Member Reviews

A case of curiosity starts with deceit and turns into a complication. The Mistaken Billionaire is up for interpretation. Mila is a woman who had it all, until the tide changed and left her with regrets. Thomas is the man who derailed her promising career. Now brought together by chance, Mila has to decide if she's willing let go of the hurt or continue to harbor the resentment. Ms. Couper set to creating a story that is tough to navigate, but hard to walk away from. Is this a story of revenge or of a second chance? Only a reader will know.

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'The Mistaken Billionaire' by Lexxie Couper is book Two in the "Muse" series. This is the story of Thomas St Clair and Mila Elderkin. I have not yet read the other book so for me this was easily a standalone book.
Mia is on her way to her sister's party but a dog comes running out and she almost hits him. So Mila sees that the name tag on the dog has a nearby address, so she goes to return the dog. When she knocks on the door she sees Thomas on the other side. Thomas thinks she is his hired company escort to a business function. So he is quickly taken by her beauty and how she somehow has started to get his mind thinking again. Thomas thinks that may Mila is his 'Muse' and that she can help end his writing block that he has been suffering with. Although he thinks she looks familiar he can't place were but she says they have never met.
Mila is shocked that it is actual Thomas that opens the door and is the dogs owner. Although Thomas hasn't yet remembered her she knows him. About eight years ago Mila was an intern and was promised a full time journalist job if she could get the up and coming writer Thomas St Clair to give a interview to her. But he avoided her and the interview so she wrote something else about him which in turn caused Thomas to have her fired. So now Mila is a teacher who is still somewhat upset about his part in her loosing her job.
"My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read."

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Loved this one! It's very well done. Great characters, pace, and writing made for an enjoyable read.

Thomas is a writer dealing with a serious case of writer's block. When Mila knocks on his door he assumes it's the date his assistant set up for him for the charity event he needs to attend. Really she's only there to return his dog. If she had known who lived at the house she probably would never have knocked. They have a bit of ugly history between them and although he's never actually met Mila, she knows if she tells him her last name he will immediately know who she is and probably through her out. Thomas is taken with her though and off to the event they go. Before long the idea's for his book are bouncing around in his head and he's convinced Mila is his muse. So he hires her to just hang around with him. When things begin to get serious Mila has to decide whether to tell him who she is or let him find out after his book is done.

Don't miss this one, it's a great read. I highly recommend it.

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A dream that went awry and a case of mistaken identity takes us into the lives of Mila a well respected teacher and Thomas a famous horror author. I really enjoyed this story the characters were unique and the storyline kept your interest from beginning to end. I look forward to reading more of Lexxie Couper’s books

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An excellent read !

Mila is on her way to a party when she rescues a dog and takes him back to its owner, who is none other than Thomas St Claire, best selling author of horror books and the reason why her promising career in journalism ended.
Thomas is suffering from a major writers block, but the minute he sees Mila, sparks fly and his writers block disappears.
He convinces Mila that he needs her to be his muse. For Mila it is a perfect opportunity to get back at Thomas for ending her career. But as they spend time together they start falling for each other. Will Mila's secret end it all ?
I was hooked to this book from the start, couldn't turn the pages fast enough. It was funny, sassy with sizzling chemistry. The characters main and secondary were very well developed. And I have to mention Sebastian, the sassy Australian, he was hilarious, I hope he gets his own story soon.

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LOVED this book! Mila is a former aspiring journalist and current school teacher driving to meet her sister at a party when a dog darts in the road. She stops to get the dog and looks at the owner information on his collar and is let to Thomas's door...the very same Thomas the writer that crushed her dreams and almost destroyed her.

Thomas is on his way to a party where he is being honored and thinks that Mila is the paid escort there as his date. So, lots of mistaken identity that the author has set up in the telling of this delightful story. I loved the characters and felt connected to them. Their flaws made them seem more real.

This novel had me turning pages just as quickly as possible. If you enjoy contemporary romance, you will love this book. It's the first book I've read by this author, but it won't be the last. I don't know how I've missed her prior books, but that deficit will be corrected as I work my way through her back list. She's going on my must read authors' list.

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Thomas St. Claire is a best selling author of horror books. As he struggles to fight his inner demon of writer's block he meets Mila. Mila was once an inspiring journalist but due to an incident in her life had to give up her dream and began teaching. A case of mistaken identity occurs when Mila finds Reaper, Thoma's beloved Boston Terrier. The chemistry they feel for one another occurs with a single touch and ignites their passion with a look. The characters are absolutely brilliant and the interactions are breathtaking as the hunger between them can no longer be ignored.

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I loved this book. This love story is a case of mistaken identity. Not a story that has been told often. Milla is a school teacher who's dreams were shattered 8 years ago by Thomas St Clair. Thomas is a very successful horror author. Their paths cross when Milla almost runs over his dog Reaper. She takes the dog back to the address listed and finds his owner is her enemy Thomas. Thomas mistakes her for his date and she goes with it. This story was exciting and fun. The chemistry between the two characters was very strong. The story was smooth and steady paced. The author had a wonderful plot that was well executed. She developed her characters and had a lot of fun with her story. I loved all the characters in the book, especially the sassy sarcastic Aussie. I could not put this book down. I was captivated from the first chapter. Since this is the second in the series, I need to read the first. :) This author will be added to my reads list in the future. I am a new fan.

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I enjoyed this story. It captured my attention from the start and held it until the end. Thomas was a sympathetic character even with all his arrogance and quirks. Mila is his perfect fit! They had great chemistry and their dialogue was smart, snappy and fun. Loved her sister and his friend; and am looking forward to more......

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Certainly not a mistaken good romance. Solid plot. Enjoyed from start to finish.

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I loved this book! What a great story Lexxie gives us. The famous Horror author with writers block, the once hopeful journalist blacklisted by him 8 years ago and now a school teacher.
They meet through awkward circumstances, his dog gets loose, she finds the dog and seeing the owners name of the tag turns her stomach, she does however return the dog to his doorstep. He's on a deadline and can't produce. He's lost it. When she shows up at the door he mistakes her for an arranged date for a party in his honor at his former school. As much as she tries Mila tries to back out and Thomas isn't hearing a word of it. Before they leave the house, he runs upstairs and writes out several pages of notes. He's convinced she's his muse.

It was great watching these two become friends, yet she was still holding back from him her real identity. The relationship continues to grow and Thomas clearly isn't the jacka** he's shown to the world. He learned to do that after the article she wrote came out. The basic story centers around them and how their relationship grows. Mila does agree early on to be his muse, and makes the no sex rule in exchange for money. She teaches in an inner city school where the children have to computers. That's her intent, to use the money to buy the laptops. During their relationship it does come up, about the laptops and that's what she wanted the money for. They take their relationship a step further, into the hot, steamy sex zone which was really well written and these two have clearly fallen for each other. His friend Sebastian who is an Aussie movie producer is a real character and he's clearly taken with Mila too, noticing the difference in Thomas. His agent, nah... not so much. The little we see of her she's a B**** and seems to take great joy in undermining his happiness.

Then of course something happens that blows the lid off things and Mila is outted. They say it takes a village, well for these two it took her sister, and his best friend to manage to get these two back in the same universe. You have to read the book to see how things spin out. It takes some doing for these two. I loved the storyline and both Mila and Thomas and omg the dog!! Reaper! Loved that dog.
He owned his own stuff that dog. Great story, great characters, it's a must read.
Great book Lexxie!!!

**arc from NetGalley and Entangled in exchange for a fair review***

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I loved The Mistaken Billionaire. However I never figured out how the title fit with the book. That's the reason for the four star rating.
I kept thinking, if only Thomas would have met Mila years ago when he should have. How much better, and how many more books would he have written. Mila is the best kind of Muse. She made Thomas focus on his writing before getting any reward.

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The premise of this book had some promise. About eight years ago, Mila Elderkin was a promising intern at the New York Times who was promised a permanent job if she could write a good profile of a young up-and-coming novelist, Thomas St. Clair. Well, St. Clair refused all her attempts to interview him and blew her off with insulting lies. So she did her research and wrote a profile about how his parents’ ugly divorce might have influenced the themes in the horror novel he’d written. The retaliation for the too in-depth profile was that he threatened the newspaper into firing her. She lost her dream job of being a journalist and now teaches elementary school for underprivileged children in New York.

As the novel opens, she almost hits a cute dog and decides to chase it down and deliver it to its owner who turns out to be St. Clair. He doesn’t recognize her because he never met her since he was so busy blowing off their interviews.

If the novel had built from there, it might have been very good. Instead, we have the sort of insta-love that happens only in the world of romance novels. Thomas has been suffering from writers’ block, but it took only a short interchange with Mila for him to realize that she is not only the muse that will unlock his writing problems but be the one woman with whom he could have more than a shallow relationship. And while Mila is nervous about hiding her identity from him, she’s still mega-attracted to him. Their romance goes hot and heavy with her still hiding her earlier connection to him. She realizes that he’s more than she thought from just researching him and he comes to find her presence in his life non-negotiable. The plot continues on rather predictable paths from there.

I just am tired of the insta-love idea and this novel takes it one step further. One short conversation and look at her and his writing block disappears. Another objection I have is when novelists write about writers. We are told that he is a great writer who has made billions (in romance novels, no one is a mere millionaire) from his work and the movies made from his work. Think Stephen King. But Lexxie Couper, the author of this book, can’t come up with one plot summary to illustrate what a great writer he is? We get some vague references to characters, but no description. It just makes the story more unbelievable. For once, I’d like a novelist who can take the spare time to describe the make-believe plots of the writers in her novel instead of just telling us how great and popular they are.

I was given a free ARC of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Lexxie Couper has taken the mistaken identity trope and turned it on its head. There are so many surprises and plot twists in this story that it will keep you turning the pages to find out what happens next.

Let me be honest here, the mistaken identity / deception trope is one my of least favorites, right next to the revenge trope, both of which Ms Couper has flung at me and I've tentatively decided to read because ... well, it's Lexxie Couper and she has a tendency of subverting a trope in such a way that even someone like me will enjoy it. And enjoy it I did.

I already loved Thomas from reading The Stubborn Billionaire. I loved his easy-going ways and his smart ass comments, but I also loved that he was a genuinely nice guy who cared about his friend (you'll have to read Stubborn to find out what I mean!). I loved Thomas even more here and my heart hurt for him when he hurt. It's really hard to talk about Thomas without talking about Mila because both of their lives and their pasts are so intertwined.

Thomas and Mila have a history even though Thomas doesn't know it, and I hurt for him every time he didn't know who Mila was and what was going to happen to him. Even at the end, when there are broad brush strokes painting him a certain way, I was on his side because I knew what he suffered. It made me happy when Mila's impression of him was drastically changed and he wasn't the villain she thought him to be.

"That word again. That vulnerability. She swallowed, her throat thick. Thomas St. Clair, bastard, selfish billionaire author was not meant to be vulnerable. He was meant to be, well, a selfish, rich bastard."

I knew what Mila suffered too but I was much less sympathetic towards her. She had many opportunities to come clean to Thomas and deal with the consequences but she never did. She got caught up in the moment. She got caught up in Thomas. But at the same time she was too proud, too ambitious, too rigid, too unforgiving. I get she was hurt in the past but she also comes across as kind of petty and mean to me at the same time, plus she is holding onto the deception for whatever her reasons.

"... my heart is an untrustworthy piece of shit.” “Oh, sis.” Josie came around to the armchair and squeezed in beside her, wrapping her in a tight hug. “Your heart is far from that. You just don’t tend to listen to it that often, so focused as you are, on working and getting the job done better than anyone else. You’ve always listened to your head, and sometimes your head doesn’t know what’s best for you."

I have a really, really hard time with deception of any sort in stories and it's never okay to me but Ms Couper set it up brilliantly and continued to reveal different aspects of both Thomas and Mila's past and intertwining them into the present in seamlessly. You really didn't know where one started and the other ended.

Both Thomas and Mila had things they needed to learn about themselves and they both had some growing up to do but I hated that Thomas suffered for it. And mean person that I am, I didn't think Mila suffered enough. I felt very little sympathy for her.

Congratulations Ms Couper. I think you've outdone yourself. You've taken one of my most hated tropes and made me fall in love with your characters with the twists, turns and surprises you put into the plot of the story.

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