Member Reviews

Now I understand what Sheldon does at work on “The Big Bang Theory”! I learned quite a bit from a baby book, hah. The ABCs of Physics was understandable and interesting. Definitely a great way to give children a jump start on STEM!

Normally I wouldn't consider an alphabet book to be multi-age. Older kids, who read on their own, find "a is for apple, b is for bear" tiresome. And if this book were simply "a is for atom, b is for black hole" it would remain the domain of the very young. But it's so much more, my friends. It can be understood on three levels: identifying a word that starts with the letter in question, a brief description of the concept, and a more complex exploration. Everyone (apart from physics students and teachers, I suppose) will learn from this book. If you and your kids have even a passing interest in science, give this book a try.

I respect that the author doesn't 'dumb down' the book as he explains things in a very simplifed manner, but it does make the topics he talks about less accessible to the average reader without a science background. Still, a useful and well done book for the right readers.

A is for Atom; B is for Black Hole; C is for Charge... The ABCs of Physics is a bright, entertaining introduction to physics. Not your run of the mill ABCedary, The ABCs of Physics works for all ages - for babies and toddlers, it's a pretty board book with all sorts of interesting pictures to look at. For older kids and adults, it's an intro to physics terms and concepts. I am here to tell you, unabashedly, that I found this book fascinating. Did you know that a newton is a standard unit of force? I did NOT. I also learned that my little book scanner works thanks to photons - and you can trust and believe that I will pass on little bits of this information in my day to day at work and at home.

My understanding is that the idea of these books is to introduce children to new vocabulary and ideas while they are young even if they can't quite grasp them because background knowledge is very useful when it comes time to really grasp the topic.
I'm fine with this concept, but the book it still so very dry.

I reviewed ABCs of Physics and ABCs of Mathematics together on my blog so the following review is both books together. The goodreads links are for individual reviews of the books. The log review will post on September 23rd.
STEM or Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, is a big buzzword in education right now. It's reached all the way down to preschool. As a toddler teacher I am always looking for new ways to incorporate these curricula in my classroom so I was both excited and doubtful when I saw these books on Edelweiss. I was doubtful because I was unsure how the material could be presented n such a way that young children could understand, but figured they were worth a try.
Both books were disappointing. They claim to be for children ages birth on up but realistically, they would be best for children 6 years old on up, maybe some 5 year olds. Just because a book has pictures and is in board book format doesn't mean it's suitable for young children. The author forgot one very important matter: the cognitive development of infants and toddlers. The concepts are beyond the cognitive abilities of infants and toddlers. Yes, Ferrie has simplified the concepts, but they are still beyond the abilities of infants and toddlers. The pictures are okay, they do seem to adequately illustrate the concepts but they are not particularly eye-catching. As alphabet books, they are adequate, but as science books for young children, they fail. For children in elementary school, I think they would work, and could lead to some good science and maths discussions.

A fun ABC book for babies as an early introduction to STEM. I am curious why Einstein was chosen for "e" and not an actual term. Though there is a lot of chemistry in physics, surely there's more "pure" physics terms that could be used?

A multifaceted board book introducing toddlers to physics concepts. It can be read as an alphabet books, simple physics concepts or more detail explanations of the concepts. This series is a game changer in the board book category.

ABC's of Physics by Chris Ferrie is not your average board book, and it is not a simple alphabet book. Instead, this book introduces a new physics concept for every letter of the alphabet, all the way from Atom to Zero-point energy.
ABC's of Physics is an introduction to physics for all ages. Everyone can get something out of it. I finished this little book and had a much better understanding of many physic concepts. My elementary school age children found it accessible, and I think that toddlers and babies could all get a little something from it. I think the biggest market will be gag gifts for scientists, and shower gifts from or to scientific minded individuals. What an intriguing little book, and one that I wish I had seen before the last shower I went to.

I read ABCs of Physics twice before offering my review (both Kindle app and PDF). I wish I could have held the board book in my hands or at least seen the illustrations in order to complete my thoughts. Based on text alone, the book is simple and to the point. The writing is appropriate for little ears. Science lovers would enjoy reading this book to babies and young children; however, without illustrations, it is difficult to determine whether my preschool science students would wholely benefit. I like the concept of an ABCs series enough to consider looking for a copy to use with my 2 physics units.
Thanks to the publisher, author and Net Galley for the opportunity to review ABCs of Physics. And as I wrote previously, I hope a copy makes its way to my classroom so I can further comment on the work as a whole.

Thank you for allowing me to read this book and offer my opinion! Thank you for allowing me to read this book and offer my opinion! Physics is a large point of interest for me and I hope it is also one of my son’s interests in the future. Again, as with ABCs of Mathematics, this book is something I plan to purchase for my son in the future, as he is only one and I'm quite certain would not understand it. I found the book easy to follow and read. I also can envision, when using this book as a learning tool, a child will present questions on its context which is a great means of exploration. I’d like to look further into the authors books for babies, which may be of use to my family currently.

This was a very cute book. I can't wait to buy a copy of this for my baby's library. It deals with some great scientific concepts. This would be great for toddlers (as well as younger kids) but this is a really well done intorduction into Physics. I was very inpressed with this book. I was given a copy of this book from Net Galley for an honest review. This book will be published October 3rd!!

The concept behind the book is excellent. I thought there was too much text and too many complex terms for the advertised audience. The illustrations are perfect for babies, but not the text.

I know what I'll be buying for the next baby shower I'm invited to!In this STEM-motivated world, Ferrie's scientific ABC board books are a must for babies.

So fun! My 5 year old loved this and I think she will enjoy it even more when the concepts make a bit more sense. My engineer husband also enjoyed it :)

ABC's of Physics would be an excellent table top book or showcased book shelf book to keep on hand for curious kid questions. The book was fun to flip through and something I would consider purchasing for new babies.

Great book for kids and parents. The illustrations are simplistic but educational. While my kids is looking at the pictures I am actually learning something new. After reading it a few times I'm sure my kid would retain a lot of information. This can also spark and interest for topics that are not taught until much later in their education.

The ABC's of Physics book for babies (and adults) is not only a great introduction to science for babies but as an adult I learnt a lot too. The simple design, pops of colour and thorough explanations of physics will see this book being part of your child’s book collection for many years. Not only will your child learn about physics but will also learn their alphabet through words such as G for Gravity, O is for Optics, and W is for Wavelength.
So, I imagine there are people thinking that their babies are too young, but a child is never too young to learn. While I say this, I believe it should be done in a fun and simple way and this book does this. It is no different than reading other ABC books to your babies.
So if you like educational book for your baby or want to learn a thing or two about physics yourself then this is the book to read