Member Reviews

I expected this to be an older YA book but unfortunately, it was written way younger considering the subject matter. I had read many chapters in and although I wanted to get to know the characters more, I just could not get into the story enough to finish. I really wanted to like this one but it fell flat for me.
The story line was a good one, that is why I gave 2 stars but I just had a hard time finishing due to the writing. A lot of others had really enjoyed it and you can check out their reviews HERE!

DNF Review - I ADORE this cover. I just lost interest in reading this, it seems a little too familiar and I'm kind of sick of paranormal romance fiction at this point, so I don't think I can approach this fairly; I'd rather read other books I own.

This book was dark but so good. It was one of those types of books that you couldn't put down because they really speak to you and make you want to keep reading. It was deep, dark, and such a delight!

Unfortunately, thus book was a DNF for me. I just couldn't seem to get into it. Don't shy away from it based on my experience alone, though!

I absolutely LOVED Kiss Me Kill You!! I was not expecting to be begging for book 2 as quickly as I found myself!

*I received a free copy of this ebook through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*
I confess, the only reason I finished this book was because I felt obligated to do so. Had this been a book I borrowed from the library, I would have quit reading it and moved on to something else. I was hoping I'd at least be rewarded with an ending, but that didn't happen.
You know how some books move along on their own, and it feels like the author is simply telling you something real? This isn't one of those books. The entire time I was reading, it felt like the events, the dialogue--everything--was being dictated. Like "this is how I want it to go, so this is how it will go." It felt forced and contrived.
And as I mentioned in the first paragraph, there's not a real ending. It's left wide open (I know the author is hoping for a series). Even if it had closure (which it doesn't), the ending itself is very abrupt. A lot of things were left undone that I would have liked to know, but I don't want to know them enough to subject myself to a sequel.
Note: Swearing, including several f words. Talk about taking souls via sex.

I requested this book mostly because of the cover and the interesting premise. It’s been a long time since I’ve read a YA paranormal romance so I wanted to give this a shot. Kiss Me, Kill You is a debut novel from the author so I didn’t put any high expectations on it. This story is about a fifteen year old teen girl who isn’t aware of her true heritage but suddenly her life turns pretty much upside down when she discovers that she’s a succubus and she must learn to feed from the humans in order to survive. I liked the concept of this book and the characters but the author left most of things unexplained such as info on the Powers and how it works and who they really are. I enjoyed the story but it’s not my favorite. Nevertheless, it’s a good debut. Despite the flaws, I think many readers would definitely enjoy reading this book.
Emmy is an okay-ish character. I liked her sweet, fun and naive personality. Most of her reactions were realistic for her age but I was a bit annoyed with her when she refuses to believe about the supernatural world when everyone tries to convince her. Paul is an interesting character. He’s an incubi which I already guessed but I wasn’t sure until it was revealed. He’s a good male lead and I liked him more than Emmy. I enjoyed the romance between Emmy and Paul. It isn’t the best but it isn’t the worst either. There are lots of angst and swoon worthy kisses between them which I really enjoyed but there also some parts which felt too cliched. At the beginning, I was little bit disappointed that both of them already has feelings for each other and we’ve no glimpse on how they first met and started to like each other. As for the secondary characters they aren’t that much interesting. I expected Lily to be a great friend but she turns out to be a total bitch. Melinda is not a perfect mom but she’s not a bad mom either. Unlike everyone else, she wanted her daughter to lead a normal life by keeping her heritage and the supernatural world a secret until she turns sixteen. Paul’s boss is terrifying as hell and seemed totally creepy with his voice. He loves doing physical abuse and we still don’t know how he looks like.
The plot is good but I think it could’ve been better executed. Even though I enjoyed it, some parts felt dragged. I’m already familiar with Succubus and Incubus thing so it was easy for me to predict some parts of the story. I liked the writing and I’m glad the story was told in first person dual POV. The concept is interesting but I wish the author provided more info on The Powers and the supernatural world. So far, there’s only succubus and Incubi in this book but It would’ve been great if there’s also other supernatural beings in it.
Overall, I liked it but I don’t love it! The book ends with no cliffhanger but it seems there’s going to another book and I thought it was a standalone novel. I’m not sure whether I would pick up the next book or not but I hope it’s even better than this one.

At first I thought I was going to DNF this one. It had some parts where I ended up skimming it but once the story really got going I was addicted. This was a great short book about a girl who doesn't know what she is and I really REALLY hope we get a book two to it since this one ends on a pretty big cliffhanger. I do think that the MC Emmy got the short end of the stick. I mean your mother is going to raise you as a normal teen without one mention of why she did it. I mean did she want to give Emmy a normal childhood? We never really find out.
This was a pretty all over pace of a book some parts were fast while others weren't. In this story we get a normal world setting with some very special creatures. Man I didn't see the kind of creatures they were coming and I am still reeling about it. We don't get new creatures and beings all the time and people haven't created anything new so this was a nice story out of the norm.
If you want something new try this one!

(I received a copy from Entangled Teen in exchange for an honest review - all opinions are my own)
It's been a while since I've read a book that focuses on succubi and that definitely piqued my interest when I first came across this title. The story follows Emmy as she discovers the her mother has been keeping a secret from her for years and it's time to pay up. Normally, succubi stories tend to be a lot more sexualized but this one paints them in a darker light.
Here, succubi and incubi are nothing more than henchmen for the Powers who live off of the souls that the succubi and incubi provide. There's not a lot of information regarding the Powers other than the fact that they enjoy hurting people and are pretty ruthless. Paul is one of the Watchers that work for the Powers and we see him get beat up pretty much every time he updates them on Emmy even if there's nothing to update. While the entire world is definitely interesting, I wish it could have been more developed but the ending hints that there will be a continuation.
Personally, my biggest "issue" with the story is Emmy herself. While she wasn't a terrible character, she just didn't stand out to me and it felt like she was just a cardboard figure head instead of actually being in the story. Everyone throughout the book kept singing praises to how gentle she is that Emmy is essentially trapped in this bubble and doesn't get the chance to break out. I wish there could have been some sort of break through at the end where Emmy grows up a bit but she doesn't. (view spoiler)
I guess cause the story follows a succubus and an incubus that I should address Emmy and Paul. I really liked Paul cause he was a very vital character - if he wasn't there, Emmy would have fallen apart a long time ago. Their dynamic was okay, there just wasn't anything that particularly stood out to me which I guess was what I was looking for since I couldn't really connect with Emmy.
Okay...so aside for Emmy, I enjoyed the story. It was engaging and it got me through work when nothing was happening. I'm interested to see how the story continues especially with the ending events and I hope that in the following books we can see Emmy grow more into her powers and take a stand against the Powers.
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Honestly I preferred my romance to be slow-burn with that perfect combination of anticipation and swoon that leads to me having a new ship. Emmy seemed a little too love struck for my taste and Paul was a tad too obsessed with Emmy. Other than that, this was a pretty interesting read. I like going through the experience of discovering who Emmy is with her.
I'm curious. Will this have a sequel? Because it felt like there were still a lot of things left unanswered.
I received an e-arc to read and review.

I was not expecting this book to be as paranormal as it is. And after reading it, I don’t think this should be a stand alone book.
This is the book that you’ll think you’re prepared enough but then changes your expectation altogether.
One thing I know, there must be a Book 2!

Excellent book! I got lost in this world so quickly! Can't wait to pass this one on!

I was drawn into the story from the first page, and even though succubi/incubi aren't my personal favorite, I still found Paul's and Em's story intriguing. I thought the pacing was good, and the emotions were nicely done. It's an unusual and interesting world portrayed here, and I will enjoy finding out what happens next!

It’s been a while since I read a young adult paranormal romance, so I was really excited to read Kiss Me, Kill You. The synopsis really intrigued me and of course I was excited about the promise of a forbidden romance. However, as much as I wanted to really love this, the story just felt a bit rushed and all over the place.
I devoured Kiss Me, Kill You in less than 8 hours and usually, about 99% of the time, that’s a really good thing. The first few chapters got me hooked – there was humor, intrigue, and some mystery. But after reading about 30% of the book, I felt like I’ve been running a marathon without a breather that I just wanted to stop. I was slowly losing interest. Everything was just being thrown out there without enough oomph. I ALMOST DNF this book, but since some parts were quite enjoyable and amusing, I continued to read.
Looking at the whole story, I wish that there was more story development and world building because that would have been fascinating to read. The premise of Kiss Me, Kill You is unique and one of the reasons why I was drawn to this book. The story line had such great potential and I kept reading hoping I would be immersed in the succubi/incubi paranormal universe. Instead, I got bits and pieces here and there. The story tried so hard to be mysterious and suspenseful, but there just wasn't enough build-up for those moments to have an effect on me. I found myself kind of laughing or having no reaction in situations where I should have been feeling anxious or terrified. There's obvious threat, death, pain and sadness, but I just couldn't feel for the characters. The story also ended so suddenly and felt like there was no closure. One minute you're going through the climax then bam the end. I walked away thinking "What the fudge cake was that?" and a long list of unanswered questions.
Since there's a forbidden romance between Emmy and Paul, I expected there to be more excitement, thrill, butterflies and A WHOLE LOT of feels. I wanted that strong push and pull, and the undeniable attraction between the characters. Sadly, I really didn’t like the love story that much. I did like Emmy and Paul together and thought they could have been such an adorable couple. They had some cute scenes and a lot of kissing that did make me smile, but the moments that should have sent butterflies through the roof didn't really do that for me. I needed more background information about their feelings for each other and the chemistry needed a little more build-up.
I normally enjoy reading dual and multiple POVs (they keep the story interesting and it’s fun to know how the other characters are feeling), but I just wasn't into it with this book. I didn't really like Emmy's POV very much and found her to be quite dense and flat which just annoyed me. I couldn’t relate to her at all and felt no emotional connection. Even the times when I know I should be feeling some type of reaction to what was happening to her in the story, I actually could care less. On the other hand, Paul’s POV was much more interesting, relatable and enjoyable to read. He was charming and adorable as a love interest, but also flawed, conflicted and vulnerable. Paul's inner struggles as he tried to fight his feelings for Emmy kept me turning the pages. I didn’t swoon over him that much, but he definitely gave me the feels and made me care about the story. That was pretty much the saving grace because without Paul’s POV, I think I probably would have DNF at some point.
Kiss Me, Kill You is an easy read, quite fun and a cutesy romance with a paranormal twist. It didn’t sweep me off my feet and make me feel all the feels, but I still enjoyed some parts of the story.

Emmy has had a crush on her class partner, Paul, forever. But unlike her best friend and mother who live by the no serious relationship rule and mess around with guys, Emmy wants love just like the ones in her novels. But after she gathers up her courage and asks Paul out, she's heartbroken when he rejects her. And suddenly, guys are starting to pay attention to her so when the most popular guy in school asks her out, there's no way she'll say no especially after being rejected by Paul. After making her date unconscious after her first kiss, Emmy is in for a surprise when she learns of her true heritage.
Paul on the other hand, works for the Powers. His mission is to make sure Emmy doesn't expose their existence and as an Incubi, he can't be in relationships either. He wanted more than anything to accept Emmy's offer but with The Powers breathing down his neck and controlling his every move he couldn't put her at risk. Not after he'd paid the price for a similar mistake before.
The plot and idea were really original but personally I think that the supernatural aspect of the book should have been more developed. I needed much more info on the world of the succubi and incubi, we were given some insights here and there but I really wanted more. I have to say thought, the author wrote some amazing love scenes!!!
I really liked Emmy. For a fifteen year old, she was incredibly mature. She talks to herself A LOT. She's the typical awkward, clumsy and shy teenager and comes off as super naive and sweet-we'll get to her character development later. I liked Paul at the beginning but as the story progressed he kind of lost me when he started getting all sappy and lovey dove.
What could have been an amazing romance turned out a little whiny for me. At first it was excellent! You had both these characters that had feelings for each other but Emmy still had that innocent high school crush aspect going on. And as it developed, the romance got super sweet! But then at some point it just got a little too...sweet? And the characters turned sappy and suddenly badass Paul turned into this : "I love her but maybe she doesn't love me. Do you love me Emmy? I told you I loved you but you didn't say it back. So do ya?"
And then Emmy who at the beginning was feeling insecure about herself and was always like "Does he like me? Oh he likes me! I want to kiss him. He's gonna kiss me. OMG why would he want to kiss me. Oh he stopped kissing me. I knew it, I knew he didn't want to kiss me. Okay we're making out in the library now while we're supposed to be doing a school project. OMG now he said he only wanted to give me a 'quick kiss' and I imposed a full on make out session. He didn't want this, I'm too much." But she grew out of it which I am so thankful for!!!! Great character development! But it's like she transferred a little of her sappiness onto Paul :D !
Overall a nice read with a unique concept!

Kiss Me, Kill You is Larissa C. Hardesty’s debut novel and is an enjoyable paranormal tale that is perfect for those looking for a sharp, romantic and entertaining YA with plenty of supernatural elements.
Fifteen year old closet romantic Emmy Duivel has always dreamed of her first kiss, but she certainly never expected it would end with her date being taken to hospital. A few weeks before her sixteenth birthday, everything changes when Emmy learns she’s a succubus and that she’ll need to feed on the life force of men to be able to survive. The idea of seducing unsuspecting victims is hard enough but add to the fact Emmy can’t seem to stop thinking about her classmate Paul, being a succubus sucks. Relationships aren’t an option when you have to kiss a different boy every day, but with Paul making her heart race and her soul sing, staying away from him just doesn’t seem to be an option. Paul Andinn had one job; watch over Emmy as she came into her abilities and make sure she didn’t hurt anyone. Taking his eyes of the ball for one second was all it took for an accident to occur, but as he struggles with his own growing feelings for Emmy and what he must do as part of his job, Paul must decide how far he’s willing to go to to be with the girl he loves, even if it means going against a powerful enemy that will stop at nothing to protect its way of life.
In the vein of the Soul Screamers series by Rachel Vincent and featuring a similar feel as a whole, Kiss Me, Kill You is a romantic and entertaining paranormal tale that is fun and easy to read. A quick tale, Kiss Me, Kill You introduces readers to teens Emmy and Paul who find themselves falling for one another as the story unfolds. Told through both their alternating POV’s, Kiss Me, Kill You featured aspects of supernatural including, succubus, incubus, demons, sizzling romance with some electric kissing scenes and unexpected betrayals.
Overall I did like the characters; Emmy was a normal teenager girl whose whole world had just been turned upside down, and Paul was really appealing as a true and honourable young man. I admit, I struggled occasionally as Emmy tried to adjust to her new reality and wasn’t too fond of the way Hardesty wrote some of the other succubus’s in Emmy’s life, but overall I liked the way the characters interacted, especially Emmy and Paul who had a great relationship in my eyes.
I have to admit though I was somewhat unsatisfied with the ending of Kiss Me, Kill You. At this point in time, I’m not sure if this book will be a standalone tale or a part of a larger series, but seeing how abrupt the ending was and the amount of large events that occurred, I feel like Larissa C. Hardesty still has a lot more she needs to answer. And if this is a standalone tale she hasn’t successfully done that. That being said, I do hope to see more of Emmy and Paul in a sequel and see what happens next.

Kiss Me, Kill You by Larissa C. Hardesty is a YA paranormal romance that completely caught my interest when I read the first line of the synopsis, “First kisses should be legendary- not deadly.”
Ms. Hardesty’s novel is about almost sixteen, hopeless romantic, Emmy Duivel who has a giant crush on her US History partner, Paul Andinn, ever since he sat next to her on the first day of class. However, after asking Paul out on a date only to be turned down, she ends up blindly accepting a rebound date from one of the school’s most popular guys. This one decision and her pending sixteenth birthday soon propel the story forward as the truth about her and her family come out…Emmy is a succubus! Add in the forbidden love aspect between Emmy and Paul, who is supposed to only watch Emmy and make sure she doesn’t expose the supernatural world, not date her, or risk being punished by the Powers that Be (or worse), and Ms. Hardesty’s story just became a lot more interesting.
I found Kiss Me, Kill You to be a unique story on the succubus/incubus mythology. Ms. Hardesty does a great job in her writing, especially in her details and keeping the pace from getting too slow. I also adored her main characters of Emmy and Paul. I liked the chemistry between the two and the scenes with them together were my favorites. I also liked how relatable the two characters were. My only issues came from the villains (too obvious) and lack of resolution. I had questions left unanswered so I hope there is a sequel!
Overall, Kiss Me, Kill You by Larissa C. Hardesty is an enjoyable novel that combines both the usual and the unusual in a way that allows you to connect with the characters and is one I would happily recommend to read.
(I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book I received for free from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my open and honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.)

Interesting concept, it was fun and quick to read, involving a teen succubae named Emmy and her best friend Paul. When Paul rejects her it sets her change into a succubae, but Paul is also an incubus to watch Emmy and report to the damon in charge. This new creative idea gives this story a plus, I recommend you give it a go and find out how their story continues.

in larissa c. hardesty's debut paranormal ya, kiss me, kill you, the supernatural beings at the heart of the story are succubi and incubi. not your usual paranormal heroes. at least, not the paranormal stuff i've read. anyway, a romance with a succubus is going to be a tragedy, right?
poor emmy has no idea why people are starting to look at her funny. or why guys seem to give in to her every demand, well almost all guys. paul andinn, however, seems to have no problem saying no. and he's the only guy she is actually interested in. of course her mom and her best friend, lily, keep telling her there's no reason to settle for just one guy. and there is no such thing as love.
but she's read enough books to know that no one would spend as much time writing about love if it wasn't something real. when she asks paul out and he declines she is so mortified that when the school playboy asks her out on a date she says yes. and suddenly, even though everyone in her life had been telling her to play the field, they all warn her against kissing.
paul knows she should be kissing anyone. she's untrained, she doesn't know or understand their heritage. she is a succubus, he is the incubus in charge of watching her. and the demonic powers that require they collect souls as payment for their very existence on the mortal plane, are watching both of them. because when paul kisses a girl to feed his own hunger, emmy kisses jake. and when he passes out mid-kiss because she has no idea what her power does, paul has to help her fix things.
once emmy is finally clued into her heritage the action really picks up. paul has to admit that he has strong feelings for emmy. but they both have to get away from the powers all-seeing eyes. they learn that they can't trust anyone but each other. the journey that they take, the danger that they are in, the stakes are so high. because neither of them is a killer, it doesn't matter that their very existence demands they kill humans. somehow they will make things work. because what they feel for one another means more than everything else.
the story closes and their future isn't clear and the danger is real. there's no cliffhanger, but this does have series potential.

Thank you to Netgalley and Entangled Teen for a copy of this eARC in exchange for a fair review.
Emily is a romantic at heart and her best friend Lilly is pushing her to start dating. So when she works up the nerve to ask Paul out she is humiliated and embarrassed when he says no. Paul didn't say no because he doesn't want too, Paul has a secret. He is Emily's watcher and he knows what she is, even if she doesn't.
Things are changing for Emily, no one has noticed her until but when Jake the hottest guy in school asks her out she knows she can't say no. When he kisses her, he ends up passing out and Emily is confused. When Lily tells her that they are Succubi and they feed on men, Emily thinks she is just playing with her. However, when her mom freaks out on her about Jake, Emily thinks they have all gone crazy.
Plus there is this thing with Paul, he is who she really wants and he doesn't seem to affected when she kisses him. True love isn't for Succubi though, Emily finds out that Paul is her watcher and her mom and everyone is being threatened if she doesn't comply with what the Powers want.
This is was a cute easy read, and I felt for Emily she wasn't raised to understand any of that world despite the fact that her best friend, her mother and her best friend's mother are Succubi. I think anyone would have a hard time coming to terms with having to turn in souls to the Powers.
I did like Emily and Paul, but they were a little too much back and forth and all over the place for me to really love them. However, I love that he seemed to embrace how she felt even though he was raised differently than her and he knew what they had to do. In the end, he really did have her back. I kind of feel like that ending was a little too much of a cliffhanger for my tastes especially it appears to be a standalone.