Member Reviews

This book is well written and characters are interesting. Main character Giulia is my true idea of a superhero! This story itself was written wonderfully and it could stand alone

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Giulia Driscoll doesn't know what is in store for her when a young woman basically pushes her way in to see her. It seems that Elaine Patrick is convinced there are ghosts inhabiting her home, determined to drive her insane. But before she can hire a skeptical Giulia, her husband Pip arrives and whisks her away. That should be the end of it, but it isn't...

The next day she is visited by a Victorian throwback named Muriel Lockwood, who is Elaine's cousin and fills in Giulia on Elaine's history. It seems Elaine was orphaned many years ago when her parents were brutally murdered in their home, and she has been raised alone since. She is also the sole owner of a wildly successful internet company that sells clothing - Dahlia - and both Muriel and Elaine's housekeeper Cissy think the three members of the Board of Directors at Dahlia is behind it, trying to keep the power within their reins.

So it appears Giulia has a new client - albeit one who thinks there's ghosts to be exorcised - and her job is to discover if one or more of the board members is behind the haunting. To this end, she sets appointments to meet with each of them separately, but after one of the meetings, she is nearly run off the road and killed, bringing her investigation to a whole new level.

Now Giulia is determined, if only for herself, to find out the truth of the matter, even if it means learning a little of the spiritual arts. But what Giulia wants to really know is: Is she going to exorcise a spirit, or a killer?

First off, let me say that I love mysteries with ghosts. But I felt that as Giulia is an ex-nun and as such, it seemed rather odd for her to embrace all the spiritual trappings she used on this case - Tarot, exorcism, EMF detectors, etc. I would think she would have been less willing to do so because of the way she was raised, as she puts it herself - a 'cradle Catholic.' Saying that, the mystery itself was enjoyable, and the writing is, as always, top notch. Ms. Loweecey is a talented author with tales to tell, and an entertaining manner. It is only that I feel in this book she is veering into territory (ghostbusters-like) that seems so out of character of the other three books.

However, the mystery was done well with unexpected twists, and enough suspects to please even the most hardened mystery reader. It is written well enough that one doesn't even realize for quite a while that this is not your usual mystery - and when you discover why, the story is neatly finished and tied up pleasantly. While there is no happy ending, per se, for the clients, it was still quite engaging and I look forward to the next in the series. Recommended.

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I enjoyed this cozy mystery but I didn't love it. I've read the first book in this series so I had a handle on who the characters are and what the set up is and the mystery was good but there was a lot of stuff going on with it which in the end didn't seem to be related to the solution but wasn't wrapped up properly either. So readable but not brilliant.

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Unlike another reviewer whose review I read, I do not think this mystery is a true stand-alone book. There are characters in the book, from the get-go, who confused me and were not well introduced so I could understand appreciate their roles. Obviously, I have not read the other books in the series. The main character, Giulia Driscoll, an ex-nun turned investigator who has her own agency, is an interesting character, but, as I said, I was confused about many of the other characters: who they were, what their roles were, how they fit into the group, etc. In this case, Giulia is working on a haunted house, with Tarot readings, ghost hunting sessions, and even an exorcism. Basically, there is a back plot, where someone is trying to steal Giulia’s client’s business out from underneath her. The story weaves its way around this rich princess client in a castle-like house, who has someone trying to prove is unfit to run her company. There are a lot of different characters in this story, many of whom I never really understood or saw a place for in the plot, which confused me. In addition, the book seemed to wander around a bit, from hither to yon, without much to bring it back together. I have not read the other books in the series, and it might have helped to have read them, as I would then hopefully know who the players were and how they fit together. As it stands now, I left confused about who was who and what was really going on. No, I do not think this is a good stand-alone book. I am afraid a lot of the byplay went right over me, and I left feeling empty, wondering what exactly I had just read, not to mention how everything in the story fit together. The basic story was interesting, but not as well executed as it might have been. As I said, a bit more back story and/or explanation/introduction (re-introduction?) of characters would have helped to tie it into the series. I received this from NetGalley to read and review.

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Giulia's at it again when Elaine shows up and asks for ghost-busting help with the underlying theme that someone or someones at the fashion design company is doing this to her now that she has taken over as CEO, with hints that one of the three key players may be stealing from the company. Elaine's a design genius but also an agoraphobic who is so motivated to get to the bottom of odd happenings at the house that she has ventured to find Giulia. The housekeeper, Cissy, who has been with Elaine since her parents were killed shows up as well and implores Giulia to help, as does Elaine's husband, Pip.

Giulia isn't exactly a believer of ghosts and definitely draws the line at ouija boards. She gets some help and is instructed to tune into her intuition. Between that and regular detective work she starts to get a sense of who might be behind the strange occurrences. An interesting ending to say the least.

FTC Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in the hopes that I would post an honest review. This has not affected the content of my review in any way.

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I love this series with Giulia Driscoll as an ex-nun who runs a private investigation firm. This is book 4 and you can read it without reading the previous books. Since the agency "rid" a b&b of their ghost, they have been inundated with requests for paranormal investigation. Giulia is now married and expecting her first child. The stories have grown and I think this has been my favorite so far. Easy to read with a great mystery and funny characters.

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This is a great book; this is the fourth book in the Giulia Driscoll series written by Alice Loweecey. When terrified Elaine Patrick knocks on Driscoll Investigations’ door and insists her house is haunted, Giulia Driscoll’s first response is “we don’t handle ghosts.” When Elaine’s housekeeper and crackpot filthy rich cousin descend on Giulia and demand she find out who’s trying to steal sweet, fragile Elaine’s family business out from under her, that’s a different story. They want DI to provide Tarot readings, ghost hunting sessions, and even an exorcism. This is a great book with a wonderful story and well developed characters. This book will keep you reading long into the night and you will not want to put this book down until you finish. This was such a great read and full of surprises. I am looking forward to reading the next book by this great author. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader’s copy of this book. The free book held no determination on my personal review.

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The Giulia Driscoll series is always unique and entertaining. The plot is as great in The Clock Strikes Nun as it is the first three books, but my favorite part of the series is her interaction with her team. Great characters are what make any series and keep drawing me back ; these guys are outstanding. The witty byplay keeps me laughing and balanced through the twist and tears of the story. Watching Giulia's reaction to people throughout the story is an added bonus; her mind is delightful! I also enjoy the fact that there is a action as well as talk but that it isn't overdone.

Guila's pragmatic approach to another ghost busting job opens the door for so much fun and a few rather frightening moments. Having Zlatan, the temporary name for the baby she is carrying, provides opportunity for more wit and concern. The rich princess in the castle concept plays well but is a bit sad as her background is revealed. A couple of great twists really surprised me while others weren't really unexpected, after all, as I mention, G is pretty pragmatic.

I requested and was pleased to received an advanced readers' copy of The Clock Strikes Nun from the publisher via NetGalley. The opinion presented is all my own. I always review books that I love and I love this whole series.

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Okay, so this was the first one of this series that I have read. And wow, it is another that I was obviously missing out on. Giulia Driscoll is a fun, spirited character that is very comical. I was envisioning her antics throughout the book in my mind, chuckling all the way. I loved that they are now the “ghost” hunters. And when I say they it is Giulia Driscoll and her crew. They are after another ghost, well slightly.
The book is swirling with mystery, smoke screens and all. I was thrilled with the depth that the author gave to the mystery. This isn’t your kids ghost story, and it will delight any reader that enjoys a good mystery.

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Interesting plot
This is the first chance I have had to read an installment from this series. I didn't feel that reading prior books would have added to the reading experience. In my opinion this is a stand alone novel.

But, I want to read the rest because I enjoyed the characters. Guilia's team of investigators brought the story to life for me.

The plot was o.k. The myriad of suspects was a little confusing.
There are alot of characters in this plot.

The plot...Is the castle haunted? Who's trying to set-up Elaine?

There's Elaine's husband, the governess, the cook, a few other house hold members that I never really figured out who they were.

Then there are the business associates too many to name.

Guilila must be a super sleuth to figure all this out!

The plot once it's reveal at the end totally makes sense but didn't
really 'get me'.

I was more interested in Zane Guilia's computer geek and her assistant Sidney. And Gulia's very hunky, Italian husband that tends to go off in Italian when he's frustrated with the situations/danger Guilia's constantly getting into. Kind of reminded me of an Italian Ricky Ricardo.

So, I am looking forward to reading more?

I think I am. If I get the chance I want to see how Gulian and her team got together in books 1-3.
The book covers and titles have me wanting to read them all!

I received a complimentary copy from Great Escape Book Tours
This review will appear on retail sites where the book is available.
This review will appear on Net Galley

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I want to applaud Author Alice Loweecey for having the courage to stretch the boundaries of what her cozy readers may accept and appreciate. There are other paranormal cozy series, which makes one think shifters or spirits, and a few others that feature psychics or tarot readers, but Giulia Driscoll and crew are unlike the others. Each one brings something special to the team.
This book features Giulia with help from Zane, her internet search wiz. There is also interference from a competing investigative team known as The Scoop. I also loved all the references to popular mysteries and detective shows.

Driscoll Investigations thought marital and divorce cases could be tawdry and preferred other types of work, but when this case takes a sinister turn, they find themselves almost looking forward to a "nice" but safer nasty investigation. It starts out seemingly simple enough - check into the financial dealings at Dahlia, a fashion empire. The young owner has a few quirks, stemming from a traumatic childhood. Still, she comes across creative and sweet, endearing.
After DI accepts the case, the stakes are raised. Could they also use alternative methods to check into rogue spirits haunting the woman's house, her "castle."
Being a former nun, Giulia calls herself a Cradle Catholic and has deeply held beliefs.
How far will she stretch those and her moral code to come up with answers for her client?

This is where some readers find themselves questioning the book's direction. Should DI use alternative methods or are they being deceptive in going through the motions?
Are there really supernatural forces at play or could it be, like in a past case, humans pretending to be haunting the castle? Could the reality be something else?

This is an unusual cozy mystery with many facets and some surprising twists.
I appreciated how the team could laugh at themselves and at situations that would otherwise drive them crazy. These clients are a bagful of new experiences for DI providing them with much to think about.

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Pregnant former nun Guilia Driscoll works at the family business Driscoll Investigations with Zane Hall and Sidney Martin as her assistants.
Unfortunately for her, she's become infamous due to her last case, a supposedly haunted bed and breakfast. Suddenly popular due to the publicity, instead of clients wanting cheating spouses caught, they are now clamoring for the company to eradicate spirits.
Throw in the being followed by 'The Scoop' who are trying to get a scoop as Guilia and her team are working for a very rich family with a tragic background. Add strange behavior, multiple suspects with grudges against the client.
Just when you think you've got it figured out, you only partially have the answer. Several unexpected twists and turns with a liberal sprinkling of humor make this a very enjoyable read.
I requested and received an ARC from NetGalley to my delight.

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The Clock Strikes Nun is a wonderful mystery. Guilia Driscoll is a breath of fresh air. Whether she is channeling her inner nun or one of her other useful personas, Giulia has an integrity that shines through. It's easy to see why the clients of Driscoll Investigations readily place their trust in her. Giulia isn't superwoman, but she is supremely capable. Along with her resident computer genius Zane and her super admin- researcher Sidney, Driscoll Investigations is up for anything- including a potential ghost-busting.

Elaine Dahlia is convinced her home is haunted and asks Guilia for help “exorcising” the problem. Ghosts don't normally fall in the purview of DI, but Guilia takes the case after Elaine’s housekeeper Cissy and her mercurial relative Muriel give her more information. Someone or something is trying to incapacitate Elaine and get their hands on the Dahlia fortune. Perhaps there is a ghost, but more likely a human hand lies behind the strange and sinister doings. The suspects are many as are their motives. I was glued to the page. Guilia is such a personable character that enjoying her narrative comes naturally. While I liked the book from the start, I really got hooked at the soccer mom rescue scene, where a mom and her crew comes to the rescue when Guilia is nearly forced off a bridge. It is a wonderful, extremely memorable scene.

The Clock Strikes Nun is fresh and different- definitely one of the best cozies I have read recently. I highly recommend it. I haven't read Loweecey’s other novels but I definitely want to after reading The Clock Strikes Nun.

5 / 5

I received a copy of The Clock Strikes Nun from the publisher and in exchange for an honest review.


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The Clock Strikes Nun: A Giulia Driscoll Mystery
By Alice Loweecey
May 30, 2017

Review by Cynthia Chow

Even though their previous case proved that a Bed and Breakfast was NOT haunted, click-bait advertising has Driscoll Investigations the number one choice of the haunted and ghost-phobic. One of the many at their door seeking a tarot reading, exorcism, or Ouija Board session is agoraphobic heiress Elaine Patrick. Orphaned by brutal home intruders, the new head of Dahlia designer clothing enterprise has uncharacteristically left her castle to incoherently plead for help removing her home of poltergeists. Her Paul Newman-esque husband whisks her away before Guilia Driscoll can offer advice, but they are soon followed by Elaine’s even more unusual steampunk cousin and housekeeper. The two separately hire DI to prove who may be attempting to prove the business prodigy incompetent to run her company, focusing on Dahlia’s three unhappy Board of Directors who ceded their power when Elaine came of age. This explains how DI becomes Driscoll Investigations Ghost Tamers/Ghost Breakers/Spiritual Springer Cleaners, with the former nun Giulia taking a crash course from her neighboring psychic and downloading ghost hunting apps.

A possibly haunted house may be the most normal aspect of Giulia’s investigation, as she soon learns that the design company is its own little cutthroat, sniping Real Housewives of Dahlia. Being wealthy means that insanity is considered eccentric, and the understandably troubled but brilliant Elaine may be a target for relatives, staff, or employees who all want to share her wealth. Certified as an exorcist by her priest brother-in-law, Giulia uses her nun-inspired interrogation skills to stare down her suspects and explore Elaine’s possibly haunted castle.

Who could ever have thought that the shy, guarded convent-escapee readers first met in 2011 would have transformed into this smart-alecky, Mel Brooks-loving, stalwart detective? Or that she would be married to the religious-phobic, once condescending private detective who hired her? That the pair has come together so believably is a testament to the writing of the author, herself a former nun with a love of whimsy. Giulia’s love of film and television is appropriately shared with her staff and friends, with references ranging from Supernatural to MST3K to Jerry Springer. This continues to be a thoroughly fun and entertaining series, and Giulia proves to be a skilled investigator on her own. The snappy banter between Giulia, her husband, and her friends is reminiscent to that of the films of the 1950s, adding layers of humor and wit to an intriguing haunted house mystery.

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The third book in this series was about a phony ghost, and apparently author and readers alike enjoyed the direction of the book, because this fourth book in the series is also about ghosts. It is however taken to a much different degree that includes Giulia preforming Tarot readings and exorcism. While the original complaint was a ghost in a house (mansion or castle really!) after turning down the case, Driscoll Investigations is re-approached saying someone was trying to prove Elaine Patrick was unfit to lead her company. That is a case DI can get behind, even though it includes getting rid of the ghost and many other unsettling issues.

Having loved the other books in this series, I was prepared to embrace this one as well. However, after reading and re-reading sections, I found my enthusiasm tamped down a bit. This book seemed contradictory to Giulia's beliefs. Although there were many fascinating discussions, circumstances, and characters, the story seemed like it wandered and lacked focus usually found in this series.

The characters are fascinating and work well together, both at DI and the "castle." There is a lovely twist that surprised me and made the book work. However, it just isn't quite as good as previous books.

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If you like paranormal cozy mysteries this latest episode is for you - unfortunately I don't.

The new division of Driscoll Investigations doesn't sit well with all of the staff nor with Giulia's former life as a nun. Giulia Driscoll's latest case has her learning how to perform Tarot Card reading and hosting an exorcism. Getting to the root of the haunting of Elaine's home and Dahlia's business situation keeps Giulia on edge.

This book is well written and characters are interesting. This series is heading into the paranormal on a regular basis if I read the ending correctly. I am giving this a 4/5 because I figured out who done it from the start not because it was a paranormal mystery. Following the clues made for a lot of second guessing possibilities.

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Yesterday I finished Alice Loweecey's The Clock Strikes Nun. This is the fourth book in the series and it is out May 30th. This is one of the funniest cozy mystery series I have ever read. Who knew a series about an Italian nun who "went over the wall", took on a new life as a private detective, married into a good Irish family and can hold her own in any situation, would bewitch me in such away! I smiled and laughed my way through The Clock Strikes Nun, thinking the entire time, that main character Giulia is my true idea of a superhero! This story was so good. It blended the nonsense and the "paranormal" aspect of the client's case perfectly. I could not figure out how the mysteries all came together and when it was revealed it was an extremely satisfying end. This is a series I would absolutely purchase for friends and wish my mother was alive to read this. I know she would love this series as much as I do. Alice has a winner with The Clock Strikes Nun.

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Giulia Driscoll is complex, loving and witty. Her latest case is intriguing, and a departure in some ways from her previous ones. It still involves her sparkling staff, Sidney and Zane, as well as her supportive husband Frank and all the family he brings to her life. I don't want to discuss the rather gothic plot, because it needs to be read to be understood and appreciated. Please read it, you won't be disappointed.

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This is the first book I've read by this author.
The cover and title drew me in and I am happy to say this book was hysterical.
Guilia is a fun, down to earth character and made this book fun to read.
The story itself was so incredibly bizarre, however, that made it even better to read.
When a housebound young woman, Elaine presents herself at Driscoll Investigations seeking help for the paranormal activity in her room, things explode!

It seems someone is behind the nefarious deed and it's up to Guilia and her crew to find the answers.

I voluntarily read an ARC of this book provided by the publisher and NetGalley.

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