Member Reviews

#ChangeBook is the breath of fresh air the publishing industry needs right now. It’s a collection of short stories and poems from 12 BAME authors centred around the theme of ‘change’ - four of those authors are unpublished and ones to watch out for.
I bought this book because I think it’s important to send out a message to the publishing industry that we need more diverse books, more BAME authors. A bonus was the amazing stories inside, which were exactly what I was looking for - stories about cultures other to my own, that weren’t too focused on themes such as gang culture and violence. I loved that there’s a real selection of female BAME voices here, and I’d love to see more and more in future.
Every single story in here is absolutely fantastic, covering topics that are regularly in the media nowadays - mental health, grief, sexuality, gender, racism.
My absolute favourite story in here has to be Mary Bello’s Dear Asha, but I enjoyed every single story in it’s own right, and can’t wait to read more from these authors.
Get down to your nearest bookstore and grab a copy of #ChangeBook - you won’t regret it.

We’ve been hearing non-stop buzz about this book since Stripes Publishing’s first YA Blogger event in February. Now, it’s finally here and we couldn’t be more excited to see the final product getting so much love and attention! If you didn’t know A Change is Gonna Come is an anthology of short stories and poems based on the theme of change, all written by black and minority ethic authors. There are some big names, like Patrice Lawrence and Ayisha Malik, but also some debut authors getting their first break!
As if that isn’t cool enough, the anthology also has diverse characters too, representing lesbian and non-binary identities, as well as OCD.
We thought we’d share our thoughts on our favourite stories!
Hackney Moon by Tanya Burne tells the story of Esther and her best friend Sam who pulls away when their peers taunt them for being lesbians.
The narration style is really unique, with a sort of direct address but not from either of the main characters, so it’s got this almost fairy-tale vibe! We loved the dialogue particularly, and the friendship group is one we would love a companion series about!
We Who? by Nikesh Shukla (*our absolute favourite*) is set after the UK vote Leave, and the main character struggles when his best friend starts to post harmful new stories, which expose that they have incredibly different political views that become destructive to their friendship.
It was quite a shock when ‘Leave’ was announced as the decision the UK had made regarding our position in the EU, and it upset so many people that this story is probably the most powerful and relatable in the whole collection. It’s difficult to watch the people around you, who you previously trusted and loved, repeating ideologies that are damaging and down right untrue. The disconnect you experience to those you once considered friends when something like this exposes your fundamental and uncompromising differences, is something I think we’re more likely to experience in this political climate. And not just in the UK, but the world.
Iridescent Adolescent by Phoebe Roy about a girl who sprouts feathers and longs to be hollow.
We adored the writing style of this story, it was magical and mystical. It’s not often that I connect to writing that is poetic in this way, but it also had some real down-to-earth moments that made it a lot – not relatable, per say, but something along those lines. It felt like a fresh take on the ‘Change’ theme, and was a real gem among other contemporary stories.
Dear Asha by Mary Bello is about Asha who’s mother recently died and so she goes to Nigeria to connect with her remaining family. She then hears some pretty dramatic news about her father that throws everything into a new light.
We really loved the setting in this and the emphasis on Nigeria culture. It was so cool that although being of that descent, Asha wasn’t really connected to it, and so witnessing her get in touch with her roots was great. This was also a short story that had a lot going, so could easily have been made into a full length novel!
A Refugee by Ayisha Malik is about a girl who is forced to volunteer at the a refugee camp by her parents and develops a strong friendship with one of the girls there, Homa.
This was such a powerful story about different experiences and how we need to open our eyes to the hardships of other people and help out where we can. The fact that Ayisha Malik managed to write such intense character development in such a short story was astounding!
Fortune Favours the Bold by Yasmin Rahman is mostly about a Muslim girl who decides to start wearing a headscarf, which splits her apart from her twin sister and also means she’s subjected to more religious prejudice.
Again, we loved the storytelling. It was a very accomplished short story, and the character had a great sense of voice. We’re really excited to see what Yasmin Rahman will produce next, because I hope she becomes a new big name for YA fiction. After this, I predict she will be a new auto-buy author, and to feel that strongly about an author’s capability to continually make me feel SO MANY THINGS just speaks to how wonderful this very short glimpse of her writing was.
Overall, A Change Is Gonna Come is a really powerful anthology that It think everyone needs to read. It exposes some fresh talent, whose careers I can’t wait to follow, and raises the voices of those who are underrepresented in the best way possible.

Stripes Publishing have done it again with this anthology. A Change Is Gonna Come is an accomplished anthology with plenty to offer, to inspire and to think about. Highly recommended.

Very highly anticipated within the UKYA community, I was delighted when I was accepted for an early copy of this on NetGalley. A Change is Gonna Come is every bit as wonderful as I expected and so, so much more.
This anthology holds such a diverse collection of stories from a wonderful host of BAME writers, some already well known authors and some fantastic debuts. Covering topics such as bereavement, mental health, racism and sexuality there is so much to be garnered from reading this anthology. There really is something in here for everyone. Whether you are able to relate to one of the many brilliant characters and stories on a personal level or whether you learn something from reading this anthology, this is a book that should be read by people of all ages and backgrounds.
As is the case with any anthology I read, there were some pieces that I didn’t connect with as well as others but every piece in here is unique and I think everyone who reads it will find certain pieces that they connect with on a more deep, personal level. My favourites were Marionette Girl by Aisha Bushy and Hackey Moon by Tanya Byrne. Both of these stories were so delicately written and had me in tears by the end – they really are stand out pieces of fiction. I absolutely have to give a shout out to the following stories too which I thought were exceptionally powerful in their subject matter and their voice: We Who? by Nikesh Shukla, Dear Asha by Mary Bello, A Refuge by Aiysha Malik and Fortune Favours the Bold by Yasmin Rahman.
I certainly feel that this anthology gave me a lot to think about and consider and I am really excited to see what comes from this in the publishing world. I will certainly be keeping an eye out for future works from the authors involved.
This collection of stories is sure to provide many teenage readers with their first experience of seeing themselves represented in published fiction and that is very, very special.

I received a copy of #ChangeBook from Netgalley and Stripes Publishing in returns for an honest review. A Change Is Gonna Come is an anthology of poetry and short stories of different genres specifically by BAME authors to shed light on the issues they have faced and also to bring those voices to forefront of the world of YA. I am structuring my review as mini reviews for each part of the anthology so let’s get into it…
The Elders On The Wall by Musa Okwonga:
I really enjoyed this little poem. It’s both nice to read but also quite hard hitting. It has some really iconic quotable moments like “Change is hard still, maintain the charge. They have the safety, But the bravery is all ours.” I really do love a good bit of poetry.
Rating: ★★★★
Marionette Girl by Aisha Bushby:
This had ALL the Potter references so it was great in that way. It focuses on Amani, who suffers with OCD and pans out her daily routine to us and how difficult the simple act of living is for her. It really opened my eyes to those kind of issues and really got me thinking. This one was probably the most hyped story I had seen so I was super excited to get to it. That being said, I think it ended too suddenly and the main thing (other than the OCD) that happens is something I simply couldn’t relate to.
Rating: ★★★★
Astounding Talent! Unequalled Performances! by Catherine Johnson:
A found this more Historical Fiction-esque story slightly more difficult to get into into but it looks at the idea of POC performing in a circus and also brought to light the idea that POC have existed in the UK for centuries (the story is set in the 1800s). I appreciated how in your face it was and how much it made me think of my own views of history.
Rating: ★★★
Hackney Moon by Tanya Byrne:
This short story was stunning. It’s an LGBT look at how to find yourself. It follws Esther and is narrated by I think fate? It was so lovely to read. Byrne’s writing was so poetic and flowed beautifully through the instense drama of this tiny story. I really, really loved this one, it gave me butterflies.
Rating: ★★★★★
We Who? by Nikesh Shukla:
Another story I adored. This seemed like something Shukla has wanted to write for a long time. It looks at what happens when your best friend starts supporting racist views when you are a POC. It made me ANGRY and it made me think and I just loved seeing it from an own voices POV.
Rating: ★★★★★
The Clean Sweep by Patrice Lawrence:
I don’t think I really fully understood this one. I’m glad it was in the anthology though because it provided a great change of pace. It was dramatic and intense. I really need to read more Patrice Lawrence!
Rating: ★★★
Iridescent Adolescent by Phoebe Roy:
This was a really nice but subtle account of pride and identity and how to find it. It looks at how your identity stretches beyond into your family and even beyond into your race. This one had really nice writing.
Rating: ★★★★
Dear Asha by Mary Bello:
I am a sucker for stories that revolve around mother/daughter relationships so I enjoyed this story a lot. It was an honest and inspiring look at grief and how it can effectively force you to grow up.
Rating: ★★★★
A Refuge by Ayisha Malik:
Another one of my favourites! This tells the story of Sabrina who befriends a refugee when she’s working for what I think is a charity. It shows us the fragility and fleeting nature of friendship. It packed and emotional punch and proved that life is too short even to enjoy the nice things in life.
Rating: ★★★★★
The Unwritten Future of Moses Mohammad Shabazz Banneker King by Irfan Master:
I feel like this one kind of went over my head a bit but if you like time travel, it’s the story for you!
Rating: ★★
Fortune Favours The Bold by Yasmin Rahman:
This was a really interesting story revolving how terrorism is portrayed in the media. I really enjoyed the message and how much the protagonist takes from their family. This one felt like the most relevant/current in the anthology.
Rating: ★★★★
Of Lizard Skin and Dust Storms by Inua Ellams:
I really liked how the anthology started and ended with a poem. I really do enjoy poetry and the two in this anthology sparked me wanting to pick more up. It had really beautiful imagery and bought the anthology to a comfortable yet poignant end.
Rating: ★★★★
Overall, A Change Is Gonna Come is a massively important book. My eyes were first opened to the lack of diversity in publishing when I saw Angie Thomas and Nikesh Shukla talk in Bristol. It’s great to see a publisher like Stripes actually take some action and put together such an anthology to help the voices be heard. There was some really cracking material in here and I’m looking forward to seeing what some of the contributors do next.
Overall rating: ★★★★
Have you read #ChangeBook? If so, which was your favourite part of the anthology?

This book is a stunner! Twelve fresh, fun and beautifully written YA short stories by new and established BAME authors, written around the subject of change.
I forgot how much I love short stories. The immediacy, the focus, the variety. I first fell in love with short stories reading Jon McGregor and then Lucy Wood’s Diving Belles. I loved them for the strength of their writing. Then I devoured anthologies, loving the way the format was like a party; a way to meet lots of different authors and voices and see who I’d like to stay in touch with. A Change Is Gonna Come is the best of both. It celebrates strong, beautiful, passionate writing. The stories are as diverse as their authors and I relished the time I spent with them.
I have discovered new authors – ‘Marionette Girl’ by Aisha Bushby is a beautiful story of a teenaged girl living with severe anxiety, Yasmin Rahman writes of bravery and the confidence found from an inspirational role model, and Phoebe Roy’s ‘Iridescent Adolescent’ is stunning magical realism. I’ve read authors that are established but new to me – Nikesh Shukla’s ‘We Who?’ is a passionate and painful exploration of friendship struggling through the friction of post-Brexit racism. And I’ve enjoyed new work by authors I already loved – Tanya Byrne’s love story ‘Hackney Moon’ with it’s unusual narrative perspective and stunning writing held my heart.
A Change is Gonna Come is a showcase and a celebration of BAME voices. It has opened my eyes to other cultures, experiences and thoughts. It has inspired me to read more widely and further outside of my comfort zone. Because beauty and passion lay there and I want more.
Source – e-copy kindly sent for review by the publisher

A Change is Gonna Come is a collection of twelve fresh and wonderfully written stories and poems from a variety of new and established Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) authors. All the stories are centred around the topic of change in some way and focus on characters who are marginalised; whether that’s because of the colour of their skin, their religious beliefs, disability or mental health issues.
The purpose of the book is “to represent and celebrate diverse voices and cultural identities” and it achieves this aim, no sweat.
As someone who reads a lot of YA, I found this collection of stories extremely refreshing. There is no doubt that the topics covered by Young Adult fiction are diversifying, but to discover a collection put together by a UK Publisher with so many wonderful authors from BAME backgrounds, who have “historically had their thoughts, ideas and experiences oppressed” made me a very excited reader indeed. And let's face it, you can't get much more taboo topics than racism, OCD, terrorism, sexuality and Islamophobia - all of which are covered within these pages.
So who are our contributors? There are some well-known favourites including Tanya Byrne (I was a big fan of For Holly – great title too…!) Patrice Lawrence (author of Orangeboy and newly released Indigo Donut which I am massively looking forward to reading) Ayisha Malik (Sofia Khan is Not Obliged) Irfan Master (Irfan is a new author to me but after researching him I am getting hold of a copy of his debut Out of Heart, pronto) alongside some fresh voices in fiction including Mary Bello, Aisha Bushby, Yasmin Rahman and Phoebe Roy.
Whilst I can honestly say there was not a single story that I didn't enjoy, some of my favourites were 'Marionette Girl' by Aisha Busby which tells the story of teenager Armani, who is suffering with OCD and finds her life dominated by the rituals she has to carry out on a daily basis. I also thoroughly enjoyed 'We Who' by Nikesh Shukla, which examines what happens when friends have differing (and upsetting) political views. It was an extremely powerful and thought-provoking story, which is particularly relevant to the situation we find ourselves in today. The other thing I found intriguing about this story is that the gender of the protagonist is never revealed, leaving you to draw your own conclusions and maybe even place yourself in the lead characters shoes which, in turn, has a really powerful effect.
I also thoroughly enjoyed 'Hackney Moon' by Tanya Bryne which I became more involved in than I think I have with any short story I've ever read before (it may have even caused me to shed a tear or two...sniff.)
'A Refuge' by Ayisha Malik was also a stand-out favourite and another one that broke my heart just a tiny bit. Sabrina represented many of today's teenagers and the relationship that she forged with refugee Homa was both sad yet heartening.
I also really feel the need to mention Fortune Favours The Bold by Yasmin Rahman. This was one of the stories that made me stop and think more than any other. The fear that Zaibah felt after discovering there has been a terrorist attack and the way in which she was treated, purely because of her ethnic background, made me sad and extremely angry. Imagine how it must feel to have to feel fear like that because of someone else's actions; someone who only shares the same colour of your skin and nothing else. However the ending of this particular story was brilliant and had an striking message of hope (And I LOVED Mariam.) Ok, I've practically singled out ALL of the stories here, so I won't mention any more - but surely that just goes towards proving how brilliant they all were...!?
The other thing I liked about this anthology is how there was such a wide range of genres throughout all of the stories. You have romance, contemporary, fantasy, historical and even dystopian, providing a really good mix, meaning there's something that will appeal to everyone. Although targeted at YA readers, this anthology is something that could be appreciated by any reader of any age. Its collection of grounding, hard-hitting and empowering stories will appeal to everyone and above all else it will stop and make you think. And I mean really think. Some of the stories from this collection are still on my mind, despite finishing it a few days ago. I know for a fact that this is a book I will revisit countless times. I also think this should be a staple on any school library or classroom shelf.
The cover is eye-catching and I love the design. I personally would be drawn to this book and want to find out more about it if I saw it staring back at me from the shelf; it's bright, it's fun, it's bold and it's intriguing.
A Change is Gonna Come has opened up my eyes to different worlds and made me think about some of the battles people of different ethnic origins, people with disabilities, anyone and everyone who may consider themselves 'different' from the norm, face every day of their lives. Yet at no point does this book come across as condescending, it subtly educates the reader and is one of the most thought-provoking books I have read in a long time.
I really applaud Stripes Publishing for what they've done here by producing such a powerful and ground-breaking book. People are talking about A Change is Gonna Come already and the advance praise has been phenomenal. I predict big things...

Wonderful anthology by BAME authors for YA readers. The range of characters, and experiences held within this book mean that so many teenagers out there will be able to see themselves somewhere within this collection. Teen readers will better understand some of their peers, and will be desperate to know what happens next in these short stories, some of which have so much potential to be continued! It promotes empathy and insight and thoughtfulness and kindness. I will definitely be getting this for the school library I work in. I loved it and can't wait to see what my Hackney students make of it!

This is a wonderful selection of short stories. I do not usually enjoy short stories, but I did enjoy these.. The selection is so varied and seems to give an insight into a plethora of situations. Excellent.

4.5 stars
‘I run raging and so afraid/ Joyfully and terrifyingly uncaged.’ – The Elders of the Wall by Musa Okwonga
A Change Is Gonna Come feels like a revolution; authors and publishers standing up to say we will make a difference within literature, and bring to the forefront writers, characters, and concepts that are not being represented within books. This collection focuses on a multitude of ideas within its larger theme of ‘Change’ – cultural identity, diversity, racism, immigration, changes in outlook and ideas to name a few – and highlight just how important representation of different cultures, ethnicities, sexualities are. White and straight should not be the default and the world needs to realise that – education is the only way ignorance will be beaten and collections like these can only strengthen that education, and ultimately the realisation that people are people. The wonder of the human race is in our differences but we should never forget that at the end of the day we are all people and we are all equally worthy of respect and representation. This is another outstanding collection from Stripes Publishing and I highly recommend it to everyone who can get their hands on it.
My favourites were: The Elders on the Wall by Musa Okwonga, Marionette Girl by Aisha Bushby, Astouding Talent! Unequalled Performances! by Catherine Johnson, Iridescent Adolescent by Phoebe Roy, and Dear Asha by Mary Bello.
The Elders on the Wall by Musa Okwonga – 5/5 stars. A powerful poem about cultural identity and forging your own path.
Marionette Girl by Aisha Bushby – 4.5/5 stars. Realistic OCD portrayal and the impact it can have on a sufferer and their family.
Astounding Talent! Unequalled Performances! by Catherine Johnson – 4.5/5 stars. This is based on a true story of a circus troupe and a young black man who went on to do great things.
Hackney Moon by Tanya Byrne – 4/5 stars
We Who? by Nikesh Shukla – 4/5 stars
The Clean Sweep by Patrice Lawrence – 3/5 stars
Iridescent Adolescent by Phoebe Roy – 4/5 stars. A young girl of Black and Jewish heritage, mysterious bronze feathers, a colour-changing necklace. Reality and mythology blended perfectly.
Dear Asha by Mary Bello – 4.5/5 stars. A moving story about a daughter coming to terms with her mother’s death and finding a home with relatives in Nigeria.
A Refuge by Ayisha Malik – 4/5 stars
The Unwritten Future of Moses Mohammad Shabazz Banneker King by Irfan Master – 4/5 stars
Fortune Favours the Bold by Yasmin Rahman – 4/5 stars
Of Lizard Skin and Dust Storms by Inua Ellams – 4/5 stars
‘Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.’ – James Baldwin

A Change is Gonna Come is a brilliant collection of short stories and poems from a variety of excellent authors, some authors whose work I was already familiar with and several who were new to me. All the pieces related to being marginalised or oppressed in some way and showed the need for change.
I loved that there was an index of issues covered as a kind of trigger-warning for readers and also a resources section for anyone affected by the issues raised.
Everything in the collection is brilliant and has a different take on the subject of change. My favourite in the collectiom was Aisha Bushby's Marionette Girl, a story about Amani, who has OCD, trying to negotiate a world with rituals, until one day something happens that forces her to do something brave. I also loved Hackney Moon by Tanya Burne, which offers a different narrative perspective and tells the story of Esther on thr precipice of an important decision. I loved seeing how Esther grew and changed and the ending melted my heart. We Who was one of the most heart-breaking in the collection, telling a story of friendship and racism that stuck in my mind long after I finished it. Every piece in this collection is wonderful in its own way.
I really can't recommend A Change is Gonna Come highly enough: every reader needs a copy on their shelf.

If I am honest, I am not a huge fan of the short story. I like to be lost in a book for 400 pages and be taken on an emotional rollercoaster as I read. However, sometimes a collection of short stories comes along and it has some real gems within its pages. The latest one of these is A Change is Gonna Come.
It is a collection of stories that gives a voice to the voiceless. The topics range from LGBT love, racism and terrorism among others. They are told from a perspective that we wouldn’t necessarily normally encounter.
As a reader I A Change is Gonna Come extremely interesting. As an educator I found it necessary. I will be reading a selection of these stories to my students.
Covering topics such as racism, terrorism and the LGBT community among others
A Change is Gonna Come by Various is available now.
For more information regarding Stripes Publishing (@StripesBooks) please visit www.littletiger.co.uk.

As a Brit, I’m always on the lookout for local authors to support, but it’s not easy - American authors dominate the ‘Teen and YA’ sections of most British bookshops. It’s even harder to find diverse #UKYA lit. We’re behind the times when it comes to diversifying our shelves - with some notable exceptions (Patrick Ness, Malorie Blackman and Juno Dawson to name a few), the biggest names in British children’s literature are overwhelmingly straight and white. So when I heard about A Change Is Gonna Come - an anthology of black, Asian and minority ethnic British authors - I was immediately excited.
The poems and short stories in this anthology explore the theme of ‘change’, and the authors’ interpretations of the theme vary widely, but each story feels undeniably relevant to modern British teenagers - from Nikesh Shukla’s exploration of a teenage friendship torn apart by post-Brexit racial tensions, to Patrice Lawrence’s frighteningly familiar dystopian version of my own city.
Like most anthologies, there’s something for everyone in A Change Is Gonna Come, whether you’re a fan of historical fiction, science fiction, fantasy or contemporary. Celebrating and championing the voices of British people of colour, A Change Is Gonna Come is a much-needed collection of stories, and I hope to see it gracing the shelves of libraries and schools up and down the country.
Many thanks to Stripes Publishing for providing a copy of A Change Is Gonna Come. The opinions expressed in this review are my own. A Change Is Gonna Come will be released on August 10th.
Publisher: Stripes Publishing
Rating: 4 stars | ★★★★✰
Review originally posted to Paperback'd Reviews

An anthology of short stories that would appeal in particular to YA. Each story relates to the idea of change and varies in genre, style and voice. An enjoyable mix of story and poetry.

This is a book that was needed in the world. As the Goodreads synopsis says, it was long-overdue. I agree with this statement completely.
I loved the way it was structured with the two poems at the start and the end to frame it. I loved the stories in it, the beautiful story about a blind man saving the world with help of mysterious letters to a future boy, the wonderful one about two Muslim girls facing a bus ride to school after a big terrorist attack and how they both deal with it. There were just so many amazing stories in this book. There are two many to mention and I could say good things about every single one of them, but if I did then I would run out of space in this review.
The main thing I think to say is that every single author in this book contributed a brilliant story from a different perspective and they came together to make something that the world has needed for a long, long time.
This is a book that everyone should read. And I hope everyone is as touched by the stories as I was.

For fans of non-fiction’s The Good Immigrant or Stripes’ previous anthology I’ll Be Home for Christmas, this collection does exactly what it sets out to, providing a diverse, fresh gathering of BAME authors and short stories for UKYA. The ostensible theme of the project is ‘change’, but it tackles far more: racism, culture shock, friendships, family, time travel, break-ups, Victorian circuses, heritage, loss, inexplicable feathers. Like most short story collections it’s quite a quick read, and like most short story anthologies, it’s a little hit-and-miss as it’s rare that all contributions to a multifarious offering will suit every reader. A partial list of issues mentioned in the anthology, some with the potential to be very affecting for teens, is noted in the first pages and listed at the back. Offerings from Phoebe Roy and Tanya Byrne particularly stood out.
A full version of this review will appear on my blog closer to publication.

a powerful and hopeful collection for everyone to read.

Unusually for a collection of short stories I loved every single one. I liked that some were about the BAME experience but mostly loved that all were so incredibly well written. My list of authors to look out for just grew incredibly

I loved this, especially Catherine Johnson's piece and Tanya Byrne's. I couldn't tell who the new authors were because they were so good. Excellent anthology!