Member Reviews

Cling: Choosing a Lifestyle of Intimacy with God by Kim Cash Tate is a book that explores how God designed our lives to cling to Him and how we were separated from Him. The best part is how the author describes our ability to cling once more to our Creator. The author uses many examples from Scripture to describe how to cling to God through any situation. I received a copy of this book from the publisher. This is my honest review.

I'm always excited to read hot-off-the-press Christian nonfiction. Kim Cash Tate, who's written Christian fiction, has branched out into Christian nonfiction with this new book. In it, she highlights scriptures that command believers to cling to God:
Deut. 10:20
Deut. 13:4
She then goes through familiar territory, writing about how we were created to cling, but separated ourselves from Him through the fall. She talks about Christ's mission to redeem us.
Around 25% into the book, she finally launches into what it means to cling to God, choosing a lifestyle of intimacy with Him.
Weaving personal stories, current events and especially Bible stories, she shows us people who have successfully clung to God. She uses many good illustrations (particularly the Biblical ones!), but I confess that after having read so much of the best of Christian nonfiction over the past couple of years, I didn't find much in this book that shed new light on scripture, or made me look at something differently.
It was written well enough, but I didn't detect any flashes of sheer brilliance that made me sit back and think for a while about what she'd said.
The only chapter that presented an idea that I hadn't come across in all my reading was the chapter entitled Healing from Immoral Clinging.
It's a chapter on varieties of sexual sin, including premarital sex between believers.
She then gives the reader reassurance that if we confess our sins (and walk away from them), God will, of course, forgive them.
The book came with a study guide at the end. I suspect that it will be used and enjoyed by home groups. It will deliver enough of what the group needs in order to make a good class, if not an astoundingly thought provoking one. And that's probably just fine.

Choosing a Lifestyle of Intimacy with God
by Kim Cash Tate
Discovery House Publishers
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Discovery House
Pub Date 01 Mar 2017
I am reviewing Cling through Discovery House Publishers and Netgalley:
In this book we are invited to "Cling" to God. We are reminded that we are created to Cling. God wants us to lean on him. We are reminded that we were created to have a relationship with the Lord.
The author goes on to point out that humanity is not only marked by sin, but by death as well. Kim Cash Tate reminds us that we are born spiritually dead.
It is pointed out that God choose us for intimacy long ago.
We are reminded too of the importance of knowing God intimately.
We are reminded too that we can know the Father through his son Jesus.
The importance of making prayer a lifestyle is also discussed. We are reminded too pray when we need to watch our tongue, and to pray when worry hits. This book also reminds us that sin affects our intimacy for God.
I give Cling five out of five stars.
Happy Reading!