Member Reviews

Serendipity was a beautiful M/M romance novel that was very realistic. Kenji breaks up with his boyfirend and wants to treat himself and get to know himself again when he makes a friend in Aaron. However, a one stand between the friends turn their whole relationship upside and it is how they deal with. I loved it and want to read more my Max Payne in the future.

Book – Serendipity
Author – Max C. Payne
Star rating - ★★★☆☆
No. of Pages – 53
Cover – Gorgeous
POV – 1st, one character
Would I read it again – No.
Genre – LGBT, Contemporary
This was a cute story, but I had some problems with it. Mostly surrounding the fact that it was 1st person, autobiographical, always talking to the reader and explaining what had happened. It meant that I never really got to make a connection with Ken or Aaron, because everything was told after the fact, by Ken himself. And, sadly, I only felt a little bit of the chemistry that could have been there if this story was longer. Which it needed to be; at least double if not longer than that. The length just doesn't do the plot justice, the way it's written here. It could have been fantastic, but we missed out on so many of the important parts of a relationship – getting to know one another, becoming friends, then becoming more – that it just felt a little flat, romantically. I wasn't thrilled with the dominant way Aaron behaved, either, for a college kid. He never once asked what Ken wanted in bed, even when it reached that point, just assuming that he was a bottom. It was only one of many stereotypes that I saw throughout, that really bothered me. I mean, that's not something you just assume about a guy that you didn't even know was gay until ten minutes ago, is it?
The entire first page was all telling and no showing, which put me off, too. There were a few editing issues, but nothing too noticable. It had no chapter headings, which meant that it was all one long recount of what Ken had experienced, which I don't think helped the situation. I missed out on the progression from strangers to friends and then friends to more. It felt too much like Step 1, 2 and 3, with the entire story telling us what happened and only showing us that finally move from friends into more, in the most literal way.
Overall, an okay story that was cute, had a nice plot that just didn't get shown off to its full potential. I think it was too much of an attempt to keep the story within a certain length parameter and the story suffered for that. I liked Ken and Aaron, together and as individual characters, but they really deserved to have their story told with more detail, more showing and more exploration of their friendship. I wanted to see growth, even just a connection, and I sadly never got that. But I gave it a 3 for the potential and the small moments that really captured me in amongst the rest that didn't.

It lacked plot and character development, this story was mostly smut but if that's what you are looking for, it was REALLY GREAT SMUT.

2.75 Stars
Aaron and Ken have been friends since the night they met when Ken came into the restaurant where Aaron works. Ken had just been dumped by his boyfriend and wanted some comfort food. Ken has had a crush on Aaron, but assumes he's straight. When Ken comes to Aaron's rescue then takes him home to care for him, Ken discovers this isn't true and that Aaron finds Ken attractive.
The blurb sounded really good, but the story didn't deliver. The main characters have been friends for months, but they seem to know very little about one another. I'm aware this is a really short read, but the story had good bones, it just needed more. A more solid connection and more communication between the characters. It needed more character development, especially Aaron, I hardly knew anything about him.
This was a quick and easy read. The writing is good, but the story definitely needed to be fleshed out.
*Copy provided to me via NetGalley for my reading pleasure in hopes of a review*

I found the blurb for this story full of promise; however, I had hoped for something entirely different than what this book offered.
Thin, 5' 3", nearly blind without his thick glasses, solely focused on school, very quiet and submissive, socially awkward, cuts his own hair, secret martial artist master, adoringly follows the long-haired, white guy around, and he's mostly a bottom.
I think that about covers most of the Asian stereotypes used for Kenji, the main character, in this story.
I'm pretty positive that Eric, my Vietnamese husband of 20 years, would not be amused by *any* part of that portrayal. And I've gotta say, it left me pretty cold as well.
I realize that this story was short, but I've read stories half the length that actually delivered a true emotional connection between the MC's, through opening up on page about themselves, sharing interesting tidbits from their pasts, etc. This was not that book.
So since the connection didn't feel anything more than superficial, I truly didn't care what happened with these characters. Plus, the story immediately skipping forward from the day they met to 4 or 5 months later, after they'd already become supposed best of friends (who seemed to know very little about one another), sure didn't help on that front.
At the end, the 'long-term to possibly forever'-feeling statements made only the morning after getting together (the white guy offering to pay for himself and his Asian boy to fly to Japan for the ultimate week of 'meet the parents and grandparents') felt extremely premature.
In short, the story never truly engaged me, only leaving me bored and indifferent, so I'd have to rate this short story at around 2.25 stars. : (

I usually don't read so short novellas but this one lured me with its lovely cover and the magic title.
It was a nice quick read,nothing too serious and emotional to get into.Kenji and Aaron are just two friends who take the chance to start a romantic relationship.