Member Reviews

This novel is hard to get into as there is so much going on.

Allison is planning her wedding and caring for her sister’s child, in a castle in the Dolomites, where she is employed to change the image of erratic Elle Rose, an actress.

There are strange goings-on at the castle. Several other guests have accidents and it’s hard to keep track of everyone.

A good book to read on the beach.


Breakaway Reviewers received a copy of the book to review

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Fatal Facade

by Wendy Tyson

Fatal Facade is the fourth book in the Allison Campbell Mystery Series by Wendy Tyson. It is the first book I have read in this series, but I am already a fan of this author’s Greenhouse Mystery Series. Tyson displays her versatility as I found this book to be very different from her Greenhouse Mysteries in characters, setting, and plot development.

Although the solution to the mystery was unexpected for me, I enjoyed the journey to that point. The way the clues were revealed reminded me of action on a stage where the spotlight hits one character briefly and then moves to a different part of the stage focusing a larger circle on another character. As the spotlight pings around the plot, different characters are revealed.

Tyson uses her law and psychology background to good advantage to flesh out her amateur detective, Allison, who professionally creates images and brands for her clients. Allison’s fiancé is a lawyer and their personal relationship plays a role in the story, but Allison’s original goal is to rebrand a rock singer’s daughter who is famous for…being famous, a concept familiar to the current generation, but previously unheard of.

I would like to extend my thanks to and to Henery Press for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

Rating: 5/5

Category: Mystery, General Fiction (Adult)

Notes: #4 in the Allison Campbell Mystery Series, but I read it as a stand alone without problems

Publication: June 13, 2017—Henery Press

Memorable Lines:

The Dolomite Mountains were stunning, but at night their splendor was matched only by the depth of their darkness. Night so complete it felt like a tomb, silence so pervasive you could hear the blood pulsating in your carotid.

Wildflowers in a rainbow of colors waved their stalky necks in the breeze. Tiny pastel butterflies buzzed from flower to flower. And past the pasture, the Dolomite Mountains stood tall and imposing, their granite-colored caps jagged reminders of nature’s awesome brutality.

“…we all think it’s great to be rich and famous. It’s not. It just distorts your sense of what’s important.”

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Another Allison Campbell read wherein she is hired to "reinvent" Elle Rose, the daughter of an aging rock star who loves to really party and whose antics have had her in the limelight more times than she would like.

This one takes place in Italy and right before Allison shows up, Elle's husband is found dead at the bottom of a cliff. The police say it was accidental, but after another death shortly thereafter, was it?

The story is full of quirky characters all staying at Elle and her father's castle due to a filming of a movie in Italy. Something is definitely going on at this castle and Allison fears for herself and her niece who is staying there with her.

A really good story that is both creepy with the characters and the setting that I really enjoyed reading. This is one of my favorite cozies and I was very excited when I saw that I had been approved to read this.

Thanks to Henery Press and Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

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Image Consultant Allison Campbell has a lot going on – she’s just buried her mother, she’s once again engaged to her ex-husband Jason, hoping to make it work this second time around, and she is the temporary guardian of her young niece Grace. She hesitates when offered a job with the elusive actress Elle Rose at her Castle San Pietro in the Italian Dolomite Mountains, but realizes this trip might be just what the three of them need.

Of course, this is a murder mystery, and things at the idyllic castle aren’t as relaxing as one might hope. The mysterious and accidental death of Elle’s husband Damien hangs over the castle, and the guests all seem to be hiding something. When another death similar to Damien’s occurs, Allison knows she needs to get to the bottom of things to keep her family safe.


This is the first Allison Campbell mystery that I’ve read (the fourth in the series), but I’ve had the pleasure of reading the two books in Ms. Tyson’s Greenhouse Mystery series. Fatal Facade has a very different feel from the small-town organic farm setting found in the Greenhouse Mysteries. Instead, we find our amateur sleuth in a beautiful location, but isolated and surrounded by strangers.

Ms. Tyson incorporates two of my favorite classic mystery styles into this cozy. The first is that of the secluded country house, setting Fatal Facade at a large (and isolated) castle in the beautiful Italian countryside. The second is the mystery itself – a “locked room” variety – in other words, the suspects are limited to those who were on the estate when the murder occurred.

While the cast is limited to those staying in the castle, there are more than enough suspects with motives to go around. I had a hunch as to whodunit, but there were so many possibilities it kept me guessing until the end. You don’t have to have read the previous installments to enjoy this latest book in the series. My favorite part was getting to know Allison and the other series regulars. I look forward to catching up on the first three books, and seeing what the future has in store for them!

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I definetly liked the setting right away. Who wouldn't want to go to Italy and stay in a castle. The castle sounded really amazing and the details were so vivid. The story is pretty straightforward and I did like Allison. She seemed to be very smart and excited about her new client. As an image consultant, Allison will have her hands full with Elle. Talk about a flaky person. Ellle is rude at times, out of sorts at times and in another world the rest ofthe time.

I think I really liked all the different people staying at the castle because it made the suspects so intriguing. As you can guess there is a murder or maybe it was two murders. I can't give that away, you need to read the story to find out all the plot twists. I don't know why I kept thinking about the game clue, but with so many people staying at the castle it did remind me a bit of the game. I i really liked how the author used the murder to give readers a very interesting and hard to figure out killer. I always think when the killer is a surprise the author has done a great job of making her characters realistic.

The logical assumption would be that the killer had to be someone staying at the castle. Well at least that was my reasoning. My question to you readers, is am I right? Did I guess the killer? Was it someone staying at the castle? The twists and turns in the story are very creative and I really enjoy how the author keeps readers on their toes. I have really become a huge fan of the author with her writing that is somewhat of a Hitchcock type mystery with seemingly uncaring visitors at the castle and a hostess that is not all there. I hope you pick up a copy and get comfy as you read a story filled with secrets and unsavory characters .

I received a copy of this book from The Great Escapes Book Tour. The review is my own opinion.

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Only a few chapters in I was wishing I read the 3 preceding books.
Not because it was necessary. But because I was so enthralled with all the characters that I wanted to.

But the good news is I got the opportunity to chat with 'Vaughn'
Allison's business manager and her gave me a little background info. and even told me which book in the series is his favorite!

Fatal Facade was a fun fast paced suspenseful thriller. That will keep the reader on the edge of the seat.
The story begins with a flashback when Damian the heir/owner of the fabulous castle falls off a cliff to his death which is classified as an accident. But was it really?
Allison and fiance Jason and niece Grace arrive to join a large group of visitors. Each with their own baggage and motives.
And then another 'accident' happens. And everyone becomes
a suspect.
The reader is swept into a twisty turvey fast paced ride along with
Allison as she rushes to find out what is going on and why.
All the while trying to keeping her loved ones safe.

And when one suspect disappears and then is found buried on the grounds the tension rises and it's a race to find out who dun it.

Fatal Facade was a great suspenseful thriller. I am looking forward to backtracking and reading the beginning of the series.

I received a complimentary copy from Great Escapes.
This review will appear on retail sites where available.
This review will appear on Net Galley and Good Reads.

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This was a quite good fun, if a little complicated mystery story. I haven't read any of the other books in the series, which may explain some of my confusion but the mystery itself is interesting. I would be keen to read some of the earlier books in the series to get a better handle on who is who!

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Dollycas’s Thoughts
This story takes us off to Italy when Image Consultant Allison Campbell takes on Elle Rose as a client. Elle lives in a castle near the Italian Dolomites and has offered Allison, Jason and Grace, Allison’s niece, a guest cottage on the property. Since Jason needs to go to Austria for his new job it seems like an ideal assignment. She never imagined the castle would be crowded with so many people all there supposedly to work with Elle’s father. A father who is apparently very ill and who is rarely seen.

Allison is dismayed by her clients behavior and unwillingness to put in the work to upgrade her image. In fact she is thinking about quitting. Then one of the guests is found dead at the bottom of a sheer cliff. The death looks suspicious and the authorities demand Allison not leave town. She decides to do a little investigating herself with Vaughan and Jamie’s help. Everything they uncover leads them in several directions but they all know there is a killer in the castle.

I must first address the setting – a castle and vast grounds that include several cottages, a spa, a pool, woods with hiking trails up and down and around the Dolomites. A picturesque place that for me would be a very hard place to leave. But then with a killer on the lost, probably not so idyllic, right now.

All the characters I loved from previous stories are back. Not everyone is in Italy though. Mia and Vaughn arrive a few days after Allison, Jason and Grace. They relationship is still a little rocky and Allison and Jason may take the plunge into marriage again. Jamie has stayed home but he uses his skills pretty well from there. I really enjoy the way the characters continue to grow in each book in this series. They are very engaging and believable.

The search for the killer was much like a closed room mystery. It has to be someone staying on the property. Between the guests and the staff there are plenty of suspects. The motive for the murder was very hard to determine and it could be connected to another recent death. Seriously at one time or another throughout the story I had then all pegged as the murderer. Heck, one of the goats could have pushed her off the cliff. It is only when some key information is discovered that things start to make sense. Tyson had us on a twisty trail to figure out this mystery and I loved it.

This trip to Italy was a Perfect Escape! You should book your trip today!

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Some reviewers found this book interesting and almost riveting, but I did not. In fact, I had a great deal of difficulty getting into it, let alone continuing it. Despite Allison’s on-going issues of planning her wedding, marrying her ex-husband in the near future and the caring for her sister’s child, Grace while wanting a child herself, Allison Campbell is at a castle in the Dolomites, in northwestern Italy. The setting is quite suitable to the story--mountainous, dark and foreboding. As someone who rebrands images, this time Allison’s job is to change the image of Elle Rose, a socialite and former B movie actress, who erratic actions cause one to wonder about her. In addition, there are several other guests staying at the castle, most of who really do not even care for Elle. After the mysterious fall of one of the guests, Allison delves into the mysterious death for answers, trying to ferret out the secrets of the castle guests to figure out what really happened. As I read, I, like Allison wondered why she even bothered to stay on at the castle or try to figure out the mystery.

The characters are interesting, though I did not find them particularly likable or relatable. As I said, the setting in the Dolomites suited the story line of the book, as it was all fairly dark and brooding. However, the author did describe the area well, as far as I can tell, and the descriptions themselves were worth the effort of reading. In conclusion, the book was okay. I just did not take to the author’s writing style, and I also, as I said, found the characters not really to my liking. This book will probably be better suited for a reader who enjoys this sort book/story line, the author or an author of a similar vein. I received this from NetGalley to read and review.

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Wendy Tyson is definitely a talented author. She can make you feel you are right in the scene even if you have never experienced anything similar . This castle and mountainous area are both luxurious and dark and foreboding.
Protagonist Allison Campbell is going through major changes in her life. Planning to remarry her ex-husband in only a few weeks, and caring for her sister's child, while wishing for one of her own, would be enough stress for anyone. When her fiance must leave the country for a new job and Allison is offered an intriguing assignment herself, allowing her to spend time with him, she nervously accepts. The new assignment turns out to be far from what she expects.

Overall the tone is dark and dangerous. The upper class entourage of her client all have their quirks and are less than likable. The client herself, the daughter of an aging rock star, is far less than ideal. Often Allison finds herself wondering why she decides to stay. At least soon she will have support in the form of people she loves and trusts from back home.
People start to disappear or turn up dead. Will Allison survive until her wedding?
At least her niece provides a bright spot on occasion.

Not a light or breezy cozy but dark and deeply creative.

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Fatal Facade takes us back to Allison Campbell's world of image rebranding. This time around she's given the task of trying to change the image of a celebrity whose reputation might be too much for her to handle. Set in the beautiful Italian Dolomites, Allison, with her fiance Jason and her niece Grace travel to meet her client and plan her wedding at the same time. What she doesn't expect to encounter is a murder and mystery she seems to get involve in every second she stays.

Wendy Tyson's Allison Campbell Mystery series continue to intrigue and engage readers with her characters and her not so obvious plot. Fatal Facade is no exception. Allison's personal life is as intriguing and captivating as the mystery waiting to be solved which results into another page turning hit.

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An intriguing visit to a castle in Italy. No shortage of strange people with secrets. Entertaining, clever, and a page turner. I look forward to reading the next one in this series.

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I loved this book! As always Wendy Tyson has given us a setting that makes you want to go on vacation. I liked learning more about the characters I have come to know. The mystery was so intriguing and keep me guessing in every chapter. I was shocked at who the killer was and why. I would recommend this series to everyone. I think you do need to read the previous books in the series first, to understand what is going on with the characters. A fun and unique series that is a must read.

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It feels like forever since I read the previous book in this series. I didn't have any problem remembering who the characters were in the beginning of this book. The plot seemed like it would be interesting when I first started this but the more that I read this the more I became bored with this. The plot dragged on until I felt like this was going nowhere. The few deaths that were thrown in couldn't even save this for me. Allison's strained relationship with Jason also caused me to not enjoy this. I don't see myself continuing on with this series anymore.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the galley.

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Wendy Tyson has done it again with this heart wrenching offering in her Allison Campbell Mysteries. There is a taut, dark suspense from page one that never lets up. Totally balancing this page turner is love, humor and kindness, the greatest of recipes for relieving the anxiety of the mystery. As suspects were examined I became convinced that each was 'the one', only to be completely surprised by the ending. I can't recommend it highly enough, along with the rest of the series.

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I received this book from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review. This in no way affected the outcome of my review.
I have become obsessed with cozy mysteries, and the first book in this series helped contribute to this addiction. I have read all three of the previous books, and loved. This was no different. From page 1 I couldn't put it down. Wendy Tyson has the ability to make you feel like you are personally invest in the lives of her characters. The book was amazing, and if you haven't already read the previous ones, it is not necessary, but recommended. I only say that cause why not read them all. It has suspense, thrills, and humor.

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This novel could stand alone.

Allison Campbell seems to have her personal life sorted out. As the owner of First Impressions Image Consulting the request to work with Elle Rose in Bidero Italy seems to fit perfectly when Jason has to do his training for his new employer in Innsbruck.

The estate is beautiful, the accommodations are perfect for Allison & Grace but accidental deaths among a group of guests and staff staying with Elle prove to be dangerous.

Allison's need to investigate is fueled by her need to get Elle to focus if the image rebuild program is to be successful.

Good characters that are well developed and a steady plot that is not rushed made this an excellent who do done what.

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