Member Reviews

The title of this book sums it up well.....hope and seasons....not just seasons as we know them connected to climate and light but also the seasons of life we go through. I would recommend reading this book as you need it, choosing the sections which apply to you at this time. A good book to have on the shelf and share with others as needed.

This was a lovely devotional, with the theme of hope in every offering. Ms. Link made use of extended scriptural passages, both from the Old Testament and the New, which I find more enjoyable than devotions that focus on a single verse. They were originally written for Our Daily Bread, but have now been collected in this volume as a spiritual legacy to Ms. Link, who went to be with the Lord in 2015.
The book is divided into parts that deal with hope and time, life events, the seasons and life's difficult challenges. As someone who loves the changing seasons, I especially enjoyed the devotions that tied seasonal change with reasons to hope.
For example, in the devotion entitled From Bleak to Hope, Mrs. Link references Job 42:10-17. She compares the coming of spring, and the transformation of what had seemed dead, but is now springing to life--to the second half of Job's life.
"With God, there is hope, even in the most hopeless situation," she concludes.
This book was given to me free by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This devotional shares Scripture and short stories making it an easy read but full of encouragement as you face each day. It would make a great gift for a friend. Thank you to Net Galley for allowing me to read and review this book.

A devotional book which gives full scripture and then short personal stories or teachings for each one, this book can be read in sequence or randomly as the reader wishes. Whichever way you choose, this book will help you see that the relationship that God has with each of His children will offer you guidance, support and comfort in your most difficult times. This is a book that I will refer to again and again, and would make a nice gift book.
Many thanks to NetGalley and Discovery House Publishing for allowing me the opportunity to read and review this book.

Hope for All Seasons
Encouragement from Our Daily Bread
by Julie Ackerman Link
Discovery House Publishers
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Discovery House
Pub Date 03 Apr 2017
I am reviewing Hope For All Seasons through Discovery House Publishers and Netgalley:
Written in the years before her Death Julie Ackerman's Link. Julie talks about her fear of loosing her hair after learning she needed Chemotherapy, and she talks about the gratitude for her doctors but gives the glory to God.
She also reminds us that when we sin that piles on.
In this book we are reminded too that even when we go through difficult times we are not without hope, because we can always find hope when we lean on the Lord.
The author points out too that no one is invisible to God, that he sees us all.
We are reminded too that jumping to conclusions will most likely lead to trouble, so know your facts for making assumptions.
The author points out too that Jesus is the image of the invisible God.
I give Hope For All Seasons five out of five stars.
Happy Reading.

I read Our Daily Bread every day sometimes online and sometimes with the paper copy, so I was eager to see Hope for All Seasons (Encouragement from Our Daily Bread) by Julie Ackerman Link. I will admit that the name of the author did not register with me. I was okay with this especially after the Foreword by Judith E. Markham stated that Julie Ackerman Link had said, “Anyone can put words on a page. Only God can breathe life into them.” Truly these words felt as if God was speaking to directly to my heart.
This is a devotional of Hope just as the name implies. The first is from Jeremiah, a prophet who had such hope in the mist of despair all around him. It ends with the hope that Christians can count on because the hope is not dependent on anything human or earthly but on the Lord. All of the many selections in between are reminders why to look to the Lord instead of your circumstance.
I loved how the entire passage of scripture is given for each selection. Included many times is a clarifying or insight into when or why the verses where written. It is a wonderful devotional that would be a comfort as well as instruction for any person in any walk of life. If one is not a Christian after reading Julie Ackerman Link’s writing, they couldn’t help but want to be. It is the kind of book that you need to buy two of; one for yourself and one for a friend.