Member Reviews

Always A Wanderer is the second in the Irish Travellers series by Danica Winters. I would really recommend reading the first book, Once A Gypsy first. It will explain alot about what Helena and Graham are trying to accomplish and the enemies they face.

Helena & Graham’s relationship is at a low point and they are unsure of themselves as a couple. I think most of it was Helena’s culture and how she perceived a relationship to be.

But their love life is just fleeting moments throughout the book. There is a hate group that is throwing a rally in their town and it looks like it might interfere with the grand opening of the hospital the couple have built.

Always A Wanderer held some surprises and not always good ones. There is a character that didn’t get a lot of face time, but ends up being a very big player. Helena’s powers seem to be growing and that leaves a big question for them to deal with in the future.

I was a little disappointed in Helena when it came to the relationship parts with Graham, but the rest of the story held a really good mystery. Sometimes it got confusing when they switched back and forth between calling people by their first names, then in the next sentence they are referring to them as “Mr. Poole” or whoever. Always A Wanderer was a quick read as you flew through the mysteries with Helena and Graham. It was a bit of a roller coaster of feelings, but I also felt that you didn’t know the characters well enough to be greatly impacted by them. I think a little more time doing some more little flashbacks to Once A Gypsy would have been helpful. Overall, the Always A Wanderer had enough suspense that it kept me reading past my bedtime.

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Helena is a Gypsy Traveler but gave it up for Graham the man she loves. Graham is the groundskeeper r the Manor.for A They are opening a new hospital for supernaturals. As well as trying to find a murderer. They are trying to celebrate the opening of the hospital but there was a group of haters and thinks they are freaks and feel anyone different than them should be dead and the haters start a disruption. Helena and graham are from very different worlds and cultures. This is putting a lot of pressure and Helena misses her traveler ways . All this and the new responsibilities with the supernatural hospital is putting a large strain on their relationship. Helena had felt she had to hide her magic to protect her family but at least she was now gaining control over her powers. Then there is a bomb planted in the new hospital and when it blows everyone in the hospital or near it will die.
I loved this book I loved how the author was very realistic when talking of the Gypsy Travelers culture. I loved the plot and the pace of this story. I loved that Helena and Graham wanted and did build a new hospital for supernaturals and wanted to heal them. I liked how Helena and Graham had to really work to find there way back to their relationship and worked on it a lot and I felt was very realistic . I just enjoyed this and I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this story and I highly recommend.

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