Member Reviews

I really enjoy Lauren Layne books from time to time so I was excited to read I Knew You Were Trouble. This is actually the fourth book in her popular Oxford series. You don't need to have read the previous books in the series as this one easily stands alone but I would highly recommend that you do as there are multiple recurring characters. Overall, I liked I Knew You Were Trouble but it was definitely not my favourite read from Lauren Layne.

So this is the story of Taylor and Nick. Taylor and Nick have been circling each other since a long time. We actually get to see a few glimpses of them in the previous book. This book starts right at the beginning and let me tell you, these two have taken their time with each other. Let's start off with Taylor. Taylor is hard working and determined but she is clueless when it comes to anything emotional. I liked Taylor as a character. She had been called an ice princess her whole life but she didn't know how to be any other way. When we finally get to see her vulnerabilities we understand her insecurities and abandonment issues.

Nick on the other hand is the complete opposite of Taylor. Nick is rough around the edges to Taylor's perfect persona. He works as a free lancer at Oxford while working part time as a bartender. His image seems to be of the carefree commitment phobic but the reality of the situation is something very different. Nick was a very caring guy. He loved his family and wanted a real relationship though he had been badly burned in the past. I loved how protective Nick was of Taylor.

Nick and Taylor start off as adversaries but it is easy to see their chemistry underneath all the barbs they keep throwing each others way. Lauren Layne is some what of a specialist where it comes to enemies to lovers romance and this is a classic example of that. For the most part, I enjoyed the romance. The surprise at the end was alright for me, not a deal breaker but not entirely satisfying.

My only complaint here is that the ending felt super rushed to me. I think Nick and Taylor should have been given more time to deal with the situation and to accept for what it really was. Nick messes up and though Taylor does forgive him I just felt they needed more time. But I enjoyed seeing all the characters from the Love, Sex and Stilettos series as well as the Oxford guys. I can see that Lauren Layne is trying to set up another couple from this book so maybe this is not the end of the Oxford series. Yet.

*Note: A copy of this book was provided by the author/publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. We thank them.

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I knew you were trouble is the fourth book in the Oxford series. The story doesn't begin in the present day, but some months before when our characters meet for the first time. Our hero was in a relationship at that time, so nothing happened between them. Instead our heroine met someone else and decided to move in with him. On the day of that move the dude decided that he wanted his ex back and left the heroine in need of a roommate. Guess who fill that position. I am sure you guessed correctly who he is.

The book had plenty of potential, but there is one thing I didn't like. The main characters. Nick isnt worthy of being called book boyfriend and I wasn't convinced that Taylor was in love with him. The character development was none existent and ruined a somewhat good story. I wasn't very satisfied with Taylor and Nick.

On the bright side, I got to see some beloved characters and that made things more bearable.

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I really enjoyed this enemies to lovers story. This was a pretty quick read and I found myself flying through this fun little book. This is the fourth book in the Oxford series and while fans of the series will enjoy seeing some of their favorite characters, this book could easily be read as a stand alone novel. This was one of those books that I could just totally lose myself in and ended up reading it for hours at a time. It definitely lived up to all of my expectations.

This book is about Taylor and Nick. The book starts out with short chapters showing some of their history with each other which I thought really set the stage of the book quite well. Taylor is planning to move in with her boyfriend, Bradley, but is surprised to find a break up note at the new apartment. When Taylor starts looking for a roommate, Nick decides to taker her up on it and the stage is set for a whole lot of fun.

I thought that Taylor and Nick had wonderful chemistry together. Each of these characters had some very painful moments in their past that really shaped how they deal with life. It became quite apparent that Taylor was very misunderstood because of how she was raised. Nick is a really good guy and sometimes others have taken advantage of his kindness. These two just seemed to fit together perfectly once they gave each other a chance.

I really liked the way this book was written. The characters were wonderfully developed. Their chemistry with each other was intense and their banter was a lot of fun. I liked the fact that it took this pair some time to really get together since it felt more realistic. I must admit that I was pretty sick of Bradley before the book was over but Taylor and Nick seemed to feel the same way so I guess that is okay.

I would highly recommend this book to fans of contemporary romance. This is a fun little book that tells a really wonderful story. Lauren Layne is one of my go to authors when I am in the mood for contemporary romance and I can't wait to see what she comes up with next.

I received an advance reader edition of this book from Random House Publishing Group - Loveswept via NetGalley.

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Enemies to Lovers, Nick Ballantine and Taylor Carr are the focus of this last edition (sob sob) in the highly entertaining Oxford series.

When Taylor Carr's boyfriend dumps her on the day they're supposed to move in together, she needs to find a room-mate fast for her stunning new apartment, to help pay the rent. When Oxford's sometimes, freelance writer Nick Ballantine hears about Taylor's predicament, he jumps at the chance to share. Only, can they overcome their hostility towards each other and live together amicably?

When Nick Ballantine hears Taylor Carr is looking for a room-mate, he volunteers because it gets him out of a personal situation, even though he doesn't want to move. However, when Bradley, Taylor's ex objects, he's determined to move in and claim her as his own, only he has to convince her to like him.

I didn't feel the combustible sparks of attraction between Nick and Taylor, in the same way, I did when they were first introduced to them in Someone Like You (Oxford #3). Somehow their chemistry is more subtle with more emphasis on their hostility to each other. Underneath their combative exterior hides a lust and mutual attraction, only their right place at the right time meetings are coupled with wrong timing...until they find themselves as room-mates. Once they settle into a routine, it doesn't take long before the sparks ignite, and problems to arise.

In trademark, Oxford style, the dialogue is as sharp as their designer suits as familiar faces from the series blend into the narrative along with a couple of new faces. Ms Layne couples this with palpable emotions during heart-wrenching scenes. I was instantly taken with Nick and charmed by his gentlemanly compassion whereas Taylor was a more difficult character to like, however, it's important to remember that as a couple Taylor and Nick are perfect together with a satisfying Happy Ever After to consolidate that fact.

If you've read any of the Stiletto or Oxford books, you'll love this one. If not, take your pick from any of these standalone won't regret it!

4 stars

***arc generously received courtesy of Loveswept via NetGalley***

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Cant get enough of Lauren Layne! I love the Oxford series. They tie in well with each other and revisit previous characters with updates from them. Nick and Taylor are perfect for each other! High strung and independent Taylor needs Nick's laid back, nonchalant approach to life. They compliment each other in ways that are very endearing. Funny wit and banter in this book. Hope she is working on the next one because I want to read it!

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What a fun read. First there is Taylor, who is working at an ad agency in Manhattan and feels like she has the perfect job. The thing is that on her first day she meets a man in the elevator who described her to her face as an ice princess. Nick works at the same agency part time and also as a bartender, and is also a writer. All of these jobs for some reason seem to bother Taylor and from the first day forward they are constantly going back and forth, Nick seems to think it as playful banter. Nick is always trying to fix things or help people, but when he finds out that she is dating Bradley another co-worker he is trying to figure out why. On the day when she finds out that her Aunt who raised has passed away suddenly it is Nick who gives her words of encouragement. On her big day of moving into a new apartment and one with her boyfriend, he leaves a letter saying he can’t move in and goes back to his girlfriend before her another work employee. Now stuck and needing a roommate, you guessed it Nick moves in and this is where the fun and games really take off. They become a couple after a while and you find out so many things about the two of them. Everything is good until he has to go to Oregon for a book convention and see his family, asking her to go with him she declines. This is where the story takes a turn when he gets back and walks in on her and Bradley in a conversation. Not getting it all everything falls apart and does not go as either one of them planed for the night. Now it is really up to Nick to find a way to right the ship. Can he do it? Read this fun story about two people growing up together, there are a few twists at the end which add for a good ending. A really good book.

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I’m pretty sure my love for Lauren Layne is already so obvious. It's no lie her name is spread out all over my blog. I’ve pretty much read all her books already, sorry not sorry. If we’re talking guilty pleasures, Lauren Layne’s romances are on my top five… next to nude matte lipsticks and cherry flavored candies.

We meet Taylor Carr, the no-nonsense newcomer into the Oxford family. While she's not exactly Ms. Ice Princess, she's not Ms. Congeniality either, especially upon meeting Nick Ballantine, who she can't help but butt heads with after every five seconds. Their dynamic is all blunt and snappy dialogue, surrounded by their explosive chemistry and their unapologetic desire to choke each other to death. Hah! Their romance borders on complicated, which funnily enough eases into a domestic phase as they become roommates after Taylor's boyfriend ditched her for an ex on 'moving in' day.

Lauren Layne is no doubt a star in writing enemies to lovers romances. I love how Taylor and Nick's relationship slowly evolved throughout the story. While there were periods of amusing snarky and witty banter and steamy flirting between the duo, this Oxford series author managed to weave in a few heartfelt moments. The more time they spend together, more layers are shed—especially with Taylor revealing a vulnerable and sensitive side behind her seemingly icy and sarcastic demeanor, a trait influenced by her by her Aunt Karen, the woman who raised her after she was orphaned as a youngster. Nick also reveals a glimpse of skeletons, despite his carefree and laid back lifestyle. He juggles at least three jobs—part-time Oxford writer/bartender/fiction thriller writer—which makes him seem not exactly into committing and settling down, but there's more to his cool attitude, because deep inside, he's a sweet and relationship type of guy. Despite his jabs at Taylor, he reveals a tender and understanding side during her inferior moments.

And while this book is being marketed as a love triangle, rest assured... it really isn't (if you're like me and not really into that sort of thing). Take it from a person who hates reading about love triangles, unless they're amazingly written.

Although the Stiletto girls don't make an appearance, meeting some of Oxford girls and guys, including Taylor's new-found friends Daisy, Brit and Hunter, was a blast. The characters were a total hoot, especially the way they tried to knock some sense into Taylor and Nick to finally get together! I'm not sure about this, but I'm guessing the next book would feature Brit and Hunter... right? Right???

In retrospect, I Knew You Were Trouble is a great addition to the Oxford series. It's a flirty, light-hearted read, mashed with the right amount of sexy scenes and angst. Taylor and Nick will definitely keep you entertained and wanting more. I definitely can't wait for more books by Lauren Layne!

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Taylor Carr is prickly, like all of the thorns on a rose kind of prickly. At first, she’s not your typical romance main character, but then in Lauren Layne’s hands fortunately most characters are not typical. Taylor is not immediately loveable, but as we get to know her we see that nurture had everything to do with how she is…or how she seems to be and how she projects herself to be. Over the course of I Knew You Were Trouble, she changes and unfurls just like a rose.

Nick seems like Taylor’s complete opposite and she immediately acknowledges that he is not the kind of guy she’s normally attracted to. He’s not a natural three-piece suit wearing kind of guy, which she thinks she wants and needs.

The chemistry between the two works. It’s like watching one of those old movies in which the characters share zingers with each other and then finally realize the attraction.

I Knew You Were Trouble is part of Layne’s Oxford series, of which I’ve only read one, Someone Like You (read that review here), which immediately preceded I Knew You Were Trouble. Regardless of the fact that I haven’t read the others, I never felt like I missed out or thought the influx of additional characters was an issue. These really are standalone novels. So kudos to Layne for that.

Also, the characters in Layne’s novels always feel like real people, and I Knew You Were Trouble is no exception. Layne is so skilled at characterization that she takes a character like Taylor (who in someone else’s hands might have come off as extremely unpleasant and make the entire read as equally unpleasant) and shows us that sometimes under all of that thorniness is a person with lots of vulnerabilities who is just trying to get along as best as she can.

Lauren Layne’s novels are like your favorite snacks. You’ll start to read and then don’t want to stop until it’s all gone.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Loved this story, Nick and Taylor were complete opposites but there chemistry was off the charts. I thought the witty banter that went on between all the characters including the secondary ones was phenomenal and made the story exceptional entertaining.

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4.5 Stars

Taylor Carr was not taught how to love as a young child. Her parents died in an accident and her aunt that became her guardian was a very cynical women who taught her not to cry or have feelings and never to depend on anyone but herself. Taylor has a great job at Oxford magazine, even finds a great guy that she thinks she loves and wants to move in with. Bradley Calloway is perfect in every way until he leaves her a note on moving day telling her that he is breaking up with her. This news leaves her furious, broken hearted and now looking for a roommate to share the rent with on her beautiful apartment.

Nick Ballantine is a career bartender, freelance writer—and longtime pain in Taylor’s ass. He is the last person she would consider sharing her apartment with. Until she sees the way this news affects Bradley. When Nick first moves in they are at each other all the time the same way as when they are at work. As time goes by the chemistry between the 2 gets out of control. When some secrets are shared between Taylor and Nick their relationship takes a turn for the better. Will they be able to fix the demands inside each other?

** Advanced copy provided in exchange for an honest review. **

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I Knew You Were Trouble is an enemies-to-lovers romance with the added bonus of a roommates dynamic. Pitting together two complete opposites, LL employed her signature wit and humor to slowly and sexily bring together the wandering worker hero and the always-serious heroine with wonderful results.

Fascinating and probably one of the least Lauren Layne like heroines to-date, Taylor's deep-seated emotional wall created a true enigma of a woman. LL portrayed her very well, giving Taylor just enough warmth to counteract her icy demeanor. She was like a newborn in the world of emotion and I quite enjoyed seeing her use those legs for the first time most especially with the one man who saw under all of her layers. With a man like Nick, the always-supportive kind, Taylor was truly out of her depths, and he, too, battled that life-long wall she'd erected. But all of those qualities and agitation worked very well together, ramping the tension higher and higher.

I love a good angst-y romance that has animosity-conflicted relationships where they didn't want to want the other, but the attraction was so instinctual that nothing could stop it, and you get that with I Knew You Were Trouble. As co-workers, as roommates, these two fought that sexual tension at every angle, but their resistance was halfhearted at best. It wasn't my favorite of the series, and I assume it's because these are pretty new characters whereas in the others we had met each guy/gal and gotten to know them prior to having their book, but I certainly still loved it. Nick's charm and Taylor's sass led to an explosively sexy love with all the fun we expect from an LL book.

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Taylor and Nick, such a hot couple who made me laugh out loud at times. The two have such a love/hate relationship in the beginning that of course their relationship is explosive when they finally get together. Great read and I look forward to reading even more by this author.

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My favorite part about Lauren Layne's books ... is everything!!  She has not written a book to date that I wasn't absolutely consumed by.  Her latest release, I Knew You Were Trouble is a must read for so many reasons.   Not only was it laugh out loud hilarious but the characters and their romance left me completely smitten and wishing I worked in their office.

Initially, I just loved that Nick was mischievous and clever. Every time this flirty and fun character popped up in the previous books, I wondered why he didn't want a permanent position at Oxford. So I was hella curious to get Nick's story.

And I wasn't disappointed. Sweet Jesus - this man was sex on a stick!  BUT he was so much more.  You will be blown away when you learn his secrets and how sweet this man is. I was so surprised by everything about Nick.

The author paired him with someone equally as enticing and engaging. I freaking loved Taylor. She's trying to bounce back from having a relationship knock her on her ass.  Which would be way easier if Nick wasn't constantly in her face - tempting and annoying her.

Timing is finally right for these two and you'll find that their love story is one you want to disappear into. Their courting will left me smiling and panting.  I thought it was an incredibly fun storyline, one which I cannot recommend enough. You should absolutely purchase I Knew You Were Trouble as well as the other books in this series.

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Some things in life are just certain. Me falling in love with Lauren Layne's characters is one of them. Another would be me loving Lauren's latest release. When I learned the Oxford series was going to continue with I Knew You Were Trouble, I was all geeked out. I loved the Stiletto ladies. I loved the Oxford guys. Any time I can get more of any of them, I'm all in.

One of the reasons I probably enjoyed this book so much is that I dig a good slow burn romance. That's definitely what Lauren delivered with Taylor and Nick's story. These two had tons of chemistry, but as often happens in real life, the timing wasn't quite right at first. And for awhile thereafter. That made it all the more realistic to me. Who hasn't met someone and realized the timing was off? Thankfully, for these two, the universe had a way of making things right and they wound up with another opportunity. Which was great because, even with their differences and their tendency to pick at each other, they were great together.

I loved watching both Taylor and Nick grow over the course of this book. I also enjoyed seeing them come to terms with their individual pasts so they could move forward together. And, as always, it was great to see some of my past favorite characters make appearances here.

Long story short, Lauren delivered the laughs, swoons, feels and sexy times I've come to expect from her books.

I received a copy of this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.


She liked men. Liked their size, the way they kissed, the way the male body felt above her, below her, whatever. But not for keeps. Never for keeps.

"I think you underestimate just how badly you and Nick Ballantine have been giving the rest of us who have to be in your orbit blue balls."

"You should come with a warning label. Or at least an instruction manual."

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"Answer something for me."
"If you weren't dating him, would you have dinner me?"
"I don't like you."

Love and hate.
Such a thin line between the two.
Especialy when it comes to Nick and Taylor.

When these two laid eyes on each other, there was such a pull of chemistry, but there was also denial...and dislike...and sex appeal...and refusal of emotions.
The tension ran high between these two, and their timing was never right...until Taylor needed a roommate.
It was destiny, sweet and sexy destiny.

"Is this how it's going to be with you? Always hungry for more?"
"Is this how it's going to be with you? Running off, leaving unfinished business?"
"Now, Taylor. Don't be greedy."
"That's just the problem. I am feeling a little greedy."

Oh my goodness!!
I swear, the push and pull between these two was so good. You would be on the edge of your seat, waiting for them to finally take the plunge, just to have them push back away.

Lauren Layne is one of my favorites for a reason.
She can write a romcom like no other, but she also gives you so much heart within her pages.
Taylor and Nick each have to overcome their pasts to get ready for their futures.

"What are we going to do with us, Carr?"
"Not a clue."

This book was everything I hoped for and more!!
Nick and Taylor are my new favorite couple because I love a good love/hate relationship.
It's so much fun to wach them finally surrender to what we have seen all along<3

I have loved every single book within this series!!
This book was icing on the cake, but there's one more book I hope to see...Two others within the Oxford community need their stroy told...just saying;)

Another great read from Lauren Layne!!

"I Knew You Were Trouble from the very second, Ms. Carr."
"Worth it, though. Right?"
"You are the best thing that ever happened to me. So hell yeah. It was worth it."

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4 stars.
ARC received in exchange for an honest review.
This is an enemies to lovers story and I am always ready and open for this sort of read.
Who says bickering and fighting isn't fun -in the literary world it definitely can be, especially in a book written by the fabulous Lauren Layne .
Uptight, emotionally repressed Taylor Carr- when paired with the laidback, free and easy Nick Ballantine was always going to be an immediate mismatch but over time it may indeed prove to be a perfect love match if the timing could just work out right for both of them.
"Exes" do feature prominently in this story but this didn't affect any of my enjoyment in reading this fourth book in the Oxford series and it was nice to see how other characters from previous books were also woven into the story.
This is authentic Lauren Layne and I loved it.

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Review by Amanda for Love Romance Books

I was asked by the author for an honest review.

I have not read any books in either the Oxford or Stiletto series. This book can be enjoyed as a stand alone novel. There were some references to other couples and to a group of employees settling down, but it didn't seem like there were any dependencies that I missed out on in a prior story.

The book seemed to be over too quickly; I liked the characters of Nick and Taylor and would have enjoyed reading more about them.

I would read other books by Lauren Lanye in the future.

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4,000,000 times yes. I adored this enemies-to-lovers with a few twists in a way that even this die hard Layne fan was surprised and delighted by. Keep 'em coming, ma'am. Please.

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Taylor Carr has just got her dream job working for the Oxford Magazine in the advertising department. Also the staff there are easy on the eyes as all the Male employees look like Models including Bradley Calloway and Nick Ballantine. Both guys are single and have caught Taylor's eyes. Bradley, however, is the safe option, and so Taylor begins to date Bradley and all goes well, except on the day they are supposed to move in together to their new co-leased apartment -he leaves her a Dear John letter. Now desperate for a roommate and someone to share the rent with, she advertises at work and who shall be in need for a new living situation - Nick Ballantine. Taylor has always been attracted to Nick, but he is her dangerous guy, the one she finds herself out of whack around and the one who not only brings out the best in her but also the worst. As the months go by, they both try to resist the growing chemistry and sparks and avoid developing a relationship but what happens when they finally do start a romance and a steady relationship with Nick's past shows up with a baby on her hip? Can they get over this obstacle and what will happen when to make matters either worst or better Taylor receives some life-changing news that will affect both her's and Nick's futures?
Find out in this fast-paced romance novel set in the bustling world of the Magazine world known as Oxford. Even better is that though this is Book #4 of the series Oxford, it can be read as a stand-alone.

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