Member Reviews

This being the second book I have read by this author. It seems that I found a totally different character than the first book that I read of his. In this one Cassie Dewell is the person who is leading the investigation. She has apparently for years been looking for a serial killer. Now that her son and his friend go missing on a trip she like any mother, parent fears the worst and searches for her child and the other boy. Even has an old fashion posse. The description of the scenery is exceptional, and overall the author makes this story work with the different characters that are added to the story. Each one has their own place in the story and for that this story works. A very good book.

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This book continues in the excellent tradition of this series of books.

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Here is a great literary clue I found years ago and has been true EVER since; if it says "by C.J. Box" READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

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St. Martin's Press and NetGalley provided me with an electronic copy of Paradise Valley. I was under no obligation to review this book and my opinions are my own.

Investigator Cassie Dewell has been searching for the Lizard King, a serial killer who hunts at truck stops and on highways for victims who will not be immediately missed. After setting what she thought is the perfect trap, the ensuing tragedy lands Cassie without a job but still hungry for the truth. When new information surfaces about her greatest foe to date, will Cassie be able to put the clues together despite her civilian status?

Having never read a novel by C.J. Box, especially the Cassie Dewell books that have preceded this one, I was skeptical that I would become involved in the character and the story. Surprisingly, I found Paradise Valley to be very engaging and did not feel as though I was missing out on any major plot lines. The author does a good job of ferrying in old information, giving the readers a glimpse at the background from previous books. That being said, I would surmise that nuances of Cassie Dewell's character would have been fully realized had I started the series with book one. From the strength of Paradise Valley, I would recommend author C.J Box to readers in general. With a well crafted story and capable main character, readers who enjoy novels with a strong female lead will like Paradise Valley.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publishing house and especially, the author, for the opportunity to read this book in return for my honest opinion.

This was my first book by C J Box, although, this author seems to pop up quite a bit in my recommendations, and with good cause. This was a great book. I will definitely be reading more of the author's books.

The story was a little slow at first, but not boring, you could just feel that these events would all somehow relate to one another, and they did, I was kept guessing and enjoyed the twists and turns, the Lizard King was quite the villain, but the real question was had he met his match with Investigator Cassie Dewell. The characters are well written and understandable, the story had lots of action once you got past the initial character setup.

I now need to go get the other books in this series to see the beginning and if there is a rest of the story.

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Loved it. I really like the main character and setting. Lots of good action, and loved the resolution!

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**** 3.5 stars: Loved it.

Another great Rocky Mountain thriller by everyone’s favorite modern Western writer CJ Box.


Recommended readers:

If you like CJ Box
If you want an action-packed thriller set in the Rocky Mountains
If you like outdoorsy settings and action-packed plots
Here’s my Rankings:

5/5 for characters
4/5 for plot
4.5/5 overall

Everyone’s favorite modern Western writer, CJ Box continues to put out action-packed thrillers. While many of this previous novels relied heavily on warden Joe Pickett, he’s recently expanded … now featuring recently fired investigator Cassie Dewell, who took the blame for a missed arrest of a serial killer. Yet her chase continues and Box’s latest is suspense at it’s best: a mix of intrigue, action and twists. You won’t want to miss this!

Available now: Paradise Valley by CJ Box

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It's rare that I put down a mystery novel and say, “Well, that was a satisfying ending.” PARADISE VALLEY caused me to do just that, however. The Cassie Dewell quartet is complete with this fourth in the series, so it's not only the book but also the series that is concluded so well. Box is a master at creating believably flawed characters without sacrificing a moment's worth of compelling plot. In this book he takes Cassie from the oilfields of Grimstad, North Dakota, to the wilds of Yellowstone National Park in Montana, providing the reader with the experience of this remote setting.

Cassie, who works for the sheriff's office in Grimstad, has been tracking a murderous long-haul trucker across the country for several years. As the book opens, he is headed to Grimstad and she has set a trap for him. When the operation goes terribly wrong, Cassie loses her job and becomes something of an unofficial private investigator. The "Lizard King" whom Cassie has been tracking may have taken a developmentally disabled young boy into captivity, and though Cassie is no longer a member of law enforcement, she calls upon her professional relationships to help her find and save him.

The Lizard King is a sick and twisted man who is so well written by Box that it makes complete sense when a teenage girl he attempts to kidnap senses his creepiness without any tangible evidence of evil. Kyle, the captive boy, is believably complex with his unique combination of strengths and weaknesses. And one does not have to have read any of the previous books to come to know Cassie's struggles with her own private demons and understand how these play out in her more public struggles. Minor characters are not ignored, so that the reader may feel as though they are long-time friends, colleagues, or acquaintances.

Thrilling plot, evocative setting, deep characterization; this book has them all. On the one hand, it is upsetting to think this is the last in the series. On the other hand, Box has left the door open for a continuation of Cassie's story and if Box brings Cassie back, it wouldn't be the first time an author has set out to write a quartet and then given us additional books (e.g., Ann Cleeve's Shetland series). I am hoping to see where Cassie lands in book five of the "quartet."

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After hunting the Lizard King for years, Bakken County, North Dakota sheriff’s investigator Cassie Dewell thinks she has finally set the perfect trap for him. But things go horribly wrong and Cassie is blamed for his escape and the resulting deaths. The Lizard King kidnaps several people and then vanishes. Although his depravity seems to know no limits, he is also extremely cunning and intelligent and manages to always be several steps ahead of law enforcement. While Cassie hunts the Lizard King across remote sections of Yellowstone National Park, his kidnap victims develop their own plans for escape.

Cassie is a determined, take-no-nonsense investigator and refuses to let male law enforcement officers and their political interests stand in her way - no matter the personal costs. And the other main characters in the story - her mother Isabel and son Ben, his friend Kyle, sheriff John Kirkbride, and County Attorney Avery Tibbs are all deeply developed and realistic. Even minor characters seem like people you know or encounter. This depth of character development caused me to feel a real emotional connection and the relentless pacing of the plot kept me turning pages late into the night. Although “Paradise Valley” is advertised as the conclusion to The Highway series, I certainly hope C.J. Box decides to continue writing about Cassie Dewell. In a world dominated by male law enforcement officers, she continually demonstrates that her skills and dedication take a back seat to no man. Highly recommended.

My review was posted on Goodreads 8/13/17.

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CJ Box's latest, Paradise Valley, centers around Cassie Dewell, North Dakota's former chief investigator. Released from her job due to a botched assignment regarding the Lizard King, Cassie focuses on finding a missing boy only to once again stumble into the Lizard King's path. This is the 4th in the Cassie Dewell series and will be highly recommended in our store.

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A really intense story that had me anxious at every page turn. Box, as usual, is a master of suspense and takes you down twists and turns that you never see coming. I hope to read more of the characters developed in this book.

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C.J. Box is a writer who takes a mystery full of true to life characters and captures the reader - for me stealing many hours of sleep just to finish it!

This books is a sequel to "Highway" and Box uses the same FBI Serial Taskforce which give the book an extra layer of realism. Which only serves to increase the readers' fear factor.

The story tracks a trucker who kills prostitutes at truck stops. Cassie Dewel is the lead character, and works in the Sheriff's Office. Cassie's pursuit of this killer gets her fired but she does not give up the search. To ratchet up the emotional drama, the killer takes someone to whom Cassie is personally attached.

Previously Box's character Joe Pickett was the center of many books. With this series Box has changed gears, and although I miss Pickett, I really enjoyed these new characters.

I recommend this book

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The always excellent C.J. Box adds another winner to his long list of titles. Box is perhaps the most consistent mystery writer around these days, and it doesn't matter if it is his award winning Joe Pickett series or this new one starring female police officer, Cassie Dewell, his writing is always top-notch.

Paradise Valley picks up where Box's previous Dewell novel, Badlands, left off. With Cassie Dewell, Box has created a female protagonist that is unlike any other I've read lately. She's strong and competent, but also very human. She struggles with balancing her work and taking care of her child and mother, and she doesn't always make the best choices. I love that about her. Cassie is as well written and developed as Box's other series character, Joe Pickett. Box has a wonderful way of describing both the landscapes and people of his western settings and his feel for the region always adds to the reader's experience.

Strong plotting, this books zips by, interesting and well-developed characters, and a strong sense of place almost guarantee that you will enjoy Paradise Valley. I can't wait for he next book in this series, Cassie is a new favorite and this series has become a pre order.

Reviewed on GR and Amazon. ALso short review on my FB page. For librarian friends, I'd rec this series to fans of John Sandford, Ace Atkins, Nevada Barr, Michael McGarrity or Craig Johnson.

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I'm sorry I haven't read the previous three books in this series, but it didn't diminish my enjoyment of this one. The suspense is nail-biting and the characters are believable. An excellent thriller!

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Paradise Valley is a great installment to the Highway Quartet Series! It was my favorite of the four books. I really liked Cassie in this one, even more than in the previous books, and there were some other great characters, including Sheriff Pedersen and Bull.

This book finds Cassie on the trail of the Lizard King, as well as trying to find two young boys who have disappeared. I found this one to be action packed and fast paced. The storyline kept me interested from start to finish, and I loved the setting.

If this series is actually a quartet and the Cassie books are at an end, I'll really miss them! Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing a copy of the book in return for an honest review

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(I received a free copy of this book from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.)

For three years, Investigator Cassie Dewell has been on a hunt for a serial killer known as the Lizard King whose hunting grounds are the highways and truck stops where runaways and prostitutes are most likely to vanish. Cassie almost caught him...once.
Working for the Bakken County, North Dakota sheriff's department, Cassie has set what she believes is the perfect trap and she has lured him and his truck to a depot. But the plan goes horribly wrong, and the blame falls on Cassie. Disgraced, she loses her job and investigation into her role is put into motion.
At the same time, Kyle Westergaard, a troubled kid whom Cassie has taken under her wing, has disappeared after telling people that he’s going off on a long-planned adventure. Kyle's grandmother begs Cassie to find him and, with nothing else to do, Cassie agrees—all the while hunting the truck driver.
Now Cassie is a lone wolf. And in the same way that two streams converge into a river, Kyle's disappearance may have a more sinister meaning than anyone realizes. With no allies, no support, and only her own wits to rely on, Cassie must take down a killer who is as ruthless as he is cunning. But can she do it alone, without losing her own humanity or her own life?

This book has just about everything I need in a novel: an explosive start (and I mean that both literally and figuratively), tight, tense writing through the middle, and a conclusion that is realistic, considering the events leading up to it.

It is also has a great lead character, telling new stories; Although Cassie loses her job, she is still hunting for 'The Lizard King' and takes on a new job hunting for a couple of kids who disappear while rafting down the Missouri. I think back to the early novels and see how much Cassie has developed over that time and have to admit that she is one of the better investigative characters I have come across.

Overall, a tense and action-packed novel that does this series a great service. Definitely one to read!


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This is the fourth book in this series and the second one I read (“Badlands” being the other one.) I didn't realize until reading this book that there were two books published before but I will certainly be picking those both up. While this book can be read stand-alone, I suggest reading the series in order so you can understand the history and the characters.

The book focuses on Cassie Dewell. Cassie is the Chief Investigator for the Bakken County Sheriff's Department in North Dakota. She was hired during the oil boom when the department went from 4 to more than 40 personnel. Things have changed at work but one thing has not changed. Cassie is determined to find The Lizard King, a serial murderer who picks up prostitutes at truck stops and kills them and hides their remains. Cassie is one of the only people who has seen and spoken the long-haul trucker so she is the perfect person to be able to lure him into a trap.

While the suspense and drama remains constant, so much more changes that I'm left wondering where the author will go next. I hope to see more books that focus on Cassie.

The book was a great read and one that I simply could not put down until I was finished. I always enjoy books by C.J. Box and this is right up there with the best of them.

I was provided a digital advance reader copy of this book by the publisher via Netgalley.

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I love C. J. Box's stand alone novels and this one did not disappoint. An action thriller that had my heart pounding as I ripped through the pages.

Investigator Cassie Dewell is on a mission. She failed to capture the "Lizard King" years ago and it has been bugging her ever since. Now, they have found him again and he's still abducting "lot lizards" who no one ever hears from again once they are inside his truck.

Cassie just knows that this time they have him and the latest "lot lizard". He's going to be arrested and hopefully rot in jail. Unfortunately, the elusive and always thinking of ways to keep himself out of prison is one step ahead of them. His latest plan has Cassie losing her job and even more determined to get this guy.

Filled with action, suspense, unusual predicaments and one that will have you staying up WAY past your bedtime this is one I highly recommend. I read it in one sitting while the pages just flew by. A sicko with an unusual technique that I couldn't wait to see him caught and put away!

Thanks to St. Martins Press and Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

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I suppose I was expecting the pace and depth of the pocket novels in use to do I don't enjoy this one very much

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"You and me, we know what it’s like to look out at the world from a dark place. And when people see us coming they see something damaged."

C.J. Box is one of my favorite authors. I've read every book he's written, I do believe, and he's one of the few authors I keep in my permanent library.

Just to refresh my memory, I went back and re-read the first three books of this HIGHWAY QUARTET series - BACK OF BEYOND, THE HIGHWAY and BADLANDS. I am so glad I did because I enjoyed them just as much this time around as I did when they first came out.

I've always said that Box's Joe Pickett series was my favorite of his but after re-reading the first three books and then PARADISE VALLEY, I just am not as sure any more because this series is seriously bal*s to the wall. Action packed, full of unforgettable characters, set in countryside that I love - well, the balance is teetering toward the HIGHWAY QUARTET side of the greatness scale.

Cassie Dewell has been working for the Bakken County Sheriff's Department as their Chief Investigator for three years in Grimstad, North Dakota and is being pushed by her boss, the Sheriff, to consider running for his position when he retires shortly. The oil boom is now in a slump in their area so things have calmed down a bit since Cassie, her son and mother first moved there. So Cassie has been finding plenty of time to try and track down the Lizard King, the long-haul trucker serial killer that slipped through her fingers three years previously.

I love the character of Cassie. She's not perfect but she's a bulldog when she's on the trail of bad guys. I also love the character of Kyle, the boy with fetal alcohol syndrome, who was also in BADLANDS and plays a major part in this book.

I know that this is called the HIGHWAY QUARTET series but I hope this isn't the last we'll see of Cassie. I hope C.J. Box continues her story like he has that of Joe Pickett.

I received this book from St. Martin's Press through Net Galley in exchange for my unbiased review.

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