Member Reviews

I was unable to review this book because of a conflict in my schedule. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused the publisher or the author of the work. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to review for you and I look forward to reviewing for you in the future.

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I would have given it a 5 star but I wouldn't have taken Susan back that easily would have given her a harder time Mel was strong to change her ways for someone with so many rules in the beginning to then come back with wanting to date two women at once... It was just weird the late story line didn't fit the character but still glad it worked out it. Still a sucker for love and was still a good read

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This book was exceptional, unique, I've actually never read something like it.

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Sarah – ☆☆☆
This is a slow, angsty romance with a whole lot of sex. Seriously – how much sex can one woman have? Anyways. I was caught by the beautiful cover and quickly intrigued by Mel and Susan’s women-only beach town in California.

Mel is an interesting character – a womanising legend who works construction during the day and spends the rest of her time surfing and picking up women. While we see glimpses of a personality when she interacts with her friends and her best friend’s son, I never felt like I properly connected with her. Too much of her character development is done through flirtation and sex and I didn’t feel there was much depth to her character.

Susan bored me from the start. She doesn’t know herself, she’s angsting over an abusive ex-girlfriend, and she comes across as rude and abrasive. She doesn’t seem to have any interests, she’s fallen into a job… the woman is just plain boring. And don’t get me started on her relationship with her ex. Urgh.

There is enough graphic sex in this story to push it into erotica territory but it somehow lacks the heat of good erotica. The combination of tedious angsty dating drama and constant sex didn’t work well for me. The only time Susan stopped whinging and Mel stopped fussing was when they were shagging.

Most of my complaints are probably personal preference. I need a bit more action and a little more character development in a book. The cover also had me expecting some surfing drama and not a slow romance.

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This is a really sweet book. Apologies for the word sweet but it is the best way I could think off. It has two main characters. Mel sort of play boi looking for a more stable relationship like that of her best friend Joey. Susan, just out of a very abusive relationship having moved to a new town not looking for love. Yep you got it. They meet and fall in love ready to live happily ever after. Although that is the end of the story it is not the complete story.

I did not realise when I started this book that this was a sequel to Escapades. From what I gather Escapades concentrates on Joey and Samantha. Joey being Mel's best friend. Joey and Samantha are married with a young son named DJ who Mel adores. Mel desperately wants a relationship and to drop her one night stand persona. You do not have to read the first book in order to read this one. I read it as a stand alone novel and I really enjoyed it and did not feel I missed anything by not reading Escapades first. However, Escapades is now on my to read list.

There is a kink in Mel and Susan's story when Susan's abusive partner reappears asking her to help with her Aunt's illness. Lucinda the aunt only has six months to live and lives in the same town as Susan. Although Susan was unaware of this. Susan agrees to help as she likes her ex's aunt. Now that is where I end if you want the story read the book. Stop swearing at me, you won't be disappointed so read it.

It is a nice sweet story. It is written really well. I haven't read this author before but her writing style is so fluid I read it in an afternoon and just could not put it down. I had planned to read a few chapters, next I knew I had finished it. I would whole heartedly recommend this book. It's nice and light with a happy ending. Also, I should mention that I guess there could be a third in this series. Enjoy!

*ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley*

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Complications was a simple love story that turned very slightly complicated when an ex came back into the picture. The main characters, Susan and Mel, were together and happy…and seemed to have an extremely active sex life. Susan left her ex because that relationship was abusive and she seemed to find a good solid relationship with Mel- who adored her. For some reason, Susan became confused about her feelings for Mel and her ex, Dorinda. So she wanted to date both of them to see which one her heart really desired. Mel was confused and surprised by Susan’s sudden turnabout concerning her ex, Dorinda…a person Susan formerly spoke about with total disgust. Susan turned a happy relationship into a complicated one by trying to date two women.
The plot was very simple and the characters did not have much depth to them. The dialogue seemed to be redundant at times. However, if you are interested in a light read with lots of sex scenes, then you will enjoy this book.

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In this book it's a sequel around Mel & Susan. The first intro between Susan & Mel seemed a little to abrupt, because I think most people, at work, would not be that rude. However, minus that part, most of the book is a easy read. There is a lot of sex & I am not sure why the two characters connect, but I can share that Mel works on being considerate and responsible. And as Susan comes around she also steps up her thoughtfulness of Mel.

I was going to argue how ridiculous the 'tension' towards the end of the book was, but sadly, without giving anything away, however I actually find a lot of women ponder if a jerk of an ex has changed their ways. Overall it's a light read.

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Depending on what one is seeking from this novel will determine whether expectations are met or not. For those wanting to delve into a tale about two women linked by a powerful physical attraction but less substance, this work offers plenty of well done intimate encounters. Little depth was achieved, which can be fine, but I was left wanting more.

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<a href="" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Complications" src="" /></a><a href="">Complications</a> by <a href="">M.J. Williamz</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="">3 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
I rec'd an ARC from NetGalley/Bold Strokes Books in exchange for an honest review. Mel and Susan are the central characters in this romance laced with lots and lots of sex. Supporting characters Joey and Samantha from Ms. Williamz's "Escapades" also appear. Not bad but I really wanted the story to be more fleshed out... 3 stars.
<a href="">View all my reviews</a>

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This is an okay book for me. There are a lot of sex scenes where I felt like it was just put in to have another one. At certain points it didn't feel natural for a sex scenes to happen.
The dialogue was not very natural and organic for me and made it hard to rely or feel for the characters. It was a fun and quick read but I don't think I would read it again.

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