Member Reviews

Forever Yours is the third installment in the Brooklyn Brotherhood series. The brief novella takes advantage of a lengthy history between Jasmine “Jaz” Shane and Cade Rossi. We were introduced to these characters in the last book Just Once. Jasmine is Detective Daphne Rossi’s life long best friend and Cade is Daphne’s older brother, also a member of the NYPD. Jaz has been in love with Cade since she was nine years old. Cade knows everything there is to know about Jaz, but has only recently begun to realize she may be the right woman for him.

These two have not flirted in the traditional sense as the book description suggests. Rather they have been sparing like near-siblings in their own form of foreplay. A catalyst incident moves them out of their bickering and into relationship territory, for which they are the only ones who seem surprised. Because it takes history for granted, it really should be read in order rather than taken as a standalone. Also, because that history is assumed, we can jump from the friend zone into a forever relationship in just 100 or so pages.

I hope Fox takes on subjects in future books that are brought up in Forever Yours, but not really addressed. Some of those subjects include racism and sexual assault. They are too significant to ignore in the lives of her characters given the Brooklyn, New York backdrop. Book four, Only You, comes out this month.

My Rating: A- Enjoyed A Lot

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I feel like I was missing some parts of this story, I should have read the previous books from this series, overall I enjoyed this book.

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This was a sweet read. I didn't realize it was part of a series so I felt like I was a bit behind the story in some places. It also was a very short story so I didn't feel like the characters were fully explained. That being said I really liked Jaz & Cade. Their story was special.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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This was an ok read. I cringed a lot reading how Jasmine had been pining for Cade for so long, and how she treated him just 'cause he didn't reciprocated her feelings....Also having him play hero twice got a few eye-rolls from me. But the main thing that I side-eyed was the way Jasmine's relationship with her parents was so pushed aside in favor of her closeness with Cade's family, especially knowing what happened to her, twice : it took the entire book to read about them interacting for like 5 seconds! So, yeah, it wasn't an unbereable read, but not the most exciting...

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Not my favorite book in this series, but still enjoyable.

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Cute and quick.

On the one hand I really liked that it takes place in Brooklyn and that Jasmine is a DA and Cade is a cop. It is nice to have books set in the Big Bad City every once in awhile. A great break from fictional small towns that seem to proliferate.

But, otoh, I think this falls a little too neatly in roads already travelled in too many friends-to-lovers books. Jasmine has been in love with Cade for years. Cade, while is <i>aware</i> of Jasmine, he doesn't really allow himself to think of her that way. He is her best friend's brother, their families live in the same neighborhood they all grew up together. To start something with her only for it to implode wouldn't just affect them. So he dates elsewhere. She pines a little.

There is a subplot of a prisoner making parole who is a direct threat to Jasmine that brings things to a head. I can see why the author felt Cade needed a catalyst to understand his feelings for Jasmine, but I think give the page count, this extra plot just took away from what could have been more space left to romantic development between the two.

I did like how the author treated Jasmine's ex, though. I just reviewed another book where I mention the need to vilify other romantic interests. I like that the author didn't feel the need to do that here.

I liked this enough, but I think I would have liked it better if we had gotten to delve a bit more into Jasmine and Cade's relationship and a little less on the external conflict.

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I started this and had high hopes, the premise was cute. It is an enemies to lovers trope which is usually one of my favorites. It felt info-dumpy at the beginning. I had a hard time keeping track of the characters. This is supposed to be book one, but I felt like I was missing information.
This book couldn't hold my attention so I DNF it.

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It was hard to get into this book. The characters were so whiny or constantly complaining about each other. It was stale and needed something more then sexual tension.

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This is the 3rd in a series but I haven’t read the first two. I don’t feel like I lost anything by not reading the earlier books but I do wonder what I might have missed – it’s that little part of me that worries I’m missing some context for not reading the earlier books. I love the whole one party pining for the other party trope in a romance and this book is all about that trope! I did like the fact that the heroine of the novel is a woman of color (this is something that is seriously lacking in romance) and it wasn’t a ‘thing’ that made the book work. She just happens to be black, it’s not like it’s a huge plot point or anything. Again, I like this. I also like that she’s a professional woman who has had a great deal of success and doesn’t necessarily ‘need’ a man to be fulfilled. Yes, she loves the hero, yes she’s always loved him but her life does not in any way revolved around him. All in all, I did enjoy this one although I found that it was wrapped up pretty quickly. I suddenly got to the end and was like wow, we got here really quickly. It just seemed to end more suddenly than I expected based on where the story seemed to be going. Not a flaw necessarily but just an observation.

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Overall this was a fast read, but a good book. Jasmine Shane has always had a crush on her best friend’s brother. Now her best friend Daphne is getting married and she knows in her mind she needs to move on from but she was also attacked not too long ago and it was Cade Rossi who put the guy away. Now Detective Rossi and Daphne are at a Bridal function when he spots the guy who attacked her and now he goes into full cop mode. This puts the two of them together and Cade won’t let her out of his site and tells her to come to his place knowing that the guy does not know where he lives. This is where their story turns into a romance and Cade finally tells her how he feels for her and for how long he has had thoughts feelings. The story from there has some nice moments as he tries to recreate some special moments they shared when they were younger. Overall a good story a little predictable at times but I liked the fact that it was an inter-racial story line. A good book.

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I really enjoyed this story, one of best friend's sister has a crush. A sweet read that I thoroughly enjoyed. I have not read the previous stories so now I look forward to going back and reading the rest.

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I really liked the promise of this book and the blurb sounded good. It had good potential. Unfortunately, the book fell short for me. The book came off as choppy in parts and I felt like the book was skipping parts and I didn’t know what was going on and how the book got to where I was at and where did things even happen to get to where major things had happen. I kept going back and re-reading to figure out what happened.
I loved Cade and Jasmine as the main characters/couple. I was glad that they were finally together but the the amount of time she had been wanting to be with him and had been swooning over him seemed to just not been worth it in the end. You find out she had been in love with him for 20 years-during that time he didn’t seem to see her at all . It takes something else to move them together and for him to realize he is “in love” with her and has feelings for her to come to that realization. Other things about this story did not gel correctly in the storyline. I did like the characters and how they interacted but with all the negatives, the characters themselves were not enough to bring this book up . I love this author and I would be willing to read her again.
I would love to love this book but just not sure in this form, it is not the one for me.
My Rating: 2.5 stars *****
"I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book in exchange for an honest review***

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Cade is a playboy bachelor not interested in changing his ways. Jasmine is his biggest fan, but he never looks her way. Until fate steps in and opens their eyes to love's possibilities. Romance suspense are not usually my forte, but I do read it, every now and then. Ms. Fox is lending her voice to a genre that could use some new voices.

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I really liked the sound of this book, and I thought it had a lot of potential.

Unfortunately, it fell short for me and I ended up not really invested in the story.

I liked Cade and Jasmine, and I liked the idea of them finally getting together. But, I thought the amount of time she had been pining for him (and the fact that all sorts of other people know how she feels but somehow he doesn't) just didn't work.

You find out at the beginning that Jasmine has loved Cade for 20 years. And, he is clueless that she feels this way and is also dealing with the idea that he has feelings for her. I wanted more exploration of this and, as this was a novella, it was already short on words to do this...but instead of going with this angle, the author decided there needed to be a catalyst to move them to being a couple...and this really messed up the authenticity of the story as well as the pacing.

I wanted to like this one, to really engage with the story, but I just didn't. I also thought the details of them being together, the would it work questions, were glossed over because now they were both in love. And, as this was a friends to lovers that also had an interracial element to it, and both of those were essentially ignored. Which was a disappointment.

I wanted more from this title than I received.

I do not recommend this title.

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Unrequited love becomes requited in this best-friend's-older-brother trope tale that is sure to charm. I really liked Ms. Fox's way of weaving the story - even though the novella length meant she had to pack a lot of punch quickly.

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Forever Yours by Addison Fox is an interesting read. The female lead “falls” in love at age nine and the object of her affection is oblivious to it for over twenty years. The male lead is a bit of a cad and certainly a player. It didn’t seem like it would have the ending that it did. I wanted to read this simply to see how it is all pulled together. The writing is good, the story flow. There is suspense with a tad of danger mixed in with the romance.

I like Cade okay but never felt that he deserved Jasmine’s love. I guess that is where fiction models life because it happens. Still I found myself hoping for Cade to see the light so that these two had a fighting chance of making it for Jasmine’s sake. Of all the characters, I admire Lynn the most. She had the strength to ask the hard questions at the end, plus she has the grace to accept Cade’s answers.

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This was really good! This book packed a lot into a little- short, sexy, suspenseful and sweet - I really enjoyed this one!

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This author is one of my favorites, she never disappoints...this story is no exception. Although it is a short read, it is packed with emotions and meaning. The unrequited love storyline is not a new one, yet Ms Fox brings her own spin to it, and it is refreshing.

This ARC book is a complimentary copy provided by the Publisher and Netgally, I am voluntarily providing my honest review.

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Sweet very quick short read. Jasmine has crushed on Cade for years and now he's finally noticed her! You can argue whether any of this is a good idea (and Cade does argue with himself) but golly, it makes for a nice back and forth and (no surprise) a happy ending. I had not read earlier books in the series but I don't think I missed anything. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC- this is pleasant and entertaining.

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