Member Reviews

Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to preview this book. It's a quick little read about a lesbian encounter.

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I was unable to review this book because of a conflict in my schedule. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused the publisher or the author of the work. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to review for you and I look forward to reviewing for you in the future.

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I have enjoyed all of Kris Bryant's books and this foray into the short story format was for me, a great success. I recommend this to anyone who likes museums, art galleries and highly charged sex, but not necessarily in that order or at the same time!

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This book is considered an erotic lesbian novella because of its length. One could read this book in a few hours.

Most novellas leave me with the feeling that they are too short. I do not really get acquainted with the characters or the storyline falls short. The plot is basically sex, sex and more sex. The endings are too abrupt.

In this book, although you get to know Emery Pearson, the main character, through her sexual fantasies, I don’t really think there is much character development. Lily is her sexual partner and there is no depth to her character. The author basically connected a series of sexual fantasies and situations.

I have read several books by this author who writes under the name of Kris Bryant. Those books are solid and a joy to read. Unless someone if looking for sex, you might consider passing on this novella.

I rate this book 2-1/2 stars out of 5.

I was given this ARC in return for a fair and honest review.

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There isn't a huge amount of character development or plot but it's understandable as the book is novella length. It's a nice and steamy summer read with a little twist. The characters have good chemistry.

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I wasn't sure why Kris Bryant was writing this under another name, especially since she puts both names on the cover. Now I assume it's because this is a PWP novella.

There's honestly not that much to review, it's literally just various sex scenes held together by a very loose plot, if that's what you're in the mood for, then this should hit the spot. I give it three stars for the 'twist'.

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This book is simply the definition of leave them wanting more! I'd love to see this expanded into a full novel - I want to know more about the two characters and I want to see how their relationship develops. Will definitely buy any and all books from this author.

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*The copy provided by NetGalley and Bold Strokes Book Inc. in exchange for an honest review*

It was a surprisingly enjoyable erotic story. It was tasteful written with a plot and an unexpected plot twist. It was was quite short but the length felt perfect for the story. The ending was a little abrupt.

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Brit Ryder is really Kris Bryant. I really enjoy Kris Bryant’s writing. I am not a huge fan of writers using different names, to write different genres. However, I understand why a writer would do so. I always think novellas are too short to fully enjoy the characters or the story. I am unsure of what to think about setting up a quickie hookup at a museum. I am sure things like this happen, but I am perfectly happy not knowing or thinking about it. I had a little bit of gross out factor, with the quickie x2… sloppy seconds and all. The sex was steamy, and I enjoy butch/femme stories. This one wasn’t a favorite, but if you want a quick steamy read this may be the book for you.

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Veronica – ☆☆☆☆
Shameless had just what I want in a short story with a bit of storyline and very hot scenes. There is even an unexpected twist. I devoured this quickly on a cold winter morning. Emery is sexy and if she featured in more short stories I'd love to read them.

Rachael – ☆☆☆☆☆
OMG… I loved this book. It starts out quite sexy, which I have to admit I wasn't expecting, but it definitely caught my attention. Then there is the wonderful twist. Absolutely the best part of the story. I would love to see more of 'Lacy' and Emery.

The story was short, but I wasn't left feeling like anything was missing. It was fast, hot, and wonderfully written. I would pick up something else by this author for sure because being able to build characters, chemistry, and scenes so well in such a limited number of words and pages is not such an easy thing to do.

Ruthie – ☆☆☆☆
This may be short, but it is super hot – and has a really great twist! I read a lot of MM and every now and again dip my toe into FF. This time I happily dove in and really wanted it to be longer. But given the tantalising meeting, I could add my ideal outcome myself.

Perfect sexy read for an evening with a glass of wine and something to use as a fan!

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Wow! Very nice erotica novella. Nice twist and cute story. Fun read. I hope to see more like this from this author.

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Emery Pearson wants no strings sex and she gets it. She also gets more than she expected . Brit Ryder has written an excellent novella that is absolutely dripping with sexual tension and hot as hell. This is erotica supreme! She knows exactly how to build expectations and does not disappoint in any way. I highly recommend this story and I hope she continues with her forays into the world of erotica. She certainly has it nailed.

I was given this ARC by Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books in return for an honest review.

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The best way I can think of to describing this book is think about christmas morning and and getting everything you wanted on your list to Santa. My main complaint is that it is short. I know it is a novella but I seriously wanted it to continue.

It is really well written and despite it's shortness it in no way felt rushed. It also has a couple of very nice twists. Oh and as a side note... I do not think I will look at a museum in the same light ever again. I gave it 3.5 - 4 stars leaning more towards the 4. Enjoy!

*ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley*

*ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley*

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DNF so will not be rating or reviewing. Thank you for the opportunity to read this title.

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Shameless is the first book I have read by Brit Ryder and I enjoyed it. And though I have read M/M books this is my first taste of Lesbian Erotica. Now because this is only about a 50 page novella I didn't go into this read with high expectations, but I did expect some hot woman on woman action. Did this book have a great plot? No. Did it have great character development? Nope! Did it have lots of hot lesbian sex? Why yes, yes it did. It also had a little surprising twist that I didn't see coming. This book was everything you expect in a erotica read. It was quick, and sexy. The only problem I really had with this book was it's abrupt ending. I was reading along then I go to turn the next page and nothing.. just the end and I was left going... What that's all? The end had a "to be continued" feel to it. So here is hoping for a full length novel on Emery and her sexy hook up!

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Fire investigator Emery Pearson. Emery isn’t looking for romantic entanglements, just good sex so when she meets Lily online they decide to meet for no strings sex.
A book which has very hot sex and and a fantastic base story which includes a twist. I would love this novella to be expanded into a full length novel, a real page turner
I hope this is not the last we see of Brit Ryder and her erotic stories, it left me wanting more from her.

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Review of Shameless by Brit Ryder.

Brit Ryder is the pseudonym of Kris Bryant, author of several lesfic books. This story departs from her usual writing style both in length (this is a novella) and content (erotica). However, the author succeeded in presenting a story with hot steamy scenes that support a well developed plot. The story presents believable characters and even introduces an element of surprise.

Highly recommended if you are looking for f/f erotica with a background story. 4 stars.

ARC provided by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I was excited about Kris Bryant venturing into lesbian erotica because her books already have wonderfully written sex scenes. I figured this would just be a great one-off, but I couldn’t have been more wrong! I want the rest of the story!! It ended and I was left feeling like I had been gypped out of a wonderful beginning of a new novel. Sequel please????

Readers do need to be warned if they haven't already noticed, but his is NOT a full length novel. Although I was expecting that, it still was a shock that it ended where it did.

Overall, all I can say is that this was a hot novel. I loved the beginning, middle and hated that it ended…

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4.5 shameless stars

This story is short, steamy, and a breath of fresh air. The title couldn't be more apt, the heroine is in deed shameless. All power to her!!

The twist was so utterly unique I'd give this book 5 stars based on that alone. However, I knocked 1/2 a star off because it ended way too soon. I think I might've even pouted.

More please, Ms Ryder.

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