Member Reviews

I just loved this book, from beginning to end. The tension between Nick and Taylor was unbearable at times and I couldn't get enough. The banter to between them was not only sexy but funny, too. They're both such strong characters and the evolution of their relationship was perfect. Funny and romantic with a lot of sexy. Definitely recommend!

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"I Knew You Were Trouble" by Lauren Layne is a fun contemporary romance that I easily read through quickly and eagerly. Taylor and Nick, our lovely main couple, sure know how to banter and push each other's buttons, but this is what makes this story so enjoyable to read. Their journey is not necessarily a quick and easy one but watching them travel through the ups and downs of love is endearing and heartwarming, if not a touch frustrating at times as well. There are times throughout I chuckled yet many times I shed a tear. While it's not a typical tearjerker, Ms. Layne is able to convey the deep emotions felt by these characters that just stab at the heart. But don't be warned off - there are more light moments that make this such a heartwarming and feel good read. Ms. Layne's writing style and the fluidity of the story ensures the reader an easy and enjoyable ride throughout Nick and Taylor's tale. The only slight drawback for me was the twist thrown in to shake things up a bit. For me, it was a bit much but, still, the overall story works and is super enjoyable. (received ARC for honest review)

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Another success from the author and another amazing couple to add to the beautiful ones we already met in this series.

I loved Nick Ballantine since I got to meet him in the previous book and now it's his time to tell his story.

He is all fun and games, or that is what it seems at first, but in this book we get to see another part of him Something awful happened to him and that has changed the way in which he sees people, he can't trust as easily as he had before.

This thing he has going with Taylor was fun and games at first but he is slowly figuring out there is more to her than the minx he has gotten accustomed too, behind the facade lays a beautiful and scared woman, and he is slowly understanding that she has the power to destroy him.

Taylor didn't have the most balanced and happy upbringing, she is damaged and has a hard time lowering her walls and letting people in. She gets into relationships where she knows she can't get hurt and that's the only way she knows; but after getting close to Nick she is not sure what she likes or wants anymore.

Opposites attract takes a whole new meaning in this story where we get to see these characters fight tooth and nails to avoid the reality that they might just be perfect for each other.

Letting go of their fears is their challenge and they will need to trust each other and lower their walls to find the type of true happiness that might be truly foreign to them.

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So, Sexy, Fun and Flirty! This was such a fantastic read. I just can't get enough of Lauren Layne's Stories. This one took my breath away, making me giddy and happy. Get ready for the hot suit wearing guys of Oxford Magazine, some serious fun, a whole lot of sweetness and off the charts sexy in this incredibly entertaining story.
Taylor Carr has landed a job at Oxford Magazine the headquarters of Hot Guys and these polished, successful, serious, clean cut guys are just her type. Except for one of the part time writers who seems to constantly gets under her skin. But when Taylor's boyfriend of ten months Bradley Calloway backs out on move in day, into a new two bedroom apartment, she is in need of a roommate fast.
Nick Ballantine has been a constant thorn in Taylor's side since the first day on the job when he labeled her the Ice Princess. The last several months their animosity and heat towards one another is off the charts. Their conflict is full of the best one liners, great verbal sparing and sizzling Chemistry. So when Nick volunteers to be her new roommate in front of Bradley, she accepts.
These two clash and it is ridiculously fantastic! I loved being absorbed into all, the bickering and the tension. And when they combust Lauren Layne brings it, with some great sexy scenes. I also enjoyed getting to see other characters from previous stories as well. I enjoyed the animosity of their relationship immensely and loved the many great moments between them and I couldn't get enough. You do not want to miss Taylor and Nick's story! Loved, Loved, Loved it! Highly Recommended!

Received an ARC through Tasty Book Tours via NetGalley and voluntarily wrote an honest review.

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Oh my gosh another Oxford book YAY! I swear I cannot get enough of this group of friends. I totally loooove them and I wish the series could go on and on forever!

This book is Taylor & Nick’s story. My heart is pounding just thinking of these two again. They are oil and water. They live to rile one another up. Right from the get go you can feel the sexual tension between these two. The buildup is fanflippingtastic! Part of you will be like just do the deed and get it over with and the other part will be like, no, don’t do it, you’ll just regret it…lol These characters are funny, witty and sometimes nasty to one another but in the best way possible.

This story is great the way it’s builds, it’s definitely not insta love for these two that’s for sure but the ride is so entertaining and it will leave you laughing your butt of at times and then awing because they are just so cute together. Really, I absolutely loved them together!

This is another awesome story from Author Lauren Layne and one you won’t want to miss out on!

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What I loved about this novel the most was the unapologetic truth that timing doesn’t always work out the way we read about it.

In Lauren Layne‘s latest novel I Knew You Were Trouble Taylor Carr met Nick Ballantine and sparks flew. They had this delicious love/hate thing going on. They teased and flirted until Taylor took a chance and asked Nick out. Now came the surprise that rocked my boat. Nick told her he was in a relationship.


I didn’t see that coming.

That’s real life, right there.

And of course what did Taylor do? Hurt from the rejections, she turned around and gave someone else in their office a chance.

By then I was sitting at the edge of my chair and biting my nails. Tension was high, emotions all over the place, and I LOVED it!!

I loved that it was different. Lauren Layne didn’t go the usual route, she kept me guessing and hoping, but also appreciating the authentic feeling of the story. It’s just not realistic to think that every hero is single. How about the hero breaks up with his girlfriend, or gets divorced because of the heroine, or just hates and laments that the timing sucked.

At the end we all know how this novel will end but it was fantastic that the author changed it up and made it less predictable and more unique.

That being said, Taylor and Nick were amazing. They had tons of chemistry, their teasing and flirting was wonderfully entertaining. On top of that, they could be themselves with each other, no reason to impress the other person if you can’t “stand” them, right?. There were so many touching scenes. Deeply emotional at times, which made me feel for Taylor and Nick even more.

I thought the couple was perfectly matched. The opposite on the outside, equals on the inside. They challenged and complimented each other. I truly enjoyed this couple. They were one of my favorites so far. Maybe because they seemed to be opposites, but at closer inspection they were just the same – two individuals that were looking for love.

review will be published on June 7th

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Another amazing read in the Stiletto/Oxford world! As expected in a Lauren Layne novel there is plenty of snark, humor, yummy men, and romance. To the outsider it would appear that Taylor Carr and Nick Ballantine can't stand each other. Funny though how there is such a fine line between love and hate and that line is getting pretty fuzzy between these two. When Taylor finds herself with an apartment she can't afford and desperately in need of a roommate how can she afford to turn down Nick's request to move in. Taylor's determined to keep things platonic. Nick might have different ideas though!

This is one for the must read list! I highly recommend it.

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"<i>What can I get for you, Carr?</i>"
"<b>Thought you were supposed to be some sort of cocktail miracle worker. Make me something.</b>"
"<i>Shit. Of all the days to forget the arsenic.</i>"

Okay, so I've finally noticed Layne's trend in her <i>Oxford</i> series. For every <i>Sex, Love & Stiletto</i>-introduced character & love interest, she's swapping the next book out with a newbie couple. The first one (newbie, I mean) didn't work for me -- see review re I WISH YOU WERE MINE -- but this second one, with the couple only having been introduced in SOMEONE LIKE YOU, book three? This worked for me so much.

<i>She was prickly, and she knew it. But she wished that, just once, someone would <b>get</b> it. That they would understand she wasn't icy so much as careful.</i>

Not only is hate-to-love my catnip, but throw in a sorta Ice Princess Redemption trope and I'm hooked. Misunderstood badboys are a dime a dozen in romancelandia, but misunderstood ladies? We need more. Our brief glimpse of Taylor Carr from Lincoln's perspective in book three didn't give us much. She was hot, confident, a potential man-eater, and already she had a hate-on for Nick Ballantine, the freelancer responsible for stepping in during Lincoln's hiatus. We didn't know why.. we (I) just knew it was delicious and ripe for possibilities. But the reality far surpassed my expectations.

"<i>What are you doing here?</i>"
"<b>This is my gig for the next month or so.</b>"
"<i>What, being a less good-looking stand-in for Lincoln?</i>"

Because we didn't have a string of books with these two characters lurking in the background to build a picture for us, Layne did us one better. She offered chapters with time jumps and glimpses of their interactions to set the stage and show the progression (or regression) of their relationship. A lot of it worked as backstory for Taylor, saving most of Nick's for in-story reveals, but I really loved how it played out. And I really loved seeing the facets of this complicated woman who was so strong, so fierce, but so.. well. Lonely. The frustration she felt when she realized Nick was the only one to see through her was also just so perfect and heartbreaking, too.

"<i>I'll see you around?</i>"
"<b>Yes, please leave. All this friendliness is making me uncomfortable.</b>"

But what was the best part of their relationship, especially in the beginning when they <b>weren't</b> in a relationship, was how for all they traded barbs and insults, often the other would laugh or fire back in good fun. Only a few times did the verbal battle draw blood and both were easily able to see when they'd gone too far. For all that they were frenemies, their relationship was complex from the beginning and not only did Layne acknowledge that but so did the couple themselves.

<i>Taylor Carr's feelings towards him were the perfect match of his toward her -- somewhere between contempt and pure loathing, with a splash of regret that neither acknowledged.</i>

Of course, there was more than just the banter and refusal to admit their attraction, timing was an issue, bad timing, plus various ex girlfriends and exboyfriends made life -- and love -- difficult for these two. The worst being Taylor's ex. Bradley was, well, the worst.

"<i>Since I don't like you anyway, feel free to tell me the truth. Is the ridiculous size of that TV compensating for something?</i>"

It was really refreshing to read of a female struggling with the idea, concept, and realities, of love. And not because she'd been burned by a previous lover or boyfriend but because of how she had been raised. And I really appreciated Layne giving us Nick's insight onto how he felt hearing about Taylor's childhood. It wasn't too traumatic or full of tragedy, though it <b>was</b> sad, whereas Nick's own issues were so very different from what we've seen in this series (both of them) so far and I loved it. Even if it, too, broke my heart.

<i>Somehow the guy who'd gone from being the one person she couldn't stand had become the one she most looked forward to seeing each day.</i>

I've often complained -- at length -- abut my struggle with the 'break up' portion of the romance book, and moreso how similar the ones in Layne's stories have been (likely not helped by the massive binge I've done of her books) but in I KNEW YOU WERE TROUBLE, I was <b>almost</b> on board with it. It was a completely acceptable reaction to the situation.. I just wish it had gone a little differently. Because for all that I completely understood, I felt it was likewise unreasonable to have gone on so long (it was like a week but whatever, a <b>day</b> would've been too long, in my opinion). While at the same time part of the catalyst for said break-up kinda came out of nowhere. I wish there'd been a little bit more foundation laid for that particular event.

<i>Nick had no idea how to explain that being involved with Taylor was like cuddling a stick of dynamite.</i>

That being said, of all the break-ups/love-hiccups in the <i>Love, Sex & Stiletto</i> & <i>Oxford</i> world, this might've been the best situation to warrant it. Nope, I'm lying, book one in the first series was the best. But still. This makes it to the top two slot. I did also love the ending but felt it was a little rushed, I could've done with one more chapter before the epilogue, but as for that epilogue.. the sweetness was real. I got really misty. Also, yeah, this isn't over, no way. There has to be another book planned for that particular couple.

"<i>You should come with a warning label. Or at least an instruction manual.</i>"

I KNEW YOU WERE TROUBLE, in addition to making me sing T Swift all day, is definitely the best book of this series. It was so nice to read about a woman discovering how to navigate the tough emotional waters of a relationship, and admit to herself who she really wanted, as well as put herself out there, take charge (or try) sexually, while still being sassy and sweet and strong and real. I know I've talked a lot about Taylor and that isn't because Nick wasn't great, he was, but I just really felt that Taylor and her realizations that she did want to be loved, and did deserve it, even if she only had a dog to love her, were so great and so important.. even if she did get her sexy man and a happily ever after in the end.

Highly recommend.

4.25 "Nick wasn't an idiot -- any woman listening to 'You Oughta Know' at this volume should be avoided" stars

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Lauren Layne is one of my favorites, and I love the Oxford series. This was another great installment in the series. Nick was a fun character, and I enjoyed seeing him get his HEA.

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I always love Layne's books. They are fun and sexy. I found this one even more interesting because of how much the characters tried to stay apart and avoid a romantic entanglement. Both characters held their own charm and their chemistry was great.

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Favorite Quotes:

She hated being the newcomer— hated feeling vulnerable in any way for fear that someone would see right through her shield of confidence and call her out as a fraud. To expose her as what she really was on the inside: lonely. Maybe a little unlovable, if she wanted to get melodramatic about it.

We talked. That was it. Why is it that everyone seems to think carnage will follow whenever I have a conversation with someone?

I’m not seeing anyone else, Taylor. I couldn’t even if I wanted to. You consume me.

I’ve got three sisters and four nieces, and my best friend is a woman. I’m fluent in the language of lady tears.

My Review:

I find I am rather conflicted in how to rate this book. While, as always, Ms. Layne’s work was amusing and well-written, I had considerable difficulty in appreciating the female main character of Taylor. Taylor was a cold fish and an aloof ice princess who was instantly and unnecessarily sarcastic and antagonistic toward the adorable Nick. Nick was a nice man – but she had disliked him on sight and turned him into her nemesis by going all mean girl. As the story and her childhood history unfolded, she began to thaw and I did too, and although I totally adored Nick - I could not find Taylor endearing. On the plus side, I found much of the storyline witty and amusing. I enjoy Ms. Layne’s snarky humor and always look forward to the clever and easy banter among the smart and feisty characters from previous books. I will recall this group fondly, and with a smile, whenever consuming a tuna roll.

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I love the Lauren Layne Oxford series! And she has blessed us with another book in the series. But I will say that this book broke my heart in so many ways! It's complex, it's gritty, and it has the ability to send you to you bed for the day, totally heartbroken.

Because the story is so intricately woven, I don't think I could tell you the story from my perspective, as I would give away too much of the story, but the character's Taylor and Nick are perfect for each other, but their lives are far from it. Nick is funny, but has a deep side, one that has been so hurt. Taylor has been labeled the ice princess for years, but one she has been tried to change, but also it's one that doesn't fit her. And of course, we get to see all out favorite character's at Oxford Magazine...its kinda like a home coming.

When it comes to the writing and story...well, I can only describe it as a Lauren Layne masterpiece! Divine, flowing, and has the ability to rip your heart out!

I give I Knew You Were Trouble 5 stars!

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Lauren Layne is a new to me author in the past month or so. I was lucky enough to get an ARC of Walk of Shame and I just fell in love with the writing and the story itself. So when I Knew You Were Trouble became available, I jumped right in. I will admit that despite being told that it is a standalone, I still went back to the start of the Oxford series simply because I wanted to read more by this author. After doing all that, I can 100% say that this can be read as a standalone. In fact, we don't get as much as the Oxford team in this one as we do with the others.

This story was super fun for me because I really love the enemies to lovers stories. Taylor and Nick have been at each other's throats since they met. Snarky comments here and there, they quickly become enemies. Of course, those of us from the outside can clearly see the sexual tension. It's alway a fine line between love and hate!

I really enjoyed how strong Taylor was. She is feisty, sarcastic and stubborn. She's been taught to never show weakness or vulnerability so when she actually starts to show that with Nick, I really started to connect with her more. Deep down, all Taylor really wanted was someone to love her. To show her the love and affections that she never really got growing up.

Overall, I enjoyed this book. I would have enjoyed getting a bit more of some of the past Oxford people in it but that's just me being selfish. I actually like that we are starting to see a bit more of the "other side" of Oxford and are being introduced to knew people. If you like a light read with some fun, snark and just a tiny bit of emotions, then this is the book for you. And if you haven't read anything by Lauren Layne yet, I encourage you do it. Like now. I'm so happy I've discovered her and her work.

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I definitely enjoyed this slightly different entry in the Oxford series. Taylor and Nick are one of those couples that you just know should be together from their first meeting, but life keeps them apart.
Taylor is a heroine that honestly made me a little uncomfortable even while I wanted to cuddle her. Her upbringing stunted her emotional growth and it shows in how she looks at love.
Nick isn't the classic hero, but is perfect for Taylor. Their banter and barbs are fun to watch - as is their evolution from fren-enemies, to roommates, to coupledom.
My only complaint is that the tenacity in which Taylor held on to a failed relationship. It didn't seem to fit with the strong persona she portrayed in other places.

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I Knew You Were Trouble is an excellent example of why Lauren Layne is a queen of contemporary romance. Each book she writes gets better and better. I didn't think another Oxford novel could top Lincoln Mathis and Someone Like You, but I was wrong. I Knew You Were Trouble was just as amazing, if not even better than Someone Like You.

It doesn't matter who the characters are, or what the situation holds for them, Layne makes me fall in love with their story. I Knew You Were Trouble showcased this by taking a smart and beautiful but somewhat cold woman and making me empathize with her. I didn't love how cold Taylor could be, but I got it. She had a tough life, and what she thought she wanted wasn't always what was best for her. I loved how having her nemesis move in and taunt her in ways she didn't want changed her. It was fun to see her character progress through so many emotions throughout the book.

As for Taylor's enemy, Nick was way hotter and cooler than I remember him from Someone Like You. He had his own issues, but I loved how he helped Taylor come to terms with hers. They way he pushed her was frustratingly hot. I couldn't get over their witty banter. It made the story fly by. Nick and Taylor's chemistry was undeniable, and those steamy sex scenes proved it. 

My favorite part of I Knew You Were Trouble had to be the climax. I saw it coming, but didn't expect it to play out the way it did. It was so creatively set up. I really loved how it ended up resolving.

I loved everything about I Knew You Were Trouble. It was another great office romance. It held my attention from the beginning and never let go. I read it in one sitting, and couldn't have put it down if I wanted to. I'm really hoping this book will not be the end of the Oxford series. I would love another book or two in this series!

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Love Lauren Layne's books. Especially her Oxford/Stiletto series. She always writes a compelling story.

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What is there to say about the Oxford series that hasn't yet been said? This is simply my favorite series to read and with this one I dreaded it and anticipated it. Never ready for the end of a series, and always hoping there will be more to come. Lauren has written yet another consuming and hialrious story that is so full of heart and soul. I fell head over heels in love with Nick, not that I didn't like him before, and had a major girl crush on Taylor. This story is everything.

Taylor's life is going according to plan, until it isn't. Without any other options, Taylor looks for a roommate. Nick steps in to help her out, while helping himself out of a sticky situation. When all is said and done, will these roommates turn into more? Or will they find their own trouble elsewhere?

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I Knew You Were Trouble has Nick Ballantine matching swords with Taylor Carr. Their beginning relationship of antagonism is so close to that love/hate line you wonder from the beginning when they will cross it. Ms. Layne writes believable and true to real world relationships for her characters as she does it with Nick and Taylor. They seem to circle each other before meeting the challenge of becoming roommates out of necessity – mostly to irritate Bradley, the ex; it works well here.

Taylor was raised by an aunt who left her no room for feelings. Taylor has already decided she does not want to be a mother. She has not had any kind of example about motherly love in her life. And, once her aunt passes, she really feels alone and lonely. Nick just happened by upon news of her aunt’s death and was the one who simply held her when she needed it most.

Nick comes from a loving family and has his own demons from a previous relationship. He wants a family with kids eventually, but, it looks as though if he chooses Taylor, there will not be any children – just him and her.

Bradley, the ex, is not any woman’s prize. He doesn’t even know what he wants. Sounds like he gets what he deserves though.

Ms. Layne has added to her love stories with another hit. The Stiletto/Oxford series keeps on giving. One of the great issues with your characters is we have had the opportunity to get to know most of them through previous books in these two series. Your ‘acknowledgment’ indicates you will not continue the series, but I can see you moving forward. Do you really want to leave us hanging on Brit and Hunter? Thank you Ms. Layne and Net Galley for sharing this book in exchange for an honest review.

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mmate to Taylor. Nick and Taylor aren't exactly a case of opposites attract, but they've just never liked each other which is s mystery as to why. Maybe they have nothing in common but they intense dislike seems misplaced. All that energy certainly points to a secret affection for each other. Their friendship begins to shift and the constant hum of attraction between them intensifies.

As always, LL's story-telling leaves me with all the feels. Taylor's bound and determined to win Bradley back, but she comes to an understanding as to his true nature that made me gleeful. At that moment in the story I was so proud of her for recognizing what is a universal truth (for any women who's been left for another, and been left wondering why). But the truth of Taylor is something that becomes obvious to Nick as she lets down her guard. We learn some very interesting information about Nick's past and Ms Layne sets up the possibility of a great future between these two. If only they could learn to let go of their insecurities and assumptions about each other.

Another 5 star review to Lauren Layne and the Oxford series I am very much hoping that Hunter and Brit get their own story

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