Member Reviews

Sandy M’s review of When Danger Bites (BRAVO Team Wolf, Book 1) by Heather Long
Paranormal Romance published by Entangled: Select Otherworld 8 May 17

This is my first Heather Long book, and I liked the concept of the story when I read the blurb. However, I’m not sure either are going to work for me in the future.

First off, because I’ve had such an issue with repetitiveness in books, even by my favorite authors, over the last couple of years, Ms. Long’s writing leans toward that problem; thus, I’m not sure I want to go further with this series. While the story concept held true during the entire book, so much of it just goes on way too long, causing boredom to instill itself. I kept hoping my love of shifter romance would help, but unfortunately it didn’t. But a nod to Ms. Long for the paranormal aspect of wolves, she does a great job there.

It’s Jax and Kaitlyn that leave me wanting more. I never really warmed up to Kaitlyn, even though she’s just doing her job of training for the BRAVO Team’s recon unit. What doesn’t work for me is Kaitlyn is there under additional orders to figure out why the team is so successful in their missions – betrayal from the get-go. Yes, it’s a romance and things are worked out in the end, but this isn’t my fave when it comes story lines.

Of course, in the beginning Jax does his best to keep the team’s secret from her – she can’t know they’re wolves under any circumstances. But his wolf has other ideas, and this is where I wish the story had just sped up a bit. It’s hot between these two, so I was a bit frustrated their coming together is stretched out for too many chapters. Jax’s alpha definitely comes to the surface more with Kaitlyn on the team, so that is a plus.

The book is heavy on the military of course, which I enjoy. I do like the missions, but they’re also the catalyst at times for Kaitlyn getting closer to figuring out what the team is up to each time, which seems more a setup than anything else. I applaud the duty Jax and Kaitlyn put first, but I want the romance to win out sooner.

All in all, this is an okay read. There’s nothing that made me sigh, made me laugh, or pulled on other emotional strings. It was a shrug of the shoulders when I closed it for good – not something to instill confidence to go any further with the series.

Grade: C

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Heather wrote a great shifter book! The plot was faced paced and I was disappointed when the book ended. lol. Characters were well developed and I can't wait to read about the other members on the Bravo team and their love interests.

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This is the first book I've ever read by Heather Long. I loved the cover and when I saw her publisher offering it as arc read I decided to try it. At the time I know no idea what it was about, I only knew I liked the cover.

I've done this before and it's not always for the best. Not all books are as good as their covers. Sometimes you have to ask yourself why you picked it.

Thankfully that wasn't the case with When Danger Bites. I happen to have really enjoyed it.

I totally loved Jax. He was written so well. I found him loyal, sexy, tough and sweet all at the same time. A great character. I also enjoyed Kaitlyn just not as much. What can I say, I loved me some Jax!

The happy part of this book is that it was very well written and enjoyable. I liked the story very much and read it pretty quickly. What got a little tiring at times was how much information the author gave you about everything they did. Sometimes it was just too much. We didn't need all the description to understand what they were doing.

Even with that I enjoyed the story enough to read the second one in the series. So that has to tell you something.

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When Danger Bites is a thrilling read that bites back! The story starts off with some intrigue that catches readers’ interest and holds them hostage until the very end. The story is fast paced and while there isn’t a whole bunch of shoot ‘em ups or knock down drag out action, the story seems to be full of adrenaline pumping excitement and there is not a dull moment to be found. The story also has a bit of realistic feel because it takes an all too human issue that our women face today – the one about women in combat – and of course the way the wolves ended up in the Bravo Team WOLF unit sounds like something that would definitely happen in real life. And just so you know the intrigue keeps the suspense building throughout the story not only to do with unit but it affects the romantic side of things as well.

Speaking of which, Jax and Kaitlyn are two strong characters that have a chemistry full of electricity and has sparks flying from the pages from the very first meeting. They easily draw readers in and build a connection which has readers dying to know if this couple’s happily ever after will work out. There is quite a bit of emotional turmoil as well as some smokin’ hot passion throughout the story to add depth and a spice to the story.

Heather Long did a great job of creating her military world and made it very lifelike which made it easy for me to picture each and every scene as it played out and her fascinating characters are full of a vibrancy that ensures I get to know the whole Bravo Team WOLF unit, so I can’t wait to read the next book which is due to be released soon.

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Paranormal and military romance. Two of my favorites. I really enjoyed this story and look forward to reading more.

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When Danger Bites is a great read which I really enjoyed. I will definitively check this author out again.

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Phenomenal story that I absolutely adored reading. Two of my favorite worlds together shifters and military. Which is why this story is fast becoming a favorite of mine! It's a rousing surprise and that's full of intrigue and if you enjoy a fast-paced, romantic, suspenseful, full of passion and alpha males, then you'll want to read When Danger Bites. Heather Long has created a fantastic beginning to what I hope will be an amazing paranormal series. The story features Jax and Kat but I also enjoyed the others characters of the Bravo Team I would love to read their stories they are exciting too.

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When Danger Bites is the first book in a brand new series where a team of Marines are werewolves and a someone knows who isn't supposed to. I really liked Kat, she is stuck in an untenable situation of trying to find out why this team is so good and try not to fall in love with a certain one. She proves her strengths. Max of course is a strong hunky wolf that steals her heart all the while trying to keep their secret from her. This makes for a great cat and mouse dance romance.

The writing is good. The characters are complex and have individual voices easily distinguishable from one another. This book has great descriptive writing making some of the scenes nicely vivid. I look forward to the next book in this series. This book has set up several scenarios for future books and I can't wait.

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Jax and Kaitlyn are great together. Jax is a werewolf, Kaitlyn has no idea. I loved this book, it had a bit of suspense, some seriously awesome banter and the chemistry between Jax and Kaitlyn especially when she has no idea about his secrets. I think my favorite part of Kaitlyn as a character is that she may not be paranormal like Jax but she does a very good job of keeping up with Jax and his team.

It seems that Ms. Long has a great understanding of military procedures, and then added a bit of her own twist with the paranormal aspect, but I found myself totally believing there could be a werewolf unit out there.

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I am a big fan of Shifter and Military romance. So when the two were combined I started drooling even before I read the book. It takes talent to merge these two with a purpose none can argue. Heather does this brilliantly.

Now the Military has rules, but so do the Wolves. In this tale we have wolves representing different packs to satisfy the pact made with the government. The only problem is wolves don't fail, they succeed where others fail and injuries are quickly healed. Bravo Team is a recon unit and they excel at what they do, thus leading to suspicion as to why they have an impeccable track record.

Corporal Kaitlin Amador has worked hard for her chance at recon, unfortunately her boss in military intelligence has made this a mission to find out their secret.

Jax isn't happy about having a human join his team, worse it's a woman. A woman he finds himself attracted to on many levels.

Lots of quick wit, snark and sexual tension all with the intense training for Bravo Team.

Kat is one of my favorite Heather heroines, she is snarky, brave and above all loyal.

I almost felt sorry for Jax, he is in soooo much trouble with her.
A page turner with plenty of laughter, heat and action.

I can't wait to read the next in the series.

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This is a military shiftier romance, complete with an Alpha wolf determine to keep the secret of the Bravo Teams’ success from the very determined Corporal set on uncovering it. I knew from the moment I read the snippet that I would devour this book. I have been in lust with Heather Long’s writing since reading her Always a Marine series. The often-awkward attempts at flirting between Jax and Kat were among some of my favorite scenes – pie at Martha’s was my VERY favorite.

An amazing story line, genuine dialogue and lovable characters made for a pleasurable read and I'm already looking forward to more of the Bravo Team finding love – especially Silver.

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Kat a human woman sent to find out what makes a certain squad so special ends up learning more about herself and the men she is sent to betray.
Jax is an alph wolf leading his men into dire situations and now has to babysit a human woman who is there for reasons unknown to him and his team.

They meet before he finds out she is sent to be part of his team and the attraction between them is sizzling and trying to keep ones composure is fun to watch or should I say read.

There is a lot of suspense and action in this book. Maybe a bit to much description for every exercise they go through but enticing no matter what.
I enjoyed the book and would follow this author and more stories surround this team of strong alpha wolves into more battles and eventually love.

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While the story line was very similar to another Shifter Romance I listened to recently, I found this one head and shoulder's above the other one! There was so much more explanation about how the wolf packs work, their work with the government, and even character development. The chemistry between Jax and Kat was evident from the beginning - I loved how he was humble yet confident and how sassy and independent Kat was. You also knew from the very beginning that developing their relationship would be difficult; not only is Jax her commanding officer, they've both been given the assignment to undermine the other!

This book was definitely a slow burn, you don't get to their first kiss until after the 50% mark and the real nitty gritty doesn't happen until about 75%, but the journey is well worth it! I literally could not put the book down once I started and while I didn't understand some of the technical Marines terminology, I appreciated the attention to detail that the author gave the story. Reading about how Kat earned the respect of the rest of the wolves on Bravo Team and how she and Max struggled with their attraction to each other was an absolutely page-turning experience. I gave this 4.5 out of 5 wine glasses and I can't wait to read about the rest of the team as the series continues!

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When Danger Bites by Heather Long is the first book in the Bravo Team WOLF series. I enjoyed this book. It has been awhile since I have read an adult paranormal romance, and I forgot how much I enjoy them. When Danger Bites was a good start to the series, but it kind of felt like there was a lot of build up, and a lot of working up to the romance in this one. Overall, I liked the story, but I felt like the romance moved a little bit too slow for my liking.

When Danger Bites is the story of Kat and Jax. I really, really loved Kat and Jax. I was rooting for them pretty much from the beginning, which is why I think I wanted them to get together a little faster. Because it was so clear to me they are dynamite together. Kat is sent in to join a special ops team and to figure out what is going on with them, and Jax is supposed to get her to go away. The plot of When Danger Bites was my favorite part of the story. It all worked really well for me. I enjoyed the writing, and Heather Long kept making me want to come back for more. The whole shifter element was like a nice little bonus. And the bonus got a little bigger when you combine with the shifters the fact that they are shifters that work for the government as a military team. What? I loved that idea!

Heather Long is an excellent story teller. She works in details in a very subtle way. I loved all the layers she included in the story. The writing and the plot and characters were all so strong that half way through, I was expecting this to be a 5 star read for me. I loved Kat and Jax so much that I kept waiting and waiting and waiting for something to happen. If the romance got going a little stronger a littler earlier I think I would have enjoyed the book even more than I already did. But honestly, that is my only negative about the story. Everything else about When Danger Bites was excellent. I loved the plot and I love the set up for this series. I will definitely be coming back for more!

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When Danger Bites is the first book I have read by Heather Long. It has been awhile since I have read a book with a strong female character, especially one as strong as Kaitlyn (Kat) Amador. I liked that Kat was strong and gave everything Jax dished out, right back to him. I felt he had really met his match with her. I think I liked Jax's wolf more than I actually liked him. The wolf cared for Kat, but he as a human, seemed to want to push her down.

I will say that if you aren't a fan of third person POV, this is a bit of a difficult read. Long is very detail oriented, which I love. However, written in the third person and shifting between Jax as a human, Jax as wolf, and Kat, it would get a bit confusing at times. There is a lot of military terminology used, so be ready if you aren't familiar with that. Overall, I give When Danger Bites 4-stars. I wanted to love it, but I got stuck on really like. It was the jumping between the characters that kept me having to reread certain parts to be sure I knew what was happening.

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"When Danger Bites" is an absolute great read for the shifter romance lover. The love story was between Jax and Kat, but the whole special Force Recon team fell a bit in love with Kat as well. The story is well thought out, descriptive, and paced for a completely beautiful story. Kat, not knowing about werewolves, was a strong woman with a grit that persevered without being too aggressive. Jax was such a fun character working with the rest of his team while fighting with his wolf side. Together Jax and Kat, as well as the rest of the recon team, gives the reader a story that keeps the pages turning to find Jax and Kat getting their HEA. This is my first read from this author and I am hoping this will become a series as I would like to see the rest of the team get their story as well. I would like to thank NetGalley and Entangled Pub. for gifting me "When Danger Bites". My opinion is my own. This is mine 4.5 Stars!

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Jasper/Jax was a captain in the Marines and was riding his motorcycle back to his base after being on leave. He was on his way back to the base. Jax sees a woman in uniform at the side of the road with a flat tire. Jax offered his help to change the tire at first Kat said no then there was an agreement for her to buy lunch. Kat has been sent to infiltrate the Bravo team but to act as if she is trying to train in The higher ups wants to now The Bravo team’s secrets as the have an uncanny success rate with no casualties of any sort. What most people don’t know is that the whole Bravo team are werewolves from different packs that have an agreement with the government officials and by serving their company they also keep their pack safe as well as their secret. Kat is excited to get to train with Bravo team. When Jax gets to base he immediately goes to his general and is told he had to wash Kat out. Jax is very attracted to Kat but he is over her and the leader of the Bravo team and he is over her in rank as well as the man she answers is over her in rank. Kat is at the Bravo team under cover . Jax is very attracted to Kat and he to her but she can’t take the chance of being kick out of the service. Kat is very attracted,to Jax but doesn’t want to be kicked out of the service for breaking the rules. Jax wants Kat also,
This was a good story. I liked the plot I liked Jax and Kat together. I loved the way Bravo team was together even though they were from different pacts. I liked how it showed how it showed how being in the service can be. liked how Kat had integrity and respected the rules of service life even though it can end a relationship with the man she loved. All and all a very good story I enjoyed. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this story and I recommend.

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This was one of the best romantic paranormal action/adventure books I've read for quite awhile. Although the pacing was slow, this paved the way for the build up of the tension of what happens next. Will Kat discover Team Bravo's secret? Will Kat and Jax give in to their attraction despite their individual missions to accomplish? Most importantly, how will it all end? The plot was complex and multilayered. This was a shifter romance which is basically slow burn, again it's a nuanced one with Jax and Kat's relationship complicated by a lot of factors and surprisingly not so much centered on Jax being a shifter. I liked Kat's inclusion in Team Bravo and her acceptance as one of them as well. It ends on an HFN rather than the HEA that most shifter romances have. And this makes great sense since Kat is human while Jax is a wolf shifter plus they were both marines in a covert team. I mean there isn't really enough words to justify why I enjoyed reading this so much. It definitely makes me want to continue reading the series and finding out what happens to Team Wolf Bravo.

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For lovers of military romances and werewolf romances, the new Bravo Team Wolf series by Heather Long can only be interesting. With this first volume I’d say that begins quite well, even if I thought there are at the same time enough details on some points and not enough on others.

We meet the Bravo team’s members who are all werewolves coming from the different packs of the country. They have an exceptional success rate in their missions, which begins to raise interrogations in different Army corps and Intelligence services. The heroine is sent to discover their secret under the guise of being the first woman trying to be incorporated to the team.

Jax, the hero, is the team’s captain. He got this post through his dominance on the other members. There are by the way a lot of references to the dominance relations in the team, reminding they are werewolves before being Marines. Jax is dominant without being overbearing, he’s honest and dedicated to his pack and his team. He’s immediately attracted to the heroine, but he tries to resist because his commanding officer tasked him with washing her out to protect the unit’s secret. I must say he does a bad job of resisting and of washing out. I liked that there’s no notion of predestination in this novel.

Kaitlyn is an intelligence specialist especially gifted and who has a lot of willpower. From the start she finds difficult to spy on the team, and it bothers her more and more as she learns to know them. She’s also attracted to the hero very wickly, but she tries to resist in order to respect the no fraternization clause in the Marines. She also has a capacity to adapt to the trainings quite surprising for someone who’s most often behind a desk, even if the author makes sure to talk about pains and sore muscles.

I really liked seeing the interactions between Jax and his unit, and also between the unit and Kat, and how she finally gains everybody’s respect. However to get there we spend a lot of time following almost as if we were there the diverse training, and if I lost track of time I must warn that we have less time with the couple development strictly speaking.

I thought too bad not to have more explanations on the unit creation, we know it was done to protect the packs from being attacked by humans but I would have liked more how and why. I also found the ending and the couple resolution a bit rushed, as if n epilogue was missing. However the action scenes are well described and grabbing.

All in all I wasn’t completely convinced by this first volume but it introduces the series in a sufficiently interesting way for me to want to read the rest.

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I've been in the mood to read paranormal lately and I've read Ms. Long once before and really liked her book, so when I saw When Danger Bites, I thought, Why not? I'm so glad that I decided to read it because it was excellent! I enjoyed it a lot and I just cannot to read more about these Bravo Team Wolves!

Jax is very much the protective alpha male and while sometimes he made me face palm and shake my head, I did love that side of him. Jax is strong, sexy, and intense. He's a good leader, he cares about everyone on his team and he'll do whatever he has to protect them. He definitely has a serious, calm, solid head-on-his-shoulders side, but he can be playful, fun, and silly too. Jax is a great hero and I completely loved him!

The whole team loved with Kat and so did I - she is seriously one bada*s Marine! She's tough-as-nails and has a core of steel. She's determined, she's a fighter and she never gives up. Kat gives one hundred and ten percent always and she pushes herself to prove that she can fit in with the team. She's not cold or hard though, she can joke and tease and play along with the rest of the guys. Kat really is the total package, she's an amazing heroine and I positively loved her!

When Danger Bites not only made me fall for Jax and Kat, it really made me fall for the whole Bravo Team. There was such camaraderie and fun and loyalty with all of the guys, you truly felt their team soul. It was wonderful to see and they made me wish I was on their team. The whole book was an exciting, entertaining, action-packed ride that I loved and can't wait to be a part of again!

When Danger Bites is the first book in the Bravo Team WOLF series, it's told from Jax and Kat's POV, and they get their happily-ever-after.

~ A Hopeless Romantic's Booklandia, 4 Stars

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