Member Reviews

This was a book that kept me turning pages (electronic though they were). The plot, the characters, the dialogue, and the narrative moved along at a quick - but not too fast for some good character development - pace. I will definitely have this book on my "independent reading" shelves and recommend it to students.

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Loved this book. I laughed I cried and felt the waves of grief along with the author. Such a well written story.

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As an obsessed TV fan, I've been familiar with Michael Ausiello's writing career for years. I avidly followed his "Ausiello Report" spoilers on my favorite shows and followed him when he started TV Line. I was looking forward to reading his memoir as soon as I heard it was coming out. But I didn't realize how deeply it would move me.

Michael Ausiello is an extraordinary writer and after reading this memoir I feel like I know him and Kit. Obviously I knew by the title that this would be a tragic story (duh?!) yet I didn't expect to be so gutted after reading it. I honestly don't know how to review such a deeply personal, heartbreakingly real love story. It was beautiful and intense and well done and I'm a sobbing mess after finishing it. An incredible story of love, laughs, and loss.

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The title is there already! But crap.. I still didn't expect things to happen that way. I mean, my heart bleeds for the characters and I was hoping time could change things but...just no.. I love this book but it breaks my heart too,

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Many of us have been put into the situation of care giver for someone we love. In the gay community of the 80's many took on this role when their friends or lover had AIDS. Although Michael's partner is not dying of AIDS the horror-commitment-love of being in the role of care giver is wonderfully illustrated. This work touched me deeply.

Thanks to Net Galley and the publisher for this electronic version.

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Thank you to Net Galley and Atria Books for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Definitely sorry I took so long to get around to reading this book. I've been a fan of Michael Ausiello since his days at TV Guide and his memoir did not disappoint. A love letter to his late husband Kit, this book has it all, humor, drama and lots of love. This was a touching love story and even though you know ahead of time that Kit dies, as the book goes along, you find yourself wishing he would survive. This book is emotional and honest and a must read for anyone who is a fan of Michael Ausiello.

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Quite an emotional and vulnerable memoir that tells the story of love, sickness, death and perseverance.

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I've been following Ask Ausiello for quite some time. This story is both heartbreaking and inspiring. It's also engaging and incredibly well written.

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Impossible to put down, this memoir is sure to resonate with every reader that picks it up. Totally engrossing and equal parts heartfelt and heartbreaking. I loved it.

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I used to be a soap opera addict, so I knew Michael Ausiello's name immediately when I saw it. I mistakenly thought it would be more about his career, how he got to be the go-to guy for all things television. It's really about his all too brief relationship with Kit Cowan, his partner of 13 years. A tragic cancer diagnosis inspired a wedding, but Kit did not survive to see their 1st anniversary. Love is messy and painful, and in the end, it's what makes life worth living.

Recommended for anyone who's ever been the caregiver or loved one of someone with a terminal illness.

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Oh god, how could you not finish this book without weeping! A heartbreaking look into Michael Ausiello's life, and his relationship with his partner, Kit. There is no end to LGBT stories where a boyfriend or girlfriend dies (giving us the trope 'bury your gays), but the fact that this is a autobiographical piece of work almost subverts it.

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Heartbreaking but heartwarming at the same time. A love story for the ages!

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I requested this book primarily because I've always been a fan of Michael Ausiello and his work in the entertainment industry. I had no idea what to expect, but I didn't not expect to end up a sobbing mess by the time I finished reading. This is truly one of the most lovely and heartbreaking stories I've ever read. What an incredible love story!

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From the very title to the synopsis provided, anyone expecting anything other than a heart wrenching, tear-jerking story of love and devotion under the most odious of circumstances is sure to be disappointed. I knew of Ausiello through my devotion to his much missed 'Ausiello Files' column in Entertainment Weekly, so was prepared for liberal doses of 'sassy gay' with the sorrow... and the author doesn't disappoint. It would be churlish and more curmudgeonly that even I am prepared to be to point out any minor flaws, since by and large this memoir delivers the goods.

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I gave it five stars because it effected me deeply. I didn't know Kit Cowan, and I don't know Michael Ausiello. Despite that, Ausiello created such a vivid portrait of their relationship that I feel like I did, and by the time in the book that Cowan was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer (not a spoiler, obviously), I wept with them.

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Thank you to Atria Books for providing me with an advance copy of Michael Ausiello's memoir, Spoiler Alert: The Hero Dies, in exchange for an honest review.

PLOT- In his memoir, Spoiler Alert: The Hero Dies, entertainment journalist Michael Ausiello writes about his thirteen-year relationship with his husband Kit Cowan and Cowan's death after an eleven-month battle with a rare form of cancer.

LIKE- I finished Spoiler Alert: The Hero Dies two nights ago and I'm still feeling shattered. I feel like I might cry while writing this review. I've been a fan of Ausiello's entertainment writing for many years, but I did not know anything about his personal life. Ausiello has written a true love letter to Kit, who died painfully and tragically in his early forties. I related deeply to Ausiello's emotions as a caregiver and his fears for Kit. I think this is what hit me the hardest. I still feel emotional over my own role as a caregiver for family members who have since passed.

The best aspect of Ausiello's memoir is his complete openness to share sensitive topics. He clearly loves and adores Kit, but he also doesn't refrain from sharing Kit's infidelity or the problems that they faced in their relationship. It's raw and honest. Ausiello shares intimate moments that made me feel like I knew both him and Kit personally. What's more, I really liked both of them. Ausiello has a warm way of bringing the reader into his life; a talent that not all memoirist have and that really makes his story a stand-out. This aspect of his writing is probably what left me feeling utterly crushed in the last quarter of the book, which involved Kit's decline and death. 

I love the title; that Kit is the hero in Ausiello's life. How perfect and touching. 

DISLIKE- Not a single thing. 

RECOMMEND- YES!!! Do you like memoirs? Do you like love stories? Are you prepared for an emotional rollercoaster? Ausiello has poured his heart out on paper and it's a very worthy read. Spoiler Alert: The Hero Dies is one of the best memoirs that I've ever read. It's just beautiful.

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This is a moving story and quick read. Not the saddest cancer book you will ever read but there are a few tear inducing passages. It was nice to see the realities of a long term relationship included in the story. There is no attempt to hide the complicated dynamics of a long term romantic partnership and the brutal process of cancer treatment. There is a strange sprinkling of celebrity name dropping n the book (because of the authors job) which is a little out of place and distracts from the main narrative. Overall I would recommend this book.

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Things I liked about this book:
--their very real, very raw relationship. Good for Ausiello for bravely telling us about it

Things I didn't like about this book:
--all.the.little.details. I didn't need to know what they ate, when they ate it, how they moved, etc.
--the pacing. It was drawn out in some parts and not in others.
--the organization.

It's impossible to read this book without tearing up. You know exactly what is going to happen from the moment any health issue comes up, but it is still pretty heart wrenching.

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I knew of Michael from TVLine and before that Entertainment Weekly but I didn’t know his story. From the title, you know that we are talking about someone dying. Christopher “Kit” Cowan was Michael’s husband. Throughout the book, Michael details their meeting, their relationship, and Kit’s disease. When Kit is diagnosed with a rare cancer, Michael jumps in full throttle as his caretaker. His story touched home for me because I took care of my mom as she died and so many of the things he talks about, I felt. But this isn’t just a sad story, (Oh but you will cry, let me tell you) it is a story about love and friendship and family and finding joy in the simple things in life. Whether it was watching Drag Race together or decorating a Christmas tree, this book is filled with so much love and joy. Things are not always peachy between the two and he doesn’t shy away from writing about it but to me, it made them even more human. This is a story for anyone who has loved someone and lost them, be it your husband, wife, partner , mother, friend. It is written with intimacy, joy and pain. I applaud you for telling your story so openly, Mr. Ausiello.

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and Atria Books in exchange for an honest review.

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