Member Reviews

This is an extremely well written emotional book. The concept of loving someone enough to let them go is always a gut wrencher.

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A heartwarming, loving, read. Made me have faith in humanity because of Frankie. Liked everything about this book but do wish it'd been an even bigger happy ending. Great read, great writing, great story, great characters.

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I could not finish this book.It did not call to me in the least.

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Oh, this book! Ms. Holford has outdone herself with Caught Looking. It's so much bigger than a simple love story - each heartwarming layer just as rewarding as the captivating and swoonworthy love story between Ryan and Frankie. In short, this book is a absolute treasure.

Frankie and Ryan were so easy to love. They're so genuine and relatable. Their dialogue -ranging from humorous to heartfelt - was always engaging. I laughed and buzzed with all the butterflies these two evoked, and then I ached so hard when things got rough (as they inevitably do). I adored these two together as a couple, but they're both pretty special in their own right as well. This is a "clean" book, so there's nothing written explicitly here, but that doesn't mean the book is without heat. I felt plenty of it - their chemistry smoldering and sparking in ways that kicked my pulse up. And even as they weathered the conflict (and I wanted to wring Ryan's neck a bit), it was impossible not to love them.

Like I said, this story was so much bigger than just Ryan and Frankie - and I think I loved Frankie's stowaways just as much as Frankie did. Seriously - if their story doesn't tug at your heartstrings there's a good chance you don't actually have a heart. Things didn't play out exactly the way I expected them to, which added an emotional punch that kept me glued to my Kindle until the sweet and ultimately rewarding end.

In all, Caught Looking read like a good Hallmark movie - the kind you get sucked right into and can't look away from. The kind that leaves you feeling all warm and smooshy inside. It's jam packed full of heart and rich with emotion and worth every minute I spent reading. ~ 4.5 Stars

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Major league baseball player, Ryan Walker, takes a mandatory leave of absence to escape the paparazzi and the false drug charges against him. All he wants is a little peace of mind out in the middle of nowhere.

Eager to rid herself of the empty socialite life, Frankie Vaughn moves to a rundown home in Minnesota that she inherited from her aunt. But Frankie is shocked at what she discovers inside: three young boys. When Ryan discovers that Frankie, his new neighbor, has taken on the three homeless kids as her own, he has a new hope for humanity.

Despite how easily and lovingly Ryan takes to Frankie and the boys, his past just might be the reason Frankie can't adopt the boys. Now, Ryan must choose between loving them or letting them go. Can he walk away from what he's been looking for all along?

Moving from the Hamptons to a run-down house in Minnesota wouldn’t normally be considered an adventure but that’s exactly how Frankie Vaughn’s looking at it. She is sick of the "pretty on the outside, shallow on the inside" mentality of the Hamptons so when her aunt dies she tells her father she wants to take over her house. Since he was planning on just selling it, he agrees.

Frankie moves to West Lake, Minnesota with the thought to rehab the house. When she arrives she’s a bit overwhelmed with how run-down it’s become but she’s determined. When she first enters the house all is well but then she starts to hear noises. She thinks she's going to find a cat in the bedroom closet but what she discovers is 3 young boys - brothers, Carter, Travis and Miles, who have been living in the house since her aunt died. They had actually been homeless and were taken in by Frankie’s aunt and had just continued to live in her house after she died. Frankie knows she should call the police or social services right away but the little one who is just 8 is horribly sick and she can’t send him out that way. Of course the longer the boys stay the more attached that Frankie gets and soon she doesn’t ever want them to leave.

Ryan meets Frankie the first day she arrives and is a bit of a jerk (cuz he's attracted to her and doesn't want to be). He mellows out eventually and when he sees that Frankie is caring for the boys he actually helps out in his own way. He’s incredibly attracted to Frankie but knows he shouldn’t get involved with her for a variety of reasons. Those reasons eventually fall by the wayside and Ryan and Frankie soon start a wonderful relationship. Unfortunately when it comes to the boys staying with Frankie permanently, Ryan’s presence, and his past, may be the reason she that doesn't happen.

When I read the blurb for this book I was intrigued. If there are children in a book they usually belong to either the hero or the heroine biologically. In this case Frankie kind of inherited them along with the house. She was amazingly big-hearted and not only let them stay but took care of the youngest throughout his sickness. She kept telling herself that she was going to call social services but never did. She knew that not putting them in the foster care system was bad but Carter, the oldest at 16 years old, insisted that they would be separated if they were in the system. Frankie couldn’t stand that thought. I loved that she considered what would happen to the boys and how that would affect them. She was such a good person and I just adored her character.

Ryan had his issues from his cheating ex-wife and his ex-best friend who had not only slept with his wife but had made false drug charges against him. He just wanted to be left alone except when it came to Frankie. I loved that he couldn’t stay away and once their relationship started it was not only fun and loving but something I knew would last. He was a great man and cared about the three boys almost as much as Frankie did. He was a fantastic influence on them as well.

The story of the three boys and Frankie’s role in their life was a huge part of the book but the romance was just as big and the two were wonderfully intertwined. Holford did a fantastic job of dragging me into the story from the first page and not letting go. I read this in one sitting and didn’t want it to end.

My only issues with the book were strange editing issues as well as some words that threw me out of the story. The book takes place in Minnesota with American characters but some of the words that were used to describe things were clearly Canadian or British. Social Services was called the ministry – that threw me for a loop. I live in California and for schools there are certain service areas. These are the group of homes that go to a certain school within the district. In this book it was called a catchment. Same idea but definitely a British word that I had to stop and look up which again, threw me out of the book. These are minor issues but when I’m totally into a book I don’t want to stop and think “what does that mean?” This is, of course, just me and may not affect other people the same way.

Despite those minor issues I liked the book a lot. It has a pretty deep story but it was still fun, humorous, and extremely enjoyable. I definitely recommend you pick this one up. This is my first read by Holford but it certainly won’t be my last.

Rating: 4.25 out of 5

This will post as a guest review on Book Binge.

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loved it

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Caught Looking by Jody Holford will be released on April 25, 2017 by Penner Media Group, LLC. I really loved reading this book and enjoyed it so much! The first character you meet in this story is Frankie. Her aunt past away and left her house to Frankie who decides to return to the house for a fresh start. Upon returning, she soon discovers that three young boys are living in the house. They were staying with her aunt before she died. This is a shock to Frankie who is not sure how to proceed. Frankie also meets her new neighbor, Ryan. His house is right next door to Frankie’s and it is beautifully redone. While Frankie’s is completely rundown and needs a complete redo. Will this newfound family lead to love and a happy ending or will their pasts destroy them. Holford creates a story that is so heartbreaking at times but uplifting at others. The characters are well thought out and have backstories that help with dynamics of the overall story. I really like Jody Holford’s writing style and look forward to more from this author. I highly recommend this book. ** I received a complimentary Advanced Readers Copy in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.**

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The thing I liked most about this book was that the plot was different than anything I've read before, and definitely nothing like most romance novels out there. It's really nice to come across an author with a fresh perspective. I liked all of the main characters a lot, and the outcome of their story was very realistic and satisfying, even if not what I expected. I would recommend this book to others.

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I absolutely loved Caught Looking. This book is very well written with a great plot and cast of characters. I was immediately pulled into the story of two individuals, a group of homeless boys and the foster care system. I could not put this book down. A new to me author and I thoroughly enjoyed her style of writing.

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Loved this book on so many different levels. First we meet Frankie Vaughn who returns to her aunt's house- a place that she has a true happy memory rather than the fakeness she grew up with. Then Frankie immediately discovers the house is inhabited by 3 brothers that were homeless and her aunt was taking care of. These boys were so sweetly written. Although they make have had a block on their shoulder, they earned it. Their love and compassion for each other comes across so sweetly in the book. Frankie, finding herself want to take care of them yet get rid of them, quickly is called in to action when Miles, the youngest, is sick. How could you not fall in love with those boys.

Ryan Walker lives next to the dilapidated house in a huge, beautiful home and is himself reeling from his recent life events that have burned him. He isn't ready to get burned again and therefore comes off as a jerk to Frankie when they meet. Layers are revealed and Ryan soon discovers Frankie's secret with the boys and is highly impressed by this beautiful woman.

The love of this unconventional family is apparent rather admitted openly or not. You root for the boys and worry as well. When an incident brings to light their circumstances they are swiftly taken into foster care. While its heartbreaking the book also is informative. When you want this gang to stay together- you have to put the welfare of the children first.

While they were caught looking hearts were stolen. Can Ryan and Frankie survive being down and out or will love give them a grand slam?

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This book gave me all of the feels. Frankie and Ryan both end up in Minnesota trying to find something. Ryan's a pro baseball player whose life has just blown up and he is done with it all. Frankie needs to get away from her parents and the fiancee and the life that she isn't interested in at all. Both of them end up in a small town to find themselves. Frankie walks into her aunt's house where 3 young boys have been squatting. With Ryan's help, they form a family unit. When the boys are taken from them and put into the foster system, Frankie and Ryan realize that their family means everything to them. I cried as both Frankie and Ryan figured out what was truly important to them. And these boys that had no family to speak of, had people fighting for them and the right to a great life. I loved this story even if I cried through the end of it. It broke my heart, but in the best way possible. Frankie, Ryan, Carter, Travis and Miles are a different kind of family, but they are a family. Great read!

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