Member Reviews

This was a lovely and sweet romantic story, thumbs up!!!

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Jasmine has loved Cade, her best friend's older brother since she first met him, when she was in grade school. She has seen him date practically every eligible female in town, yet she still has feelings for him. Will he notice her in "that" way? A fun and provocative read that will stay with you long after you have finished it.

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One of my favorite romance troupes, heroine falls for her best friend's sibling, especially when the crush has gone on FOREVER!

Jasmine finally gets her chance with Cade Rossi, who she has had a crush on forever. He finally takes a chance, when her stalker is released from jail and wants to try to destroy her life again. Luckily Jasmine has Cade at her side, to stop this racist creep from hurting her again.

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I first met Cade and Jasmine in the preceding book, Just Once, Jasmine has been in love with her best friend's brother, Cade, since she was a child but Cade has been oblivious.

However, since Cade rescued Jasmine from a vicious assault by a student's father he has been more aware of her as an attractive woman. But given his track record with women can he afford to date a family friend and have it all blow up in his face? When they discover that the man has been released from jail and is stalking Jasmine, Cade offers to keep her safe and let her stay at his place, suddenly all those feels have nowhere to go.

As I mentioned in my review of Arm Candy, the trouble with these series is that so often the meat of a romance is told in the preceding books so that sometimes the actual novel can feel a bit lacking. It's ok if you have read the previous books and a re eagerly awaiting this one but otherwise you can feel a bit meh.

Anyhoo, rant over, I liked this much more than the last one, even though Jasmine was a bit of a doormat for just mooning over Cade for all those years. This had just the right mix of romance and action/ suspense for me.

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a good quick read.

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This is my 2nd book by the author and well I was not impressed. I just felt the romance took way too long to get there and I did not love either of the main characters. Jasmine is the heroine and we meet her on a date with this guy she works with and she has been stringing him along while she watches the guy she loves, Cade in a date with another woman he is stringing a long as well..

The two really deserve each other because while I can understand having a crush or lusting after someone else, I can't undertsand dating someoneelse and bringing them a long in the drama. It did not make me like either character.

Then we learn that Jaz was saved by Cade from this evil man who didn't like her because she was black and now he is after her again and Cade offers to protect her. It all felt very contrived. I did not feel the attraction between Cade and Jasmine. I also did not see what the obstacle was to them being with the other. Even Jaz's best friend who is Cade's sister wants them together.

Luckily this is a short book but it just was not my favorite. I really wanted to feel more passion and atttraction between the two main characters but aside from that I just did not like them.

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One party pining for another (20 years in Jasmine’s case!) is always a trope that I’m uncomfortable with, only if it’s because I’ve my doubts about reciprocity. Would the “crushee” being able to live up to the expectations that the “crusher” has inadvertently placed on him/her? More importantly, can that depth of feeling ever be returned? I’m admittedly also sceptical about one party suddenly “seeing” the other person as a date rather than a familial relation, because, what really, has caused this switch to flip when it never has before? Many times, I’ve had the displeasure of reading about a female protagonist caving in too easily when the hero in question flashes a glance in her direction, “seeing” her as a woman only when she finally tells him how long she’s pined after him without him actively seeking her out. And often, the reality is that she does deserve better than him.

I come into ‘Forever Yours’ with those above-mentioned issues about unrequited love, more so if the ‘hero’ in question is a lothario who’s a player cowardly enough *not* to examine why he feels differently about a heroine despite these shifting feelings. And that Cade knew exactly his behaviour wasn’t decent (yet continued it) made me want to throw it in, yet Jasmine does exactly what so many heroines do—putting the crush to bed, literally, in order to move on. Only until both parties find that they fit and Cade, somehow magically, finds that it’s with Jasmine that he doesn’t feel suffocated at all. Bed-hopping from woman to woman is given a new spin or an excuse that I can’t excuse from Cade: that he simply hadn’t been with the “right” woman all along even though Jasmine was always in front of him. Suddenly with her, his urge to run isn’t there and instead of helping me to think that Jasmine is special, all I could conclude is that Cade is merely an arse who, unforgivably doesn’t know how treat other women better. There are some lines, that once crossed, can’t be uncrossed and I hate to say that Cade went past all of them.

The insertion of a criminal breaking parole and going after Jasmine means that that Cade gets to play hero and his actions certainly go a way into convincing Jasmine that they can be good together. The biggest surprise that came however, was his sudden declaration of love that had me wondering if that happened because it was a prelude to the coming sex scene and an easy wrap-up to end of the novella.

My rating reflects my personal prejudices clearly, but that aside, Addison Fox’s writing is more than decent. It’s primarily the reason why I chose to read this ARC in fact, because Fox’s style is confident and persuasively compelling, with enough sass that I would have appreciated had the context been different—which I’d hoped could have been different, that Cade was just misunderstood. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case and ended up being one of those reads that rubbed me the wrong way entirely as I struggled even to reach for their HEA.

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