to throttle her for not seeing how her wishy-washiness was affecting Rob and his recovery. The story is well written; the plot is interesting and the characters are very likeable (even if a little frustrating). I was rooting for their HEA and was not disappointed. This is the first book I've read by this author, and I hope to read more in the future.

Tedious...just tedious. The first quarter of this book starts out well enough and dragged me into the story line for which I was happy to go willingly. Sadly, the last 3/4 of the story was just riddled with filler and incredible amounts of redundant inner dialog. After a while I had to just start skimming through as yet again we would sit through another several pages of our hero and heroine's insecurities and inner ramblings. I got it! Our hero does not feel worthy of her love and our heroine is afraid to commit because of some past relationship issues. The sad thing was that our hero is the one with the traumatic brain injury that effects his speech but you would think that our heroine had one as well for all of the trouble she had getting any thoughts or feelings out. My biggest pet peeve is a romance where the main characters are apart more than they are together for the book. There was just too much unnecessary filler plots in the this book that really never surmounted to much of anything. Overall, didn't care for this one at all. Such a good start and promising premise that sadly just was left unrealized.