Member Reviews

Couldn’t get into this book, didn’t care for the authors style and found the characters very unlikeable

Did not finish this book. I couldn't get into the m/m aspect of it. I tried really hard but it just didn't do it for me. I stopped fairly quickly. Thanks for the opportunity.

Gregory’s “Wicked Frat Boy Ways” was an interesting read I could not read fast enough. By the end of the novel, I eagerly read the next chapter. I could not put it down. Unfortunately, the final few pages were a train wreck. Perhaps that was Gregory’s intent. The story finished abruptly with an unsatisfying resolution.
Think “Cruel Intentions” meets gay fraternity men. Phil is the manipulative mastermind whom everyone thinks is this great person. He works through his fraternity brother, good friend and one-weekend hook-up, Brandon. Phil and Brandon seem like likable heartless bastards. They enjoy getting what they want, no matter the consequences. Phil sets Brandon the task of seducing former seminary student, Ricky, and turning Ricky into the fraternity slut.
The book reeks of hot, steamy sex. If was a fun, light read. I had much hope for this book, but the ending did not exist. Just as the book hit its peak, it wrapped up in the most unsatisfying abrupt ending.
I really want to give the book a higher rating, but the ending cannot be ignored. I do look forward to reading some of Gregory’s other works.
Note: An ARC was received from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

**I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review**
Wicked Frat Boy Ways should have been the perfect book for me as I love M/M stories based in college. However I was left disappointed as I really wanted to like it.
To be quite honest this was quite a tough read. I kept on reading until the end as I really wanted it to get better but sadly it just didn't meet my expectations. I just felt that the characters were very unlikable, false and just too manipulative to the point where I just wasn't able to connect with them. Also I thought there were just too many characters and at points I found it hard to keep up with who was who as well as who's POV it was in each chapter.
The blurb of this book made me really want to read it as it sounded amazing and the sexy scenes were a pretty nice read. However for me the writing was sub par, it just didn't keep me interested and I found my mind drifting off to other things. I feel that this story had the potential to be great but for me it just didn't work.

Wicked Frat Boy Ways is one of the dumbest books I've read in a long, long time. I rated it 2 stars because I don't care enough about it to hate it; I usually reserve 1 star reviews for books I hate. The stupid, ridiculously convoluted premise is this: Phil is the president of Beta Kapa fraternity. His frat needs a new A/C unit so he finagles a fat check out of an alumnus, Ruben Monterro, enough for a new A/C and then some. The catch? Phil has to help Ruben's nephew, Ricky, become a Beta Kappa, smooth his way. Ricky is a gay guy who left the seminary because he couldn't in good conscience become a priest when he knew he was gay. So Phil gets this brilliant idea to get his friend, fellow Beta Kappa, and one time lover, Brandon, to "take care of" Ruben's nephew.
What follows is a long, rambling, really ridiculous story involving Phil, Brandon, Ricky, Kenny, Dylan, Joni, Joe and random other people I can't remember. Because this is a college story, there's lots of sex, lots of pot, lots of drinking, and lots of doing not much of anything productive. Then it just ends rather abruptly in a horrible, dumb way, and everyone's unhappy at the end. The only thing I could clearly get by the end is that Phil was in love with Brandon the whole time and the whole stupid idea he had of getting Brandon to hook up with Ricky was just his way of getting back at Rubin for some vague reason. Yep, that's about it. Not much to this story. Yes, there's sex, some of it steamy, but it was all so disconnected and no one had very strong feelings so it was just meaningless sex, and meaningless sex is my least favorite kind to read, so even the sex couldn't make up for the lame plot, horrible, stupid characters and rambling (seriously so rambling, sometimes the many, many run-on sentences were so long and jumbled that I ended up skipping right over them) details. Sigh...
So, if you're looking for a steamy, passionate, emotional M/M story, this is not the story for you. If you are looking for stupid and incomprehensible, then by all means, dive right in.

At the Beta Kappa house Phil Connor is manipulating his way around as president with the help of Brandon Benson. Controlling everything that goes on and hurting many people in their wake.
When Brandon decides he is done and tries to expose Phil for what he is that is when the real problems begin.
I found this to be interesting yet there were so many people involved sometimes it was confusing on who was who. This is a M/M which is not a problem for me, but maybe if you don't like this type of book. In the end the story did have a good story line but I wish it was easier to follow all of the people involved.
** I received this book in exchange for an honest review**

This book was hot, hot, hot. I loved that. The characters were also very well drawn, as was the setting. I would practically smell that frat house by the end of it. However the ending was rather abrupt and overly harsh. Sure, Brandon was a selfish asshole, but he didn't deserve to die for it.

I really have a problem with characters who have no regard for other human lives. Phil and Brandon would participate in dares without having any thought about how it would affect others, and in the end it affects someone's life in a way that is irreversible. I also could not get over how they toyed with love and seduction like it was a game.
Finally, it didn't feel like the story was over. It was like something huge happened and then the screen went black. I felt like their should be a "to be continued" at the end of the book.
The story was somewhat saved by the few enjoyable moments and the steamy love scenes. I mean who doesn't love a scene with sexy times in it? If you enjoyed this book then I am really happy for you. I would much rather a book be loved than disliked. Let me know what you thought of it if you've read it.

It's ok it was t anything new or revolutionary but it wasn't bad. It was what was expected.

Damn! That ending just threw me. I definitely didn't see that coming at all. The whole time I read this book I kept wondering why am I still reading this. This isn't my kind of book. I hate books that have mean and immoral characters. And both of the main characters are horrible people. But I couldn't stop reading. It's kind of like a car wreck and you can't take your eyes off it. Each time I was pretty sure I wasn't gonna keep reading I had to keep going to find out what was gonna happen next.
Seniors and fraternity brothers at Beta Kappa, Brandon Benson and Phil Connor begin playing a manipulative game of love and seduction with increasingly higher stakes, without a care about the damage they leave in their wake. But the primary problem with the seduction game is sometimes the players’ emotions can get involved…but it’s too late to turn back from the destructive path.
I totally fell for this book by the cover. I didn't really have any idea of what this book was about but I ended up enjoying the majority of it. Thanks NetGalley for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

This book was given to me for free from the author through netgalley in exchange for a honest review. Thank You!
This book was just a big mess, in my opinion. The amount of games played and manipulation going around between the characters just wasn't something appealing to me and it's not something I enjoyed reading.
The different povs also made the book a little more confusing to me and I often forgot who was talking in each Chapter.
Overall this wasn't an enjoyable read and it's a book that's easily forgettable.

Ok so this was a little confusing for me with so many different points of view to keep track of. While the sexy scenes were pretty hot, I had a hard time getting totally into the story, and didn't really connect with any of the characters. I received an arc of this.

Great book! Super steamy and lots of twists and turns! It's all a game and someone takes it too far, the twist at the end will leave you in shock! And the last page.... Cliff hanger!! But in a good way! I couldn't put this book down!!

Ugh. After a few chapters I said to myself, "This is familiar." It didn't take very long to realize it's a retelling of Dangerous Liasons. NOT what I was expecting. I soldiered on just to see how it ended- would it be faithful to the source material, or pull a full Romancelandia and give at least some people a happy ending? I wasn't sure which outcome I would hate more. Halfway through, I realized I could just skip to the end. . . so I did. Ugh.
It feels depressing in a needless way. It's the truest reflection of the source material I've ever seen, remarkable and interesting from an academic perspective, but it fails as entertainment and there's better nonfiction out there for a philosophical discussion.
Still better than 50SoG though, so two stars instead of one.

I just really couldn't get into this at all. The writing felt slow, so I couldn't get through more than 15 percent of the book.

An eARC of this book was given to me by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Synopsis: "Seniors and fraternity brothers at Polk State, Brandon Benson and Phil Connor begin playing a manipulative game of love and seduction with increasingly higher stakes, without a care about the damage they leave in their wake. But the primary problem with the seduction game is sometimes the players’ emotions can get involved…but it’s too late to turn back from the destructive path. "
The book started well - and when I say that I mean the first few chapters - after all, the story had barely begun, and you could see the point of view of every character in the book. After the first three chapters, I thought "there are way too many points of view". You know what happens when there are way too many people throwing their opinions in the air? Confusion, because if you don't read the name at the beginning of the chapter, you don't know whose turn it is.
And I see how playing games with a partner can spice things up a bit, but not the way Phil and Brandon are doing. It's cruel, and demeaning to others involved in their charade. I mean, did it have to go so bad, that it ended the way it did? (Since I'm not recommending this book, I'll tell what happened at the end of the review).
You basically don't know which way is up in this book after a bit. It had so much potential. It could have been a different book altogether if the author had sticked with two or three characters, and not fifteen (exaggeration, but it feels like it). I don't have much to say, other than: If you want to know why it is so awful of a book, go for it. It will be published on the 16th of May, and the price will be a bit high ( about $16 USD).