Member Reviews

It's been awhile since I read Ms. Warren's Team Hope series, and then I found this novella hidden in some obscure part of my kindle--unread. Ms. Warren is one of my favorite adventure and romance authors so I had to catch up on a book, um, novella, that somehow I missed.

Even back in 2011 Ms. Warren wrote brilliantly with characters that are real, and ones you care for. Now I do remember that the Team Hope series was one of my least favorite series of Warrens (though I can't remember why, and this urges me to pull my copies of those books out of the bookcase and find out the rest of the story, because yes, Lacey goes in to rescue Micah and his team, but there isn't a satisfactory ending in this novella, mainly because it's the prequel and basically the beginning chapters of a series that weren't included in the books.

If you are catching up on Ms. Warren's books and the Team Hope series are on your to-read pile, then read this novella first. It can be read in an hour or two and you'll know the beginning. Plenty of action, lots of adventure, and my heart broke for Micah. A real hero.

I got a copy of this novella from Netgalley. All opinions are my own.

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