Member Reviews

Out of the Storm asking for a place to stay comes Ashley, her daughter, and their pet dog. Eric hasn't seen Ashley in over 10 years. She's the daughter of his brother's girlfriend. Eric has spent the last year grieving, losing himself in alcohol, isolation, and anger over the death of his wife and unborn child.
For Eric, something doesn't sit right about Ashley just showing up out of the blue after walking to his home in one of the worst storms of the season.
His suspicions are proven correct when strange happenings start happening. Everything from suspicious and threatening calls to being followed to explosions.
It has mystery, suspense, and some action.
**ARC kindly provided by via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**

In the middle of a nor’easter, Eric Mongomery’s night with his Sam Adams and Red Sox game is interrupted. At his door stands a young woman who, with her seven-year-old daughter, is fleeing a nightmare. So begins a story filled with government conspiracy, heroism and redemption. An exciting read from start to finish!
Thanks to The Wild Rose Press, Inc. and NetGalley for allowing me to read this preview copy!

Exciting page turner. I could not read fast enough. I wanted all to be safe and happy and hoped that would be the case at the conclusion. Just when things seemed to calm down, something else happened to cause havoc.

I received a free electronic copy of this novel from Netgalley, Kevin V. Symmons, and Wild Rose Press, Inc. in exchange for an honest review. Thank you all, for sharing your hard work with me.
This is an excellent novel. The classification of this work is ambiguous - it is neither a romance, nor an action novel, neither does it have enough terror to sit there with Steven King. There are politics involved, and retired soldiers and Washington federal cops but it is not a military or spy novel. What it is is a great read encompassing all of the above genres. I loved Eric and Ashley, and would bring Kylie and Rusty home with me. Louise Lu Crawford is the perfect mother-in-law and Bobby the best best friend around. On top of these special people, we have a good who-done-it with some kung fu moves and explosions to keep everyone on their toes. Kevin Symmons writes an excellent tale. I will be looking for his past work, and watching for his future novels.