Member Reviews

Is this book silly? Absolutely, which makes this a fun read in your boring adult life! The illustrations are bright, cheery, and colorful. Some of the "lies" I have heard but many are new ones I have not. While not for younger children many older ones will find amusing.

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This book was very confusing for me. When I got it, I thought it would be a collection of lies I would have been told as a child, or that I would have heard about - I expected this to be directed at children, but some of those lies were a bit too terrifying for kids ("if you don't hide your fingers at night, a monster will come and steal your fingernails" ? That's... that's actually really scary.) Nevertheless, it is a good book, and I really appreciated the art. I'm just not really sure which audience it was intended for.

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A quirky, funny book with really well-done illustrations! This is a quick read and it's sure to amuse most parents. While many of these were new to me, I admit I was not above the occasional fib in the best interest of getting my kids to go along with my agenda and as such, this book resonated with me and I really enjoyed it!

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"The monster under your bed just wishes she could read".
"Stinky feet breed dragons"

Who here who have kids themselves, or young brothers and cousins and even small kids that live nearby but somehow still talk and like you. Now who of these percentage of people haven't let it slip a small white lie so that the kid went to bed, brushed their teeth and whatever? This is the book collection all the inane and the crazy small lies we tell the kids in a humorous way and with very nice art.

Haven't used the "cat with different collered eyes have already used one of their nine lives" but I'm sure someday the time will come, as well as the scientific name for the dogs "woofers" and "subwoofers".

Easy and fun reading, the kids would have a blast and would wow and waah probably if I read all this 'facts to them' which really, just the scenarios makes it a nice book.

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I found this light and enjoyable. I recognize many of the lies as ones I’ve been told or have told and often laughed out loud. The pictures were great and quirky.

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2.5 stars - This was a quick read. I believe this book is meant to be a humorous book for parents, but I was not familiar with some of the lies, so it wasn't as funny as it could be for me.

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This is a tough book to review. On one hand the art is beautiful. On the other, I'm not really sure who this is for. While some of the "lies" I've heard, others are way out there. I'm not sure if this is satire or what.

As an adult I got a couple of chuckles. If it is meant for kids it would also be a tough sale. At what age do most kids get a joke such as "seals like clubbing" that has an illustration of a seal dressed as a DJ?

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This book was provided to me by the publisher.

Strange, quirky and sometimes gross, I would imagine it would be just what a 10 or 11 year old would want.

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I expected a funny ride with familiar and humorous lines that we all heard as kids, and as adults tell them to get them do something important that they don't want to, or something like that.

It turned out to be more a joke of a book than a book of jokes. I honestly don't get where these ideas came from. There were like three or four 'lie' that I already heard or at least understood what the purpose of saying them to a child could be. Otherwise, it was all completely lost on me. These things simply didn't make sense. It's just forced. Telling your kids lies just for the sake of lying isn't funny! I get white lies, and I get that they can be funny, but to me the lies included in this little book were pointless, and didn't make any sense.

I rarely give a 1 star rating, but this is that to me.

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A cute quick read. Many of the lies included in the book are new to me, but the illustrations are cute, fun, and adorable. I only wish that more of the lies were ones I recognized.

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I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

Lies We Tell Our Kids by Brett Wagner is a short, entertaining book is that more appropriate for adults than children. This book is an example of some of the lies parents tell their children, mostly to keep them in line and behave well. It is funny as a "look back" to the lies we were told as children and, in return, told younger children. I remember my grandmother telling me that thunder was caused by angels bowling. That lightning occurs when angels take a picture was new to me.

This book is less than 100 pages and each page states a "lie" that is one sentence so it is a very fast read. For every lie, there is a corresponding, colorful illustration which are imaginative and allow for eye rolling and shaking of my head. I have heard of a few of the lies mentioned but most of them were new to me and gave me a good chuckle.

I read reviews of this which were posted on Goodreads. Many reviews rated it low. I think they should have taken into consideration that this book is not intended to be taken seriously. Just enjoy its quirkiness and have fun!

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I got the point of this book however... they should have been REAL white lies... not the traumatizing ones that you've never actually used (I hope)

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a digital copy of the book.

This is a short, quirky volume which can serve as a conversation starter on a coffee table or with the kids in your life who have big imaginations. A number of lies is told accompanied by a unique illustration for each. I'd heard about 1/3rd of these previously and the rest ranged from utterly ridiculous to a little bit disturbing! Enjoyable nonetheless.

Rating: 3/5 stars

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Brett E. Wagner, nailed it, with “Lies We Tell Our Kids”. The book is filled with parenting humor, from the silly illustrations to the very creative lies we tell our kids. Lies that, now as a parent, I realize my parent’s also told me.

The lies are very creative and even a bit spooky for my taste, to think that someone may have used some of these makes me wonder what in the world had their child done to receive such an extraordinary lie, lol.

All in pure fun.

A great read for when you, as a parent, are having “one of those days” because we all have them, don’t you worry. And for those parents-to-be, start gathering up the lies shared in this book to have ready for your children. Because children can sense hesitation if you are put on the spot and have to think up something to say to keep them at bay.


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I would have been completely content with my life had I never read this book. The illustrations were pretty cool but the quotes were so dumb.

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Really cute! It's a pitty, it's so short. I enjoyed reading this e-book and I'm considering of buying it for my loved ones. Thank you #netgalley!

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I really enjoyed Lies We Tell Our Kids. I thought the statements were really funny, perfectly summing up the essence while also exaggerating the extent of parents' lies for laughs. The artwork was phenomenal, so simplistic but detailed, with a vibrant color scheme that made it so eye catching. It was a lovely read.

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Sometimes parents find themselves stretching the truth in order to get their kids to listen or do something. Though there are common examples, Brett Wagner has added some new ones to the mix in Lies We Tell Our Kids.

I first thought the book was going to include more of the fibs I heard growing up, but I found out that these are more satirical in nature. A few of them were humorous, but most of them just weren't funny to me. I did like the pictures that illustrated each entry.

This book may appeal more to other people, but I didn't find it that funny.

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Funny, quirky, over the top, and at times a bit aggressive, but the book certainly manages to achieve the goal the author began with when creating this book.

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As I grew up, the lies my parents told me became pretty obvious. You never know who is reading a review, so I will just say that many holiday traditions and who facilitated them, were not exactly(or even closely) related to what I was told as a child. I thought this book might expose some other 'lies' that I had forgotten, but unfortunately, I didn't recognize/remember my parents( or any adult) every telling me any of the 'lies' in this book. Maybe they are ones the author tells/told his children?
I am not a parent and perhaps that is more the target audience. For me, I just couldn't relate and I just didn't find the book humorous nor was it a trip down memory lane or a conversation starter with friends I grew up with. I will say the illustrations that accompany each 'lie' were very well done.
I think I will buy a copy of Lies We Tell Our Kinds for my best friend, who is a mom. Perhaps she will find some humor when her own little 'monsters' are giving her grief.
I received an e Arc from Animal Media Group through NetGalley.

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