Member Reviews

I really really wanted to love this book. Having not read any of Egan's previous work, I didn't quite know what to expect. I was interested in the main character and her decision to become a "diver," and I was interested in the parts about her family--especially Anna's ties other invalid sister. What just did not captivate me was the storyline that started with Anna's father's involvement, and what became Anna's involvement, in the seedy crime syndicate world. The two storylines did not come together or intertwine enough for me, and I felt like I was reading two separate stories. There was also a lot of slang from the time period that we were expected to know, but because it was never explained, I became frustrated and lost in parts. The book sounded so promising but just didn't land for me.

A big, old-fashioned, absorbing historical narrative – America in Depression and At War
Jennifer Egan’s Manhattan Beach follows the story of two different tranches of the American immigrant experience, and is set during the Depression and the Second World War.
There are 3 stories followed, which interlink with each other through Anna’s story. At the start of the novel Anna Kerrigan is nearly 12, a young girl idolising her father, and close to her mother and her sick sister. Father Eddie struggles, as so many working men did, at this time, to make a living. He has lost much in the crash and is now working as a kind of muscle for a longshoreman union official. Keeping the family together, particularly with the medical needs of Anna’s sister Lydia, is not easy.
Eddie has decided to take a chance on getting more lucrative work – but this must come at a price, as he intends to offer his expertise to Dexter Styles, a man with mob connections, who has hidden his Italian background, and is riding high in society, happily married. The family he has married into is old money, established class. Everyone knows is somehow connected, still to ‘a shadow government, a shadow country..A tribe. A clan’ He is though someone who is good at subterfuge, though there are plenty of rumours about him, and as long as no one looks too closely at the source of his wealth, and is just happy enough with that wealth, he, and they, will get along fine.
Eddie has taken Anna along to his job ‘interview’ with Dexter, as knowing something about a man’s family gives him a certain edge and information. And Eddie will be offered employment
Egan then takes a forward jump, and we, like Anna, are in the position of ‘something happened’ – but we don’t quite know what. All we know is that at some point, some years ago, Eddie disappeared. Anna still holds a memory of the mysterious Mr Styles, and the glamour of his house, on that day Eddie took her along. It is now Anna’s job to keep the family together. America is now at war. War has created opportunities for young women, working in fields never open to them before. Anna is now one of a female workforce employed in Brooklyn’s Naval Yard, measuring and inspecting tiny parts for battleships. She has a better dream – the desire to be a diver, to inspect and repair vessels underwater.
This whole section of Anna’s story, her struggle to work in an area thought unsuitable for a woman, was particularly fascinating.
There is also a more conventional story beginning – a chance encounter between Anna and Styles in a nightclub – she recognises him, but he has no idea who she is, especially as when she introduces herself she gives a false last name – a story which will be in part a detective story, and in part a love story. Anna wants to find out the truth about her father’s disappearance, and the mysterious Mr Styles is a sensible place to start
Anna’s story, Dexter’s story – and also the story of Eddie’s disappearance. And it also the story of capital, labour, and the American Dream
“I see the rise of this country to a height no country has occupied, ever….Not the Romans. Not the Carolingians, Not Genghis Khan or the Tatars or Napoleon’s France….How is that possible you ask. Because our dominance won’t arise from subjugating peoples. We’ll emerge from this war victorious and unscathed, and become bankers to the world. We’ll export our dreams, our language, our culture, our way of life. And it will prove irresistible”
High money and low money, muscle, graft, honest labour and labour less honest, corruption, class, race and sexual prejudice – it’s a big canvas.
I did not get to read Egan’s Pulitzer, A Visit From The Goon Squad (though I am minded to, now) That was, I understand, a far more experimental/unusual structure. This is not, though we do have the 3 voices, and the 3 stories, but the structure is a conventional narrative. I found it a fascinating read, particularly because I am drawn to books which engage with describing hard physical work – stuff of craft and muscle.
I received this as an ARC from the publisher, Simon and Schuster, via Netgalley. Gratefully.
It will be published on October 3rd

Manhattan Beach by Jennifer Egan is a highly recommended historical fiction novel set in New York City during the Depression and World War II.
In 1934 Anna Kerrigan, nearly twelve years old, accompanies her father, Eddie, to visit Dexter Styles at his Manhattan Beach home. Styles is with the mob and Eddie is looking for a job with him so he can leave his job as a bagman for a crooked union official. Styles insists that people who come to visit him bring their families, but Anna is the only family member who can go with Eddie. His wife is at home caring for their severely disable daughter, Lydia. Part of the reason Eddie wants a job with Styles is for the better pay, which will enable him to buy a specially made chair for Lydia.
Years later the world is at war. Anna is nineteen and supporting her mother and sister by working at the Brooklyn Navel Yard. Her father, Eddie disappeared five years ago, leaving his family behind with no word. After seeing divers in the yard, Anna is intrigued and obsessively sets her sights on becoming the first female diver. It is at this time that she meets Dexter Styles as an adult, at one of his nightclubs. When Anna meets him again, she hopes he can tell her what happened to her father.
The quality of the writing is brilliant. Manhattan Beach manages to capture the time and place to such an extent that you are transported there. What starts out as a seemingly simple, well-written novel evolves into a much more rich and intricate story following three narratives. Adding to the depth of the prose is the ocean as an ever prevalent motif in Manhattan Beach. It transfixes Anna, transports Eddie. It enthralls, mesmerizes, destroys, saves, engages, and employees. It offers life and death.
The characters are wonderfully realized and complex. The strengths and flaws of her diverse characters are firmly established. Egan has some surprising phrasing and apt, remarkable descriptions that utterly capture the moment and the emotions and sensations a character is feeling. Her characters are allowed to be themselves, full of conflicting allegiances and emotions, without resorting to clichés.
In the final analysis, however, I do wish that Egan has chosen to keep the story focused on Anna. While I can logically see the wisdom behind the choice to branch out and spend so much time on all three narratives, Anna was the character I was drawn to and cared anxiously about. She had my fealty and support, while the actions of Styles and Eddie were more of a passing interest.
Disclosure: My review copy was courtesy of Scribner.
Amazon and B&N after publication

I was eager to read the next novel by Jennifer Egan after loving A Visit from the Goon Squad , which was intriguingly constructed and unique. That story spun from character to character and wove a beautiful, interconnected web. To her credit, Egan tried to establish a similar web with Manhattan Beach, but it mostly fell flat for me. In contrast to the other, the reader spends their time reading the perspectives of three characters instead of a wider multitude and the character spins aren't as great. While Egan clearly excelled at writing some of the characters, not all of them seemed fully developed.
Manhattan Beach mostly takes place during the 1940s, but weaves to times before then occasionally, and the war is perpetually on the horizon. A theme of water moves throughout the entire novel with our three main characters all meeting at the beach for the first time, two of the characters diving together to find clues about a third, and one working on a ship.
The main characters are Eddie, the patriarch of an Irish family in Brooklyn who eventually becomes involved with the shadow world aka organized crime, Eddie's daughter Anna who we follow from youth to her early 20s where she aspires to be a civilian diver at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, and Dexter Styles, a prominent figure within New York's shadow world who employs Eddie. In addition to our three central characters, so many characters are mentioned in passing (particularly those related to Dexter Styles) that it was hard to keep track of who they are, why they matter, and what their relevant traits are when they're reintroduced.
I liked all of the bits from Eddie's perspective the best and if we had followed him throughout the entire novel instead, this book very well could have garnered 5 stars from me. There's a moving scene with Eddie on a raft that will stay with me for weeks. Aside from Eddie's bits, the novel trudges along slowly and picks up in the last 100 pages (though it seems like other reviewers disagree with me and felt like the first 100 pages were the most engaging).
Overall, the novel was well written, but the story arcs and setting just weren't for me. I haven't been a fan of historical fiction in over a decade (remember that Dear America diary series? *swoon*) and this book didn't incite me to switch back into the historical fiction appreciation camp. When I was more interested in this genre, I was partial to historical pieces that aren't based in America so it's very possible I could've liked something like this had it been situated elsewhere, but I simply didn't find this story all that interesting. If you're an Egan fan with a hunkering for some NYC historical fiction, this will be great. If you're not... well, you're not.
My favorite quote from the novel is, of course from one of Eddie's bits, when he is reflecting on his relationship with his daughter Anna:
"It was as if being his daughter had blinded her uniquely, as if anyone else -- everyone -- had seen and known him in a way she could not."
Manhattan Beach will be released at physical and digital U.S. bookstores on October 3, 2017!
Disclaimer: I was provided with a digital copy of this book for free from Scribner via NetGalley. All opinions expressed in the review are my own and have not been influenced by Scribner or NetGalley.
For more reviews, check out girlwithabookblog.com!

Anna Kerrigan grew up in the 1940s in Brooklyn. One day when she was 11 her Dad took him to the home of an associate on the water in Manhattan Beach. Anna found herself attracted to the beach and even took off her shoes to wade in the water on that cold January day. Eight years after that visit, her Dad, an out of work laborer who worked for the mob, disappeared.
The family he left in a small apartment in Brooklyn was composed of Anna, her severely ill sister, Lydia, and her Mom, Agnes, a former showgirl. Since it was assumed that her Dad was dead, 19 year old Anna was expected to work to support the 3 women. Fortunately the nearby Brooklyn Navy Yard had hired more than 800 women to replace the men fighting the war abroad.
While working at a boring job (measuring metal parts), Anna learned that the Navy was training divers to work with salvage vessels at the Navy Yard. There were many obstacles to being chosen as the first and only female diver but Annan overcame each of them. Eventually she became one of the top divers but still faced discrimination.
Anna also connected with Dexter Styles, the nightclub owner/mobster, and the man whose house she had visited years before in Manhattan Beach. She was sure that Dexter could let her know what had happened to her Dad. A few years later her sister was dead, her mother had moved back to Minnesota and Anna was on her own. She once again beseeched Dexter to help find her Dad. She soon became involved with Dexter, an event that would have serious repercussions for both of them.
Egan presents Anna as a strong feminist character who used the loosened structures of society during WWII to forge a very different life than the one that other contemporary women were leading. This book is critically acclaimed and worth reading by anyone looking for a historical fiction book about WWII and strong women. Egan won a Pulitzer prize for the book, A Visit from the Goon Squad.

Jennifer Egan’s new novel starts out as an almost traditional historical novel, with only a few pin-sharp observations here and there betraying her immense and innovative talent.
She shifts from one element of the story to another seamlessly, you can easily tell she is an experienced writer who is not in a hurry, who clearly knows where her story is going.
The heavy focuses, such as the great depression, living with a disabled sibling, parental abandonment - none handled lightly -, are interspersed with the cozy-read topics, such as mother and daughter stitching, sons and father watching ships through binoculars, wine-tasting camaraderie at night on a merchant ship in the Mozambique Channel.
The most striking value of the book is its beautifully researched story. The naval yard details are impressive, and the novel is interesting even in the simplest sense of the word, i.e. impossible to put down, as we learn about captivating facts related to shipbuilding, deep-sea diving, small-boat survival, post-depression NY, wartime banking.
As rich as it is in historical detail, the focus is on the characters. We don't get to read any contemplative and philosophical analyses or piece of wisdom a writer might be tempted to offer on historical events in hindsight. The most interesting character is Dexter Styles, a tall dark stranger-type of male, the mysterious gangster Anna’s father occasionally does jobs for; as the story evolves, we get to know in him a complex person with a complicated ethics.
The supporting cast is lovely with its humorous typologies, such as "the marrieds", the more reserved and more conventional shipyard workers, the chatty nurse at the blood donation station, or the more dramatic ones, such as the boatswain (“bosun”) who speaks with an Oxford elegance on the merchant ship, or the more traditional ones, such as the doctor, whose mere existence and work make it bearable to attend to the severely disabled sister/daughter. They are all a discreet tribute to fighters who support the war efforts in the homeland.
Jennifer Egan’s cinematic descriptions are a sensory feast. Nell and Anna’s nightclub outing is reminiscent of Amor Towles’s elegance in Rules of Civility, the image of the tables humming like hives evokes Anna Funder’s insect-nest metaphor for the nightclub. Those who love her for A Visit from the Goon Squad will not be disappointed here either, seeing her as she moves her sharp camera from one character to another, delving into each one's mind and life. Her seamless timeline shifting is not merely a writer’s contrivance, but shows in a very skillful way how the events shaped the characters' personalities. The way Eddie's mystery is elucidated slowly through Dexter's story is simply brilliant.
Dialogues are another strong point in the novel. The historical events are woven into the gentlemanly chats, and the scenes with the men talking about war and politics recalled the lovely classic flavor of Gone with the Wind. Discussions between the mobster capo and Dexter, or Dexter and his wife, are perfectly tense with what is being said and withheld, with psychological nuances only the great authors are capable of delivering or even care about, something I loved very much in Franzen’s Freedom. His perceptiveness about what I like to call "the American details" is visible in Jennifer Egan’s work, as well.
Perhaps the only weakness I perceived was in how the beginning and the end were written. The deceptively simple language in the opening chapters could easily deter cultural snobs like I am from continuing, and the much too convenient denouement could leave an aftertaste of being cheated out of the highbrow experience the finest parts gave us. Although we are led to believe Anna’s life was a war life and the mechanisms of her life were organically built around the reality of wartime, her interest in the war seems to be rooted more in a natural youthful survival instinct than patriotism.
The major characters’ moral maturation occurs on paths that are very much different, yet similar in their outcome. Their realization takes place after each one of them has betrayed someone they love: Eddie abandoned his family emotionally and then physically, Dexter did the same just emotionally (both realize their children have grown without them), and Anna virtually everyone. Her strange double life starts as early as her childhood, when her city adventures with her father alternate with the soul-refining burden of helping her mother with the disabled sister. As she grows up, her "other" life extends to other experience incompatible with “nice” girls, and later on, to a consuming and dark adultery that will change her already changed life forever.
The very satisfying mélange of narrative flavors makes this modern classic a truly unforgettable personal drama on the backdrop of the heartrending post-depression national drama. I recommend it to all who still believe that writing should not be a tour de force of the writer’s intellectual exhibitionism, but a responsible invitation to a journey that enriches the reader both emotionally and intellectually.

What started off strong, in writing and in premise, soon fell completely flat for me. I couldn't connect with any character and found the back and forth in time and then characters created a disjointed feeling. Nothing flowed or felt consistent. I struggled to figure out what the point of the story was and where it was going, but I also realized I didn't really care. I forgot the names of the characters as soon as I would put the book down. It very much seemed that the author threw quite a lot against the wall hoping something would stick but it never did.

Writing: 4 Characters: 4 Plot: 4
New word for me: apotropaic (supposedly having the power to avert evil influences or bad luck.)
A cross between A Tree Grows in Brooklyn and an action oriented WWII novel.
I enjoyed this book and read it quickly. It’s unusual in that it is both character and detailed action driven, by which I mean that equal emphasis was placed on the characters and their environments. The story takes place in New York City during WWII. It revolves around three interconnected characters, each with their own narrative arc: Anna is a quick witted and focussed young girl growing up in Brooklyn who likes accompanying her father on his “bag drops”; Dexter Styles, a polite gangster married into an upper crust family who seems to have more depth and sense of morality than many in his position; and Eddie, Anna’s father, who mysteriously disappears one day after several years working for Dexter Styles.
The settings have been given equal, if not greater, time and focus in the story. Anna takes a job in the Navy Yard during WWII and gets a strong urge to become a diver after glimpsing a dive on her way home. We are treated to in depth descriptions of her war work, diving equipment of the time, dive protocols and processes, and the ease with which a woman could get into that line of work (hint: no ease at all!). In another narrative stream we learn about life as a merchant marine during the war, including a detailed shipwreck survivor scenario. Lastly, details about the world of upper class banking and gangsterhood (hint: one is legal but that is about all that separates them!) abound. For me, some of the technical descriptions went on a bit longer than I found necessary but I am good at adjusting reading speed to match my interest in the section so this was not a problem. I know others will find these action scenes / technical details more exciting than I did.
While the story revolves around the three primary characters above, there are many additional, well drawn supporting characters. Each was representative of a certain “type” in the era, but also a clear individual with their own personality, quirks, and goals. Lydia, Anna’s sister, born with an undefined wasting disease (sounded like cerebral palsy to me); her mother Agnes, the beautiful follies star who gave up working to love and care for Lydia; the Berringer family, a wealthy Episcopalian family into which Styles marries; Marle, the only negro in the dive class; Paul who thought diving might help him get into the navy and others.
Good writing, interesting characters, complex plot - a good combination of action oriented and character driven - rare in novels. A little long winded for me in parts, though I’m guessing others would pick the opposite parts to shorten. Definitely worth reading.

This novel was honestly a slog for me to get through. While I appreciate Egan's talent as a writer and the considerable amount of research she must have done to craft such a novel, there isn't much of a solid plot here. The description claiming that her father "disappeared" makes it sound like a mystery novel, but instead Anna has accepted that he abandoned his family and has given up hope. There is no attempt to trace his footsteps or find him.
The domestic portions of the novel were boring at best and left much to be desired. While Lydia certainly gave her sister motivation, she just felt unnecessary. So too was the subplot with Dexter. I didn't sense any chemistry at all between him and Anna. With the slow pace of the novel, I wish I could have understood the characters' motivations, but alas, I didn't.

I had to admit it took me awhile to get into this book. Afterwards, I am so glad that I kept up with it. Who knew that there were women in WWII painting the underbellies of the ships! Nor did I see the father of the main character role in the book. Definitely recommend.

The speed at which I read this book does not reflect my level of interest or enjoyment. It deserves every accolade and award nomination received thus far. What a great story, with old-timey wit and charm, strong female characters, a fascinating premise, and pacing and intrigue to show the deft literary hand of the author. I highly recommend.

I can't say I loved A Visit From the Goon Squad as much as the Pulitzer Prize committee or the National Book Critics Circle, or the many five star reviewers on Goodreads, but I liked it well enough to want to give this one a try and I'm so glad I did. It's a very different kind of book, a work of historical fiction beginning around the Great Depression and continuing through the war years. It appears to be well researched and in my view definitely well written. It seems at first that the story will belong to almost 12 year old Anna Kerrigan living in Brooklyn with her family and most times it is. There is a loving attachment to her father Eddie and she is heartbroken when he disappears. It's her story as a loving sister to beautiful Lydia who is unable to walk or speak. It's her story when as an adult, she fights the fight to become the first woman diver to work on ships in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. It's her story when she has to make some crucial decisions towards the end of the book. But Anna's story is interspersed with narratives about her father and his past and what has happened over the years he has disappeared and it's also the story of Dexter Styles, a night club owner and mobster who employed Eddie and how Anna becomes connected to him.
It's about fathers and daughters, about men who are flawed, involved in crime but yet are in some ways ambivalent about what they do, leaning in some ways to be good men if you think that is possible. I did. I liked the back and forth of the three narratives and that they were connected and that Egan gives us a piece of history- the depression, the war, the role of women through these well developed characters that in spite of their flaws, I really liked. Solid 4 stars - recommended.
I received an advanced copy of this book from Scribner through Edelweiss
and NetGalley.

I enjoyed the strong female characters and learning more about the women who worked in the shipyards during WWII however, I felt like the book was trying to cover too much. It felt like two books with two different stories smushed together. It became a chore to wade through. Just focusing on the story of the female characters would have made for a better novel.

I loved Jennifer Egan's previous book, "A Visit From the Goon Squad," so I was very excited to get an advance copy of her new book. It was very good, but you would never know that they were written by the same author - "A Visit From the Goon Squad" was a very modern collection of interlinked short stories, while "Manhattan Beach" is straighforward traditional historical fiction. Well-written, and while much of the book is set during WWII, it was definitely a different take on it dealing with such things as a civilian woman becoming a diver in NYC and a man in the merchant marines. So, a very good book, just didn't blow me away like her previous book.

3.5 stars
This is a tale of two books.
One of those books - the one that focuses on Anna Kerrigan and Dexter Styles - is glorious. It is captivating and compelling and utterly, completely fascinating. You become so immersed in this book that you never want to pull yourself free.
And then there is the second book, the one that focuses on Eddie Kerrigan, and you will want to poke your eyes out from misery.
Jennifer Egan is to be commended for the research she conducted. She propels you straight back to post-Depression United States, making you feel the urgency and stresses of people left on the wrong side of 1929. She also takes you into the anxieties surrounding World War II, both in terms of people statewide and their fears as well as the women who took over the jobs of the departed men. What will happen to them when the soldiers return?
I loved getting to know Anna. I loved following her odyssey as she went from hopeful child to determined young woman. I cheered for her and supported her and wanted to be there with her. With every decision she made, I would wonder if that's what I would do, and I nearly always decided that yes, it was.
I loved getting to know Dexter Styles. I loved his drive to become something that he wanted to be, and I loved his drive to break free from that, too. I loved how much his family meant to him, and I loved how much they occasionally felt like a weight pulling him down. The more I got to know him, the more I couldn't shake the sense that Jennifer Egan was going to break my heart.
It is never a good sign when you look at your Kindle app and are surprised that you aren't further into the book than you thought. The lapses in pacing feel almost egregious because so much of this book is enthralling. When Egan spends too much time detailing Anna's jobs, you can forgive her. It slows down the story, but it's fascinating. When she details Eddie's life, though. That's when I found myself skimming and skipping. I tried, dear reader. I tried so hard to power through those sections, but I just could not. I found them dreadfully dull and became almost angry at them, believing them to be interlopers into a story where they did not belong.
When Egan trains her lens on Anna and Dexter, this is exquisite storytelling. When she turns it to Eddie, it saps your energy as a reader.

I truly wanted to like this book much more than I actually did. I was actually very disappointed in this book. I really enjoyed Lydia's character very much, but once she died, it made it almost impossible to finish the book; it became heavy and plodding with a lot of words that said a lot of stuff that wasn't ever really important. The writing feels very labored and heavy in places and very cumbersome and boring in other. This was a huge miss for me and I am very sad about that as I was looking forward to this read a lot.

2.5 stars
I wanted to like this so much more than I did. I liked Lydia's character and feel that the book really bogged down after her death. The writing feels cumbersome and labored in places. A big miss for me.

I really liked this book. It spanned life in New York City from the Great Depression through WWII, and covers a lot of ground from gambling and payoffs, clubs and the mob, Navy diving, to prejudice and feminism during the war. There were some weak spots, and I thought the ending was rushed, but all in all it was a great read.
Anna Kerrigan is a small girl who worships her father Eddie, who is basically a bagman. He takes her with him everywhere until she gets tot old, and on one of these visits she meets Dexter Styles, a rich nightclub owner who will have an impact on her life she cannot imagine at the time. Anna's sister Lydia was born disabled, and she and her mother have to take care of her every need. Anna loves but also resents her sister at times.
The story jumps to Anna as an adult working in the Navy yard. She decides she want to be a Navy diver, and her journey to get there is the most interesting part of the book. The subplot is Dexter Styles making an appearance in Anna's life, and it's interesting, especially the descriptions of New York social life in the 1940s.
Although it took some time to get into, I highly recommend this book. Thanks to Scribner and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

An interesting story but a very slow read. The characters are well developed, but the storyline just plods along. The book should have been 100 pages shorter..

That was disappointing. I adored A Visit from the Goon Squad; it was one of my favourite books of last year, so you can imagine how beyond excited I was to read this book - I took my sweet time starting it to be able to read it at the just the right moment, I was so sure I would love this. But I didn't. I enjoyed the first chapter and was ok with the ones following - until around page 150 - when I realized that I have no idea what the point is, what the book is about, what I am supposed to feel. The book is both too narrow and too broad and as a result left me feeling slightly bemused and more than a little disappointed.
The book tells three wildly differing stories: Anna's story and her struggle to find her own place in a world made for men; her father's story and his problems with the mob; and Dexter Styles' story, a nightclub owner with ties to the mob and to high society. These stories are intertwined and related but seem to be set in completely different genres. While I enjoyed Anna and her interactions with her sister and the men she works with when she becomes the first women diver at New York's harbour, I thought the whole gangster story line was both superfluous and infuriating. If it had been cut, the book would have been 250 pages shorter and much better for it.
The jumps in time (which is something I often enjoy) underscored the rambling feeling of this book; they made it near impossible for me to care about what was happening because important events were glossed over or told in an aside. People would disappear, just to reappear in time for them to be needed for plot related reasons; some things made no sense for the characters involved; some plot twists came out of the left field and were left unexplained.
It seems like a book with very many different ideas and many different themes to explore that never manages to become a cohesive whole.
First sentence: "They had driven all the way to Mr. Style's house before Anna realized that her father was nervous."