Member Reviews

2 - 2.5 stars
I think this could have been a very good story and adventure if the first book was read. I received this arc without knowing or realizing that it was the second book in the series, so this feels more like an "it's me not you" situation. I will say it was very action-packed and easy to root for characters, but I know that I would have had an even more enjoyable time if I had the first book as a foundation for the series so I unfortunately can't give it above a 2 or 2.5 stars.
book given in exchange for honest review


I was unable to review this book because of a conflict in my schedule. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused the publisher or the author of the work. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to review for you and I look forward to reviewing for you in the future.

Pursuit is an intrigue novel involving a very complex plot against the United States. There is suspense and a little romance. The plot is well planned and the story is fast paced.
The first book written by Jackie D was Infiltration. I thoroughly enjoyed that book. Although you do not need to read Infiltration before Pursuit, I think it would be totally worthwhile to spend more time with characters and the overall plot.
Jackie D did a good job of building each of the character’s roles and personality traits. She has written the storyline line so well by weaving the characters throughout in such a way that their personalities add to the suspenseful story.
There are six main characters in this book. Tyler Monroe and Caden Stiles both work together primarily as field agents for the Office of Homeland Security. Their jobs frequently put them in perilous situations. Brooke Hart and Jennifer Glass work as analysts for the CIA. The last two main characters are Nathaniel Lark, who runs the devious organization that is trying to use its power and money to control countries. The last prominent character is Rowen Knight, a double agent from the French government.
There is romance between Brooke and Tyler which started in Infiltration. In this book Jennifer and Caden are playing the flirting game with a lot of push and pull in their fledgling relationship.
There were some loose ends at the conclusion of Pursuit which could possibly be addressed in a third book in the series. (I am keeping my fingers crossed.) So, readers, do not miss this suspenseful series by Jackie D.
I rate this book 5 stars out of 5 stars.
I was given this ARC in return for a fair and honest review.

An honest review thanks to NetGalley. This was a great sequel to infiltration if you haven't read infiltration you need to do it before starting this one. This can be read on its own, but you will get a much needed backstory on Lark and see the relationship grow between Tyler and Brooke. I love Jackie D. and feel as if she wrote another amazing book. I liked how the plot unfolded and the surprises that jumped our way while reading. This is a must read book, enjoy.

This book was well written but it just didn't really spark my interest while reading it. It was not how Jackie D wrote or portrait the characters, all of that was done well, but the topic of the story did just not spare an interest in me.

I haven't read the first book in this series but I will check it out now, because even knowing that the leads end up together, I want to enjoy more of Jackie D's writing. This book is tense, well written and plausible. The only thing I wasn't too sure about was the way one of the character's responded when she had a dilemma but overall the scene setting was crisply handled. The main characters are likeable and although not perfect they are easy to root for. This is a nice addition to the lesfic crime canon and I will watch out for more by Jackie D.
I was given copy of this book by Netgalley in return for an honest review.

Pursuit was the first book I read by this author. This book was definitely amply named. There was always something going on with each of the characters such as hiding feelings of attraction, dealing with parental disapproval, trying to protect loved ones, or even protecting the country. The action…the activity…the pursuing made this book a fast read. The characters were well developed and the plot had a type of James Bond adventure to it….but with several strong females saving the day! This was a great book and I look forward to reading more from this author.

Pursuit by Jackie D
Super short summary: This book is a dynamic fast-moving adventure that keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time.
Pursuit is the second installment of the After Dark series by Jackie D. If you haven’t read the first one, Infiltration, you don’t have to read it, but I would strongly suggest it. Why? First off, both books are really good. Secondly, you’ll miss some of the character and plot backstories.
Tyler Monroe and Brooke Hart are now officially an item, when we meet back up with them they have been together about a year now and recently moved into a new apartment together. In addition to this couple, we also have two new mains as well. Right, so four leading ladies in total for this one. I promise you it totally works.
Caden Styles and Jennifer Glass have a love hate relationship. Their two besties (Tyler & Brooke) are dating and they work together so basically always in each other’s space. This tends to create a heavy amount of tension because these two love to gibe at each other. They land little hits and ramp up the tension. Like a magnet all they need is flip and boom you have one hot couple.
Of course other that two hot romances you have an action packed adventure of good gals hunting down bat-shit crazy right-wing terrorists. I loved that there is a good balance between the two, enough romance for you to swoon and enough action to keep you fully engaged. Great read, you don’t want to miss this one.

A highly immersive romantic thriller that expanded upon the themes that were introduced in "Infiltration" very adeptly. My singular gripe is that the most evocative relationship is that between Brooke and Tyler, but they shared too much of the stage with Jennifer and Caden, who while interesting/worthy characters, I did not await the book for months to understand the minutiae of their bond. I look forward to the next entry in the series.

This was an action packed ride, from start to finish! I have read and liked all of Jackie's books, but this is the best so far. There has been noticeable growth in her writing, and she seems to have now found her groove. While, you could read this without reading book 1, I would suggest reading book 1 first, to get all of the characters background.
One of my small complaints about book 1, I thought the big action scene, was not as exciting as I hoped. This book met all my expectations. The action was great and the book had a fast, steady, pace that kept all the pages turning. There is never a dull moment, and I really enjoyed it.
Tyler and Brooke are the main characters again in this book. But instead of just two main characters, there really are four in this book. We are also in the head-space of Jennifer and Caden. Both ladies were in book 1, but they were just supporting characters. It was nice to get to know them more, and I found them both to be likeable. A lot of times authors of a series, when they add new main characters, the main characters from the last book, get left behind. I was so glad this was not the case here. I really liked Tyler and Brooke, and wanted to see more of their relationship. How it was growing and how they were acting as a couple. I really appreciate Jackie growing their relationship, while still writing about new main characters.
This is easy to recommend for action-romance fans. Jackie did a nice job of balancing the romance, with all the action. Not only am I looking forward to book 3, but also any new books Jackie writes. She has made it to my automatic read list for authors.
An ARC was given to me by BSB, for a honest review.

So, I openly admit. I did not realise this was the second book of an on going series until about a third of the way through. Like me, you could read this as a stand-alone book or you could do the sensible thing and read the first book first. Not reading the first book in no way diminishes the high quality of this book.
This was my first book by this author and it definately will not be my last. Firstly, I have put book one at the top of my too read list and I am seriously hoping there will be a book three. Well, the author did leave a nice opening for a third. I really liked her fluid writing style and the characters came across as realistic.
There is not much I did not enjoy about this book. The plot was well thought out and it progressed nicely. There are four main characters who are firends and part of a team working for the United Staes Government tracking down a madman and uncovering his plot. The main characters have amazing chemistry. I could not put it down.
Would I recommend this book? Without a doubt YES. Enjoy!
*ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley*
Post on amazon 20 june

After having read Pursuit the second book in the After Dark series. Jackie D is very quickly becoming one of my favourite authors. You can count on Jackie D to give you well thought out books. With the feel of a good old classic noir film filled suspends, mystery, intrigue of twists and turns that keep you wanting to find out more.
I highly recommend this book to anyone that enjoys a good thriller!